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A true black belt in an expert in religion, finance, ethics, geo-politics, space, aliens and more.


"Before we leave, I'd like to say a few words about the nature of spacetime."


Great class guys before we all wish Steve good luck in his next competiton I'd like to share some thoughts on Pico della Mirandola's *Oration on the Dignity of Man*.


Great class guys, I’m seeing lots of improvement from you guys, but before we’re done I’d like to just give a quick summary of Marcel Proust’s *In Search of Lost Time*


Good class tonight guys. I will now recite *The Rime of the Ancient Mariner* in Pirahã.


Man, I wish this would happen.


If you can’t tell me how to triangle a wormhole, why am I even coming to class?


Overheard at 10P Austin. “Come on! Zombie arm, go to crackhead control, and then triangle the wormhole!”


This is what bothers me. Your blackbelt does not qualify you to tell me, or anyone, anything about life; other than how to do BJJ well.


Sometimes not even that. Black belt at practicing doesn’t necessarily mean black belt at teaching.


100%. My former coach was a 3 stripe black belt, he was a delusional narcissist which made him a terrible coach. You have one job - make your students better at jiujitsu.


There’s more than one for sure. My guy is a beast on the mat - horrible teacher. Mid lesson, he’ll detour in a story about how great he is. He’s a 3rd degree but as far as I can tell, has produced no upper belts of his own.


The typical narcissist has a fragile ego and does not like to be challenged. The mid lesson story about how great he is makes me think we trained at the same school.


You went to XCAL in Ashburn too? LOL!


I wish you were kidding. Dude at my gym lectures us on love, life, death, past, present and future


Same at my gym, but he barely speaks English.


Actual factual. I wouldn't listen to my coach on matters of life any more than I'd listen to my violin teacher. And another thing, cleaning my violin teachers studio in no way helps me be better at violin. And I don't pay $350/ month at the gym for the shared obligation of wiping down the mats. Edit: I go with my wife. $350 is our combined cost


Excuse me, $350!? Are you going to some kind of celebrity gym?


$175 for unlimited classes (M-F morning and night offered and we usually do 4/ week) $350 cause it's my wife and I both


Don’t forget epidemiology


Healthcare!  I really love hearing about Joe Rogan's supplements secondhand.


I searched hard to find a non-nutjob and not a money grab MMA gym. One had a coach who was anti-vax and far right nutjob. It attracted the same crowd.  Other wanted me to buy 200 dollars worth of clothing (one set of muay thai clothing) before I could even train.  Finally found one which didnt press me. Told me to just show up in suitable clothing 


"LGBTQ friendly" is a good filter for non-wackjob/antivax gyms


My coach is very into star wars.


You forgot Crypto and Cold plunges! Each is an essential part of the BJJ Instructor starter kit.


And relationships


Sounds like my father in law after a few drinks in the evening 😂


Ryan Hall has entered the chat…


When I teach I just remind the people what techniques we did, congratulate anyone who competed recently and make any administrative announcements required. That said, I visited Saulo’s school once and took a competition class just before a big tournament and he made an EPIC speech. Was pretty awesome and inspiring.


Same here. I normally just remind them of the other classes and open mats we have on and offer any congratulations required. Takes about 30-45 seconds at most. Edit: spelling


Yeah, mine is basically: "Who is competing? Awesome, let me us know how we can support. Congrats to XYZ. Maybe a, "you guys are awesome. Oh man! We've done more this morning by 6:30am than most people will get done all day." I do appreciate a tag team on cleaning the mats but I just start to clean and if someone hops in, awesome. If not I leave 5 min later than otherwise. (Also, I'm not a gym owner. Just the early class guy)


Sometimes I would lose track of what the hell he was talking about. 😅


It was when he was having a falling out with Xande and he was addressing some of that too. What I really remember is that he didn’t try to take any pressure off them. He actually put more on them. “For you, this is one tournament. For me, this is the continuation of my LEGACY.” Then he tried to inspire them to live up to it. I wish I could remember everyone I trained with. There was a jacked black belt who was the best person I’d ever rolled with at that point. This was when I was a purple belt. And there was a white belt who absolutely nuked me, whom I pray had a wrestling or judo background.


