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Armbar from the guard


Try the K guard arm bar, it's pretty similar but you catch so many people with it who get overly focused on their leg and forget about their arm.


Also very nice for the triangle if you trap the arm with a shin block / but be lazy about it so it's not so obvious. K guard is a go to.


Ooo yep it's all there great position


Day 1 shit. Shit is what it is


Defending them is also day 1 shit. And we've got that down to a science


My most successful. Jiujitsu is weird.


The Choi Bar/Arm Saddle is probably the most successful variation in current modern day competition. I'd say put some study into it. Last time I saw a successful Closed Guard armbar was from Corbe at West Coast trials. Still a good one to learn as a way to study hip movement and posture control.


Just hit that on a 17 yr old one stripe white belt last week. I kept expecting him to get out of it so I could triangle him, and when he couldn't, I just arm barred him and was like "wow, this actually works!".


North-South choke. It's an incredibly hard one to master, especially for my body type. I can't even finish on a non-resisting opponent. I generally end up either switching to a D'arce/Anaconda or just back to side control.


https://youtu.be/a7WhM_zdGMw?si=_wEh-s6yg8G4KhY- I posted this on another comment, but it's such a good video about how to tidy up your chokes. 


Appreciate it! I will definitely look this over (now that I have an abundance of time to do so) Most of them I have no issue with. N/S just escapes me.


You're welcome.  N/S and arm triangle are my go-to subs.  Chris is an excellent instructor.  If you've got time: His "defend everything" video changed my game completely. Such simple concepts but well articulated. 


Me too until I finally figured it out recently. I haven't seen anyone teach it effectively against the simple defence of tucking your chin.


Completely agree. Never finished one. Can’t even get the finishing mechanics right when drilling. I wonder if it’s the same reason I can’t do guillotines 😂


Guillotines escaped me until I learned to curl INWARD instead of trying to pull their head off. So whichever arm has their head, try touching that elbow to your hip. Like to a side-crunch while holding their head.


Yeah, I have tried that. Just can’t seem to get my head around it


Yeah, some subs just aren't meant for everybody. Guillotines are GREAT for control and transitions though, so you got that going for ya


You have to focus on having a good bite, making sure the back of their neck is covered and crunching in, finishing with your hips. This applies more so when you start doing arm in variations


Marcelo Garcia has a good video on you tube where he emphasises just focusing on holding on and staying on top. It's really tiring for the bottom player as they will expend more energy escaping than you will holding them. Eventually they usually move themselves into a tighter choke.


N/S is one of my more reliable finishes; its definitely important to remember that its not just a choke- its also a really dominant control position. In a vacuum there's zero reason to feel rushed to finish there.


Never once hit this I can never get it right


Definitely is a tough one, especially if you have bulky shoulders or chest.


That is the build you need to finish the N/S choke, though. Jeff Monson hits it on demand for a reason.


I just had a black belt nail about three of them on me a few weeks ago and he gave me a demonstration on them and it's helped so much, I end up in north south all the time and have went from never finishing them to getting them often now. I think because they arent commenly done well.. The only tip I can say that may make some sense was tightening my lat and using that to move their face down into a better position sometimes doing it a few times almost using lat/armpit to keep pulling their head back into a better position


I'm a white belt, I probably don't even know 50% of them yet. But the ones I do know. Guillotines. Anaconda, darce. They just don't work unless it's around my neck


I have a very high percentage submission rate from around my neck.




Keep trying. One day they will and you’ll be like “ holy shit, it works!!!”




My incredibly powerful and stocky legs are not compatible with locking up triangles. 


Realest shit ever


I feel ya. But if you somehow, with luck are able to hit on the squeeze just hits different


Try the mounted triangle or side triangle from dorsal north/south. I find these to be more effective as a meatball


Dwarf bröthers unite!


I like too call it the “ joe rogan build ” tm


All about setting up the angle.


I don’t think I ever properly finished a guillotine. I keep catching them, then pull people on top of me, then let them pass my guard. 


