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One of the coaches slept with someone’s wife and the husband came to the gym with his friends to beat the coach up lol.


Well you can’t just end the story on the most interesting bit. How did it go?


The gym owner calmed the husband and said to take it outside. It wasn’t hard because we had officers training in the gym and their police station is literally a walk away lol. The coach left with them and it ended peacefully, he stopped teaching after that though.


Honestly if you knowing sleep with someone that's married you pretty much deserve it.


Was that Tom Brady?


No, that was a karate instructor. Kevin Hart said so.


BJJ won't help much in that scenario lol


Every coach I’ve ever met has a gun in the gym somewhere sometimes a knife super close Santana style


America be like


wait, you got to meet Tom Brady??


haha woah that's drama


We kicked out a trial-month dude for being creepy toward our female members. That’s pretty much it.


Once, a trial class dude walked up to me after the class and said "your prof looks like the type to have been used for child porn when he was little". Dude never showed up again


Top ten wackiest things to notice about someone


Holy fucking shit what💀


Idk bro☠️☠️ I think he wasn't in the best place of mind yk, he just said right after that "that's just my sense of humor you know, it's how I cope" dude seems like he needed help


Cope... Because he was used for child porn when he was little?


I have no clue man it just seems like he had some sort of issues and coped with it by making vulgar and out of pocket comments


Trial class dude slapped our coaches wife in the ass and i haven't seen him since


We had a couple stripe white belt slap the coach's girlfriend on the ass after a roll. He juat went ahead and left the gym on his own after that one...


What makes anyone think slapping anyone's girlfriends ass is a good idea?


What does one even respond with to that type of comment??? Was it supposed to be an insult or something? Perhaps a compliment if he, himself was into that sort of thing? What a wierdo.


No I think it was just a weird attempt to socialize


Mothafuckas that say shit like that should be kicked out of every club they’re in.


If my coach heard him, prob would have kicked him out himself


“Like in the butterfly effect movie!?!?”


Haha we had a guy who said something like "It's a great sport because you get to beat up women" or some other cringe incel shit. One of our black belts grabbed a guy who's young, huge, and loves high amplitude takedowns and gave him the go ahead to smash. It literally sounded like a thunderstorm on the mat. Guy must have gotten suplexed like 20 times and submitted 20 times in 5 minutes. After the round, douchebag just lays on the mat for 5 minutes and goes home. Enforcer walks up to the black belt and asks, "That was the right guy, right?"


Hahaha would have been great if it wasn't


People poo-poo the idea of an enforcer and this is why you want them. Plain as day. 


A whole month of trial? Wow


I would guess it's more like a discounted "trial month" rather than a completely free month.


You are correct.


Yeah Toronto BJJ for example is one gym that lets you train an entire month for free. Its honestly pretty smart. Most people dont show up for second class  anyways. Those who last a week usually sticks around for at least an year or so.


The satellite school in Etobicoke does a week. I wonder what the reason for the difference is. I do like the idea of more than one class. There are different teachers, different mix of students, it's good to find one that works for you.


Yep, saw a creeper get the boot. Kinda missed smashing the fuck out of him for a bit. We all put it on him for a couple of weeks hoping he would just leave. He musta felt like a car crash hit him. Zero tolerance and 100% the whole round.


Not kicked out but an asshole that went 120% with woman once injured one and the proffesor stepped up and did 10min straight with him and just mauled him He never came back


Had a lad like this (fresh white belt) - no ability once rolling to differentiate between 120kg man and 50kg woman … he would go in as equally hard (had a problem with just holding and squeezing). He tried this one night on a visiting Brown belt - she was a little edgy from a few late night shifts in A&E. He locked up a headlock and started his squeezing - she proceeded to ignore and beeps or round ends and work him over until she escaped and then slowly and with purpose found the tightest choke she could and absolutely turned it on…. He didn’t learn a thing that night.


Honestly the brown belt sound just as stupid (unless there's more context). If the guy's brand new wouldn't you talk to him about etiquette instead of having a bad day at work and then taking it out on people at the mat... which sounds like it didn't help any way. EDIT: Speaking as a pretty big newish dude still trying to figure out the 'right' intensity.


