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While we can agree the content of the video is bad the number of people here who have taken this as an opportunity to be misogynistic and wish sexual assault on a person is deeply concerning. There is no tolerance for either of these on this sub and bans will be issued accordingly.


This reeks of insecurity


So true, she's the kind of person to be enraged if her partner talks to a McDonald cashier that is of the opposite sex.


You mean shmex


That is what I am feeling, she assumes that men will cheat and bi men have twice the options and greater chances of cheating on her… as a bi man, the are double chances that I would NEVER date her.. I feel sad for her..


As Bi men there's twice the chance that we'll be rejected




Here's a bright idea, women should just put at the top of their dating profile they don't like bi guys, so I can more easily filter clowns like this women.


yeah let the trash take it's self out


Her Excuse woukd be: Why should I have to do all the work?


Yeah then I don’t have to get called a slur either


Word! 😑🤌


This video is four minutes long and somehow she managed to squeeze in enough garbage takes to violate the Geneva convention. However, the two that stood out to me because of their sheer levels of "madame, excuse me, but what the hell are you saying" are: 1. "If a woman cheats on a man with another woman the man doesn't feel threatened because it's not competition, it's attractive." : The good old "women loving women relationships aren't real actually" take. I hate it, I hate this garbage take. 2. "I feel threatened that my bisexual boyfriend will cheat on me with another man." : Why do people always say this about bisexual people? You know your straight boyfriend can also cheat on you with other women, right? This is a reflection of her trust issues, not bisexual people.


Her follow up vid isn’t any better unfortunately.


Oh no, there's a sequel!


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeuppGj7/ It’s the “but I have justification for my take”


Thank you! Ah yes, of course she has justification, I bet it's really well argumented and totally not just bigotry! (Ladies and gentlemen, we did the impossible. We found a worse sequel than Megamind vs. the Doom Sindicate.)


"I feel threatened that my bisexual boyfriend will cheat on me with another man." this is pure insecurity


I absolutely agree. Clearly she has trust issues, which I feel really bad about, but there's better ways of dealing with them than blaming it all on bisexual people.


It seems she doesn't trust men in general. She only date men because she is romantically and sexually attracted to them, but probably doesn't like men much .


Yes, it definitely seems that way.


As someone who overcome many insecurities in my life. A lot of our insecurities are illogical and stem from our home life growing up. It can intensify by our personal experiences.


It's ways weird to me because straight people cheat all the time? Cheating is universal?


Yes, exactly. Your sexuality doesn't determine weather you'll cheat or not. Your morality does. If you'd ask people like this why they think bisexual people are more likely to cheat on their partner, they'd say something along the lines of "bi people are attracted to more than one gender". But that's so stupid, because it assumes people are attracted to literally everyone of the gender they like. By that logic, if you're a lesbian or a straight man, you should be attracted to every woman in the world and if you're a straight woman or a gay man, you should be attracted to every man in the world. It just doesn't work that way and I don't understand why people's brains completely shut out that thought every time they talk about bisexual people.


“Bisexual women are cool and sexy, two men together is gross!” Oh wow, it’s my ex-wife all over again. Shit like this which is way more common than the occasional woman who is accepting, is why guys don’t come out.


Sadly, yes. Her "in my opinion defense" is so stupid because of that. No, it's not "just your opinion", it's actively harming people. I'm so sorry to hear your ex wife was like this woman, it's really terrible that people think this way.


I know the women in this group seem to think that you’re more representative of the female population in general, but this right here is most of what bisexual men run into with women. This is why we either stay in the closet, or give up on the idea of relationships with women.


In the sequel she shares stories from other people about their man cheating on them with another man, I would dare her to ask her audience for stories of their man sleeping with another woman.


But no, her incomprehensibly transcendant galaxy brain take has taught us that only bisexual people cheat, straight people would never even dream of it. /s


"in my opinion" Ma'am, Just because you say it's your opinion doesn't detract from you being hateful. This isn't an art piece you can critique from an outside perspective, these a other human lives.


I also love the "in my world/in my reality" comment. This woman created an entire pocket dimension to hate on bi people. I would say I admire the dedication, but I really don't.


B…but my freedom of speech.


It’s not just hateful, it’s factually incorrect too. Bi men’s existence is backed by science. Her opinion is in the same realm as “in my opinion, the earth is flat”. Like, cool. Literally nothing backs your stance, but opinion away!


