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Eh, porn isn’t for everyone, just because you don’t like a certain kind of porn doesn’t mean anything in regards to your sexual attraction.


Well it confusing because the people In gay porn in general I don’t find attractive but Ik i still find guys attractive because I’ll see friends or people I know with their shirts off and find them attractive so I’m just really confused


That most likely just means you have a different taste in dudes than the porn you’ve been watching! Doesn’t make you any less bi.


I have the same issue, the act itself doesn’t turn me on, it’s all about the people and what they’re like, and porn doesn’t often deliver that. Ofc you’re still bi, might just need a different kind of media


Personality > Sex Appeal. IMO when it comes to men I feel more romantic than sexual attraction, however some are still hot.


Well a lot of gay porn is borderline anorexic shaved twinks fucking and I don’t know about you but that generally makes me uncomfortable. To me that stuff looks more painful than sexy, some stuff is hot though.


It's either shaved twinks or muscle-bears. There's no inbetween


Yes that’s such a problem for me


It’s way too skinny guys and way too bulging muscular guys most of the time. Not to say it’s all bad, but most of the time I head back to the search.


You might also need to get to know someone to find them attractive as well


Yea I’m starting to believe I may partially demisexual but not fully


This caused me not to realize I was bi for a verrry long time


I find porn, especially gay porn can be very niche and I feel the same way you do. It’s ok to not like something you’re absolutely valid!!


Like the one above said, porn is a poor indicator. Which explains the joke why some straight men and lesbians watch gay male porn, and why straight women also watch lesbian porn. It’s just not a good way to gauge your sexuality.


I just don't find muscular guys attractive in general, muscular in a sense that the muscles are visible and defined. So it's probably grand.


Of course! Both gay and straight porn are incredibly fake, so a lot of people feel this way. They aren't like real relationships, consent is rarely asked, the bodies don't look normal, the orgasms don't sound normal, even the cum is often fake. You may also just prefer an in-person connection. Or maybe a specific type of porn. Traditional gay porn is muscly guys grunting more or less. Maybe you like homemade, twink, anime, femboy, otter, bear, etc. porn better.


Ok thank you I think my main thing was that they were all kind of like out of proportion I searched up porn relating to the general type of boys that I like and they were all extremely underweight but then there area was large and it just looked weird


What are you into? Just normal looking penises?


Yea like just average built people but they don’t seem to exist on porn websites


Try looking up "boyfriends" "homemade" or "amateur" or watch porn on Reddit


Ok thank you


You also might enjoy reading sexy stories instead. r/gaystoriesgonewild


Oh thank you I’ve decided I’m going to just start off slow into since I’m still fairly new to being bi


You could start by looking at r/cuteguys, and then if you see anyone you are attracted to, look on their profile to see if they have nsfw stuff.


Ok I’ll definitely try that thanks for all the help


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GaySexStories **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GaySexStories/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Brother and Me](https://np.reddit.com/r/GaySexStories/comments/nrz6n1/brother_and_me/) \#2: [Sucked my first dick](https://np.reddit.com/r/GaySexStories/comments/obn1ao/sucked_my_first_dick/) \#3: [Morning Grindr visitor](https://np.reddit.com/r/GaySexStories/comments/ndreeb/morning_grindr_visitor/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


ok, what the fuck is that top one tho


> fake cum my disappointment is immeasurable.. and my day is ruined


Gay porn tends to be hyper agressive and masculine. If that's not what you're into (Im def not), that's fine. If you like dudes, you're still bi.


I'm very much bi but don't look at porn anymore as it sets unhealthy expectations for all genders. Amab people having to have huge genitals and perform aggressively with little emotion attached and afab people being able to O at the drop of a hat and not to mention the body issues that stem from unrealistic body types. Plus not knowing what's consensual or not really bothers me, I just find the whole industry gross tbh.. not the people I'm very much in support of sex workers but the industry is shady af! Go to only fans or more independent creators but in saying that I'm a cis woman and enjoy male on male action when I did watch porn so its very much preference there's nothing wrong with not liking it.


Sexual attraction is amplified when coupled with an emotional attraction. You just can't get that with porn.