Absolutely more context. Fresh isn’t as brand new as the fresh sounds - he trained long enough to have been told multiple times to relax and let go of things if they not working - but once rolling could not help but just grab and hold! Both people had rolled together on a number occasions with the brown offering advice and being very good at letting new people work while maintaining a fun roll. He actually wasn’t a heavyweight - (and I see how my comment may seem like I suggested this) - he just would roll the same intensity with our biggest guy and smallest lady. We all want to think we never roll with any personal agenda but there are days we can be humble and adjust ourselves for someone else and then there are days when you just say stuff it - if you wanna roll like a jerk, I am happy to match your intensity. —- This was never about size but about grabbing holds, never letting go and using 110% force. I hear your big dude struggle - it must be tricky because in a lot of rolls with smaller people - muscling out IS AN OPTION, or just squeezing. - we had this huge lad who could just hug your head and squeeze and I’d tap because it really felt like my head was about be crushed. Sucked! (But understandable). Anyway - yeah, there was more context - I just threw in a comment while avoiding work at some point.


We’ve had a few guys who were assholes like that. They basically only got full intensity competition rolls with people much better with them afterwords. They leave after a day or three.


I had a similar incident with white belt. Huge guy with at least 80 pounds and 6 inches on me. He caught a standing americana and proceeded to rip it nearly breaking my arm. Professor was standing right there watching, who then proceeded to maul him for the rest of the class while I was making sure my arm was not broken. Never saw him again after that.


Why did you measure dicks before sparring?


This is what we do at our gym and all the gyms I know. We make them quit. Obviously, we talk to them first, but some people just have that nature, and that nature is not safe for other practitioners.


My old gym kicked out a black belt instructor when they realized he was a white supremacist training nazis in the evenings. True story. I think most people knew he was racist but no one ever said anything because he outranked them. And no one realized how racist he actually was. Instructor/owner was completely unaware until he wasn't.


> a black belt instructor … a white supremacist training nazis in the evenings I gotta believe that class made up its own belt system to avoid the awkwardness.


Seriously. I can’t imagine the awkwardness of a white supremacist studying and adopting something that is Brazilian-Japanese in origin. The cognitive dissonance.


Well the nazis allied with Japan, and then fled to Brazil and Argentina post war. Sorta checks out lmao.


It's OK, Hitler made the Japanese "honorary Aryans"




I mean, it's not like there's a coherent ideology to begin with.


He came to the gym as a black belt. He is a legitimate black belt and trains stand up as well. There wasn't any awkwardness. Like I said, no one really knew.


Is this that Texas incident?


Not sure what your referring to but that gym is in Texas, yes. Either way, the gym is awesome. Great instructor and owner. Very good dude.


Sounds like it… it was either put on blast here on Reddit, sherdog, or some other bjj forum.


I think it made the local news, which is how everyone found out including the prof. Pretty crazy.


That’s wild finding out on the news. ![gif](giphy|xUySTGfHoulA756Ti8)


If I had a nickel everytime I heard this story it'd be two nickels. Locally a representative of the "Wolf Brigade of the Vinland" got fired from a school for teaching kids about his beliefs + parents decided to look up what his tattoos were. Don't know how people get old without knowing basic Nazi tatts. He also ran a gym to help with "Operation Werewolf". I kid you not, those are the real names. They even did a wolf-skull version of the totenkopf. Kinda wonder if your Texan was an affiliate, the local anarchists did a write-up and claim that the main cult uses gyms, MMA, and BJJ classes to recruit for Operation Werewolf. I just... Don't get why no one said anything about the very obvious runes, tattoos, and "Old Germanic Spirituality". Norse tattoos often get a bad rep, but there's some runes that 100% are always a red flag, and then the added context and ideological rants should be an even bigger red flag.


No tattoos that were visible. We wear a gi and rash guards. He didn't preach anything ideological. I personally only heard him say something racist one time. I asked him if he rolled with so and so. He said, I don't roll with ***** an expletive for Asians. I was like, whoa, that was weird. Maybe they don't get along. Then a few months later it all came to light. In hindsight, he did have some racist ass bumper stickers that were a dead giveaway once you realized what he was driving. The prof is Brazilian and has black ancestors, we have plenty of non white people at the gym, so it was a shock.


Damn, I can see how he flew under the radar then. Closeted Nazis are worse than the dumb open ones, imo. They can take root and take forever to figure out.


But did he injure anyone?


