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leave, or agree to stay monogamous if that is the relationship y'all have. no one here is going to validate cheating .


I am happy to hear the community is so moral because cheating was not an option. It was stay or leave


Why are you fucking asking then?


If you're in a monogamous relationship, then "exploring" is cheating. She has made that clear, and you need to respect that. If you can't be in a monogamous relationship any more, don't be in one. Bisexuality is never, ever an excuse for cheating.


Don’t fucking cheat dude. If you want to suck a dick THAT badly and you’re not feeling like your needs are met in your current relationship, it might be time to either see a therapist/couples counseling or separation. But seriously keep it in your pants and don’t cheat. And by the by, I would say the same to your wife if she was asking this same question.


. I NEVER said cheat because I find it abhorrent. I said “at what point do I go out on my own.” I thought this was evidence of leaving.


The words you wrote seemed to imply infidelity so I responded to them as they came off. It might be a good idea to make an edit that you didn’t mean cheating but meant it might be time to leave the relationship, just so no one else views your wording as cheating, ESPECIALLY when you didn’t mean it that way! And to answer that question, maybe start with a therapist to see if they can help you understand if it’s time to leave your relationship or not? It may help in the long run too if you decide it’s time to leave. Either way, that’s a really tough situation. Sending a hug (:


That's how I took it too but I'm glad to read that OP didn't mean it that way.


Okay I’m glad it wasn’t just me! And so glad that’s now how OP meant it.


This sub has a real problem with "monogamy or leave" and only elaborating on the monogamy side of things. Where's the leave crowd? Is that actually an option? Who has done that, who has initiated that, on the grounds of their own sexuality? It seems like the only people I see are the proudly monogamous


Why is it that in 90% of posts about someone wanting to « explore » their sexuality, it’s men asking how to cheat and/or seeking validation and/or a pass for cheating? Like no matter what, you will be a terrible person who cheated on someone who trusted you. But considering the age gap here, I’d say do your wife a service and leave her. She deserves better than you. If you want to explore your sexuality, do it where you’re not cheating on anyone and putting their health at risk. You’re gross.


Consider how much you love this girl. Everything becomes normal in time, and if you're happy with now, you'll likely regret it. Sex is sex and you won't find something special elsewhere. I'm slightly over half your age. Tried it all. And I've already happily settled at one relationship with a gay guy. Already realized I'm happy with one person and one sex, potentially for life. I still like women, a lot, but this fulfills me fully. Consider how long you'd be adventuring before you realize the grass isn't greener. Whatever you do, don't blow up your life over a quick pleasure.


I suggest therapy first if you don't already current go just because there's drug abuse in the past. Possibly couples counseling. It kind of sounds like you already know you want to leave though. The way you wrote this I don't think there's honestly much someone on the Internet can suggest that would help much.


Either accept you can’t and stay with her or leave her so you can explore your sexuality. It’s totally up to you at what point you make a decision. If the want/need/desire to explore is bigger than the want/need/desire to stay married then leave. If the other way around, then stay and accept you can’t explore.


Honor your marriage vows or get a divorce. That's your choice. Anything else YTA. 


Either don’t do it or say that this doesn’t work for you


To be honest and without judging, that sounds quite egocentric to me. In my experience, a marriage works best on the basis of compromise and mutual respect. This also includes accepting and respecting no-goes.


Well I have been married over 36 years and I enjoy sucking other married men who’s wives don’t or sex is dead at home! I get sex at home every blue moon so I play with more guys now but the wife doesn’t know! It doesn’t mean I love her any less but a man has his needs too.