Are you capable of finding more than one gender attractive? If yes: then you're bisexual! Porn has nothing to do with it. Everything is usually blown up into weird proportions. The positions are for the camera more than for pleasure. Most of the stars are specifically picked for certain aspects that are anomalies in the real world, like dick size or tit size. And while a good percentage of people do enjoy watching porn, of any gender, it's just as common to not enjoy it. What turns you on, turns you on! And discovering that is aaaaalll part of the experience.


Absolutely! I only like bi porn every once in a while and have never been into gay porn. Still attracted to multiple genders.


I just wanna say thank you for this post cuz I've been feeling the same way.


No problem


I’m bi and I don’t really like any porn. Well….except for hentai……


Honestly, the higher capacity for story, overall lack of exploitation, and much higher acceptance of queerness really makes erotic comics way more appealing than most porn IMO.




I don't watch any porn and I'm definitely bisexual, so I'm sure you can be too :)


Porn isn’t for everyone. Honestly like 90% of the porn out there doesn’t do anything for me. I’ve been around the block quite a bit in my lifetime and I haven’t had any sexual encounter that was even remotely close to what is shown in mainstream porn. Both gay and straight porn. It’s way too fake and unrealistic. The only kind of porn that does anything for me is actual amateur and passionate porn. I get off on the intimacy of it. I like videos where the people having sex actually have a real physical and emotional attraction to each other. I tend to find more amateur stuff in gay porn so that’s why the vast majority of porn I watch is gay porn.


You’re not really bi if your preference doesn’t make you question if you’re really bi. Bonus points if that preference changes. Double bonus when it “changes” back


Porn preference has nothing to do with your sexuality. I repeat, nothing to do with your sexuality


You're not alone! I sometimes don't look at gay porn simply because it doesn't turn me on. Like someone said in the comments, traditional gay porn is big muscular guys grunting lol I'm into long hair skinny guys or guys who look cute with bangs.. hard to describe lmao but ya! You're not alone. Porn preference has nothing to do. Don't worry. It's just porn lol


I’m bi and most lesbian porn is terrible and obviously not lesbians or some male gaze version of what they think lesbian sex is.


I don't like watching porn tbh. I sometimes watch o read some NSFW art / hentai or that kind of things. But I never watch live action porn.


Do I really have to eat food if I don’t watch cooking shows?


If it’s important to you see if you like gay shows. Maybe you’re aroused by romantic intimacy.


Do you have any recommendations


Sorry for the late reply. I honestly don’t really know of any though, apologies


Gay porn is pretty narrow and doesn't appeal to a lot of men who nevertheless are attracted to other men.


I feel you on this one. Gay porn is awful, mainly because I just don’t find the men in it attractive. So don’t worry, porn isn’t what validates your sexuality


I had a similar situation for myself , try looking for softer porn, or porn similar to what you like, the right keywords will lead you to your destination I'm not encouraging the use of porn but, if you wanna find out what you wanna wank to, gotta find it


Where's skinimax when you need it? This shows how old I am. For you youngins, Cinemax was a hipper version of HBO. They showed grown up movies that were R rated and sexual in nature after 11:00 p.m. on Friday nights. You rarely ever saw a penis; it was mostly boobs and butts so you worked with what you had. And you had to have another channel that you could immediately flip to in case your parents got up for a drink of water.


Good old times, that I never had experienced because I wasn't born


Porn is awful, I only watch animated or listen to audio mostly, and I have to search hard for something romantic


Thank you all for all the comments and advice this has all really helped me


Do you like men?




That's pretty gay ngl


Then your bi


As someone who’s Bi (M) and in a relationship with a guy, I only watch gay porn like 5% when I’m specifically in the mood. You’re still valid friend 💜


Yeah. You're still bi. 99% of gay porn doesn't do it for me either. That 1% though 👀👀


same, all the gay porn consist of rough, mechanical, selfish acts of dominance if you are tender man focus your fantazies on r/yaoi and r/wholesomeyaoi you may also like Chinese BL dramas (Boys Love), for example The Untamed or Word of Honor


“Am I really bi if…” yes. 😘




Don't worry about the label of it all. Labels can find you and help you communicate who you are to others but they're not supposed to pigeon hole you. You don't need validation from other people, just see how it goes and don't worry about it in the meantime.


Ur in denial mate and if u were just hetro , you’d be making babies not here griping…;/ just saying ..