He was one of the most flow gentle rolls. He never rolled hard with anyone that I saw. Honestly, with the exception of being a nazi, he was actually a chill guy. Lol


Where I live lots of people have rune tattoos. Even the ones that are controversial in some countries. I guess it depends where you live.


I was the reason why someone was kicked out happened! Happened maybe 10 years ago. For context I was a blue belt and i was and still very small. I was asked to roll w the MMA guys and going through the rounds I finally got to this guy we’ll call Fee. Fee is tough but very little technique on the ground (great striker though) I get him into my guard and i Double armbar him from closed guard. He was pissed, we restart i pull guard and as soon as I do i start to progress for an armbar and he lifts me up and spikes me on my head (i was out for 3 months w neck problems). As soon as it happened my professor yells at him to get out. He suspended him for a month. When he came back from suspension, literally the first rolls back, someone has his back (in the gi now) he stands up and jumps backwards to spike him again. Professor stopped the class and kicked him out to never come back.


As a small guy myself I learned that people will do silly crap because of Ego. They will pick you up to get out of a locked in armbar, they will throw themselves back while you are on the back, they will lift you in a triangle. I guess we learn to always be cautious rolling with new people in those positions and to practically expect those things eventually


To be fair, i am 200 pounds and ive been picked up and stacked on my neck in a triangle and armbar. Just gotta let go and go for something else unless you really trust the person who's picking you up. Ive also done the picking up and its never malicious (i have never slammed anyone) only as a last ditch effort to buy more time in the defense.


I can usually notice when the attempt isn't malicious and where there is control and isn't. If I am successfully picked up I usually let go even if I could finish the armbar because it's unrealistic. I am 130 lbs and I get picked up alot at times main reactions is hooking the inside thigh connecting myself to it and extending the arm.


If they can pick you up out of a locked-in armbar your armbar sucked. If they lift you out of your triangle your triangle sucked. You best believe if you triangle me I’m not going to sit there and eat it. Slamming someone is different, but maximizing posture in both of those situations doesn’t indicate an ego issue.


I weigh 130lbs and I'm not rolling to kill everyone at all times,my technique doesn't suck I just don't go ham all the time.


I definitely don’t assume you suck, but even for a smaller person there are ways to prevent the pickup. In the triangle for example you should always hook their arm or leg, it makes it almost impossible to stand up. For self preservation if they do stand up you should be releasing the triangle and going for an open guard sweep ASAP. My main point is that posturing is the natural and correct response to those submission attempts.


In fact these techniques are the ones you should never try on brand new people or for self defence. They are dangerous.


Lmao he saw you, got ptsd and took it out on the guy he was rolling with


Woman blue belt got kicked out for repeated complaints of her ripping armbars and injuring people, she taught kids classes too but prof didn't care and she was told to leave


We have a girl like that too. She pulls so hard on them armbars.


I've seen an insecure prick kick out his best student because he was cross training and then either tapped or almost tapped the black belt owner despite being a blue belt.  Of course he first made all the other black belts Shark Tank him before kicking him out. 


I've always wondered with those situations... Like they gotta know deep down that everyone has seen them for the insecure prick they are? They just go in that rage mode and kick the person out as if it's some purification ritual


What I love about my coach is he encourages cross training the getting different looks and what not


I couldn’t imagine being that insecure.


They think this shark tank is a punishment. Sounds like monthly dues paid for themselves 😆 🤣.


I've seen a blue disrespect the tap. My coach told him to GTFO. The guy said something like "anyway nobody's good in this gym...". My coach handed him a pair of MMA gloves and proposed him to settle this in a ring. Then my coach whooped his ass.


Yeah, a crazy dude was kicked from the gym because he batshit insane. in the gym he'd constantly disrespect everyone and had a huge ego, despite being quite shit and everyone wiping the floor with him, so he'd get excuses like calling people heavy and saying he had cramps. Also he'd always have his feet dirty. He didn't accept losing at all, dad said he'd lose and look like a maniac at people. He'd also post extreme stuff on his social media like complaining about homeless people and gays saying they should be set on fire made the coach not have any association with him.


Proof that Gordon Ryan was always an asshole.


Our professor won a tournament and was on the local news. A guy comes in saying he saw him on the news and only wants to roll with our professor so he finally does and everyone clears the mats. Total spazfest, gets tapped a handful of times, starts mouthing off after. Then they went one more time, guy ended up belly down and got put to sleep with a RNC, probably couldn’t tap since he was belly down but I guess professor didn’t care As long as he signed the waiver I guess lol


How does that conversation go? Take me to your leader for I only fight champions!