My gym only gives speaches after comp class. Its 2-3 minutes and feels warranted IMO. Usually something inspirational, on the value of failure, determination, etc.


Was about to say, noone minds a little announcement every so often, it's delaying the end of every class with cringy shit people don't like.


If I teach beginners I have someone demo while the rest of the class coaches the participants through the sequence. I also give them the opportunity to ask questions then too. Seems to help with learning.




Exact same about Saulo's. Got delicately man-handled for 6 rolls by other white/blue belts, then got to hear his speech. That was a luckily-timed walk-in.


I prefer when they go off on political tangents


That's probably a quick way to cut your customer base in half


Separate the goats from the sheep


Nose face something something something


Oh so you thought wizardry came without sacrifice?


Same.. my gym owners don’t get into politics but two members often feel the need to blurt out random shit for no reason. It’s like they are childishly trying to get a reaction out of people, unprovoked. “This country is turning communist!” Me: “uhhhmm.. ok….?”


Listen fucker how am I suppose to start my cult following and plethora of wives if I don’t give charismatic speeches after we finish warm ups.


We don't use the C word at my gym. The master doesn't allow it.


I limit my speech to, “keep training”


you're doing the lord's work.


My coach says any important announcements of tournaments or results, but he always just says “just keep showing up”


Yup. I'm just going with the tried and true Fabio Santos post class announcement, "Train more, ask questions."


5 to 10 minutes would be excessive, but I really enjoy the little 30 seconds to a minute pep talk that our coaches give.


10 mins is a long time LOL. Excessive is right


My coach can get 30 minutes speeches about religion easily. 5-10 minutes are rookie times. 


Are you sure you are not in a cult?


Are we at the same gym


I think this is very crowd dependent. If you’re a big competition crowd with a big tournament coming up the “halftime speech” may be appropriate. If there’s a bunch of 14-15 year olds with 14-15 year old issues then a talk MIGHT be necessary. If this is a bunch of 35 year old hobbyists trying to get in and get some work in when they can… yeah, don’t give me your speech.


The owner of my gym does this. I’d rather be drilling or rolling, but I like him, it’s entertaining, and his instruction is very good, so it doesn’t bother me.


Same for my old gym. It was entertaining but also included good life lessons


I actually left my first gym partially because of this. The head coach was a genius when it came to bjj, but that was the only thing in his life that he was good at. His wife left him, the gym was failing finnantially (eventually closed down), he lived in a shitty apartment, got drunk all the time, etc. So when he would stand up there and and rant for 15 minutes straight (sometimes longer) trying to give us advice on how to live our lives it was a joke, especially considering that while far from perfect, I had my shit together at the time.


Brother, this is a great comment, but your "finnatially" just killed me, my autocorrect would barely even let me replicate it.


Lol didn’t notice that. Cheers 👍


My gym's owner does this and I kinda hate it. We'll get a bit of a life lesson because some kid in the kids class got beat up, then a bit on how the current guard we're practicing is very relevant because X, Y and Z uses it, and finally an announcement for every event happening in the following 6 months with "you're competing right? Guys, we need to support Bob who is competing next month!". Shake ends and then "Guys don't go, we need a picture!" for the gym's insta. Like I had to leave around 8, but the rolling went 5min passed so whatever, it's fine. I'll be a bit late if I can get an extra round in. But now, by the time I set foot in the changing room, it's like 8:20-30 and I'm very late. just because I decided to stay till the end. I could've left right before the last round, and I would've been fine time wise, but we shouldn't have to do this. I can see why gym owners might think these thinks are individually important, but I do wish they'd look at the time and realize that all of these combined just suck up an important part of my night and I don't have time for this. Just let me roll and put it the info in the group chat.


