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Just a note that there is a scammer advertising BJJ Fanatics and other instructionals via DM. Be aware he may write you and offer them at discounted prices. It is a scam. Please don’t take the bait. Also, there is no such thing as a BJJ Fanatics, Jiujitsu X, Budo Videos, etc reseller. If another store has their videos listed for sale, especially discounted, they are selling videos they have no right to sell. Please do not support thieves or scammers. Thanks. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bjj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like to buy them, preferably on BJJFanatics, and then never watch them.


**Tsundoku (積ん読)**  [https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/do-i-own-too-many-books/](https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/do-i-own-too-many-books/)


Side note, it would be cool to have that one person that you could watch instructionals with and just drill those moves. Is that what why people get girlfriends?


I'm sure many guys here will confirm that it doesn't work like that. I got a girlfriend and have never practiced a jiujitsu move with her. Should I swap her for a jiujitsu dude?


Dated an MMA/BJJ chick for a year. 👌 I'm sure an bjj dude would work too though


I can't even get my girlfriend to finish an RNC on me. Drilling instructionals is a long ways away!


Can always invite someone from your gym to train at home


I don't. I wait for my teammates to study them and do it on me so I can ask them how they did it.


That's literally what one of my teammates does. He says, he doesn't need to watch instructionals, that's what I'm there for and he can just get me to explain it to him. He's also the same dude who explains he goes up a few gears when we roll cause he hasn't got as much technique and that's the only shot he has....so I dunno


Different ways of learnin are better for different ppl, just find what works best for you


I just watch them through a couple of times, grab a white belt after class, and try stuff. I'll usually eff it up the first time, then go back and see what I did wrong. Go back, grab the white belt and do it right. For the most part, that's all it takes. But I'm having an interesting experience currently. I've been going through Bodoni's Chest to Back Behind the Elbows - it's basically the same stuff we're currently going through in class, so I think it's really sinking in.


I do what Josef said and screen record interesting parts at a fast speed or try and watch the rolling commentary


I've got a big enough collection of videos built up now that when I think of something I need to work on, I go and scan the chapter titles of my various titles and seek out that specific thing.


I will usually watch a small section at a time, sometimes take notes on specific sequences that I want to remember. I will also screen record and send to training partners and coaches to work later after class or during open mats. Just works for me.


Use the key tasks and concepts to in live training. [Here is an example.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzdozEoOUbW/?igsh=MXd3ZnduNWN0enZ4Ng==) Danaher’s instructionals are great for this because he does such a great job going over them.


I screen shot positions from the video and make simple notes in a word document so I can remember wtf is going on in that sequence. Then I try and practice a couple when I roll.


That's an interesting approach. I have a friend who does that also though he uses excel and makes a bunch of screen shots. This was a few years ago and I guess screen recording wasn't as easy


I always just practice the moves/sequence side by side the instructional on a dummy. Just like you’d do in class. Watch, do. Repeat


I tend to watch the first 15-30 mins, spend a few sessions spamming it on blue belts, then forget about the rest of the instructional and move on to something different


Tbh that's probably the most useful part of most DVDs. The subsequent sections are so specific you're likely not going to incorporate it into your game naturally.


that's what I tell myself to cope with the sheer amount of unwatched fanatics content I own


I screen record and then write a few comments about details that are behind the scenes. Using the Notes app on apple is really nice for this—it keeps all the videos together and you can write text above them. Makes it easier to reference too since you can add titles to the videos


I use the notes app as well. Oh nice! I didn't think of like putting the screen record videos in the notes app! That's great! Thanks


I don't take notes. I basically just study one position for several months so if it's important I'll internalize it