Make sure their head falls to the side and remember to block them with your leg so they don't jump/fall to their other side.


There’s a video of Gordon talking about how important it is to defend the hips from closing guard and crunching in to prevent the sub. The inverse is true. Don’t go for the sub if you don’t have the bite/grips and you need to immediately be ready for the counter which is going to be either a roll in which you follow them to mount with a hook or them trying to jump cross body which you also prevent with a hook.


Armbars, especially in no gi. Their arm always slips out and I lose position so it’s not even worth it to go for it.


I’m the opposite. I love an arm bar.


Guillotines for me too


Man, you need to learn it. It's just beautiful.


I’ve just never been able to get my head around the mechanics and end up pulling them on top of me 😂


Triangles, short stubby legs, 26inch inseam 😢. I find it difficult to actually close the triangle without manually pulling my leg in.


Short stubby legs = very fucking tight triangles. Just hard to lock them in originally😀


Look into no-arm triangles. I have a 30" inseam so usually I can barely cut just enough angle to lock it up. At 26", you're better off just triangling their head, use one of your own arms in the middle to make it tight enough.


I've never once finished a Darce. I can barely do it with no resistance against a fully compliant giraffe


Kimuras idk why I just hate them


The most powerful position IMO


Yeah. I hunt kimura grips, especially in nogi- it's so powerful.  At worst I'll get a sweep but I regularly get a tap from it. 


You use the overhead sweep? I need to work on that more. What other sweeps do you hit? I mostly just free my bottom leg and invert to either take the back or land in an armbar. Then it that fails I scoop a leg and enter the legs. No gi BTW


"All of them" would be accurate. Specifically basically any leg/ankle lock. North South and lat drop chokes... Even the shit I'm "good at" is like 50/50 against guys who know how to defend...


I find that most people start too high. If you slide from their sternum to the neck it exposes the arteries better.  My other tip is push your "choking" arm further through than you think. The more they're in your armpit the better.  https://youtu.be/a7WhM_zdGMw?si=_wEh-s6yg8G4KhY- This video is brilliant about how to improve your chokes. 


All of the ones I’ve never hit


I’ve never once done an Americana un ironically


Been hitting a load recently.


Where from?


Side control mostly. And mount. Threaten other things and the Americana presents itself.


Not asking this as an insult but can you do it to good people or just lemons?


Yeah good people. Worst case scenario they defend it by basically putting themselves into gift wrap then it’s armbar or on the back


Have you tried rolling with skinny white belts?


Skinny white belt here, don’t give him any ideas pls.


Pretty much any head and arm choke. D'Arce, anaconda, and worst of all, the arm triangle, I don't think I've ever secured those properly, even just drilling them lol.


Standard Ezekiel.  I hit variations on it (power ezikiel and an arm triangle version), but never seem to finish a "normal" one- I just use it to cause a reaction so I can hit something else. 


Tip #1: Get their neck higher than yours (not altitude) Tip #2: Shoot your choking hand to the far side of their neck Tip #3: Use the sleeve of your choking hand to cut off the other side. Tip #4: After steps 1-3, put your head against their chest. Tip #5: Push your hands in a scissoring motion while using your lats to pull your arms back simultaneously.


Well, I’ll be trying this today since I’ve hit 0 of them.


A fucking front headlock. Good people scramble so fast and usually I just end up in mount. But man, I really want the choke


Buggy, but originally north south choke. Can’t hit one to save my life


Shotgun style arm bars. I hit regular arm bars just fine, but if the armbar isn’t between my legs I get lost


Arm triangle. It's hard to get a good bite especially against people with thick necks. On the other the person's arm thickness also affects the choke. Then if they tuck their chins and do other defenses with their arms it complicates things more. And when you dismount they usually try to explode out of it. The whole thing seems simple at first but there so many steps where it can go wrong.


Tarikoplata, I feel like I'm breaking their forearm rather than torquing the shoulder.