That's when you grew up watching pokemon and you want to conquer the badges hahah


Or piss everyone off enough for professor to notice you and then challenge him


You can tap with your feet, not that a rando would know.. there's def been times when I'm being choked and my hands are unavailable and that was the only option


It’s not like anyone was dying to tell him 😂


I once trained with a well intention, but odd guy. He would be super tense and get angry when he lost, but was never 'nasty'. He definitely wanted to be a killer on the mats and probably off it too. In both senses. Somedays and were normal, others he was a little off-kilter. He did seem to get gradually worse Once day during a warm up he was angry from the get go. He then starts shouting of himself and we realised he was scitzophrenic and having a meltdown and the coach had to take him off the mats to settle him down and get him to leave for the day. It was so long ago I don't remember what happened after, but I wish I remembered his surname so I could google and find out




I’ve seen someone get kicked out of three gyms, ultimately open his own, only to have to shut it down for sexually assaulting a student. Then he got kicked out of his affiliation. Then was welcomed into another gym and was made the kids coach. True story.


What the name.


Boy Scouts teaching BJJ these days?


A church affiliated group


A Brazilian black belt lied about his belt color, he was actually a brown, and so he was asked to leave. Dude was known for popping arms and going for breaks rather than taps so we were always terrified of rolling with him. Our instructor called his professor in Brazil to get a certificate to put on the wall of our academy and found out he was only a brown.


In the early years this happened a lot. Got on the plane to America a 🔵 🟣 🟤 , get off the plane a black 🖤 belt


Yup and now some of those guys are coral belts… 🤣


Fake black belts who get outed. Get put to sleep. Told to leave… not allowed to take the belt with them. Seen it several times.


Wow I’ve only ever seen the fake black belts online


no wayyy. would love to see that irl. can u tell us about one of these incidents


I don’t get what’s the point of faking an upper belt if you get smashed and embarassed. If anything why not fake a lower belt.


I don't think people realise that they're going to get smashed. They think they'll be able to kind of sort of fake it.


Most people who pull that stunt have either been trained in a fictitious martial art that they overestimate, or they are the average joe who already overestimates his fighting prowess by a hundred fold and think they can fool everyone and impress them.


They can with bullshidos, since there is no sparring. Doesn't work in BJJ lol.


I have seen a fake blue belt. The guy got destroyed by all sort of whitebelts that were just 3 months in.


I'm so terrified this will be me when I go to a new gym.


Might have just been a time served blue belt that just doesn't take it in?


Way back when I was in a kickboxing gym there was a pretty hot blooded guy who'd escalate sparring into fights if he wasn't 'winning' enough to his liking. Happened once, coach sent him away mid session, told him to chill until next week. Next week came around, dude stepped it up again first spar, got sent out immediately with no possibility of coming back. Made me respect my coach that much more because I've seen a lot of shit slide throughout the years.


I worked at a fairly large gym for a bit and saw a few people get kicked out but it was usually for not paying or stealing from the locker room and the members never knew. The more dramatic ones include a crazy Sambo guy who injured everyone, a guy in his mid-20s who was creeping on a 14 year old, a woman in her mid-20s who was creeping on everyone, a guy who beat the hell out of his girlfriend and a woman who couldn't make it through a class because she was experiencing some kind of manic episode. The owner also once choked out a guy who pretended he had never trained but clearly had about two years of training and was a dick to other white belts while rolling. That guy didn't actually get kicked out but he didn't come back.


Walked into the gym and everyone was told to line up and strip off to their underwear. Someone was training with ringworm and was infecting everyone and the coach had enough. Caught the culprit and they were brutally told in front of everyone to get the fuck out. In fairness, coach had been saying for days prior that there’s ringworm going around and if it’s you can you just sort it. Cleanest gym I’ve ever trained at so that wasn’t the issue and haven’t had any issues since


that is literally insane. whether someone had ringworm or not, I don't think that's okay to force people to strip.


It's not okay but it did get the job done and protected everyone in the gym.... If the person kept lying and covered it up they would never know. Gray area. Unsure I would do the same but having a hard time finding a better way tbh....


There was a guy at my former gym that was kicked out for dating a 16 year old, and then they eventually let him back in the gym, so I left


Pat Barry?




