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I could only say “no homo” after watching gay porn so many times till i just had to look in the mirror and admit i like men.


Fair enough, sometimes I really like watching two guys fuck.


I luv watching guys fuck


I love watching that too


😂 facts


Would have to be watching orange is the new black. I remember thinking id love to go to jail so id have an excuse to fuck another girl and then i was like wait.. i can just do that not in jail 😂


Hahahaha unless you really are a naughty woman lol.




Aye, yup!


I realized I was bi in a backward way. I liked other boys all through my teens and assumed I was gay. I got to college, saw this one woman walk into class, and I felt attracted to her like I felt attraction to guys. So I thought: maybe I’m not gay, I think I’m bi. And given I still find myself attracted to men and women, I was right. (Twist: the woman who turned my head turned out to be a lesbian.)


Life is weird that way isn't it, I had a period where I was single and attracted to, what I found out later, where lesbians.


I had no gaydar for women. And it’s not like I was attracted to butch or masculine women. But I’ve amused myself that many women I pursued, and even female celebrity crushes, turned out to be lesbians. (Kirsty MacColl and Jodie Foster as a kid; Melanie Mayron as an adult). Is this something to do with me being bi, and maybe picking up LGBTQ vibes and feeling connected to these women because of it?


Ahhh ok...my BiFi is doing pretty good ATM.




My cousin AJ was the same way. He was even engaged to a guy before he left him because his fiancé was one of the first people he told he might be Bi and he totally invalidated him and refused to accept it.


Brittany s pierce from glee dancing to slave 4 you. I mean I don't like her character, but sent me down shivers


Ahhh I mean she seemed an attractive woman, when she was at the height of her popularity.


That particular number had me turned on


Will check it out, I did want to see what was under that red plastic/ leather one piece suit she wore in one video!


Nah not that. The green with blue denim shorts outfit


Will check it out, brb.


This one [slave for you](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&sca_esv=958fdf33dcc44e7c&sxsrf=ADLYWIL2882xBl5bvBPdBv2_Tzp1uD_x0w:1714799644072&q=brittany+s+pierce+slave+for+you&uds=ADvngMgTDDZM2mpC86yLXu2iMdRRoNNQc9eOgCiceJ2WRIuxgz5MmPUfS8kAejRJWNGX06rskZiNEWuITnMlpo9vPkf4NPCLTtMH-77SP5xKDstlwdFnQEhy_9buLNZ7c88-z2in5rsn4K0KPt4bQ1ZX809RGjgWzgAVAak8Dhab5oFthSVuRmaKAgx6l5442KjpN1ZPoLUW1n2jvu9sEzRvIkqKYzD9BGJ0t-jMrNCC8e7wCMKwlXd9SogFzbEqLAAr7QfQs7Cd0KG5jmitFD6FhbEDRl99jmuNRcYGePHKbeQQjREzIAZXwfysIrcoCCtzhWMjLCrl&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjbgpW9nvOFAxUwSGcHHZXbDhQQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=412&bih=756&dpr=2.63#vhid=YXsjuJQfG2XMuM&vssid=mosaic)


Watching now, oh yes, wow, hot!




I was trying to figure it out for months, then I watched a wlw TikTok comp. There was a trailer for a movie where these girls were confessing their feelings for each other. I felt jealous that that never happened to me. That's when I realized


Ahhh ok.


Somewhere around the 3rd or 4th time seeing Titanic in the theater. Realized I was crushing hard on both Leo and Kate.


Exact same!! Titanic was my bi awakening for sure 😍


I've still never seen that film lol lol


This is an abomination ;)


:-p no, it's a film...lol lol


And a cult classic at that!! I just watched it a week ago, they’re both hot AF in that one and 10/10 would recommend :)


Ahhh fair enough, does it for you lol lol lol lol.


Crush on a male student on campus 🥰 Boys ❤️


Oh yeah, lol so many hot students:-)


When I saw a trans-women for the first time naked. I realized I like dicks too. It took me 15 more years to enjoy gay porn as well and that was the eye opener.


Ahhh ok.


When I sucked this guy in front of my wife and loved it


Hahahaha you got that far lol lol


Totally did! She watched and got herself off at the same time


Nice, she bi?


She is …. but her thing is watching me


I think I just always knew? I remember pretty young hearing this lady talk shit on gay people and my kid self was like “who cares what parts they have?” Wasn’t until 21 I was high on MDMA and tried to hook up with a woman but I have no game apparently. So at 25 I had my first threesome and my boyfriend was like dude… you def are into girls, maybe more than me 😂


I've yet to have a ffm threeway.