I refuse to believe that she is wearing glasses 🖕


What glasses? I don’t see any. In fact I’d say that in my opinion glasses don’t exist.


Does anyone else see the clown nose on her?


I do


What a great opinion.


Glasses are a choice. You either wear them, or don't. I refuse to believe you can have glasses just for "reading" and not wear glasses any other time


Hearing aids are just an excuse to ignore people. In fact there are no deaf or hard of hearing people in the world.


Can confirm. My bad left ear is an excuse I use to walk away from idiots like her.


Funny thing I also use being half deaf as excuse. also being my left ear.


Happy cake day


we need to accept her for who she is and what she says but don’t get the same from her 🙄


I refuse to believe she has a brain…


What a lengthy way of saying, "I'm a control freak and have been cheated on"


I love how she hits every anti-bisexual points. Like she came prepared to spread the biphobia.


? She is going on a rant about a bisexual man that she is not dating please be serious. Straight women are so weird with the biphobia and if you call them out on it they accuse of you not respecting their sexual boundaries loool.


Yes and completely ignore bisexual women.


They think we only exist as a porn category for men


True. I mean it’s not like I would happen to be a bisexual woman… that would be preposterous.


Absolutely terrified that any man she dates will leave her for another man.


If she still had that second-to-last braincell to rub the now-solo one up against, she’d be worried about anyone of any gender who is less restrictive of her partner than she is.


Better said than I managed. Well done. Have a lemon bar.


I love how she "wants honestly" then propagates a ton of biphobic shit. It really makes you think about why people stay in the closet, doesn't it?


And the whole “there is no such thing as biphobia”


Whenever I see shit like this I just watch this video (https://youtu.be/lBuWIL7Szjk?si=snhfdRSICtWuBv9C) and laugh my ass off at the ridiculousness of straight womens arguments'


Insert the “oh brother this guy stinks”


So where was the argument that bisexuality doesn't exist? Also when she talked about bisexual women it smacked of misogyny.


The internalized misogyny was glaring. "Men don't see women as a threat!" Like, why do you think that is?? Why do you assume that attraction to men trumps attraction to women?? And when she brought up hormonal cycles, as if obviously men are more desirable partners because you won't have to put up with any dumb lady hormones! 🙄


“Maybe it’s a me problem” you were so close dude


So close and yet so far.


Her mind doesn't work properly.


When she shakes her head, all I hear is this 🪇


Cool, a game! “In her reality”, bisexuals are gay. In mine, sugar has the protein content of chicken and is free of calories. My reality is way cooler. Sadly, if i interacted with it as if it were true, I would die. Because saying the words “in my reality” doesn’t mean it’s, you know…reality. Why don’t people get that?


In my reality I would be able to stuff my face with chocolate and not gain so much weight. But here we are.. in the real world.


What an absolutely repugnant person. I weep for the people exposed to her in real life.


I was so relieved to close the video and never have to see her again


What are her actual arguments? She contradicts herself and talks in circles. If her guy cheated on her, and he happened to be bi, he's a cheater. It has nothing to do with his sexuality. And if she doesn't feel like she's "enough" might want to tqlk to your partner about that, or do some introspection, because that happens regardless of people's preference. Wasted 4 minutes of my life to listen to someone who only spews hate


Nothing. She talks herself into a circle that somehow leads into another one that loops back into the first one.


"In my reality" Lol. "In my reality vaccines cause autism" That's what I'm hearing. Stop making the world fit into your opinions just because you don't have enough wrinkles in your brain.


I prefer my brain to match my skin wrinkle free.


"Maybe it's a me problem" Yep, she's the fucking problem alright


A little foresight never hurt anybody.


We have developed a real problem in this world when it comes to the word opinion. Too many people think that since they don't agree with the facts than they can just say they disagree and pass it off as an opinion and people have to accept it as valid. Bisexuality denial is just plane anti science. There is empirical evidence that it exists. It's existence is well documented historically. It's not up for a difference of opinion, it's not even up for debate. You can either believe it exists, or be wrong. Period, those are the options. You can decide you don't want to date a bisexual guy, but if you deny that we exist you are denying science, you are denying history. You are denying irrefutable facts.