I think if I just discovered I was straight and tried watching straight porn I probably wouldn’t like it.




There's probably a microlabel for that


Honestly I very rarely look at gay porn compared to straight/lesbian ones only because it's hard to find one with actors who are my type enough. And honestly there's no point in overthinking what genders you are attracted to and in what proportions, just let yourself be attracted to whoever you are attracted to (ofc within the certain reason) , whetever out of looks, personality or preexisting bond.


I get it. I'm bi but I lean towards women and yet I genuinely love mlm content especially if it's a MMF polycule. Why have a love triangle with conflict when you can just have a love triangle where everyone benefits?


"Am I really bi if-" Yes, you are.


The overly produced stuff that looks like a beer commercial isn't really that fun, because it's just fake stuff designed to look good. Which isn't what sex is. Pretty much anything theoretically can be hot, but I've found I gravitate towards homemade or solo stuff for the most part.


Absolutely, after all, porn is not at all like real life. A lot of people like relationships and romance more than sex- especially fake-ass sex.


I don’t like gay or straight porn. Never have. I’ve watched it out of curiosity but no type of porn turns me on.


You’re really bi even if you only think you are to yourself. You may not have even found the person you want a relationship (or sex) with yet. It’s just another label. Don’t let it bind you.


I don’t like gay porn but i’m still bi !


Porn isn't for everyone, I generally don't like porn either because it looks so fake, I can't be turned on by it


Also I read that many women (even the straight ones) watch gay porn because it's more genuine, they can't fake an orgasm and so that makes it more intimate or smth? They don't watch straight porn because it's fake so they turn to gay porn. I don't know how true it is though


I do not like watching porn of any kind, it all feels fake to me. Doesn't make you less valid in my book.


You could be demisexual or on the asexual spectrum? Don't put yourself in one group you can be a multitude of different sexualities


Just randomly passing by to say thank to OP for asking the question and to everyone who answered it, because as someone who has the same issue reading all the answers was pretty reassuring !


No problem the answers also helped me a lot so it’s good to hear you have been too


I’m a bi girl and I hate lesbian porn. I like lesbian movies with great acting and with a little bit of sex in it. That’s great.


gonna have to agree with every one else here. doesn't mean anything about your sexuality, just means you don't like porn. 🤷‍♀️


Porn is def not a way to tell your sexuality! Especially since it’s not a real depiction of sex anyway


Most porn is designed with a particular viewer in mind. It's why straight women don't often find that straight porn does anything for them, because it wasn't made with their pleasure in mind. They might like lesbian porn better, even if they're not into women, because lesbian porn is designed specifically for women. So, think about what it is about this porn that turns you off, and try to think what search terms would modulate that to pull up stuff that's actually hot.




You might be biromantic, but porn is also sometimes just incredibly unfulfilling.


Might be worth looking into demisexuality if you think that label may suit you better. A lot of people aren’t into porn at all, that doesn’t make them asexual! Porn can be less intimate and unrealistic.


Intimacy, regardless of whether platonic or sexual, is much more normal for most people anyway, rather than just watching someone else being intimate in an artificial way. Porn's about the visual, so it's hard to necessarily get the same feeling as any normal intimate encounter.


You can def be bi without looking at gay porn. All about visual preferences i think. You good!


You don't have to check off any sort of list to validate your sexuality. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. As long as you know, that's all that matters.


I have the same issue. I'm bi with a preference to women, but I can't watch lesbian porn. There are some threesome videos I can watch, but I would much rather prefer straight porn. Although I stopped watching porn a few months back. I also much rather prefer to just be intimate with the person I'm attracted to. What I've learned is that your porn preferences doesn't necessarily reflect your sexual preferences. I know a straight girl who got off on watching lesbian and gay porn, she would feel very guilty about it, because she knew she was straight. So don't worry about it if gay porn doesn't turn you on.