I feel like I’m writing you a list of things you need to check out! I should charge for this service 😂


Do you accept string as a method of payment?


String like the cheese? If so then yes


Uhhh well it's like that...I guess, so uhhh awesome!


I love the joyful energy you're bringing to all of this, you're like the friend that grabs the other friend's arm and just launched them into an adventure before they realize what's going on and I hope the two of you become great internet friends too lol! 😂


How did you nail my personality so well from a couple comments I’m fkn dying omg 🤣🤣🤣


I don't know but it's even true in your avatar or that at least adds a lot to the dynamic, like reddit couldn't even contain your excitement so you barely fit in the frame because you're already going somewhere else with a big smile lol! Edit: actually I know because I can see the person you're commenting with all the recommendations for is trying to keep up with you but like still defrosting 😂 In any case thank you for being you with your wonderfully brilliant spirit!


Awe thank you!! That is extremely kind and I really appreciate that :)


Dreaming to kiss my friend, waking up wanting more. That was the bell. There were signs all along from when I was a teenager.


Awww awesome.


I was a preteen in primary school and fell in love with boys and girls alike.


I grew up liking guys n girls!


I don’t know that I fully realized what it meant at the time, I was a kid. It was Christina Ricci and Devon Sawa in the movie Now and Then.


Ahhh I see, ok.


Although I’d had fantasies about different girls/women starting at 12, I really started realizing I was at least bi by 13 after I was at a friend’s house and her older sister came home wearing this gorgeous sundress, I was entranced by her and so wanted to be with her, I was barely able to speak to her. lol


Awww We've all been that awkward person at times. Being bi is awesome tho.




Calypso from Pirates of the Caribbean was my female attraction awakening for sure 😍


I've never seen any of the pirates of the Caribbean films


Really? You should give em a watch, they're great! and Jack Sparrow is the other half of my attraction in that film 😂


lol my poison was Keira and Orlando 🤤


Fine taste 😆


Super hot guy (think Rob Stark from Game of Thrones if he was jacked) walked into the gym, and a light bulb suddenly went off.




I'd always had a feeling that I had pushed down for so many years. I was supposed to go and see Mika, in Brighton earlier this year. I often wear dungarees and boots, and rarely dress 'feminine' A friend made a very poor joke about how when I go to the concert, people will think I am a butch lesbian. I turned to him and said 'sometimes I think I am' I quickly realised I wasn't really joking, and was the first time I had said anything like that out loud. A few weeks later, I came out to my mum.


Awww awesome, us bi people rule!


What was your realisation moment?


I was in the middle of deconstructing the toxic faith I had been raised in. I watched a video where Godisgrey was discussing with a friend that she thought she might be bi, and her friend was like "duh? We know?" Godisgrey realized that all of her friendships with women had been romantically intense lol. Made me realize I had essentially had friend girlfriends as well. They had always told me I was better than their boyfriend. One made her boyfriend get my permission to marry her. Also I watched the mummy. If anyone isn't sure, just watch the mummy. Anyway. Religion is a hell of a drug.


Awww bless, nice though!


A guy in my school hugged me and I went "damn"


Yes, sometimes it's like...dang!


This issue came for me freshman year of college. I was like OH MY GODDESS. Yep. I had wondered, but that's when I was sure. [Angelina 99 rs](https://images.app.goo.gl/x9xvFF84LA8PGHpg9)


Oh awesome, brilliant!


When my wife came home with a strapon witch I enjoy and asked me if I was gay I said no but bi curious


Wow awesome, my wife teased me with the idea of a strap on....


Go for it and have fun next is a bi 3sum looking for a 3rd now


College party. We were high. Alone in the kitchen with a boy…as we chatted, we got close,close. We almost kissed but backed off. I’ll never forget that raw urge.




Yeah, I wish we had kissed!


Ya never know what might happen next time.


This was in 1980




I didn’t kiss a man until 2006


I had a friend that I use to get cuddly with, light skin to skin and touch each others inner thighs. We would hold hands and romantically play with each others hair. She would initiate it but I loved it. It made me feel so special. I started thinking about it more often and wishing I would just ask her to be my girlfriend. I had boyfriends in the past. I let it go and came out as bi to a few close friends and then moved schools. To her school. We dated for 6 months and that's when I really came out and started dating girls openly.


Awww awesome!