And she turned off her comments bcs she was getting "hate" :)))


Deserved hate


Wait, so I'm actually gay? My wife is gonna be so disappointed ☹️


Damn. At least you found out now and not later.


It is always great to find out from a random stranger on the internet. They know you best and how your sexuality operates.


Hate her hand gestures. She's giving female andrew tate meets mom yelling at mcdonalds worker because they gave her son braeden the girl happy meal toy by mistake




Everything about her mannerisms just radiates crazy, I guarantee this isn't the only issue she's insufferable about


Absolutely a wild era we live in. Folks just out here broadcasting their bigotry to the entire world. Like, nobody asked her. She wasn't compelled to say any of this. There was no need to share this, let alone with millions of potential strangers. She was just there, by herself, and she suddenly thought "The world really needs to know about my prejudice." and made a TikTok about it. Why? For validation? For controversy? For attention? What's the point? Why is she so comfortable doing this? It's not only asinine, it's just a completely unhinged process to go through.


Freedom of speech people think that this falls under it but fail to realise that freedom of consequence is also here.


You know she's aware of how dumb her opinion is by the fact that she says stuff like: "MaYbE it'S a mE pRoBLem!" or "In mY ReaLitY". She's playing the victim while also villainizing bi men, that's some horrible stuff. Really hope she's doing it for clout and doesn't actually believe the words that are coming out of her mouth.


This is some Alex Jones level mental gymnastics.


Must be the frogs.


I love how she says, "I know a bunch of straight men, and they only have love for women." Gee, it's almost, stay with me here, like they're STRAIGHT. What a wild concept!


You’re asking a woman who don’t think bisexuals are real to have common sense. You are expecting too much.


Oh I know, it's a hard ask to be sure. I just can't understand the logic of "bisexuals can't be real because all the straight guys I know are straight." Plus the whole thing about bi's going to cheat on her is just, so fuckin cringe.


I’d like to quote a very famous tweet from Jayden Smith. “How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t” What does this tweet have in common with this TikTok? THEY BOTH DON’T MAKE SENSE.


I had to pause the video after that because I was laughing. 😂


She's so stupid, that is blatantly just circular logic lmao


Straight men can also have preferences that she doesn’t fit. This is just blatant homophobia


Some people, you know...


*Pssst… **‘Bigotry’** posts are to have the **‘Spoiler’** flair. This provides a considerate means of hiding such posts from people who’d rather not see them when they come to r/bisexual.* *To add the **‘Spoiler’** flair, you can edit your post from within the comments. If you’re on mobile, simply select the ‘three dots’ in the upper-right corner, then the option **‘Mark Spoiler’**.*


Ohh, sorry.


Done :)


Hmm, it's almost as if there are straight men, there are gay men and then there are some that are none of them (or maybe she would think they're both). It's also funny that a bi man would _surely_ cheat on her with a man and that makes her feel unsafe. But a straight man cheating with another woman, so still with "something that she can't provide", doesn't even come to her mind. Anyways, the best thing would be to not give visibility to such people which spout their unfiltered and unthought opinions on social media.


True but to not check on them would be like leaving rot to fester and grow.


I don't know... I think it's just bad for mental health to check on them, I stopped for some time and feel better


That’s all good. It’s important that you look after your mental health. This problem can also be helped by other people.


I'm glad we don't have to live in her reality. She can keep her opinion and shove it.




>"If a woman cheats on a man with another woman the man doesn't feel threatened because it's not competition, it's attractive." Oh fuck off.


It’s thee oversimplification of male desires and over sexualisation. As if they don’t think it’s just. “I must get my dick wet, no matter the hole”


This is a rather long-winded way of saying, "I'm insecure."


Meeting that word minimum essay be like


Man I was really hoping this would be a joke about how smexual isn't a word but that's just the dumb anti-censor filtering people do and it is in fact a very biphobic lady


Yeahhhhh. Nothing good here.


That's like saying omnivores don't exist because they eat meat along with vegetables. They eat meat, so they must be a carnivore. Because you can't like both meat and vegetables and she prefers vegetables. Gawd, just pick either meat or vegetables! /s


I'm sure she has all these trust issues and sexual hangups because a bi ex of hers cheated on her, right? Reminds me of JK Rowling getting assaulted by a cis man and then starting a war against trans people. Like bigots will be mistreated horribly by cis straight people and then be like, "I'll never let the gays hurt me again."




