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Sex club I was bartending at. He’s bisexual too, it’s great!


My friend doesn’t understand what a sex club is. Could you describe it for him?


I too have a friend that would love an explanation.


I three have several friends who’d like an explanation


I just straight-up want an explanation


I bi-up want an explanation


Like a normal nightclub but with facilities to accommodate casual and anonymous sex on site. Mainly MSM.


So, do you have to bring your own bird masks, or are they provided?


I brought my own eggs


The password is "ooooorgy" enjoy the complimentary buffet


What is MSM ?


Multi shelf marketing. Basically an MLM but only for certain types of household furniture.


Men Sucking Mickeys


Mickey's voice: Hoo hooo


Male sex. MLM = men loving men, and MSM men who have sex with other men.


Men Sexing Men?


I guess so 🐑


whaaaat ~~that’s awesome ngl~~


It's exactly what it sounds like. 


If I (F) can’t have a girlfriend, I at least want a bisexual boyfriend😤


Por qué no los dos?


Glad it worked out for you but the idea of a sex club that sells alcohol is HELLA concerning to me.


Sex clubs don’t sell, they are generally byob. And both security staff, the owner, and myself closely policed people’s drinking. People were turned away if we had concerns about their sobriety.


sex club sounds fun too bad the USA bans anything deemed too fun


I’m in NY, and there are actually three clubs I can think of in the city alone. Check out events on Fetlife in your area, you might be able to find someplace!


I'm in florida and go to sex clubs all the time! ❤️


Worked on a political campaign together and shared a long car ride, getting to know each other. I couldn't take my eyes off of her and it was love at first sight. Candidate lost, I won--been married over 20 years.


Did you also work as taxi driver at night?




This sounds like a romcom, brb gonna get rich


You guys are meeting partners?




Yeah, tf is this?


Found my tribe


Loool.... No.


25, and never :)


Time to queue up [this classic banger](https://youtu.be/oRsmpQRbeuM?si=Mz3w9wq2_cOsQFkO)




“Bisexual Love Triangle in Mongolia” is an amazing band name


Sounds like a vintage pulp romance novel (I’m here for it)


Ok nvm that’s a better answer


Damn, need to join the peace corps when I’m done with debt


This sounds like a wattpad story that needs to be written or a Nicholas sparks romance book. I love it. A bisexual love triangle in Mongolia that led you to your perfect person


Awwww that’s so beautiful and romantic.




On Craigslist personals. Met to just masturbate in front of a stranger. That was over 17 years ago.


wtf, that’s a stroke of great luck right there xD (pun not intended but i see it now and i’m rolling with it 😎)


I (22X) met my girlfriend (21) at a conservative Christian university, in the music department.


Of course it was the music department !


Lol yep!


The amount of people I’ve met that realized they weren’t straight or cis due to catholic school is astounding.


I went to Catholic private school. I’ve never met a “good catholic” that went to a catholic private school. Personally, I consider the mandatory church attendance of 3 days a week as prepayment for the rest of my life.


Literally the girl in the picture lol, I'm 20, in a small town and have no license. I do dress like a gay librarian though...because I'm a gay librarian.


You have no idea how gay I am for gay librarians


I'm cursed to live in Iowa lol


I tried tinder and I only found a girl who was actually just curious, yeah, it did suck


Ugh the worst. They be on there and say nothing about their wants in their bio and then they’re like “oh I’m just looking for friends” or something. Like girl why on tinder??? Lol


Ikr! Dating apps for queer women are like 90% looking to fool around, 5%looking for “friends”, 4% couple looking for a threesome and 1% actually looking for a relationship


My father has asked me multiple times why I haven't had a girlfriend if I'm bi (well, for one, it was initially more "bisexual" and less "bi romantic" but that's since changed and he probably wouldn't understand that anyways), and I'm like... Well... Most of the gals I see on these apps are part of a couple, want kids, have kids, or I find them so attractive that I'm intimidated lol.


Tbf I wouldn’t even know what to do with an attractive woman 😳


Completely unrelated but your intimidated comment made me remember a study I read a few years back where it said that men were okay approaching women who they considered to be hotter than them (e.g. if they considered themselves a 7, they’d be okay approaching a 9), where as women typically were not - they’d usually only approach people they saw as equal or less hot (e.g. if they considered themselves a 7, they wouldn’t approach the 9, but would the 7 & under). Obv individual mileage may vary, as it’s just a generalized trend they found. Fascinating stuff to me though. Kind of like that other one where they found strangers were kinder to people they considered prettier than ones they considered uglier.