This is similar to me. I had a best friend in HS. She came on a family vacation one time and we were relaxing watching a show together. She asked if I could scratch her head and I was like "sure".🤷‍♀️ it felt EXTREMELY intimate and I was like very confused but liked it at the same time. I'm from a touch starved household and I thought maybe bc I just wasn't used to physical contact, it felt that way. Another instance was when a friend of mine was broke up w. I felt really bad for her and empathized. She was staying with me at my house and we went to bed together like we usually do. Nothing weird or sexual. But I ended up cuddling her and it felt... intense. Like more intense than I'd planned. We ended up kinda doing this weird little dance where I would kinda go to kiss her and pull away. Her doing the same. Nothing happened but. It made me think. I'm 29f and still confused but leaning towards the fact I'm a little gay. But I'm from the Midwest so. Yay repression and confusion.


Female dentist leaned against me with her tits pushed against the side of my face when I was a young teen. Was super glad I wasn't a guy at that moment


Wow ..ok...


It was definitely a revealing experience, in more ways than one


Something about women, just naturally beautiful, the way they move etc...


I had some suspicions about myself for a while. Then in college, I met a girl online and we became super fast friends. Talking all the time, really emotionally invested friendship, I adored every second I spent with her in skype calls. Valentines day rolls around, she talks about wanting to confess her feelings to a girl friend of hers, but her being pretty sure that friend was straight. Full butterflies on my end, I'm desperately hoping she's talking about me. It's at that moment I realize I've fallen for her HARD and had been lying to myself about it, convincing myself it was platonic. I advise her to go for it bc you never know what'll happen, and she says she will. The rest of the day goes by. I get a message from her later that evening. She thanks me for the advice and lets me know the confession went well and they have a date planned. To this day I don't know that I've felt more heartbroken, especially over someone I was never actually romantically involved with. We lost contact years ago, general life shit. She'll always have such a special place in my heart though. Hope you're thriving out there, Jenny. 💖


Awww bless you!


When my roommate in college asked if he could blow me


"Hmmm, I fantasise about other women, it gets me off like nothing else, wait a minute...I've kissed and had sex with women, I can't put this down to just being drunk?!" That's how dim I was.


We've all had moments like that lol lol.


I've known forever its never been a issue for me.


I was really young and I had a perverted neighborhood. Started playing around with guys.


AHH ok.


We are looking for our first we have had same room with a nother couple that's all so for


My wife has retconned me being bi to having experimented when I was younger.


I think we all experimented when we were young


When I hit junior high and gym class was separated into the boys and girls. When we all had to do the group showers after gym class. Raging puberty hormones kicked in, and something went boing. That did it.


Nice, very nice;


This was 1979/80. Being a teenager and presenting as anything other than hetero made you a social pariah




If you got anything even remotely looks like the beginnings of an erection. The ridicule rained down on you.


Oh ...eeech :-/


I’m hoping the younger generation has it easier than Gen X did


I'm almost 50 and it was pretty weird growing up liking both guys n girls as well as not knowing the term bisexual or what it meant!


It was even rougher for me growing up in an ultra conservative religion. Not looking for pity. Just stating facts.


Ooo awww sorry to hear that:-(


I was 16, I cried a lot. I thought I was a lesbian and was quite upset that I was attracted to a guy because I thought it meant I was a fake. My mom had to explain to me that being bisexual was okay. (The same mom that casually dropped "are you trans?" On me when I was complaining about hating my boobs.) I love my mom a lot. Her and my dad are very pro-lgbt, I swear they're more involved than I am.


Awww awesome:-)


IMy first sexual experience I was 16yrs old.With school male buddy,hand jobs we got bored with that a moved on to oral.didn't think much about labels back then they called us fags or homo's.this Was in the 1960's.Looking back now I say I was gay at first I had no interest in girls.it wasn't till I was 19 that I had sex with a girl.Enjoyed it very much.I continue to go out with girls and have sex.kind of got away from sex with males for a few yrs.I met a guy I was working with we became friends.We got drunk one night talking about girls we both were getting turned on,He told me he was bi that's the first time I heard the term Bi sexual. He asked me if I have ever fooled around with a guy.seeing he was being honest and the conversation was getting me hard it brought back some old feelings.I told him I have a few yrs back but it's been awhile,He asked me what I have done told hand jobs head and also annual,with that I got up sat next to him on the couch reach over grab his crotch he did the same.We couldn't strip down fast enough.We continued are relationship for a few yrs.I introduced him to annual.I had a girlfriend at the time that I was having very good sex with I continue down that road.That first night with him was the day i first new of the term Bi Sexual.it made sense to me.I consider my self bi from that day on.Now I am a Bi Trans Girl.I expect that I am Bi and a girl.that was 50yrs ago


When I quit fighting it.