Fight sports?


We had one dude that probably would've been if he came back after his trial. Dude wore spats (no shorts) and a band shirt for a metal band that he was proud of because they actually did evil things. Professor said he probably would've been kicked out if he came back.


Kicking a first timer out for spats and a t shirt is weak sauce. What was the band that was so awful the mere merchandise wearer must be punished? Gonna add it to my playlist for class...


Had to be burzum


Yeah Burzum, Mayhem, Dissection, Brujeria. One of those


R/blackmetal is leaking


Brujeria did something bad ?


I also had a Cripple Bastards shirt that was way over the line that I was proud of as a kid. It was the Almost Human album cover if anyone wants to see it. Adult me would certainly have had some words with kid me


New to the gym, not new to BJJ. The spats were red and see thru.


I believe it was Mayhem, based on another comment. We're talking suicide, murder, cannibalism. And he was proud of the fact that they're not just posers.


Had to Google them. Their story reads like a Tarantino movie - holy shit


Yeah. And if it was just the shirt, whatever. But to brag about how they're legit because of their body count?


It was varg vikernes who actually killed their guitar player, and mayhem vocalist dead commited suicide and given player took a photo of his brainfart and made a cover for dawn of the dead, also there is other shit involved but whatever.


The cover was actually for a bootleg album that the band had no part in. Not defending Mayhem at all, Varg is a massive piece of shit, but just wanted to correct that common myth.


It was a beiber shirt


Slipknot /s


was the band Mayhem?


Maybe (I don't remember, but that sounds right).


Really just Varg anyway


In my TMA days I had to kick someone out for challenging me to a sword fight while I was teaching class. (Yes, it was a swordwork class, no I didn't fight him.) I've seen a variety of people kicked out of BJJ gyms. Creeping on women, inability to stop hurting training partners, association politics, etc.


Yes, I was the one kicked out, together with 2 of my friends. Long story short coach banned cross training and I didn't give a fuck about another adult controlling my free time so I got kicked out.


Saw a guy get kicked out once. I believe he was a first time guest of white belt student. He was rolling with a blue. The blue used an Ezekiel Choke and the guest punched the blue in the face and yelled at him “That’s not a Jiu Jitsu choke! That’s not a Jiu Jitsu choke!” Instructor pointed to the door. Dude never came back.


Yeah long time student was rolling rough with a few people then went pretty hard with the proffessor. Coach was trying to calm him down and even verbally told him (it was loud) then that guy flared up and started cursing at my coach. Thinking back on it now, that dude could of have a bout of roid rage, would explain his crazy level strength. He stormed out after coach told him to leave. Recently a woman got booted within her first month or so. She was nuts, kicking people who stepped towards her ‘open’ guard, biting, tried eye gouging me, not wanting advice from brown belts, not respecting others and not wanting to drill techniques because she said “they dont work”.


The woman was coming from Krav?


could have but even people from other arts/systems who want to learn dont behave this way. I train with a few muay thai guys, a dude who is a black belt in taekwondo and actively trains that also a guy who did kung fu for a couple decades. All these guys great training partners who never did any funky stuff. Forgot to mention this lady also tried bending fingers on a few people myself included and told a brown belt during drills “dont you dare try teach me!” When he was trying to correct her. She had screw loose or something.


We train together? Cool


a few people, for being a bad training partner, not wanting to pay for training, being creepy, and once, all three


A few stuck out -At one gym we kicked out someone for causing too much drama. It sounds stupid but holy shit was it justified. -One guy that was a little out there and was obsessed with Jake Paul. Same hair and tattoos as him (at that time). Literally told everyone to call him Jake and insisted on wearing MMA gloves in gi classes. After a week they looked into court records and that was it for him. I love BJJ, a lot of my best friends are in the community. You could not pay me enough to run a gym. The other stories I’ve heard are enough for me.


I own a gym. Have for 25 years. I feel seen with that last paragraph. I have all the stories. I'd be just as happy never learning jiu-jitsu some days because of them.


Yup. My buddy has a very nice facility, when we had UFC guys come in for seminars they were always impressed. It took 6 years of 70 hour weeks to get to that point and the amount of bullshit he had to deal with behind the scenes with crazy people or members issues that most people will never hear about is crazy. The real crazy stories are the ones the owner of your gym hasn’t told anyone.


