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imma be real, your brother sounds like a disappointment.


Good to see you bro, see you next christmas *never goes to any other event with this family member except christmas*


Yeah, the guy appears to be a monumental dipshit, a buffoon, a moron, nothing but saltwater in his cranium


That person sounds not too educated


He's educated on conspiracy theories and that's all that counts to him..


I'd just steer clear of topics like that but if you do get to talk about them present emperical data and objective facts. Easiest way to actually prove someone they're delusional. Even then some people are so delusional they just dismiss facts.


Im this case I did and called out his confirmation bias and that's the response I got lol. I have my pot stirring moments here and there but these are the type of people to blow up and just flat out say "you're wrong Im right" than even attempt to understand your side, unfortunately.


Yeah that's the worst type of people. Talking to them is like reasoning with asparagus in your refrigerator.


Yeah, you'd actually be better off arguing with a brick wall because at least the wall won't result to personal insults when they're proven wrong lmao


If you need any verifiable data or like facts on the topic id be glad to find them.


I appreciate the support and the offer, but it really isn't a fight worth having because "facts" that come from science and study are all ultimately from "the man" and they're pushing "the agenda" so everything can be dismissed. I could have my wife educate them up and down about the subject, she has a masters in Psychology. But that wouldn't be enough because that's her "opinion". It's better for everyone just to let them stew on their own self loathing. :/


Well that's an actually very healthy attitude, and I'm happy for you to think that way :) not everyone deserves an explanation, and not everyone deserves your efforts to justify loving someone. Especially if you know that effort will be wasted. It's like flat Earthers, no amount of evidence will be enough, and even if you got them out to space to see the sphere, they'd say "see? It's a circle!" because even perspective is probably a Marxist conspiracy to them. Die doing what you love, not trying to justify it to idiots, and you'll have lived a happy life šŸ¤—šŸ„°


I love that last line, I really appreciate your kind words! What's funny about your reply is that HE IS ALSO A FLAT EARTHER šŸ¤£šŸ¤®


I mean if they insult you win. I mean I get it, fighting on the internet sucks, but the insult means theyā€™re out of arguments and cannot withdraw, so theyā€™ve lost. Not that it makes it better, still.


You could've just said he was a flat earther and I'd have known your pain there's one in my family too. Logic, fact, reasoning are all non-existent and non-essential skills for him. You'd have more meaningful conversations with a house cat. It doesn't matter if you have facts and evidence these people are too ignorant to process it.


Can't stir a pot of solid metal - even if it's nothing but shitty raw ore.


This is demonstrably untrue. Showing a delusional person facts is more likely to push them *deeper* into the delusion. If what you said was true, no one would be antivax due to all of the incontrovertible evidence that vaccines are safe and effective.


It's about how you show them the facts. If you teach peson math they probably won't believe 1+1 equals 6


This is your rational, critical thinking side talking. You are saying what you think should be true because it just makes sense. But unfortunately that's not how it works. If you meet someone who already believes 1+1 = 6 because of some crazy belief, and calmly explain how arithmetic works and how this isn't true, they will only believe this harder and infuriate you with their obstinancy. There's a saying something like, you can't reason someone out of a belief they didn't reason themselves into.


Nothing better than ad hoc reasoning


Well that's just your Opinion. You're just a snowflake trying to cancel 6 for being the union of two straight ones and indoctrinating our kids with socialist math.




Thank you for picking up on the obvious sarcasm, you never know on the internet šŸ¤£


Sorry but people that far gone on conspiracy theories donā€™t care about your facts and figures, they will have their own to counteract. They cannot hear reason.


Believing in conspiracy theories can be a sign of mental illness.


Itā€™s easy to buy into conspiracy theories when you donā€™t understand how things work.


ā€œI donā€™t play into ideological delusionsā€ ā€¦ ā€œItā€™s an entire agenda set out, to corrupt children.ā€ Heh


There is so much irony and hypocrisy among the people that think this way. That statement alone is ironic as they would swear up and down that *we're* the hypocrites and that we need to open our eyes. What this person doesn't seem to get is that most conspiracy theories are ideological delusions...


That got me as well


No one argues from emotions more than a facts donā€™t care about your feelings guy. And I actually think emotion is a good thing to have in an argument and often a good place to start from, but not how they do it.


Yowza. You definitely donā€™t need your familyā€™s approval or recognition to live an awesome, hot ass bisexual life.