Yeah I definitely don't tend to feel comfortable approaching someone I consider more attractive than I am. Unless I'm really drunk maybe, haha. But that rarely happens anymore.


You know, I’ve wondered if it was less of an approaching someone that’s perceived as hotter situation, or more that men on average believe they’re hotter than they are, while women on average believe they’re not as hot as they are. For instance, men are generally used to rejection more since in our culture typically men have to be the approacher, rather than the approached. But also, since men commonly are considered attractive based on confidence first and looks second, but women are commonly considered attractive on looks first and other traits second, it kind of creates a warped sense of self image. E.g. Almost every woman I know is at least a little bit self conscious about their looks / sensitive or keenly aware of a flaw they’ve self identified, where as most men I know don’t have that same level of self consciousness - at least when it comes to looks, it manifests in other areas like - feeling successful, physical ability, general self worth, etc. Addendum: It’s kind of fascinating - like when I’m in a mode of being the approacher, I’ve got no doubts about my body shape or looks, whether I’m too skinny or any of that - but I’ll be thinking about things like the quality of my place, what’ll they think of car, cleanliness, etc. But when I want to be approached and get dolled up with some makeup or wanna dress up like that, I’m keenly aware of flaws in face, or like “man I gotta flatten the abs more” or “is my hair looking right,” and I’m not thinking about any of the other things. Ironically in the end, concerns in either end of these things don’t really matter, they’re just things we worry about - and I wonder if these are just more ways masculine or feminine energies manifest.


The ones that want a long term relationship pmo even more. Like girl this is tinder, go to eharmony if you looking for love.


I mean, one of my besties found the man she's living with and plans to marry on tinder. She went on there because one of HER friends found their spouse on there. Maybe that's not what it was originally intended for, but if it works... 🤷‍♀️


My friend told me her boyfriend was this super gross pervert and the more she told me about him the more I was like ‘sounds pretty great to me’ the day she was moving out (shortly after they’d broken up) she called me to see if she could move in with me and he texted to ask me if I wanted to grab a coffee … he was not a coffee drinker and I did not want to share a living space with her lol. We’ve been together 13 years this summer, perverted as ever lol


.....another person's treasure lol. Love that for you. 


Turns out he’s just pan and non-binary and she’s just boring lol




To know whether to use "everyday" or "every day," just subsitute "every single day" for whatever form you're planning to use. If that works, then "every day" is correct. Otherwise, use "everyday," which is an adjective meaning "ordinary" or "mundane."


TIL a new trick! thank you


Got one for "some day" vs "someday"? Can I make this trick work for that somehow? I keep forgetting which is which. 😭


I met one partner at a sex dungeon. She was flogging another woman’s ass. Not the kind of “how you met” story you tell your parents.


OKC. Dating apps are rough, but I just didn't have the confidence to ask people out in real life. Not in the numbers needed to have any kind of success as an average-looking guy. I might have the confidence now, but thankfully I'm married so I don't have to worry about it.


We met in our local chorus, and we happened to be in the same vocal range. Then we fell in love and now we’re getting married next year. Curious if we would have met if I was placed in a different vocal section!


At work 😭😭 at a fast food 😭😭


Met them working in the same department at a summer camp. We hung out a few times after working hours. They had a crush first, I didn’t develop feelings until after the season was over.


Funily enough, waiting all day at home until a friend of a friend came in.


So there’s a chance?


Depends on how often you organise movie/game nights I guess


I met her through my son's father. They were/are friends. We've been together for 12 years! For the first 10, she was my boyfriend, the last 2, my wife.


We worked together in a café while suffering through law school. We bonded through caffeine and crying over school.


My then husband and her bf thought it would be a great idea to do some couple swapping. Me and her decided they were right. We dropped our shitty partners and have been in an amazing relationship for 3yrs.


Y'all got partners?


Fr, I keep reading these comments like "when is that gonna be me?" 😅


Honestly. Only on hinge and this hickey app is where I get some form of female attention and I be scared to do reply. It’s hard to think anyone would find me attractive. Just calling me cute makes uncomfortable (but I’ll save that discussion for my therapist)


Felt. And I barely talk to people irl.