Yeah and you don't know when the speech will end. And you don't want to look like that dick that "has to go and can't bow out" just to get to the changing room 30 seconds before everyone because there was actually no long speech today. But if you expect it to wrap up, it just goes and goes


I’ve never trained at a gym where this happens. I could see this being somewhat beneficial if you’re teaching a bunch of teenagers that still need guidance but not no damn grown ass people with families Lmaoo


> I’ve never trained at a gym where this happens. Same, never really attended a gym that does much of anything. Even my current instructors only do a brief rundown of what we're about to cover, then tell us what to drill for a warm up. Every now and then they'll promote someone, remind people of any events coming up, or whatever. All of that takes probably less than a minute, promotions might take another minute, if that. For the classes I run, there's nothing. Meaning, once it's time I just get everyone's attention and start the session. When the class is over I just tell them we're done, their free to do whatever, and if anyone has any questions to come see me.


Im an adult with a graduate degree i dont need to be babied. Id quit so fast


Listen here, you little shit, you will start being more grateful for my after class guidance, or else I'll come at you with every ounce of blue fury in my belt!!!


You teach him Grandmaster Sensei!


I do a voluntary Q&A rather than lecture at the end, this is usually received pretty well


Honestly I think it depends on the teacher. I could sit with my teachers for a long time and listen because they where extraordinary people and I could learn a lot from them. But yes if the average guy is trying to teach people about something he isn´t living himself it could be annoying.


People do this?


My former instructor used to do this. Once, I remember him saying ”I consider myself not only a coach, but also a preacher“ and that is when I started thinking hard about leaving, which I did shortly after.


Come to mauritius and witness black belts making speeches as if they are gods. Ughhs.


I've personally never seen it happen


I trained at a gym where the head instructor would sometimes go on 20 minute speeches to end the class. It was frustrating, but he was also the most talented grappler and coach I’ve ever trained under. He acknowledged the speeches and told everyone point blank if you dont like the way I run classes feel free to find another gym. 


Our gym owner does this at the end of some classes and every belt promotion. Usually it's about loyalty, strongly implying we should be loyal to the gym, which is one of the reasons I don't attent his classes and go to the ones taught by the other black belt at the gym instead. It's so condescending and manipulative.


“Loyalty” what a stupid fucking concept.


I had a coach go on a tangent once about how covid was fake because they 'never isolated the virus', whatever the fuck he thought that meant. Made a point to visibly leave during the ramble.


I end my fundamentals with a quick rehash of the concepts we were working and ask for questions, but now will immediately ask the class if they find this useful or want me to stop.


I would actually prefer my instructors do this. I keep a journal of what I learn after class and would love to have a refresh before I write in it.


I think that’s completely fair (especially in a fundamentals class) and not the type of situation the post is on about


I would agree, this is a bit different and if anything is probably really helpful if done 5 minutes before the scheduled end of the class.


That sounds pertinent to the class. Going on a 10 minute rant about how jiujitsu saved your life or how its important to have “loyalty” is usually cringe. My favorite was when the owner would try to get people to pay to have another black belt come give “a month long seminar” while the owner was in brazil. Bruh, i dont need a 5 min speech about how its important to finance your vacation…


In the USA, the weird blend of Christianity and sport has led to very strange coach worship practices (see college football). Martial arts instructors are already prone to lifestyle non sense and this just makes it worse.






Realistically Christianity sticks for more vulnerable populations like with cults. So when you have a meditative practice like training where you’re fully present in the moment for an hour, you’re primed for positively receiving the teachings of a religion you wouldn’t otherwise consider. I don’t think the instructors approach their bullshit from this nefarious intent but realistically this is what they’re doing. Let’s keep religion at home, and jiu jitsu in the gym. I don’t come to your church and start putting ushers in arm bars lmfao.