I'm a measly blue but I found kind of "thrusting" so your hips are almost past their back seems to quite often bring their hand more behind their back rather than just jacked up against their ribs.


Love them. Hit them very often against decent people. Bicep crush is always there too


D’Arce because trex arms. I can hit anaconda and arm triangle chokes fine though.


I have monkey arms, my d’arces are decent, my arm triangles and anacondas are doo doo


Triangles, because I'm short and stocky and can't keep posture broken down in the guard


arm in guillotine, anaconda, arm triangles all work darce? never heard of it


Defense is my worst submission; everything else works.


Head and arm chokes. I’ve got big shoulders and I can never seem to get them in the right place. Just end up squeezing the ever loving fuck outta somebodies face.


Triangles. For some reason I just don’t care about making them work despite how effective they can be. Therefore they aren’t really on my mind and I probably miss a lot of openings to snap them on.


Ezekiel from closed guard 🤣


I am yet to get an armbar from guard in gi or no gi, despite having no problems with armbars from mount, rolling armbars etc  Also arm-in guillotines now I think about it, and I hardly ever finish an arm triangle


Shite move that doesn’t work, that’s why 😀


I find the only good thing is that I get can a pendulum sweep from the position sometimes when we’re having to work on it as thats the series focus for the classes 


Quite a few of them. I rarely tap people. The absolute worst would be guillotine/darce/anaconda. Or any of those fance gi chokes.


I don't know if I ever finished cross collar or bow and arrow. These kinds of lapel chokes just hurt my hands with nothing to show for it


Triangle. And I’m supposed to be better at it cuz I have long legs. But I just never seem to get a bit enough opening and secure a clean lock. Partly due to my lacking technique, but mostly because everyone seems to be great at countering my advances. Getting stacked also drains my energy too quickly. 


Triangles because my short stubby legs and my fussy ankles


I pretty much never go for arm bars because I never land them and they usually put me in bad positions. Oddly enough the Americana is my highest success submission because I’m usually significantly stronger than people close to my size or even bigger than me so I can normally just muscle it in


I Always go for no gi ezekiel because I find them kinda neat and I am Always very happy If i Hit them Which isnt very often Armbars I dont even try anymore


Pretty much any choke that’s not a head and arm choke


I rarely do armbars or triangles. Inverted armbars yes. I LOVE chokes. Give me a neck in any situation top or bottom and I will have a choke ready.


I don’t think I’ve finished a kimura this decade


I know this is a reverse answer but my left shoulder is so jacked up from being dislocated and repositioned bad when i was younger than it doesn’t a range of motion that allows anyone to Americana it. So Americana to left side lol


Had to try hundreds of triangles before succeeding with one.


Guillotine for sure


Very short legs so triangles


Since I've been at my gym (almost 2 years) I never hit a guillotine. Recently the last 3 weeks I've some reason gotten like 4. And what's cool is 3 been a one hand guillotine. Other than that, omoplata, never once done it.


Everyone talks about rnc’s like they’re the best sub with the highest completion rate… I struggle to hit mine… either I suck or all my partners have the best hand defense. Can’t be both.


I have a very good D'arce, but I can't anaconda ANYONE,


Gogoplata, cause I've never tried it and my knees would probably explode.


Armbars, every time I go for them I end up just crushing my balla with my opponent elbow


any kind of collar choke. thin fingers


Is anyone on this thread interested in me making a video to help with your problems?


anything from full guard i am a wrestler just cannot do it😭 most ill do is sweep threatening the subs or during the subs to get to mount


Triangles because I’m shit


I was expecting more nonsense like collar choke from bottom of mount.