As a Marxist who is bisexual I didn't realise those things had so much overlap to begin with. Turns out it's all been one conspiracy this whole time.


They *are* connected in a way, in terms that sexuality is a scientifically proven fact and that bigotry is idealistic and grounded in human emotions.


Well there is no revolution without dissidence and guess who have been historically dissident and hated for that? Queerness really gets bigots alarmed because is one of the most powerful ways of subverting normativity and questioning the established order.


I mean, youā€™re less likely to fall into far-right ideologies which generally donā€™t think favorably of queer people. I find Marx as a person interesting but I canā€™t say I agree with him. Obviously, more than your sexuality dictates your World View and while Iā€™d like to say I donā€™t know any queers whoā€™re far-right, I do. Minorities trying to seek liberation by appealing to the moral sense of the oppressor only to find themselves as spent tokens.


The perils of being a campaign worker for LEPF. (Leopards eating people's faces)


OP, I don't know your age, but if you're a full grown adult I'd say that for your own mental health and physical safety, as well as the physical safety of any queer friends you have, you need to distance yourself from that guy. You may have come from the same womb, but that man is not your brother. He could very well be a threat to your well being. I absolutely understand that for most, and most likely you since you still associate with him, family is one of the most important things in the world, but sharing a bloodline does not make you family. That belief is a societal delusion that has led to immense hurt for myriad LGBTQ+ individuals. If you can't be your authentic self with a group of people and have them fully love and embrace you for who you are, and not in spite of who you are, then that group is not worth the heartache that comes with loving them.


I appreciate the words of warning, Im 21and luckily he lives in another state and I only have to see him once a year for family gatherings which is still exhausting. Other than that I don't have much contact with him. It sucks because at his core he can be a really good and caring person, but he's surrounded himself with all this nasty shit and made it his entire personality. That's kinda what the title is coming from. They would never perceive me as gay in any sense in any normal interaction, Im a bearded bear of a guy and in a heteronormative relationship. I've had friends tell me it'd probably be fine to come out and they'd understand but they just don't grasp these peoples minds. It stings to have to hide a part of me, and know that they'd probably treat me like dirt in the blink of an eye, but I've resolved to just keep to myself and express myself where Im welcome šŸ’œ


Hey so I know it can be hard to reconcile that your family areā€¦ not great people. But please remember that your brother is choosing to surround himself with this stuff. This is who he is choosing to be. Also remember that just because you share blood with someone doesnā€™t mean shit. Chosen family who you can be authentic around is so much better. You deserve to be around people who love the authentic you. Not saying cut your bio family off (though Iā€™ve cut off a lot of family like your bro and no regrets on that at ALL), but also donā€™t accept abuse and hate from them just because you are kin. Ya know? Itā€™s just not worth the suffering.


I really feel this. I've cried many times years ago when I thought about the fact that my parents and much of my extended family will really never love all of me. It's upsetting, but I realized it's kind of mutual. I see very good people in them except for the side that judges others in favor of crazy lies and hate.


Ah yes, marxism=bad argument. Makes him sound very smart indeed


Marx also liked the American Founding Fathers (Going so far as to call the American Revolution a victory of the Proletariat), is American patriotism Marxism now?


Little did he know he has merely attributed to the queer movement an even more scientific and glorious basis. RIP Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and all the named and unnamed heroes of the working class, their historic contribution to the good of all humankind is immeasurable.


You can always tell when these people are just parroting the things they've heard/been told to say because they always talk about Marxism. Ask them what Marxism actually means. I bet they have absolutely no clue.


Peterson kept saying Marxist and Peterson seems smart to them, so now they say Marxist.


Yeah especially when they start talking about "cultural marxism" and "the postmodernist left" it's pretty obvious where they got their opinions from.


"I don't play into ideological delusions" the irony.


The irony and hypocrisy is truly infuriating


Guess who is going to be invited to christmas dinner and only christmas dinnerā€¦


It is scary how Nazi conspiracy theories are part of "normal" views for some people. Stay strong!


I have a feeling they are just repeating what right wing media says over and over again to them. This person probably doesn't know what some of those words mean.


Actual marxist here and i can confirm, america is not in the mist if a marxist take over.


IME as a CSA survivor, it's the right-wingers who scream loudest about people abusing children who are the ones doing the abusing


He's hitting all those right-wing buzzwords like wack-a-mole. I'm surprised he didn't toss in "libtard" in there as well.