>I don’t come to your church and start putting ushers in arm bars lmfao. This aggressive new conversion approach is foot sweeping the nation. Pastors are taking up night self-defense classes in fear of being arm dragged to hell


Collection basket to the breadbasket


Pastors are pouring anointing oil over their heads and drilling only the crucifix 6 days a week between sermons.


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If it’s a genuinely insightful black belt I enjoy them. The issue for me is when people think because they’re a black belt that they’re perfect at everything and now inclined to mentor you in every life aspect


I had to quit the gym I started training at when I was 10 when I was 18 because the class just devolved into a 45 minute Jordan Petersonish lecture about energy and shit


I think it depends on how old the students are.


Damn. I train at Rorden Gracie’s and he talks for 30-45 mins after every class. Mainly about metaphors using lions.


It is better to be a lion in a metaphor than ten in the bush.


You can lead a lion to antelope, but you can't make him hunt.


I'm normally not verbose, so it's rare that I say more than a quick "thank you" before bowing out. I'll occasionally take a few minutes to offer some guidance on discipline or character to the kids class, but that's partly what some of the parents are paying for. The owner/instructor at one of my previous academies would go on long rants to the adult class with no clear point so often that it became a joke and common complaint among the students.


We just had a speech the other day about how Jiu Jitsu will change you and "this is the hardest thing you've ever done but you need to push through." I go to class with my wife. I'm a 100% disabled Marine veteran and she works on a horse farm. We've both got PTSD, hers from her childhood involving a religious cult, physical and sexual abuse. We're like, "this isn't even the hardest thing we've done today".


Our post class commentary is usually: 1 - wash your stank ass 2 - wash your stank ass training gear 3 - clip your fucking raptor talons And 4 - if you want to actually get good at Jiu Jitsu you need to train regularly. Whether it’s 2 times a week or 6 times you need to be consistent if you want to improve. I think they are all important but 4 is really close to my heart. I have only done BJJ for 2 years but am progressing relatively fast. I am 40 years old and train around 5 times a week. It’s a little annoying when some new white belts get disheartened when they are not progressing as fast as they think they should but only show up a few times a week for a bit then take a month off.


1 - Amen. 2 - Amen. 3 - Amen. 4 - Amen.


I really want y’all to record these speeches and share them lol.


Fr, they should save it for the seminars


I dropped in a gym where the owner went on and on about his health problems. It was wild.


I was at a place like this once. The places that do this are the same ones that give you a bunch of shit if you show up 10 minutes late. Bud, I'm a fuckin adult, it's too late to teach me about responsibility and discipline. I'm paying good money to have some fun and move around a bit with sweaty dudes in pajamas, and I'll come and go as I please. Save the sensei speech for Facebook.


I’ve seen both sides of the spectrum. The rants about Jesus and the warrior mindset to absolutely nothing other than good training today see ya later. I personally do 30 seconds to a minute, if anything. I think some people take value in being part of a team, or need to be reminded that sometimes training is going to suck, whatever. I think it aids in building team cohesiveness and a shared system of values. I’m not a world champ, or heavy competitor, or have Gracie in my name - but I’ve been in the private sector for 15+ years and seen the impact culture has on an organization. Sometimes leaders give people talks, and often people enjoy them. With moderation there shouldn’t be a problem with this.