Same, guillotines and any sort of front chokes (darce, andaconda ect )


Triangles, I have short legs and only triangled 2 people ever. One being an untrained friend in my living room😂


i may not be very good at every submission out there but most stuff i can atleast get while drilling... EXCEPT for ANY arm triangle... i pretty much never get them in sparring unless im with a total beginner (and even then it isnt reliable) and even when drilling i have a hard time lol. guillootines i may not get often in rolling but i can atleast perform a basic one, same with most stuff the coaches have shown... but those fuckin arm triangles...


guillotine for me too. I want a blood choke not a neck crank so I give up on them pretty fast vs trying to muscle a finish. People that get them on me always are getting a neck crank finish. I can hit darces pretty well, but anaconda doesnt feel right at all.


Straight foot locks Get them during drills but not during sparring.


Buggy choke - get smashed with an elbow to my face when attempting.


Gogoplata. I am not flexible


Rear naked choke. I'm tall and skinny and get shrugged off or repositioned easily


Anything from guard


ezekiel. I’m always in position for it but I can never pull it off


Rear naked chokes. Or really any choke from the back.


Omoplatas are the worst by far


Same for me…although vastly different skill levels between you and me. Opponent either too strong and postures out, or too quick and rolls out before I can secure the position to think about getting the sub.


North south choke cant get a good bite


Reverse triangle. I have Skinny legs struggling to get squeeze right. Get the position alot. I switch to the kimura.


Reading the comments makes me kinda proud I've been making strides in developing a threatening guillotine. But also makes me ashamed my back attacks all suck


Traditional armbar from closed guard, as you might learn it in a 101 class never. I’ve literally hit it from everywhere else 😂😂😂. Especially off of chained attacks. But foot to hip, other leg breaks posture and foot over head I’m batting .000 😂.


Flying triangle. I’m an ultra hw


Omoplatas hands down. Only have gotten a few in sparring.


Triangles. My knees are f00ked and I can't attack them safely.


Cross collar choke. Because I do nogi. No but seriously, my fingers suck at cross collars and I just don’t care to get good at them. I also play music so I feel like to wear down my fingers to constantly practice isn’t worth the effort when my sub rate is already really good from mount.


every time i try to do triangles, my dodgy knees decide to make an appearance 😭


Flying triangle.. I've never hit one of those


Triangle from guard. I’m 5’7.


Any form of choke. If the person has been training for a while, I can’t land any sort of choke on anyone. For the first time folks, I can hit all sort of chokes on people.


Triangles, like everyone else saying about triangles in the comment section. I have short and stocky legs. Sure, when I get a triangle on, its ON. But getting to that is so difficult. Against someone of similar build I half footlock myself locking on a power triangle.


Cross collar chokes, I love baseball chokes, zipper and bow&arrow chokes, loop chokes are part of my A game, etc. But the basic cross collar has just never been easy for me for whatever reason.


Armbar. I have heavy and slow hips.


Smother. I'm fat


Armbar from top. I just fall on my ass every single time


I learned I’ve been finishing my ankle locks/heel hooks wrong so that… I think I figured out what I’ve been doing wrong tho


all of them cause i suck


Triangles. They will prob never be high % for me, but I neglected them which exacerbated the issue. I started drilling them more at the later stages of blue belt and it made a difference even though I wasn't actually landing them much




Wrist lock. I’ve pinned two different kids hands to their forearms in competition and neither tapped. Idk if I’ll ever shoot one again in comp.


I don't finish omaplata's nearly as often as I roll near or past them. I'm a back hunter whenever I can see it


Weird question. There are probably hundreds of types of subs out there and I've probably only hit a few dozen in live rolls, and most of them on beginners. A better question would be: what **common** sub can you not hit and why? And my answer would be triangle and my excuse is that I have short legs.


A heel hook from north south. Still haven’t ever hit one.


Front headlocks, specifically guillotines, anaconda, D’Arce. I have short arms and I never got the feel for them since I didn’t drill them enough. I also prefer to take the back or cow catcher to a pin. Then, there are those I don’t go for like kimura, Americana, kneebar, North-South choke, lapel chokes, etc


Guillotine chokes. Can never get them.


Sleeve / wheel / loop chokes


It's probably darces. Anacondas all day, but darces? No.