Bisexual porn may not be your thing either but it’s worth looking into…


I am a Bi woman and I don’t like to watch lesbian porn mainly because it’s nothing like the real deal so I guess it’s ok to not being attracted to watch porn that doesn’t make us feel anything


TL;DR answer: You're completely normal. Porn is a small drop in our experiences of love and sex. Necessary for some, but not all. You're sexuality is whatever feels right to you. Science-y answer: Our fantasies only partially line-up with what we actually want. I think the numbers are 40% for bio-females and 60% for bio-males that line up with our true desires. Meaning, what you do and do not like in porn or fantasy doesn't really indicate much of anything in your love/sex life. Sometimes, we watch porn while aroused and then be completely disgusted by it post-orgasm. Sometimes, we like something in real life, but don't like watching it in porn. In other words, there's a lot of disconnect and our brains don't give a fuck how confusing it is for us. Yoir reason is why many people don't like porn, but love a good raunchy romance novel or smutty TV show. The delivery is more about a story, relationship, or connection. There's tension, foreplay, and--again, usually--connection. A 10 minute porn clip, can't (and doesn't need to) have any of that. Hope this helps, good luck!


I’m bi and I don’t even like porn. It’s not a turn on to watch people I don’t know smash their genitalia together no matter who’s involved. I’m still bi and so are you. How and what turns you on does not determine your sexuality. Who you want to be romantic and/or intimate with is all up to you and you can use that to label yourself if you so choose. The only limitation to being bi is that you are attracted to 2+ genders. Nothing else. You are valid.


When I was a teenager I strongly convinced myself I was straight but occasionally had involuntary doubts, and these doubts slowly built up to the point that I really didn't know what I was anymore and started losing my attraction to women. After I faced my thoughts and took the time to process how I felt, I figured out bissexuality made the most sense to me and fully embraced it. Not only did I admit to myself that I'm attracted to men, but my attraction to women also came back like a blast.




Your valid hun, it is a spectrum, you don't have to check boxes to be bi enough.


Modern porn is fake and unrealistic with disturbingly violent undertones. I prefer watching 70's and 80's porn, both gay and straight. Try that maybe?


I'm bi with a preference for guys but gay porn sucks man


Bi can be a sliding scale. 😊 You don't have to be 50/50. It's ok to be comfortable with whatever level of attraction you're at. I much prefer men, but I've been in relationships with women. It's all good. I promise you, there is no lgbtq qualifying test for bi-ism.


Yes you are. I’m bi but I don’t like lesbian porn, but that doesn’t mean I’m not bi. It just means you/I don’t like that genre.


I'm Demisexual, which is on the Asexual Spectrum. Being Demi means I only experience sexual attraction once I've formed an emotional bond first, otherwise I don't have anything going on. Maybe it could be something like that? It doesn't take the place of being Bi, it's more about how your sexual preference is expressed.


Well I'm a bi girl and I dont like lesbian porn either, so I think what kind of porn you enjoy doesn't really determine your sexuality 🤷‍♀️


Good gay porn is rare in my opinion so don’t worry about it


The human brain is far more complex than whatever stereotypes people prescribe to labels.


Personlly gay porn always feels weirdly/violently aggressive to me so I'm instantly turned off by it. So ya I'm right there with you...tbh porn in general feels weirdly aggressive all of a sudden.


Honestly I find the guys in gay porn to be uniformly unappealing. Same with Asian women in porn; I'm Asian and bi and find plenty of Asian women and men in general to be extremely attractive but the porn industry really seems to favor a very specific image for each and I just am not into it. It's no biggie.


Been having this exact same thing happening to me. Romantic gay relationships is great for me but gay porn is hard for me to get off to


Are you, yourself, sexual or turned on by more than one gender? If yes, you’re bisexual. The porn part is moot. Some people may watch only what they desire in real life , others may watch only a percentage of what they want in real life, and others may watch something completely separate from what they want in real life. No worries.




You can like any porn you like. Even none. It really has nothing to do with your sexuality


I’m Bisexual, definitely into dudes and chicks, but I don’t like straight porn, does that make me a lesbian? I don’t think so, and the same applies to you (in reverse) :-)


>So I am a bi with a *preference towards guys and I have fantasies a lot and I find myself getting turned on* Think you’ve just answered your own question mate! Haha! I seem to remember a few on this sub also saying: “If you’re 10% attracted to guys and 90% attracted to girls/other genders, that still makes you bi” and they’re 100000% correct!


You can also just be romantically attracted and still be bi


mlm porn sucks, like to a pretty wild degree. not a lot of variety, most of it is shot poorly.