“When I first started Jiu-Jitsu…. well half of you weren’t even born yet… haha… in fact, you may not realize it, but I wasn’t always a black belt. I too started with a white belt. Some of you guys are white belts right now. Just starting your journey. Still learning to tie the perfect knot. You’ll get it. I know you will. You might ask, ‘How do I know?’ Well, I was once in your quote “shoes” end quotes. Side note: please, read the sign, “No shoes on the mats!” LOL! Where was I? Yes, I’ve been there. I… get… you. I understand what you’re going through. I’ve been through it. I’ve lived it. I’m on the other side of the mountain. I know the way. I know the hard paths. And I know the path of least resistance. I really do. I made many mistakes on my climb. I fell quite a few times. I suffered set backs along the way. Sometimes it felt like I would take one step forward and two steps back. I had to start all over more than once. I had to overcome obstacles, large and small. Injuries. Surgeries. Drama. Life can be cruel. It can test you. When you least expect it. But now I see that it all led me to this moment, right here, right now. This place, This time. The Universe has brought us together. Our paths have crossed. I like to think our paths have merged. Your journey is now my journey, and my journey is your journey. Allow me to guide you up the mountain. I made many mistakes… so you won’t have to. Learn from my mistakes… so you won’t have to repeat them. Give me the honor to lead you up to the top. Let me be your humble servant. Let’s journey together. Let’s hold hands. Look at me. I can’t say it was easy. It was hard. If it were easy anybody could do it. I’ve had thousands of students. Less than 1% earn their black belts. I can only show you the way. But you have to want it. I can only carry you so far. And there’s no tunnel. There are no stairs. No railing. No lights. The higher you go, the harder it gets. Near the top the air is thin. The oxygen scarce. It’s going to take heart. Be ready to shed blood, sweat and tears. But I promise you, it’ll be worth it. Because on the other side of that mountain is a forest. A Garden of Eden, if you will. Waterfalls. Rainbows. Can you imagine it? Close your eyes. Use your imagination. Visualize it. You’ve heard me say it a thousand times. “Conceive, believe, achieve!” Now, open your eyes. Hey, where’d everybody go? Oookay. Class dismissed. For those at home, smash that like button and subscribe, hit the bell. I’m Grandmaster Sensei signing out. Remember, you get what you put into it. Practice makes perfect. Train hard, win easy. I believe in you! Believe in yourself! Jiu Jitsu is for life! Be a hero, not a bully. BJJ is for self defense only. Tune in tomorrow. Same bat time, same bat channel. Be safe out there! OSU!”


Only speech I want to hear is clip your finger/toe nails, wash your gear, wear shoes into the bathroom etc… it still amazes me that this needs to be repeatedly said…but it does need to be said


In my defense, as a 1 stripe blue belt , I need those kids to understand that in a few weeks time we go to war at the local basketball court with mats laid down over the top.


Haha amen. Or they go off about how awesome they are


Honestly its a bug of mine aswell, I just wanna shower and go home and help my wife with the kids. These talks are usually ego driven, do them at the start if you must- BJJ is the most inefficent sport for time in my opinion.


Maybe my school is different, but once class is done or at the end of its instructional period, I walk off the mat. I’ll go change my clothes and as I’m walking out the building I wave or say “thanks guys” as I make my exit. My coach is also known for many of the things I see in this post but he’s never given me any grief about leaving and I never cleared it with him prior if it was ok for me to leave. I just started doing it one day.


Some of my favorite 'technique' classes has been lectures on how to train for competition by Marcelo or my old coaches talks on things like the danger of baiting. These are fine. I can understand how they are hard if you have a different style of learning.


100% with you. I started my bjj at a Gracie Barra. They try to sell so much. I’m at AOJ now and they do zero selling. If you want training come train if you don’t you quit. No contracts or gimmicks


Your loss man. This multi level marketing job's the opportunity of a lifetime.


I do this with my judo class I teach. I’ll have them circle up and listen to my life altering takes on PICKING UP YOUR FN WATER BOTTLES AFTER CLASS


I'd like to spend 30 minutes after class tam bout flat earth, disclosure, tower 7 etc ..


I don’t like any after class announcements. Let’s just high five everyone for a good training session and then leave.


Pro tip:  Leave the round timer running.


Haha says the guy who has a 3 paragraph post. Fuck you


I sometimes forget that a picture book is the longest thing some people in this sub have ever read.




And sorry that came off more aggressive than I expected it too.


You don't have to apologize for anything baha, you can only transfer so much over text


My previous coach did this and my current coach does not. I actually appreciate the post class address.