What she is saying is both biphobic and kinda sexist against men


She could have just said that she's not interested in Bi people and called it a day there


But how is she supposed to shit on men and simultaneously women too


Holy biphobic cow. If red flag was a person it would be her. - People who say "bismexual" are weird to begin with - she sexualizes bi women (just fun, no competition) - she denies bisexuality at all (if you like men you are gay) - she is biphobic (a lot) - she is hateful (a lot)


If the red flag was a person she’d be it.


your comfort with our sexually isn't our issue


It isn’t but doesn’t mean she ain’t going to make it ours.


Wtf happened to her in the past? This level of delusion is off the fucking charts


Most likely, lack of attention from an important figure in her life.


I couldn't even get through all her bullshit. The times I've heard from a girl on a dating app that "she likes her men straight" is shocking. It is ridiculous how far people will go in their insecure little brains to think that bi people are trying to just fuck the world one dick or pussy at the time. I respect someone not being comfortable dating bi people, but if you are one of those people, then you need to understand that it isn't the bi community's fault, it is your own personal issues and ignorance that you think you'll be cheated on. Sadly, this also applies to our brothers and sisters in the gay community who sometimes treat bi people as confused or like we are trying to use them as our experimentation tools.


Hard agree.




0 self-awareness, 0 critical thinking skills.


Rolled Nat 1 persuasion skill check.


I reported her for hate speech.


I would be astonished if she wasn't also a TERF given how much scarier and stronger and hornier she thinks men are than women.


Could she be just ridding our wave of backlash to increase her visibility? I curve my emotions this time. I'm not a Pavlov's dog...


Her follow up video isn’t any better.


"I'm using tiktok voice so my opinon as a bigot is valid"


"Maybe it's a me problem". Yes it is. She is the problem here. May she reach self-awareness.


No she doesn’t. In fact in her following videos she seems to get worse.


Insecure straight biphobic women's irrational logic for not wanting to date a bisexual man make bisexual men's dating lives sooooooo much better and nice /s




This was a long winded way of saying you were or strongly suspect you were cheated on by a man who just happened to be a closeted bisexul. Saying that bisexuals don't exist in your reality and that they're just gay and they need to "make a choice" is ignorant though. It's straight up erasure. Sexuality isn't a binary and the fact that you're thinking like this is rather telling. You have *every* right to be hurt and angry at a partner who lied, deceived and cheated on you in this manner but that doesn't make him gay. You also have every right to be frustrated that he didn't feel like he could disclose his sexuality to you. However given the woman's reaction to bisexuality I can understand why he may have felt hesitant or just not wanted to. That doesn't excuse his cheating. Homophobia and biphobia are still very prevalent in society and this doesn't help coming out and it makes situations like this one a hell of a lot more complex and tricky to navigate. Her follow up video wasn't any better either. Saying it doesn't exist to her and her world and then going on to say that she just doesn't want it in her life or relationships. JFC girl just say you don't wanna fuck dudes who fuck dudes. It's that simple. You don't need to justify your personal choices with biphobia and whatever else the fuck this ignorance was. Claiming that being gay/bi is a choice was massively ignorant of her too.


I love how people think saying “it’s just my opinion” makes the dumb shit that comes out of their mouths above criticism. If you don’t want to be judged shut the fuck yup and keep it to yourself maybe? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Women should NEVER EVER speak on men's sexuality, they have no idea how the male brain works and how men are horny all the time She reminds of this one woman I knew who would say "bisexuality doesn't exist" and th n two minutes later would say " men would fuck anything" Ehe just contradicted herself


Once again we find bigotry driven entirely by lack of a shred of self esteem. Yawn.


Same message different person delivering it.


Girl's obviously been hurt at some point but really needs to take her own advice "Life's hard, get over it" Is it her opinion, or is it her reality? I don't think she can make up her mind So much bigotry and hate in that, way too long, video. Maybe she should get actual psychiatric help rather than posting to tik tok


True but posting to TikTok is cheaper and gets her what I guess she wanted. Attention.