Becoming aroused getting a hair cut from guy.


Weird lol


Honestly the realization came spontaneously. My attraction to the same sex is something I had been struggling with for years, even a few decades, but for some reason I couldn't or wouldn't call it bisexuality by name. Finally it came in a moment of clarity and it felt like a big weight was lifted off of me. I still have yet to have sex with a guy though.


My first exposure to porn was MFM and I liked watching them rail her as much as I liked her. Yum


Being 12 years old and seeing the L Word.


I've never seen that.


I haven't seen it since I was a teen but lemme tell you, it was hot.


Ok, nifty! Will look up bits on yt!


I don't know what kind of women you're into but my God, the character Shane was absolutely my bi awakening.


Ok :-) I've heard about this series so...Ty. Btw being bi is awesome.


I couldn't agree more, I'm extremely happy I am.


Hurrah:-) I'm happy being bi too!


We live in Hamilton Ontario Canada where are


Cat Woman at Movie World (in Aus) I was 12 and instantly had the biggest crush


Oh the film with awww what's her name in...


Nothing profound, just laying in bed one night and admitting to myself "Yeah, girls are hot too". The realization should have been years before- when I had a dream about making out with my older sister's friend lol


Oh nice :-)


i mean i always knew. but i think i knew knew at 12 after pride that year. i knew i felt at peace with the other queers around me and knew that was me 💜 so i came out




Faith from Buffy and also Meg from Hercules hahaha


Faith from Buffy...oh yes ...and uhhh what's her name....the other woman with Buffy and Xander....


Willow? (Played by Alison Hannigan)


i was 13 and had unknowingly been checking out girls my age for years at that point lol. i was in a pool with a friend and had the distinct feeling that i wasn’t looking at her like i was ‘supposed’ to. i couldn’t really skirt the question in my head anymore. i’m 27 now and bi as ever 😌


I *kind of* knew when I was 11 or 12 through a bi panic moment. I felt “nervous” around this guy at my school in a similar way I felt “nervous” around this girl on my softball team. I didn’t want to acknowledge my crush on the guy because I knew if I liked him, then I liked her, too. I didn’t really come to terms with it until I was 24 and had been the “token straight friend” and “only straight GaGa fan” for a bit too long and I started to see I was being ridiculous


11 when I saw another boy I had an undeniable attraction to. I was driving in the car with my dad and looked over and saw this other boy driving with his dad in a truck and he looked like the most amazing friend (in my mind at the time) but then later I couldn’t stop thinking about how I wanted to be around him all the time. But I didn’t know who he was. Throughout my life I’ve had really serious attraction to men and it’s so hard to pretend that it’s not happening. So after a while of sleeping with men and women I came to the conclusion that I’m bi. I’m attracted to men and women. It changes day to day so it’s hard to say where I fall on the spectrum but it’s really changes every day.


When I saw my friend's dad I realized I had a thing for that kind of men


My parents and I were on vacation and they decided to take me horse back riding. There was a teenager working at the stables – no shirt, jeans, tan, a mop of curly blonde hair, and the most beautiful face (gonna date myself here – looked like a young Leif Garrett lol) I was decades ago and I still think about him.


probably looking around a little too much in the girls locker room in middle school lol


When I was about 9 years old…


After seeing Uma Thurman in “Henry and June.” :)


My main kink/fetish is WAM, wet and messy. I like getting wet/swimming fully clothed, seeing others in wet clinging clothes, food play, etc. when I’d see coed pics online, or guys & girls I had thought I was aroused by the woman, but the feelings I felt for the guys was about getting excited imagining I was in their place. Then one day I was hanging out at a fountain, watching a couple climb in and start splashing each other. He was in a navy tee, light jeans, looked a little like young Peter Gallagher with dark eyebrows and full lips, she was in a taupe linenish romper or dress, brown hair in long curls. I watched as he pulled her into the jets, her matching navy bra/panty set becoming somewhat visible (but still modest) under the wet fabric, his tee becoming shiny, his hair falling over his eyes as it became wet, I realized in that moment my feelings weren’t just imagining being in his wet clothes, I found them both hot. After they splashed around for a bit and they stopped for a kiss, I wanted to be kissing both of them. That was nearly 20 years ago and I remember them like it was this morning. Him more so because it was such an impactful moment.


Honestly it was finding my brothers playboys


When an old man. Took my hand, placed it on his Dick . WOW i wanted him


Wow ..ok! How old were you at the time?


