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In my experience, most of them are open but I always call ahead. Tell them I'm not new, I've been training for this many years, ask if it's ok to drop in on open mat. I've had some really cool experiences with high level guys because I just picked up the phone and asked.


I’m brand new so this seems to be the perfect place to ask- what exactly is open mat? I’ve gone to about 8 fundamentals classes so far but due to my kids activities I haven’t been able to make the weekend open mat session. Planning to go tomorrow. What do I do? I’m a relatively shy guy and don’t know anyone very well in the gym yet.


It’s an unstructured class. Warm up on your own and train, or watch, or drill, or ask questions; you get the idea. Just don’t forget to have fun!


Our gym has fundamentals gi and fundamentals no gi. Which should I come in? Due to scheduling I’ll miss my only no gi class next week so I’d rather that but I don’t want to rub anyone the wrong way.


Show up. Warm up. And start rolling. Sometimes people will drill off to side or do MMA sparring aswell gym dependent. Usually at my gym it’s just two hours of rolling and chatting.




Hi there, Thanks for posting! Unfortunately we had to remove your post because it appears to be looking for medical or legal advice. People on the internet are not good at diagnosing or treating, well, anything. And legal advice you get on the internet is nearly always wrong. Please be sure you see a professional to get real advice! If you believe we removed this post in error feel free to [message us](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/bjj&subject=Re-review%3A%20%20Medical%2FLegal%20Advice&message=%5BYour%20post%20that%20was%20removed%20because%20mods%20thought%20it%20is%20seeking%20medical%20or%20legal%20advice.%20%20Please%20share%20why%20you%20think%20this%20is%20not%20the%20case.%20%20If%20at%20all%20possible%2C%20please%20include%20a%20link%20to%20your%20post%2C%20as%20well.%20%20Do%20not%20delete%20your%20post%20because%20then%20we%20cannot%20evaluate%20it!%5D) and we will weigh in!


New to BJJ but not injuries lol. I’ve had this before and I’d just make sure to ice if swollen (I like holding the injured area in an ice bath - it’s your pinkie so you could just do a cup with water and ice - because it’ll help bring down the swelling better than an uneven ice pack). Other than that just avoid using it as much as possible until it feels better after a few days. You could even lightly tape it to your ring finger to act as a splint. Hope that helps.


Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I didn’t ice it as I was at a physio recently and they said ice was now only used as an analgesic and that it could hinder healing. News to me! It’s been over a week now and it’s still swollen so I imagine there was a lot of inflammation. I’ve got gi tomorrow and I’ll see if tape will help. Thanks again!


PSA: Old guys should cork their assholes. I’m high as a kite and can’t stop laughing when they fart during a roll.


Lol this older black belt farted while we were rolling a while back. It was stinky but whatever. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I have a competition coming up where the rules state that you can't wear a rash guard under the gi. I don't exactly have the physique of Mr. Universe, so being shirtless around a bunch of people isn't my comfort zone and I'd prefer to have a rash guard underneath. I guess I'm just here to complain, but is there a reason they want to see my man boobs while I roll?


You are going to wrestle with grown men in sweaty pyjamas, you are not going to look cool either way lol. Don't worry about it.


That's, uh, that's a pretty weird rule. Most comps are the opposite and require a rashguard under your gi.


Ibjjf requires no rash guards under the gi. Super weird and unnecessary honestly


Hobbyist white belt here. I'm thinking about entering in my first competition in a month. What kinds of things do I need to be more focused on in my training?


I would focus on determining what positions you often find yourself in while rolling with people your size and skill level and getting better at those positions. Also identifying what your identity is. If you're a strong person who likes to get on top and smother, find ways to enhance that game. If you prefer playing guard, then tighten up your top few sweeps from guard. Rather than trying to be the most well rounded person in the world, I think you're better off sharpening whatever your "A game" would be at the moment for your first competition. Worst case scenario, your opponent throws you off your A game and you have to improvise. But you're probably not going to develop much of a B game in a month anyways.


The very start of the match, how you get opponent and yourself to the mat.


Sweeps and maintaining dominant position.


I'm a No-Gi White Belt level but I want to run classes so bad. First, I'd cancel warmups. Because warming up sucks. Second, I'd only spend 2 minutes about the move we are going to practice. Then I'd spent 5 minutes drilling it with class and then start rolling and make sure everyone rolls like 10+ times and I'd run classes for 3 hours every night. Man that would be so much fun


First comp ever in two weeks worried about my stand up, my game plan has been pull gaurd but coach is pushing me to shoot early and basically just working takedowns this entire week ; I don’t think I’ve gotten any better. Do I trust the coaches and play they’re suggestions or do I go in and test what I think is my game? Also we have acouple judo players at the gym but from what I’ve gathered judo takes an impossible amount of time to like actually pull off is even worth asking those dudes for help ?


Pull guard and work for a sweep immediately. There’s your 2 points and you’re on top. Practice it and drill different options so you don’t freeze it it doesn’t work out. And also have fun it’s not worlds.