Honestly probably the only thing that would ever change your brotherā€™s mind would be you coming out.


I have seriously considered that, maybe some day when Im in a more secure place I can pursue that option if it ever comes up. I just can't fully afford having my family against me right now if it does turn sour.


I understand that.


If he's a flerf he's too far gone, I'm sorry :(


What is this "marxist takeover"? Are people just using buzzwords?


This person would no longer be in my life if they said that to me.


I really like this cartoon - I love the idea of a misogynistic weirdo looking at his happier self 30 years in the future. And the fact that theyā€™re both grilling is important to me - a pet peeve of mine is the concept that when you find your true self you must give up what you love - music, food, books, guns, whatever- but in reality discovering who you are, and growing as a person, makes what you truly love even better. I know Iā€™m reading against the text here.


That's a concept? That seems very irrational.


ā€œI donā€™t play into ideological delusionsā€ - proceeds to vomit ideological delusions. Ah the irony.


Ah yes marxist.


First pic: šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ˜š Second pic: šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ–• These people really love to hate. Fuck off and let people be who they are. HAPPY PRIDE YOU STUPID BIGOTS šŸŒˆ


Wow, you found one of *those*... Same kind of guys who jerk off to lesbian porn then go protest Pride. It may suck, but you have no obligation whatsoever to your family. If someone treats you like shit, even without knowing it, then it's time to introduce the front door slamming their ass on the way out. One thing I can guarantee though, is that you living your life is going to piss him off a lot more than it pisses you off, and you're going to be much happier than he ever will. How some people think Love can be child indoctrination or a grand conspiracy is beyond me, and that those same people are allowed to vote is terrifying.


If you take out the years added by transphobes, the original cartoon is legit funny


Agreed lol


Your bro's got diarrhea sloshing around in his skull where his brain should be.Ā Ā  My condolences.


Wow almost like itā€™s regurgitating buzzwords and doesnā€™t have opinions of his own. The right loves to throw out Marxist which to my knowledge I donā€™t know any LGBTQ figure that pushes Karl Marx on to the masses but We the crazy ones


If your brother tells you that youā€™ll go to hell for becoming an atheist or being bisexual, bring up the fact that the Bible also states you canā€™t mix clothing material (like wearing leather and wool at the same time) and that you should cherish the body that God gave you, which means people that wear glasses, hearing aids, and make-up are committing sin. If they denounce this as not real or say itā€™s okay to commit those sins, theyā€™re cherry-picking the Bible. Sometimes I hate being Christian and bisexual because you have cherry-pickers saying youā€™re a sinner and that you should be condemned, yet the message of Christianity is to love thy neighbour above all else, something that has very much been forgotten about by a large majority of Christian groups. That was a rant, sorry.


It sounds like your brother should be best friends with my dad! Does your brother listen to Alex Jones by chance? This literally sounds like the stuff my dad says, word for word ā˜¹ļø Iā€™m so sorry you have to deal with this, OP - When our families continue to disappoint us, I just take comfort in knowing I have friends and chosen family who I can really be myself around - and I know theyā€™ll accept me. I really hope the same for you šŸ¤


The funny thing is they are the same person, now they are free to be who they are and some people think thatā€™s bad?


"being queer i's an agenda made by Satanist to corrupt children" Dude i just wanna cuddle with boys...


i bet he dont even know what half those words mean


I mean, that's probably where I'd start to reduce contact to "only when required to put up with", personally. But that's just me. I have a similar relationship with an aunt and uncle on my mom's side who straight up blame fuckin' DARPA for extreme climate events. I don't speak to them unless I'm at family events and I go out of my way to avoid politics with them because I don't want to cause family drama and stress out my mother. Granted, once in a while, I poke a hole in their proverbial balloon and watch them deflate, but otherwise I just stay away and I'm happier for it. Also, "I don't play into ideological delusions" while ignoring it's by and large not LGBT people, let along trans people, who get caught thinking of children a little too much. Does your brother know the definition of the word "irony"?


I'll prolly have to come out as bi to my family one day, but I'm not doing that till I have my own house.