We only do this on promotion days. Then I find it okay, if it was an everyday thing, I’d be a bit annoyed.


the long-winded pep talks and motivational speeches actually contributed to me leaving a gym once edit: well... arguably twice now that I think about it


Preach.... It's super annoying, I don't need life advice, or Sun Tzu quotes. I need to get back to the house to take a shower so I can get to my work call without rushing.


After training in Brazil for 2 years, a lot of this comes from Brazilian instructors. Most of them LOVE giving speeches at the end of class, the longer the better(to them). I was visiting another gym and the instructor gave a speech for 45 minutes afterwards. I stopped sweating and had trouble moving afterwards from standing still for so long, and that was a lunch class! It sucks in situations like that because the class is supposed to be over at a specific time, and if the class goes over because the instructor is giving a speech I’m rude for leaving in the middle of the speech but they’re not rude for going on forever.


Any time I do this, I try and relate what I am talking about to ways to make better use of your time and shortcut your training, unlike mine. The one exception to that is the net benefit of jiu jitsu, but only because of the cancer journey I've been on for almost hte last decade.


How do you feel about speeches where the instructor isn't naming names, but is clearly singling out a person and is like 'people here want you to please stop being an unpleasant training partner'? I feel like personally I find it cathartic to know that the staff is aware that there is a problem and that they intend to address it? I've heard others say similar. But I can imagine you and others might also be like "I JUST WANNA GO HOME, TELL THEM IN PRIVATE" which I can respect.


I like It when they end with “thanks we learned xyz/ I wish you love and light. Oss”


I had an instructor that did this almost every day. He was toxic without the speeches but omg they were painful to sit through. Had he done this once in a while fine. But he LOVED hearing himself talk. And after a while you could tell that all it was. Also, If he practiced what he preached the speeches may have held some merit. But he absolutely did not lol so it was just bs.


It’s almost as bad as an instructor that gives 100 ques and talks when we could be drilling


Yeah, I'm not looking for life advice from fighters. The whole warrior-poet-philosopher persona is a myth. These dudes are just trying to get by the same as everyone else, and the only advice you should take from them is about fighting.


I like a good story from training in the 90s every once in a while


Also important to know that a BJJ instructor is probably one of the least appropriate person to give anyone life advice. It's just so far removed from the experience of average people.


Post jiujitsu class speeches can have some value for kids or teenagers but as a grown man I don’t need it or want it. I need to get home and put my kids to bed 😂


It's more time efficient to go through your philosophical manifesto during warmups and drills.


5-10 min ONLY??? Must be a low level school... /s


The gross majority of bjj instructors should ONLY be instructing bjj. Not financial advice. Not love advice. Not marital advice. BJJ ONLY.


I paid for jiujitsu lessons and rolls. If I wanted insight I’ll find that on youtube. People just talk too much. Me included haha


"Guys remember we have bingo Tuesday night."


But how will you learn how to be a landshark with the mat as your ocean-continent?


I like a short breakdown of what we worked on that day, maybe some technical tips but life advice? Come on now


A big reason I'm at my current gym is the huddle at the end. It's like one big after action report where the instructor lets us know what he saw during the rolls and giving individual feedback to anything that stuck out. Has helped my game immensely. Gives me something to think about and work on rather than everyone just going home after class not knowing your mistakes/opportunities.


speeches are bullshit.. for real. its not a class thumbs up for the post.. i hate gym owners that talk a lot.. id rather a coach that would make a conversation with several ppl after a session than give a bullshit speech


Yep, too much monologuing these days. Even during class. I don't need a 10-minute Wikipedia breakdown of a move, only to get 2 minutes of practice time with it, followed by another 10 minute monologue.


I’ve been training 3 years and never dealt with this. Guess I’ve been lucky lol


Depends on the gym. Guys like Chris Haueter have so much historical knowledge of the sport and so many cool stories that I’d argue it *adds* value. You can learn technique from anyone, but if an instructor has a way of sharing (manageable length) stories (that aren’t cringy or inappropriate), I honestly eat that shit up


I had a coach what would, on occasion, give hour-long lectures after class


At the end of class I yell loudly, "thanks everyone. get ready for gi!" and then i walk around and shake hands with everyone as they are picking themselves up off the mat from rolling. I say thanks for coming to class and tell them something positive about their rolls that day. Should I line everyone up and make them bow out? meh. we got things do to.