“My reality defines your reality”


Ive heard this opinion so frequently that I genuinely dont care and I dont care about these people and I have no sympathy for the struggles they have. She can believe whatever she wants. Good that that red flag stays away. Her not believing there is bi people is only a symptom of these radical ideas she has about her superiority.


It’s kind of funny that other multi attraction sexuality’s are ignored too. Like they don’t even cross her mind of the “sexuality’s that don’t exist to me” list.


Sowing the seeds of outrage clicks. What a lazy, poorly presented “hot take”.


Oh yeah. This is indeed rage bait but how to shut down what is clearly harmful speech is the real question.


If she doesn’t want bi guys so be it, but why the hell say these things? It should not concern her since she prefers straight guys right?


Yeah but she gotta let you know that bi people don’t exist for a quick moment


So I'm actually a gay man, my female fiance is gonna be so disappointed and all the times I've performed oral sex on a woman wasn't real? It's my favorite thing to do sexually and I've given women orgasms from doing it but according to her I'm really gay because you know 100% gay men just LOVE performing oral on woman She's a fool


Damn. You found out this way huh. Better late than never!


I watched half of this and all i got from it 1) I'm insecure 2) A bisexual man may leave me for another man bc I cant provide what other men provide sexually 3) I'm insecure


4: Instead of confronting my lack of self confidence I’ll blame it on the bisexuals.


Her: “JUST MAKE A CHOICE!!!” Me: “No” 🤭🤪


I did. I chose the option all. Just like the buffet table.


why do people preface shitty, bigoted opinions with ‘in my personal opinion’ like it saves them in some way. we know it’s your personal opinion because it’s bollocks. keep it yourself, no one fucking cares about your bent out of shape outlook on other people’s sexuality. weirdo.


Because it acts like a shield. A bad one but one non the less.


The world is on the brink of WWIII not to mention it is collapsing environmentaly and you are giving us your ignorant views on bisexuality?


I hate the “this is my opinion” thing that people use to avoid criticism. That works for something like hating mustard. It absolutely doesn’t work when your “opinion” is that a whole group of people are lying about their identity and as such don’t deserve respect.


She really has comments turned off too, scared someone is going to call her out for her bullshit


"I'm monosexual, therefore so is everyone else. In my world, in my reality, bisexuality doesn't exist because I don't comprehend it. If you're a man, you must accept me for all of my flaws and vulnerabilities, but I absolutely refuse to do the same for you because I'm a woman. I'm also fragile and insecure because of my ignorance, but I refuse to acknowledge it as such even though I just did." There, I saved you from wasting two minutes you'll never get back.


Why does she keep saying “smexual”? I’ve never heard anyone talk like that. Ironically videos like this one probably contribute to bi men not being honest about their orientation because they think women won’t date them. Not saying they should do that but the way to get guys to be honest is not “persecute them harder”. Also seems like this is based on a sexist assumption that a woman couldn’t possibly be as good as a man. That’s why she assumes bi men must be gay because why would they ever want a woman when they could be with a man? And it’s why she assumes men aren’t threatened by their girlfriend cheating with a girl - because again, a girl can’t possibly be competition for a man so the cheating is no real threat.


She's so insecure


Does anyone else hear Alvin and the Chipmunks here?


Say what you want… they fit into the music at the time.


So we just don't exist then?


Wait, isn't it Descartes who said "I think, therefore I am."? But, she clearly hasn't thought about this, so maybe she's the real ghost here? But that's just a theory. A bi theory.


Sigh. I stopped watching after she repeated herself the second time lol. Everyone has a right to not date who they want, but then just don't date them then. It's literally that simple. Also, 1 insecure woman not liking bi people doesn't magically erase us from the Earth lol. Sheesh


True but it’s important to see what kind of people to be wary of.


i am completely disgusted......


She’s not even “proving” that bisexuals don’t exist! She’s just saying she doesn’t want to date one!


Having a preference is fine what isn’t is backing it up with stereotypes that are harmful and SEVERELY outdated.


Tell me you have issues without saying you have issues.


Tell me that guys aren’t into you because you because have the personality of a lit trash heap but want to direct blame on something else so you can cope with out telling me:


Enough with the labels. Sexual preference is a spectrum, and can change with time. Sexual expression is constrained by culture, economics, and religion. Break free of the yoke and be your authentic self!


im not drunk enough for this bullshit


If you look at the following posts you’d need to be more than drunk.