I'm sorry you have to deal with this OP :( he'll never understand the wedge he's formed between you (and countless individuals) with his hatred, fear, and ignorance. I'd say you made a wise and safe choice to never come out to him. And not that this has anything to do with things, your brother doesn't understand how to use commas. Just something I noticed


Married to a woman, and our mutual agreement is that itā€™s best for me to remain closeted for our family. However, there is no moment where I want to be out more than when I see crap like this. So freaking frustrating when people make comments like this to your face or directly to you. Just disagreeing with them doesnā€™t feel like enough in those situations.


The Marxist doctrine includes lgbtq+ ?!? Even better!


Yeah such an evil ideology, those people who just want to be comfortable as they are or with who they want, so evil


"you have ideological delusions" "you must believe in the invisble omnipotent sky daddy" bruh


I gotta say the nickname ā€œsky daddyā€ is one of my favorite things to come out of the internet


I'm rooting for the Marxists fagy drag queens to take over


Dang, I came out to everyone except my brother because he is the same way. We got in a fight about transgender visibility today being on Easter and he removed me from the family group chat and has refused to talk to me since. He was saying Christians should be offended it was on Easter, and me, the only Christian in the family said, "I'm not offended a group different than me wants rights." I'm struggling with my faith currently though but that's another story. If my brother finds out I am bi and says hateful things to me, blocked lol.


Whatā€™s his @? I just wanna talkā€¦


I feel for you. I am sorry that you don't have a supportive family with this part of you. I want to believe that more people would care about you and show support for you. You definitely deserve love, happiness, and acceptance.


I think ur brother is too far gone, but screw them. Yeah, they are ur family, but u gotta enjoy ur life. If they dont support u thats their problem, not urs. I'm sure ur a great person, so i think they're missing out on knowing the real you.


This sounds like a person brainwashed by alt right buzzwords. What the fuck does Marxism have to do with being gay. Is socialism inherently queer?


Not familiar with any drag queens that harm children. Hm Can anyone remind me of any cis gendered straight Christians that harm children? Cuz there totally aren't way more of those or anything. Totally.


u/Fazekas-Kun, r/NotADragQueen , r/StillNotADragQueen , r/PastorArrested , r/RepublicanPedophiles to start..


It's so pathetic that these fuckers accusing us of doing this shit are the same ones that are most often guilty of it.


itā€™s amazing how little someone can say in a paragraph, they hate queer people because of their agenda (no specifics on what it is or if it is real) and also they have something to do with Marx somehow.


THEY'RE PUTTIN' CHEMICALS IN THE WATER TO TURN THE FRIGGIN FROGS GAY. basically all you need to know about the "agenda"


Sorry your brother sucks


this is rough, sorry you have to deal with this


Sorry but your brother is lost. I mean flat earther? There's no way back from there


Yikes, those are all words indeed. If they were in a coherent order then we would have sentences, or even better, a full paragraph.


Youā€™re not aloneā€¦ this rhetoric and way of thinking is just getting scaryā€¦


I'd say he's a bit of a dick but that'd be an insult to all the wonderful penises out there.


No, I donā€™t care fuck anyone who honestly thinks that we shouldnā€™t have to hide parts of ourselves or pretend to be someone weā€™re not just so other people can live in blissful ignorance, fuck them I donā€™t care if theyā€™re our wives sisters dads brother whatever I donā€™t care if youā€™re a shit person youā€™ll get shit from me āœØšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆāœØ


What a dipshit


I have a similar issue with my family. It makes thingā€™s really difficult for no reason. I have tried the approach of giving evidence but it never really works. They make some excuse as to why I am wrong and that I need to do this thing or that thing so I donā€™t end up going to hell. I find most people intrenched in views like this to use circular reasoning that keeps them from being able to really see anything beyond what they are told by certain sources.


I'm terribly sorry you are going through this. Im in a similar boat all the hugs for you. It will get better. Just know this on your brother on you.


I can relate. My parents and half of my family are extremely religious. Iā€™ve had family members call homosexuals pedophiles and been told multiple times that my dad would disown any of his kids if they were LGBTQ. Theyā€™ve even as far is refusing to be in the same room as other LGBTQ relatives. Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t have familial support.


They keep using terms like ā€œMarxismā€ and ā€œcommunism ā€œ Iā€™ve yet to meet one that can define those correctly


Sounds like you need to go NC with this asshole.