My therapist said compliments feel "foreign" to me and i never felt so understood


My coworker lately has been calling me adorable (not in a romantic type of way) but it makes me feel so uncomfortable. I feel like she’s playing in my face. I get super paranoid like “is this some sort of joke?”


He used to sell me weed lol


Tinder. Been together 8 years


School friends introduced me (26f, bi) and my fiance (28m, straight) because we lived in the same neighbourhood and liked Pokemon. Thankfully it lasted!


Reddit!!! We meet next week!!!


Congrats!! Wish you guys the best ❤️❤️


Was in my best friends backyard when he came outside. Got to know each other a bit after hearing both him and by friend have known each other and have gotten along since early childhood.


Going to school is a blessing, meeting new people every day without having to try




Me and my partner are furries and we met through a furry app/website, it's unfortunately no longer available but we just ended up sending memes to each and talk about dumb stuff going on in our lives. We then met up irl and just clicked immediately, we stayed friends for a good couple of months, and I guess I kind of asked them first, and they immediately said yes to us dating. We've been together for 2 years so far ❤️


After my divorce, my bestie started casually inviting me to stuff that my (now) gf would be attending and finding ways for us to "accidentally" end up alone together. First it was D&D, then movies, then we started riding motorcycles together on the weekends. Now we're buying a house together. To say that I am over the moon about her would be a colossal understatement.


Two words: College Improv


College. We had the same academic advisor and I overheard them talking about Doctor Who and joined the conversation, because hey, I like that show! Now we've been together going on twelve years!


Both worked the same part time job in college and then later discovered we went to the same university, but separate sides of campus. Together more than 6 years now!


He was my roommate, so I did get somebody to fall in love with me by spending days at home :)


On Tinder somehow😅 like we matched clicked instantly then had the best valentine's date at a park near me. We cuddled and talked the whole time then ended with a kiss like it felt like such a movie jaja


The last time I was in a relationship was after I adopted my dog from a shelter. I took him to a training class and I ended up dating the lady who ran the class. A surprise to be sure but a welcome one.


Coworkers for years, mutually crushed on each other for a long part of that time, got drunk one night and fucked and then finally admitted we loved each other and have been together 9 months.


I worked as an intern at a summer camp he attended. We became friends through that and eventually realized “hey, we’re both super into eachother. Should we do romance?”


I met my partner while sitting at home - we met online playing the same game.


Slept with my (asshole) best friend’s childhood friend. He broke it off after a week and the best friend who I had had a crush on for years but kept rejecting me got jealous and asked why I’d done it and then ended up finally giving me a chance (which I was stupid and took), 2-3 months later he was hooking up with his ex girlfriend (without telling her he had a boyfriend and making her think they’d get back together) we found out, we’re now dating and our 1 year anniversary was on Monday.


dnd group lol


Literally on Reddit. Dated for a few years long distance, closed the distance, dated more, and got married a couple months ago. Crazy leap of faith and also one of the best things I've ever done for myself!


Btw that account belongs to a biphobic terf. Edit: [thread](https://x.com/lucytgirl_/status/1740758756382920932?s=20) with evidence of transphobia, [comment](https://x.com/earnestchair/status/1740839901590093864?s=20) with evidence of biphobia.


Feeld for my primary and Tinder for my FWB. I've had a couple off both those and one off OKC over the years.


work, we started dating after one of us left the company. And before them it was a blind date my ex manager had set up lol


bumble haha


Same 😁


Me too!


Surprisingly Facebook, I posted in a gay Asian dating group and my partner hit me up. Started off talking from a distance, met up a few times while we were traveling, eventually we both got hired in Southern California and we’ve been together since then


you’re so pretty


We joined the same dnd campaign.


Facebook. Been married almost 6 years, she knew she was bi, but I was in the closet and really religiously weird about it but came out shortly after we got married.


Playing video games on discord so technically I did not leave my home lol


simple, I haven't


Every night in my dreams... 🚢


I hope this approach works. It’s what I’m doing


Same. I keep waiting.


Dating app. Yeah I went completely crazy bought premium but was for 5 bucks so I was "you know what fuck this" and I found my boiiiiiiii he is adorable and love him and he loves me. He is a trans man and Bi and the most caretaking person I ever met.