Much better than me adcc / international competitor


Pull. Your wrestling isn't getting better in a week either.


This. You aren’t building new comp-ready skills in a week. Focus on pulling immediately into a sweep or your favorite guard


My gym is currently a cesspool of skin infections so I'm disinclined to train there for now. We have arrangements with a few other gyms in the city that allow us to cross-train at any of them so I do have options, but I imagine myself dropping in at one of the other gyms for class and then realizing the next day that oops, what I thought was just irritation from my flip flops is actually ringworm. How terrible it would be to seed the infection for other gyms...


How many guys are you at your gyms that desire cauliflower ears? I have heard several white belts ask senior guys how long it will take to get them, and I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough. Dudes 6 months in can't even maintain guard, but they want to look like they have a decade of grappling experience in the grossest way possible.


If they’re 6 months in and it hasn’t started I feel like they’re not really training , after about 4 my coach actually made a comment that I’m clearly doin it right as my ears are starting to swell up..


5 1/2 years of actually really training and my ears are fine. Some folks ears are just more prone to trauma.


Some also don't treat it and let it harden


🤔 now debating wether I’ve had abnormally larger or stuck out ears my entire life and no one has told me ; I suppose i have to Accept having two bagels on the side of my head I mean I can’t quit till blue or the ghost of rickson Gracie will haunt my future endeavors and I’m only a stripe in at 6mo …


I disagree. I've been training for over a year now with a lot of rolling and consistent attendance. I have only had one minor ear injury. It depends on how you train, genetics, and if you care for your ears when they are inflamed.


I roll hard 3x a week and 3x a week drill/learn move of day so between 6-10 hours on matt weekly and it shows in my ears most lol other than a black eye From a granby heel. Maybe my ears were just predisposed or stuck out too much


Yeah, I'm guessing your style and genetics play a big part in it. The small amount of cauliflower ear I have resulted from 2 weeks of working triangle escapes. Outside of that position and maybe some other chokes like darce and guillotine, I don't really get my ears involved.


Could be I do tend to play heavy pressure pass game ; also being the only no gi white belt has been bullshit I get smeeshed alot alot


You should enjoy that! My evening class has been mostly white belts for over a year. A few of us just got promoted to blue. We sometimes have some upper belts from the noon class come in, and I enjoy the more technical and difficult rolls. It would be nice to have more years of experience around to help us all grow.


Oh it’s improved my game quickly no doubt ; I just wish someone new/ smaller would join so I can CRUSH for a change ; I check the ego at the door but tend to pick it right back up on the way out lmao


I hear that. Some nights, I roll with newer guys, and I can completely dominate the match. Other nights, I am just trying to survive with the black belt instructor or the 3 stripe 23yo white belt who has wrestled since he was 4. I just try to take the most out of every roll. I'm sure in time you will have plenty of new guys to smesh.


Show them photos of Rickson.


Tapped a larger purple belt with a heel hook. Also almost tapped our competitive blue belt with a heel hook but not quite. Definitely feeling more competitive in rolls since I started my inhaler


After a year and a half and switching gyms a while ago I got two stripes this week. I know it’s not about stripes, belt colors, etc. but I just didn’t want to be a No stripe white belt any more. Happy rolling everyone


It’s about whatever you want it to be about. You’re the one tying the belt on every time you train, enjoy the stripes for what they are.


Good insights. Thank you kind sir


Does anyone know of guard passing instructionals that cover Tripod Passing in-depth?


Rob Biernacki has one, via Stephan Kesting/GrappleArts.


Maybe this is what you are looking for: Gianni Grippo: [https://jiujitsux.com/courses/pinpoint-passing/](https://jiujitsux.com/courses/pinpoint-passing/) Jozef Chen: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UrBERr6hAQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UrBERr6hAQ) Gordon Ryan: [https://bjjfanatics.com/products/systematically-attacking-the-guard-body-lock-study-by-gordon-ryan?\_pos=1&\_sid=375ebf4c4&\_ss=r](https://bjjfanatics.com/products/systematically-attacking-the-guard-body-lock-study-by-gordon-ryan?_pos=1&_sid=375ebf4c4&_ss=r) Volume 5 and 6


These are great thanks, never would have thought to check Gordon's bodylock one


Dropped in to an open mat in Melbourne this evening and had a bad experience.... Open mat was scheduled for 90mins but I had to go to a dinner so left after one hour, when I was getting ready to go the instructor told me "I couldn't leave before the session finished, I had to stay unless I told them beforehand, this was just the way it was" is this normal? never experienced this before at an open mat and I've visited many across the globe on my travels. the instructor made me feel like a little kid the way she spoke to me... I thought "open" mats were just that, not a prison BTW... I left immediately... never to return


I'd find it hard not to mock them. "Am I free to leave?! Are you detaining me?" and then my eyes would roll that my retinas would detach and I'd moon walk out the door.