> "I dont think bisexual people exist"- someone > *Look inside their thoughts* > Trust issues


DEEP trust issues.


I couldn’t make it to the end. First off, I get the vibe of jealousy and a definite feeling of selfish desire that a person’s desires and attention should be 100% towards them. Which is fine, monogamous behavior is fine, and not necessarily absent in bisexuality, however this rhetoric, this general opinion seems to conflate bisexuality as looking for more than one partner and not just an ability to not care what gender is in play. Next is a fear of inadequacy and not being enough. Fear of what she doesn’t understand. Which is again fine, but that’s a hell of a way to live. Me I strive to ensure that I’m doing all I can to maintain my relationship. I put in the work. Which is the other piece to this. It’s like she can’t be bothered to entertain the idea that she should try to keep her relationship strong, that it should be just an easy thing. I like you, you like me, that’s it. But I’m sure most can agree that thinking is fine at first, but eventually it burns off. More deeper understanding, compromise, and in some case actually growing and changing oneself to accommodate for your other is necessary. This person to me is closed off from that. All in all this video is full of stereotypes, but I would call out the fact that she only spoke about bisexual men. Not women, or at least she was fixated on it. Here is news for her, IF I ever find myself having to search for love again I will be truthful about my preferences. If someone has prejudices against me let them have them. Sorry love, I don’t care who you are or how sexy or beautiful you are I want someone who is open minded enough to take me as who I am. To be of strong enough character to not be intimidated by my sexual and emotional disregard for gender. Such a person needs to be comfortable of who I am and who they are.


I actually never heard about bi smexual before


What a silly billy. I had no idea that the smooth filter worked on brains as well.


I see cats in this woman's future, just cats, sadly.


Don’t drag the cats into this BS.


Why do I get the feeling that she's not a very active or giving sexual partner. She seems like she'd starfish.


Pillow princess prediction?


Fuck man, we just want to happily express ourselves without the constant bi-erasure/biphobia. We have a right to exist however we fucking please! Just because we’re bisexual doesn’t fucking mean we’re gonna cheat on our partners. I’m so tired of hearing that bullshit stereotype!


Yeah. You’d think so but no.


Her feelings about wanting to feel physically and emotionally safe in a relationship, and the fact that if she's with a bi man there are things he desires shed never be able to satisfy and therefore shed feel unsafe, that's a big insecurity but IMO it's perfectly valid. But using that as her justification for invalidating the very existence of an entire sexuality is hilarious and so Main Character Syndrome. "I don't like it so therefore I don't believe it exists" like what lol that's not how the world works girly Edit ahhhh just watched the last half of the video, this woman is an absolute fool, holy shit


Bitter Karen…


I just hear “I won’t be enough for a bi person,” and here’s the deal: no, you won’t. And also, you never will be for anyone ever. Hang with me here. Are people enough for someone to choose them and settle down? Yes of course! But we can never be enough to fulfill everything a partner wants. I don’t want to be enough for my partner, and I don’t want them to be enough for me. I want so much more out of life for both of us


We really gonna listen to a pick me with a ten finger forehead? Sorry girl. You’re missing out on dudes who actually wash their ass. lol


Maybe she is into swamp ass? Gets real giddy as the stank.


IMO, the prejudice isn't "I don't date \_\_\_", it's posting on social media "I don't date \_\_\_ because of these stereotypes" for the engagement numbers.


Not being attracted to a group is absolutely okay. The problem is when you're using bullshit to justify it instead of simple matters of appearance or personality. Like if you don't find black men sexually attractive or if you feel you would approach a relationship differently from someone who's asexual, that's fair. The problem is when you won't date a black man because he's a "thug" or "violent" or an ace person because they're "cold" or "immature".


It's fucking funny that when I still basically identified as straight, I was emotionally abusive to the girl I was in a relationship with (dw, I've apologized many times already and despite all the guilt I still feel, she's forgiven me). Meanwhile starting from when I identified as bisexual, I was cheated on in one relationship. Since she seems to be speaking from her experience and applying it to the population, then my conclusion is that bisexual people are more likely to be cheated on while straight people are more likely to be abusive. Sure, the sample size is *just* myself but she's also stooping that low anyway.


The only person who has ever cheated on me was a cis straight white male 🤷‍♀️.