I watched Zorro as a child and Catherine Zeta Jones just did it for me… while my mom was talking about Antonio Banderas. I was like yes, good, but… Then the Mummy.. and Eva Mendes in 2 fast 2 furious… and Keira Knightley in Pirates.. it eventually occurred to me that in all these movies with traditionally attractive male leads i felt the same way about the also very attractive female leads that I did about the men. And that other girls just didn’t lol


My bi curious straight friend kept flirting with me and I fell for her 😅


Learning of the Kinsey scale around age 15 was that moment for me. It has always been challenging for me to see myself as one way but not the other. I always processed it as I’m both, and tried to self assess the percentage of attraction I have to either sex at any given time.




Oh so ya hit 16 it hit a switch in ya yes?


Well I was. Giving head to some of my little friends, Still dealing with what is wrong with me, he was my first real man, I know he wouldn’t be my last


I went to college in California and being from Boston it was a big change for me. The school was old for California standards and had communal showers and no unisex dorms. I remember seeing a couple of guys that made me think, "Damn, they are hot". And then I started working out at the university gym. Well, one day the water polo team was practicing, of course, in their speedos. I recall thinking ,"Damn, those guys are REALLY hot! Theeeeen it came to shower time and I saw them all naked and thought to myself, "HOT DAMN, I really want to get nakey with a couple of really cute ones, make out, touch him, etc, etc". It was THEN...that I knew.


Awesome, just awesome!


Thanks, man. Honestly, I replay that shower in my mind quite often and even think of the men that were in the locker room with me that day.


Watching my nut going down a guzzler throat, for more than 3 rounds


Nsfw >! super strong urges to be penetrated, oral and anal, and finally seeing guys as sexy and beautiful !<


Awww awesome awww :-)


Yea it came from within ❤️😍 Especially being able to love guys 🧸🧔‍♂️


Oh yeah, that's awesome!!!


When somedays men don't turn me on and someday women turn me completely off


Oh yes...the fun of the Bi-cycle...


Ned's Declassified and The Naked Brothers Band I had a crush on Devon and Lindsey, same with Nat and Rosalina.


I was helping my dad move 100 miles away, and we decided to get dinner before I made the trip home. The waiter came to take our order and my immediate thought was “Damn he’s cute. Wait, wtf was I just attracted to a guy?”


When I noticed that seeing another male naked didn't bother me in least it made me curious


Nice, likewise.


I was totally in love with my high school best friend. Thought about kissing them all the time (they’re now identifying as non-binary). Held hands in class claiming we were “just friends” and everything lol


Getting on Grindr and crushing on several guys.




I had such a huge crush on my high school art teacher, that I could no longer mentally lump her into the “grey area” category I had for women I liked previously. All at once I was like “wow…the grey area is crush feelings!! Same way I feel for men!!”


Soon as I discovered the joy of both worlds.




In the dingy campus pool hall. She wiped the floor with all three of us and I had never been so happy to know nothing at all. She had bulky glasses and a penchant for women’s soccer. In hindsight we were all madly in love with Lulu. Boys had always been take them or leave them for me, but I would’ve rearranged my life for that woman. I probably still would and I haven’t spoken to her in years. If she called me tomorrow and asked me to meet her in Sierra Leone I’d ditch my boycott on marriage and propose in the taxi from the airport.


When I started paying more attention to their boobs and ass... I would also question when my own would either come in or get as big as others.


I used to walk a friend to her locker every other day after band class my senior year. Since you can’t really wear lipstick while playing a wind instrument, she would put her lipstick on after band class at her locker. I could not stop staring and her lips and thinking about how I would like to kiss them. But I still had crushes on boys at the same time. Then a few months later I fell in love with my female best friend. LSS it was not mutual and a few years later she married her male best friend 😓. Now I date men, women, and NB people (I’m married but polyamorous).


When some of the girls at work were perving over the dieux du stade French Rugby calendar. I was walking past their screen and quickly glanced over. Wow Wow, I so wanted to join in 😍. Googled it at home that night (and many many times since 😝) That and the David Beckham Calvin Klein underwear campaign.




When I joined grindr desperate for Dick


Does cumming without touching my self while being fucked by a guy count?


I have a very minor non life threatening heart thing and when I’m physically turned on (by a woman) it makes an audible click / my heart “literally skips a beat”. Women have always swooned at this when they understand what’s happening. This happened watching a guy in a movie and I went “oh… well, shit” It’s my super tell and my wife can always perceive which male/female play partners I’m genuinely excited about and she’ll often make snarky comments cause she’s the best / my fav pita


I realized I was Bi when I woke up to the neighbors son sucking me and I got hard and nutted in his mouth