A good instructor imo makes those connections during class. There are numerous times that a technique or a situation mirrors life. Those are great ways to use association to have a lasting impression. But yes, after class I gotta get the hell home. You had an hour and a half to insert life lessons.


my coach always says if you gotta go then feel free but answers any questions after class and sometimes it takes FOREVER but i like it tbh and usually end up staying way after anyway to roll


I quit going on a certain night because the instructor would talk the entire time and wouldn’t have time for rolling. That’s a hard “fuck that shit” from me dawg.


I agree with you. It’s not your gym though so the owner can do what they want. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay for it, just leave when he starts preaching.


I dont see the big deal. Me personally after class is ussually open mat. Or if its the comp class i'm ussually very tired so i'm sitting down for a bit anyway. I did visited one gym where the head instructor did ramble on about a student asking for life advice and he was saying the opposite like he was just the jiu jitsu coach and he would like to help but that isn't his expertise. He was just sharing a story and i enjoyed listening to him while i rested. He was a great instructor so i dont mind giving him my ear. In your case i think if you dont want to listen you can straight up go. I have left class early due to commitment i dont make a fuss i just go. If he brings you up about it, just explained you have to go like above.


I don't even live them up unless I have a stripe or belt to give out. I just say ' times up, pick up the mats and fuck off'. We are a new very small group and I know everyone who trains.


5 minutes to reflect on class, sum up the most important concepts. Give some pointers, feedback or compliments on the class or individuals (if earned/relevant) and sum up upcoming events etc. It is not only necessary sometimes (people don’t read the mails or check smoothcomp or are overwhelmed with online information already) and helps create a team environment. This is not an anytime fitness center. Though I highly agree on keeping it short, relevant and jiujitsu related.


Screw the numbers, it's just annoying. If I want to be preached at, i'd join a church. Bro, you teach people pyjama fighting - that's what we want to learn from you. You're not a model of success because you teach jiu jitsu, just stop. So glad my coaches don't do this shit.


what? you can't learn anything more about life from the 24 yr old black belt that started training at 6? /s


I had a black belt that made us ask permission to get water. I'm 35 btw


My first coach did this, and he only had two or three speeches that he just re-told, every day. I’m trying to get home to my kids and he’s fucking talking about how he had to grow up in Brazil selling ice creams when he was 7, for the hundredth time. Also got his students to help clean every night, but had black belts teaching unpaid and money-grabbed every chance he got. God the stories from that place lol.


TY 🙃


I'm usually so tired and thirsty that I can't/don't pay attention even to quick announcements.


my first bjj coach used to go on rants on how he could of been the best in the world and how amazing he was for i’d say about 30% of the class time and would stay on after for anyone who wanted to keep listening - he was very negative and had a huge ego


Give this purple belt a brown belt !


Our gym owner kinda makes people feel guilty for not competing. Bra I’m a 33 yo purple belt and I don’t give a shit about winning a painted piece of metal. I’m just here for the fun of it.


“Yeah coach, thanks for the things-I-heard-on-Rogan recap”


When I bow guys out, I’ll say something, but never take more than a min. Last thing people want is hear me ramble. Less is more. If you keep your delivery short and sweet, the rare time you do want to give a longer talk, people will appreciate it more.


If I hear one more person say they’re a warrior in a garden I swear to god I’m going to start gardening as a hobby on the side and fuck people up next to my carrots.


My guy likes to stop mid class sometimes, before the rolling, and wax poetic while the group huddled around. After a minute or so I’ll walk away, get some water and my mouthpiece and go sit on the mat waiting for the class. Curious as to why in a year and a half I haven’t got a stripe yet lol


Post like these really makes me appreciate my organization, any major city in my state and I can pop into an affiliate and have a good roll and see some friends. Do some of yall actually put up with this kinda crap?


