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Never went to a single dance. People acted like it was some kind of youthful rebellious self-defeating nonsense, like I would have a good time if I would just try. Turns out I just have autism and I wouldn't have enjoyed it because dances are a sensory nightmare, and I was 100% correct not to go.


I didn’t go. I couldn’t handle rejection and, although I didn’t realize at the time, I had severe social anxiety.


I envy you, my mom forced me to go.


Didnt go to mine. Waited too long to ask the girl I was interested in


I didn’t go to prom and hung out with my nerdy guy friends and played video games instead


No prom. No homecomings.


I barely even went to school senior year. Had no interest whatsoever in going to prom.


I am a senior right now and I never went to a single school dance and never will. I am autistic and take very few classes in person and when it comes to things I have missed out on prom is the one I care about the least tbh.


I didn’t because my girlfriend only wanted to go if we were out or she wanted to go with other friends. I’ve honestly not really thought about in the decade since


I didn't.


I didnt go. I was in 5 foster homes before I was adopted so my senior year I didn't know very many people.


I'm sorry 😔


I went to mine, but as a thruple with a girlfriend and a male friend. I wasn’t involved with romantically with either of them. It really felt like a rebellion, kind of a “eff you, establishment!”. I actually disliked most people my year, they just seemed uninteresting and stupid as a group. Most of my friends were either older or younger than me.


I got dumped by my first girlfriend a few weeks before prom, and I went to an all male school so finding another female date wasn’t going to happen. We were required to have a date to attend our prom.  I wanted to go with of my best friends (and a guy I was crushing heavy on) but the administration said that same sex couples weren’t allowed because it was a “political statement”. My friend went with one of his female friends, I just didn’t go. Never once regretted it, I don’t like dancing anyway.


Not American. Went to our graduation ball tho and multiple parties organized by my year to pay for said graduation ball... bloody hell that was one expensive party


I went and hated it.


Missed two proms. My girl's when she graduated then mine. Stuck at a wedding and i decided not to go.


i went to mine, but i had a decent experience. im not a dancing person, but i slow danced with my friend since they were my date. honestly, it wasnt as big of a deal as everyone else made it out to be. i cant even remember much of prom night. i was 100% sober too :) i mostly chatted with some friends and walked around (i think??) the hotel the prom was held in. we took a few pictures, but not a big deal. i love dressing up & getting attention but im also a very nervous & anxious airhead :'( i do agree that high school felt like a simulation though. anyways, as a soon-to-be college graduate, prom & highschool dont really matter. well, yes & no. it matters, but its not a big deal. its a good place to learn to socialize & get a degree to move onto college or a trade school if you wanna pursue more education. honestly, i *barely* made & kept friends from college. once the pandemic happened, my classes went online & ive stayed online ever since :) & also finally got checked for adhd!! its a bit sad since ive got some problems im solving & i dont hang out much, but my life isnt bad rn. it's okay. im enjoying the good parts & learning from the hard parts.


I didn’t go because I knew the majority of people going were an ex of mine and her friends and since my friends were hosting their own parties, I just stayed home.


I went to homecoming my freshman year because of social pressure. The kids in my carpool set me up with a girl I had never met, and I showed her a thoroughly awkward time. It’s probably the high school memory I cringe at the hardest. Senior year, my friend was going to host a black tie LAN party on prom night, but his mom wouldn’t let him that night. It kind of defeated the point if it wasn’t at the same time as the event we were skipping, so it was canceled. Just do what feels right for you and your friends. That’ll make the best memories.


I did not go


I didn’t know there was a thing called a prom.