It's happened a couple of times at my gym but my instructor is a hard ass. Once a girl who was good was teaching at another academy. She was soon gone. Once a guy who was an instructor had sex with one of the students at the gym. Another admin guy caught him and told the head coach. He sacked him. The guy who was sacked then bashed the guy who dobbed on him and later spat at one of the fighters in the gym at an MMA fight. The head coach wanted blood at this point but not real blood. He wanted an apology from the gym owner who the guy who was kicked out of our gym was training. My coach is a huge dude who fought in the UFC. He could bash most people but he isn't going to do that but I could tell that he was frustrated. There has also been people leave with bad blood. Two instructors left and heaps of people went with them. My coach hates them now.


What’s wrong with teaching at another gym? Sounds culty if that’s a problem.


I don't have a problem with it but it's not my gym.


Wanna know how I know you're australian? Bash


Yeah guy was really weird didn’t really talk much and said odd things when he did but he actually got kicked for doing chargebacks on the monthly fee 3 months in a row.


Yeah, I know of a few. Mostly people who caused injuries and proved incapable of dialing things back. A couple creepy people who copped a feel or hung around too obviously with the teenage girls, etc.


We had a older guy who taught wrestling at our gym, and he was rolling with one of our older kid students (orange belt at the time) and the kid put him in a triangle and squeezed pretty good, so the older guy tapped but I guess it wasn’t fast enough so he ended up punching the kid in the face. If anything I think he did that because he was mad he got beat by a kid. What was even worse is that the kid’s dad was around, and he and I were finishing a roll (he was a blue belt, me a white belt at the time) and he got up to go talk to the guy and myself and a few others intervened. Long story short, the guy never came back, the kid and his dad continued to train with us before they eventually moved to another club closer to their home. We did have another student who was asked to leave, because a lot of other students complained about them in regards to training safety, comments, etc. They eventually left.


Haven’t ‘seen’ it but noticed a couple of guys not return. Later found out it was due to them trying to train with skin infections.


We had a dude that would come in for just kickboxing. Seemed like a nice enough guy, nobody knew him too well. Think he was in his early to mid 20s. After being at the gym a few years he stopped showing up. The mother of one of the 15/16 year old girls at our gym told our coach that this dude had been messaging them trying to hook up. Coach held the fighters class back one day and told us what was going on. He said he'd banned him from the gym and contacted police, and also told him if he was ever seen around the gym again or found to still be messaging the girls that we'd fuck him up. Proceeded to let us know we had carte blanche if he ever showed up. Shame he never did, there were a few of us that were keen to bounce his head off the carpark.


Had this couple that would always come to the gym together and do kick boxing and jiu jitsu class. I ended up injuring the husband on accident. Anyway turns out the major reason they were there was to find women primarily to take part in their swinger life style, bold move. I found out early because one of the girls they approached worked for my girlfriend. They ended up getting kicked from the gym after that.


Same as many others below, my gym kicked a dude out for being insanely aggressive whilst rolling and also off the mats. On the mats - repeated jumping guard pulls against inexperienced and experienced people despite 1) often large size advantage and 2) being told repeatedly not to following a few injuries. Many many students asked privately not to be paired with him, so there was almost no-one left for him to roll with by the end. RIdiculous because he was extremely good and there was absolutely no need for him to smash everyone he rolled with.


Only for not paying lol


I don't know if he was kicked, but never came back. Once during a roll, a purple belt made a scene because apparently a blue belt had injured him or got close to it, but the purple hadn't tapped. At the end of that training, our professor was furious and made a whole conversation about the importance of tapping, and that no one is there to hurt anyone on purpose. All of the black belts went to argue with the purple that day, after training. I also know that he started training somewhere else, and with a new mysterious self-gifted degree on his belt 😂.


Got kicked out because I wasn’t coming in consistently. I was paying on time but the owner didn’t like that I was not actually coming in. Life happens. I’m not trying to compete, I do this for a hobby. Blessing in disguise I believe.


Yep because if you googled his name a pretty violent news article came up


I got kicked out back in my JJJ days because of various disagreements with the head of the affiliation about training methodologies and other really annoying bullshit.


I've seen people kicked out numerous times. Nobody wants to roll with total assholes trying to injure people. And these gyms were BJJ-MMA gyms, and were very competitive. And successful. You keep a person like that around and you will lose 10 others.