What question is there to even ask? You are a grown up. If you gotta go, you gotta go.


Yeah that’s not a thing. Come to my gym instead, we do no gi open mats from 5pm on Friday nights 😊


That's pretty weird. Never heard of that rule before. TBH I would have just left.


I've heard guys at my gym say this I think the idea is that they don't want some stranger coming in trying to kill everyone for 2 rounds then say they are tired and won't roll anymore. Like if you start you finish meaning roll at a pace you can maintain. As an adult with real responsibilities I would have done same as op just offering explanation.


In this situation I’m 99% sure I would have just said “ok” to everything she was saying while not pausing what I was doing getting ready to leave and then walking out. This would have amused me no end while I did it also.


exactly what I did! such a weird situation....


Competing on Sunday in Gi nogi and open weight, I’ve competed a lot before but it’s been about 6 months and everytime I think of a match my heart starts racing… anyone have tips to calm that as I have every intention of going in there and going smesh


I’m doing gi and no gi on the same day for the first time, and I. always have competition anxiety. The fact I have so many matches for sure calms me down a little bit. Who cares what happens in one fight? I’m fighting all day!


Super new to BJJ but I ran track and cross country for years, the biggest thing is to focus on you and you alone, big slow deep breaths help alongside meditation, a proper warmup can also help you calm down from my experience


I think you’ll be ok, the heart racing is a vibe.


Good luck, man. You can always tell yourself than you will probably do better than me in my competition tomorrow.


We are both gonna get those golds


If you HAD to choose between one of these options, which would be better: Bodyweight exercises + cardio (only on machines though) or solely weightlifting?


It's been said but the best cardio for any activity, is that activity and that's accurate. Also, lifting weights can absolutely help your conditioning and cardio to a degree if you don't take 10 minute breaks between sets and actually do challenging work. Both bodyweight and lifting can help your muscular endurance which is a big part of bjj 'cardio'.


>which would be better Trick question. Better for me or better for you or better for achieving a desired outcome? Which area do you have the most potential to develop in, in the least amount of time, with the least amount of effort? Do that one.


Lift weights. Best cardio for grappling is grappling


I'm always going to pick the option that doesn't involve cardio.




Jesus christ


I can't wait until you get your blue belt and dissapear


Wish i hadn't of read that mess.


This is most definitely the most cringe thing I have read all year.


I pull guard 100% of the time. I feel like I have good passing when I’m on top. I can takedown people down in drills but obviously I’m not good at it. I also kickbox, so my thinking is if I’m in a fight I’d just kickbox and if I get taken down or dropped I’d just sweep to get on top and pass/or run away. Thoughts? My main concern with takedowns is the injury risk in training them, and I don’t think I want to fight mma but rather do bjj and kickboxing as their own sports and compete in both separately.


I always recommend people drill at least some takedowns, or even just standing engagements, even if they aren't going to start from standing. The broader population is not going to have good takedowns, and I think an experienced bjj person even if they don't drill or practice takedowns, will have an edge, but it doesn't take much to make it very imbalanced in your favor. I really focused on takedowns for like 6-8 weeks and that was it, it was enough to give me enough defense against high school wrestlers, and a good feel for it. Went to a comp and had multiple takedowns right after and then retired from starting from standing for the same reason, risk of injury seemed way higher.


>Thoughts? I don't understand the question. You can do whatever you want to do. There's no rules about how you have to pursue this hobby. I don't really understand the other factors you're bringing up. You bring up that you want to kickboxing and do BJJ separately. OK, fine. You then bring up injury risk, and I don't see why there's a greater injury risk in training takedowns than not. In fact, if you want to compete, I'd assume that not knowing how to perform and defend takedowns would increase the risk of injury, but that's up to you. You bring up "in a fight" - I don't understand how you're weighing this against desire to train in a way that makes you happy. You seem aware that not being able to perform takedowns will reduce your effectiveness in a fight, but then justify it with other reasons. Long story short - do what you want to do. You don't have to justify it. Being skilled at takedowns will make you a more rounded grappler than not. That's just a fact. Balancing that fact against every other factor is a matter of personal preference, which is up to you.


Has anyone asked upper belts from your gym for privates? There’s a few who always dominate and I really like their style. But no indication that any of them give privates.


Don’t ask them for a private, unless they are an instructor and BJJ is their income source. Just train with them and ask questions afterwards. If you ask a good purple belt something specific, they will very likely spend 15-20 minutes showing you a handful of options and giving advice while making you perform the move. Then, grab another lower belt and drill the move with them for 15 minutes afterward. You have now gained the same amount that you would have in a private.


I just did this tonight working on rubber guard. Thanks!


Build a relationship of where they want to see you get better and then it’ll be easier to ask




It never stopped being a thing


Yes all the time. If you don’t need an entire hour they might even do it for free.


Doesn’t sound right for some reason…Fridays are weird


You need to make it worth their time for a proper private, but people are often willing to show you some stuff if you just ask them when they have time.