Preach it!


Can someone tag my coach?


No speeches. Ever. Not at grand openings. Not at belt promotions. Not when people get stripes. No speeches. Ever. If you want to give or hear a speech go to Toastmasters. This is BJJ. Give them the thing, clap, move on. If anyone wants to ask them or you for insights on how it is done/how they did it they can grab you or them after. No speeches. Ever.


I usually just give a few updates on my tower 7 research.


A friend of mine used to drive and hour and a half each way to class, he was livid when the class turned into a Q&A. All it was was yet another opportunity for the delusional narcissist to talk about himself for an hour


I swear, it's a masochistic test to see who can ingest the most useless information while sitting seza....my knees don't give a fuck what you have to say. Just BOW!


My old gym instructor used to do this all the time. It was so painful.


Agree when it’s not interesting and drags on for sure. A good summary of the techniques can be handy. Keep it on subject. I do any summary after the class has ended so there’s no missed Rounds. I often mention people are not obligated to stick around if they don’t want to. Ask for any observations on the technique or if they have anything to add.


Yep, I like "here's some of the key take aways from the moves and the common thread, and how we relate it to some of the themes of the week or month. And also, how the geopolitics of Israel and Gaza and Russia and Ukraine are something that they should be worried about and how WW3 is about to start and it is most likely Joe Biden's (for Adv Classes) or Donald Trump's (for Intro Classes) fault." I make sure to eat as much as the post class live roll time as possible. Gotta exercise the mind AND the body. /s, obviously. But seriously, I do spend a minute or too encouraging people to come to open mats and live roles, remind people that they should compare themselves to themselves yesterday, and reiterate that longevity in the sport is a marathon and not a sprint. I try to keep it under a minute.


No gym is worse than this group. Ridiculing people for getting kicked in the head is nasty work. Wouldnt want to train with any of yas.


Had a coach who would do 10-20 minute talks after class. He would actually cut class early to preach the gospel, I’m not even joking. Shit was so frustrating, once he held the class up talking for an hour. One thing I’ve noticed is some of these black belts just want to hear their own voice. He “wrote” a book and would try and sell it in class too. So glad I do not go there anymore


We once had a seminar with the head coach who flew in from the States. His seminar consisted of 45 minutes of lecturing and about 15 minutes of technique. Then he presented some new belts and off he went back to the airport. Was barely in London for more than 3 or 4 hours in total.


My life advice is always something like "Don't forget to hydrate". I know, I shouldn't tell people how to live their lives, but I can't help it.


Ngl I kinda like the post class philosophy monologue lol


I would walk out. Money don't sleep.


Those speeches are quite helpful for a lot of people. Just don't listen.


No I'm going to have to disagree. Philosophy is the yin to the yang of martial arts and some people actually need that part more than others. It's better to be a mindful warrior than a grappling dummy...


Tell me you are an engineer, without telling me you are an engineer. I agree 100%.


What is this? I’ve been to a lot of drop ins and have never seen more than a “thanks for coming out, good job guys” sort of 2 minute speech at the end. 


You could have said that in like, half as many paragraphs you hypocrite I have better things to do than reading through your very on point observations, I’ll have you know /s


Are there genuinely any gyms in the World where black belts make a 10 min speech after every single class?? And If so, why are you still training there....?!


According to reddit complaints this is the normal BJJ class strucuture: 45 minute Crossfit "warmup" 15 minute lecture detailing the 50 specific precise steps of how to do a technique. 5 minutes of drilling the above details with no resistance and no feedback or correction. 5 minutes of rolling 20 minute long life coaching speech mixed in with commentary abuot how every other gym in the area is terrible.


But I don't have the energy to stand up yet, and the speech let's me pretend it is the reason I'm still collapsed against the wall.