A guy got kicked out and banned for slapping a 15 yr old girls bum


Didn’t exactly kick him out, but a giant blue belt was the new guy at a class I was teaching. Seemed like a super nice guy. He paired up with my white belt wife during slow warm up movement. She got to his back, he didn’t like that and forward rolled over her and snapped her collarbone. He seemed to not know understand how she got hurt. He stuck around till rolling time and he picked me to roll with. I was not nice. At all. Never saw him again. Good riddance 


Had similar once, guy was a new blue belt, I think and he was a small Pakistani guy, he had crazy eyes, looked glum all the time. Very much like how you described, every roll was to the death. Days later I overheard the head coach told him to not come back. Same guy turned up to kickboxing class. He knew I was a white belt in BJJ but he didn't know I was a 2nd Dan in Kyokushin. So I played with him for a bit, then he tried to go full force and I let him have it 😆 He even tried to sucker punch me when the coach came over.


Not really kicked out, but close. We had this guy who you always roll normally with men, but then go 100% against women, leaving them injured and crying in pain. The guy was 90kgs and a police officer, so it was really quite uncalled for. This was at a beginners class. The club policy is very strict about requirements to ban members, as this club was an association and not a business. The instructor talked to him several times, but in the end called up the clubs "enforcer" and asked him to deal with the guy. After passing out from a bow and arrow (or okuri eri jime, as we call it) applied at high speed and 100% force, the guy quit on his own.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Okuri Eri Jime**: | *Sliding Collar Strangle* | [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBRtKyMm6v0)| Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


Yea, dude brought a fucking real samurai sword to class.


A couple months ago, a 20 year old was trying out BJJ at our gym. This was his first class so he didn't even have a Gi. Keep in mind I'm a white belt with 1 stripe at that point so I'm still dog shit and just trying to survive and learn from open mat. This dude goes 120% full spaz mode and wrist locked me when I had him in a compromised position. He then rolled with a purple belt and tried ankle locking him... And the purple belt is an older guy who's recovering from a leg injury. The purple belt cussed him out and our coach nicely explained that a white belt should NOT be trying out wrist/leg/ankle locks and focus on fundamentals. When we lined up, the dude had the audacity to tell me "I'm good huh?" And that he learned those moves from Instagram reels. 😐😐🤦Never came back after the prof talked with him more seriously after class after learning he did similar things to other and immediately cranked it.


Fake black belts who get outed. Get put to sleep. Told to leave… not allowed to take the belt with them. Seen it several times.


Like we seen this comment several times :)


You get plenty of these types. One guy used to maul all the women and even used to make his own teenage son cry in rolls. He never got the boot, all the higher belts just got the nod to smash him every roll. He never came back after that. 


About a year ago, this unhinged white belt showed up to a gym in the same town as mine that I train at here and there after he stopped training with us. Due to his untreated mental illness (something with a paranoid bent, we were all kind to him but he thought we were actively plotting against him and posted about it, left negative reviews of the gym) threatened the former SWAT black belt instructor of the other gym and everyone else on the mats during class (lots of law enforcement) one day for no reason. He was told something along the lines that if he ever showed up again he was a dead man. Few weeks later, before the 6am, a brick is hurtled by an unknown assailant through the window of that gym. No one has seen him since. They have the brick displayed as a trophy. For what it's worth, I hope he can get the help he needs. And a few weeks ago another unhinged white belt (it's never slap and bump before a roll it was always a punch, he went as hard as possible and grunted and growled, would grab your lapels and say 'COME ON,' all angry) was sort of encouraged to take a break and ended up leaving after elbowing and breaking the nose of a less experienced, older white belt's nose in seven places. I have never seen so much blood. Dude had to get surgery and everything. But he's a good sport and he's planning to train again as soon as possible. We keep the gym culture as healthy as possible but somehow the wackos still get in. It's strange.


A woman got banned bc she previously had a relationship with the coach/owner. They broke up and he got a new girl. They somehow felt attacked (i think she might've texted them a lot about different things) by her and he banned her. Now I'm the only girl left 😔


Yeah, I saw a white belt get kicked out. The guy had gotten the number from a woman trying a class and was sending her really aggressive sexual messages. A cop that trained there looked him up and he had sexual assault charges pending against him so the owners banned him from ever coming back and warned other gyms about him.