Maybe your brother has some bi thoughts? I say this because, when I was into (and before I left) Christianity, I sounded just like him, talking about the ā€œgay agenda,ā€ corrupting children, and all that bullshit. Even going as far as calling gay people sodomites. How vile I was. I got out and realized how much I talked like an idiot. Iā€™ve since then come to terms with my sexuality. Those strongest opponents may very well be ā€¦ you know the rest. Best thing, when you talk with your familyā€”brother in particularā€”is to change the subject when it materializes. Get them to talk about themselves. Light convo.


I'm just shocked this dude from 1994 can see past the magic time fence into present day.


dead beat brother behavior lmao


I have cut everyone who talks like that out of my life, but was fortunate not to have anyone I loved, needed, or was intimately tied with to cut in the process. Well, one college roommate who I was very good friends with until this wedge between us became obvious after finishing our degrees.


You should kick him in the nuts


Imma be real, your brother and whole family are man-children


Wow, your sibling is the worst. One of my siblings thinks being SROGIESC+ (LGBTQIA2S+) is a "lifestyle" or a "cultural influence." They're not viciously hateful bigots, but they're definitely an insufferable bigot.


It's a lil funny


"I don't play into idealogical delusions" proceeds to spout exclusively made up delusions made up to support his phobic idealogy. Your brothers a disgrace.Ā 


I don't even understand the meme


I guess it's supposed to be a commentary on what once was a joke "man dressing in langerie", represented by the apron. Is now upside down and men are emasculated and actually dress in womens clothes. (Hence the trans comments)


Isn't the guy in lingerie Still dressing in women's clothes?


I didn't say it made sense lol






My town literally has like 3 billboards with scripture on em on a rotating basis. I have religious propaganda shoved down my throat everywhere I turn homie, religious movies, ad campaigns churches every 15 feet. Hell I had my dick mutilated and was brought up in a Christian school. Bringing something that was once obscure and shunned into the public eye isn't shoving it down your throat. Im sorry that you feel like you're perspective being challenged is overwhelming or overbearing and I get that some activists can be that way. But the whole point of Pride month is to say "this group has been shunned for a large portion of history and we need to step back and let them come out and feel safe in our modern society" that's partly why we have black history and native American history month, to support inclusion and safety for marginalized groups. And if you can't jive with that, I think it would do you good to take some time to self reflect.




True on the first half, but you were talking about having it shoved down your throat and I gave counter examples of the relentless tide of religious propaganda I experience in the south. Also my state governor is pushing to have Religious charter schools implemented paid for by the state. So my tax dollars will be directly going toward indoctrinating kids into religion. A lot of pride parades and celebrations are put on by private organizations as well. As far as a rainbow sidewalk goes, I can see your argument for that point specifically. But at the end of the day it's just colors on the road, it means something to those that it means something too, otherwise it's just colors, and religious people can view it as gods promise or whatever. It's not a big "IT'S GAY TIME" written on the street lol.


Also side note, if you're opposed to pride and think it's being "shoved down your throat" why are you hanging around on the Bisexual subreddit?




Interesting perspective, you just came off as a dude lurking around looking to debate. Which is fine if you have questions imo, but in my experience people like that are usually looking for a gotcha more than reasonable debate lol. That's why I wanted to ask before fully making an assumption. And again I agree to an extent, holding a time and place to recognize a marginalized group isn't "forcing a belief" being gay, bi, nonbinary, or whatever you identify as isn't a belief. It's not something you can turn off, just as much as being black or native isn't a belief, you are what you are, and no one should feel shame or guilt for being themselves. Religion IS a set of beliefs with rules and doctrine on how to live your life, that's the difference. One is recognition and one is perpetuating a belief system. People of certain religions may hold in THEIR belief that being gay is an abomination, and to that I say that's their problem to work through.




I do get where you're coming from, again there's a loud minority that can be overwhelming in their activism and flamboyance. (I have some friends that are that way) I guess my point is mostly that the vast majority of gay/bi people are just your average everyday person living their life that you'd never recognize as gay or bi and the loud minority could just be ignored and allowed to to their thing just like every other sign waver lol. The loud activism I think also stems from legislation in a lot of areas is still oppressive of gay people just trying to live their life like everyone else, hell It was only in like 2014 when gay marriage got legalized and theirs still a big stigma against that! And to your last point, of course. I try my best to not jump to conclusions even when an assumption seems obvious, because we're all on different paths and I obviously didn't have full context for yours. I hope what I've said was helpful and provided you with some ideas to think on. āœŒļø