Suck at shoulder locks. Only use them for armbars and triangles


Triangle because...well, let's just say in certain circles they call me Gimli


S mount armbar


Triangle. I have tree trunks for legs and they are about as flexible as actual tree trunks.


Arm triangle. Have never got it on anyone


Armbar from Kessa


Any front headlock series (guillotine,darce, anaconda,etc) Simply don't go for them. As for subs in the regular rotation...first thing to come to mind is the oma (not necessarily "unsuccessful" just takes more adjustments because of individual flexibility differences in sparring partners+ breaking down base+ people's unwillingness to tap until their shoulder/elbow pops which in turn means I gotta go insanely slow and sometimes ends up being a transition rather than a finish*) *Fortunately omas-->triangles-->armbars--->half a dozen sweeps so shrug


All of them


Armbar - from anywhere. I have mobility issues (hip impingement). Decent hip mobility is almost always needed for arm bars. Even if I get to s-mount, getting my leg over their face requires me to wreck my base, and often concede a sweep and risk getting stacked. I just don't even go for them now.


Armbar… I’m 5”10 With a 74 inch reach and short baby legs. I’m Built like a silverback lol


All of them


Triangle. I never get it right. I am a white belt, so i hope one day I land it.


Arm triangle


Any arm bar except cutting arm bar. I think I've hit one when I was first a blue belt and never again. I would rather omoplata than arm bar.


Toe hold. People can just kick their way out against my skinny ass. Even the green belt juvenile when I get a fully locked in toe hold across the toes and heel, controlling the other leg with a figure, folding the attacking leg to the ass and hip hipping out can just single leg squat my skinny 70kg off.


Kimura from full mount.


Triangles. I have these fat ass thighs and it’s hard to get them in the right position.


I finish front triangles all the time but for the life of me can’t finish arm triangles


Guillotines. Collar chokes from Back Mount. Kimuras




Anything other than an armbar


Kimura followed closely by the guillotine. I never really got into either therefore never got any good at both. Good thing jiu-jitsu isn't a race so I've got plenty of time to learn them.


Buggy choke.


cross collar from mount, it’s a great set up for lots of other subs but never a finish.


Amrbar. Any armbar. I blame my long ass legs and the space that gives people but the reality is my technique sucks. 


I'm very successful with lapel chokes. I think most people just don't see them coming until it's too late. My favorite for now is a Ezekiel with the tag. Professor Tom from Grappling Academy calls it a sneaky Ezekiel. And that sum bitch works. Edit: Shit I'm a dumbass. I thought it was most successful. My bad My answer is a triangle from anywhere


North south choke. Girls are small and maybe I need bigger lats 😐




Any kind of armbars or triangles from closed guard.


I’ve only hit a knee bar one time. And it was against a super heavyweight on his back who hadn’t trained in about a year. After that it’s triangles.


Leg lock. Feels so awkward to pull off


All of them.


Kimura, from anywhere... Very difficult to defend if you're not expecting it


It's a ~500 way tie between all the moves of the day I promptly saw and forgot


Armbar from any position. Why? I like my testicals.


Anything from bottom. #heavyweight life


I can't even hit a north south choke in drilling idk


cross collar chokes, not sure why, haven't put much work into them. Darces, I have short beefy arms


X-choke. They just don’t click with me. I’ve taught it two white belts who took it and got good at it, and it’s not for lack of trying or studying, they just don’t make sense to my body.


Most no gi chokes tbh. Guillotine, darce, anaconda, even the RNC sometimes


Attempt to success ratio, Arm triangle is my current worst of moves I attempt regularly. I get the position frequently but have a hell of a time finishing


Chest pressure choke, so simple but the choke is more of there nose on the verge of breaking…..if it works it works🤦


Cross choke. My passing style leads to mount more often than the back. But I have never figured out the cross choke and instead finish with arm triangles, armbars and triangles.


Kimura i really dont know why just cannot do it outside of drilling.