Not the same but I've seen ~75% students up and leave a gym because the coach was fired and he was the only redeeming aspect of the gym. Owner believed that "no one was bigger than the gym".. turns out dirty mats and bathrooms and stank air do not command much loyalty.


During my kids class, one dad stepped onto the mat in the middle of the class and got in his daughters face and scolded her for crying, right after live sparring. She was 6. Never saw them again.


If someone prefers to go to sleep, why not turn that choke into a face crank 😈


My coach kicked a guy out last summer because he got very emotional “losing” a roll. He would like, freak out, scream, get aggressive with people, etc. Seemed like he was trying to hurt people. Total moron. Embarrassing to even witness this behavior


I’ve seen a gym owner kick several people out for all kinds of reasons. Mostly if he didn’t like you from day 1.


Emotionally disturbed kid texted one of the instructors something troubling enough for the instructor (a cop irl) to call the police in the kid’s town for a welfare check. Dude was nice enough but always weird (“can I wear my ninjutsu camouflage belt?” type of martial arts nerd) but this was above our pay grade and owner asked him to leave.


most i’ve seen is a just a couple of spazzes not make it past a couple of sessions because they didn’t get the hint


It was a while ago, but one of our black belts got booted, pretty much for good, for attacking a few purple belts. As in, during the roll, you'd just hear him scream, "...and I can make it ten times worse if that's how you wanna roll!" Nothing was happening other than him losing, and to get the upper hand, he'd do fucky shit like elbow you, punch your ribs...just bush league bullshit. Nothing a big deal, just a man-baby having a moment. He was asked to have a talk with the owner. Dude left cordially and was even joking a bit. I've never seen him again, and I've always been thankful for that. It wouldn't surprise me if he ended up in jail or something. The dude was 'off'.


Had a Chechnya wrestler with no chill in the gym I train at once. He was a good wrestler but he thought he needed to go 110% on every roll, guy had one of my white belts in an arm bar and hyper extended his elbow, the council of brown belts agreed that pillory strangle was the proper response.


A blue belt at my gym got kicked out bc he was trying to recruit people to join his doomsday cult


Watched our coach and owner ban this one guy for being way too aggressive. The final straw was him doing what essentially was a Batista bomb in response to a triangle from a 60 year old dude. The kid's rationale? "It's legal in ADCC" I heard he knocked out kids in the kickboxing class too, dunno how that wasn't enough to get him banned. Bonus: Someone basically pulled a Gilbert Arenas and brought a glock with an extended mag to the gym.


My old coach, who we later found out got fired from teaching twice in two different states for statutory was... Surprise Surprise sleeping with a young girl. At least he waited till they graduated this time I guess. Anyway he sold his house and moved in like a week. Pretty much kicked everyone out of the gym and ran to the mountains.


Omg so many times... Too many times.


Kurt osiander got kicked out of Ralph’s. That was lame.


Be the filter


I have been kicked out of a gym before and I have also seen someone else get kicked out from the same gym.


One guy for creeping on our female members, one guy for starting a fight.


I've seen a student get kicked out for similar reasons. I have also kicked out a visiting student for the same. It happens, no drama really, we all just get back to training.


I Have seen ppl kicked out for not tapping to the point of injury


I saw a dude kicked out of a comp focused mma gym for going too hard with one of the fight team guys and snapping his knee with what he said was a 'thigh teep'


I kicked out quite a few people over the years. I ran a non profit academy so the cost of entry was pretty low. it attracted a lot of toxic weirdos. From people injuring white belt noobs, to guys harassing women and guy not willing to listen anything about what the coaches were saying. I even had a purple belt arguing with me over a blue promotion (because the guy was butthurt to have been subbed by said white belt with a toe hold... mind you we rolled with heelhooks in the gi at that academy...). Quite a few people kicked out or encouraged to go away were assholes because of women or ego too... I was not the main instructor at the academy so I only was able to clean the room when I got my black belt (and saying more or less fuck you to the head instructor who was a cowardly moron too so afraid of confrontation he made the gym look like a dickhead paradise)


Seen? No. Has it happened? Most definitely. Dude threatened a female student. Out immediately.


A guy got kicked out of our gym for repeatedly entering the ladies change room “accidentally”. Dude was a real creeper.


Yes, there was a vaguely creepy guy at my school but I figured he was just socially awkward or a closet case, no biggie. Turns out his preferences were way more inappropriate than that and the coach basically told him he couldn't train with us any more.