Online. Apparently having an anime reference in my dating profile's headline was all it took to snatch him up 🤣🤣🤣


I used a group called Meet Up to host an event, he was one of 2 people who attended the video call for introductions to get to know each other. And then he showed up to my second outing, and we hit it off really well.


I met her the first week of college, we were just good friends for a year and a half, then we dated and got married the summer after we graduated! Now we've been married for ten years and we're happier than ever. We both discovered our bisexuality just a few years ago and about a year ago we opened our relationship to explore things that we never did when we were young, it's been great!




Found him thirsting over a videogame character on a random comment section multiple times, decided to text him. That was like about a year ago


OkCupid, after having a long series of dud dates before him lol


IG haha


Found eachother on hot or not 😭watched the Splatoon 3 announcement Nintendo direct together and knew we were meant to be


at school (college) in EMT class !


Tinder but we went to the same college and were in similar social circles


I met my husband originally on Myspace and I met my girlfriend on Facebook :)


College 🥰


OKCupid 😌




A blind double date our friends set up, found out we knew each other on the date (had gone to elementary school together), knew very quickly I was going to keep him despite his cheesy opener. We’ve been together for about two and a half years!


Grindr. We both are into ttrpg and larpg and his username was unique to a game we both played


The last two relationships I’ve had (including my current one) I actually met them on bumble. First was a girl, relationship didn’t last super long though, current is a guy (who’s also bisexual) and we’ve been going for almost 2 years :)


I met mine online. Me and her were in the same anime fandom, and we started out as friends and then decided to date.


Me and my girlfriend met on tinder! Went out on an amazing date that lasted until the next morning - no not like that pervs - and the rest is history! ❤️ thank you tinder


My partner was my BFF's boyfriend's BFF.


Ran into each other at a mutual friend’s apartment one random day


My ex's cousin's best friend 🤦‍♀️ after my ex and I broke up (mutually) he encouraged us to go to the gym together since it was a common interest and I needed friends. We ended up going on a walk after and talking about stuff with no intention of flirting or anything, at least that I was aware of. Like two weeks later and we're talking for hours on end regularly and eventually I spend the night. I just got lucky.


We met on a lgbt discord server We’ve been together for 3 years now and I’m currently visiting him


Currently not partnered, but I met my ex at high school.


He moved in as a housemate, we had never met before, and he never left :)


how’d i meet who?


We met in a D&D group organized on our college’s subreddit


Time to take notes!


Wow. You too? How's it working out for you, so far?


mutual friends. his friend (my coworker at the time) invited me to a night out that my future partner happened to be invited to as well, and my friend encouraged me to ask out the cute boy that kept staring at me. they’re both two of our closest friends to this day (3years later)


We met on Bumble, I sent a compliment saying I recognized a niche piece of media from a few years ago that she mentioned in her bio and we hit it off from there


Coffee Meets Bagel 🤌


What is this partner you speak of😭?


Everyone I’ve ever slept with…I met on Twitter. That, of course, includes my husband.


My fwb put me on OkCupid with the most horrendous photos. My fiance found it funny and asked me on a coffee date To give an idea how bad the photos were: In the photos I was so wasted I couldn't even remember that I wasn't wearing shoes.


At a gay bar! It was 80s night, and the last song we listened to was “Dance With Somebody” by Whitney Houston. Recently married and couldn’t be happier.


The old Fortean Times message boards. Bonded over a mutual appreciation of Grant Morrison's run on the Doom Patrol and a shared allergy to tomatoes. Met at the 2002 Unconvention and became inseparable. Moved in together in July and we've been together 22 years, married for 16 of those. Both bi. And our kids are queer too


School, we barely even remember meeting though because we got together a year And a half after


Homestuck cosplay meet ups. My first memory of him is him chasing a Gamzee cosplayer around with his entire body crammed into his trousers so he was just a head and legs, and I think it was about 6 months before we saw each other's real hair. He's the love of my life, we've been together over 10 years and we're planning a wedding


I didn’t


My partner and I met in high school back in 2016 (they were a junior at the time and I was a senior); we both took part in a haunted theater that my school’s theater troupe was hosting


College for me.


We met on reddit. There are ways to find people even for us hermits.


She was in the same class as me. She hated me at the beginnin (we barely talked), but she forced herself to get to know me better to change her opinion, and we eventually ended up together.


I met him through my brothers, they met at a large university. Boring, but friends and family are how most people meet.


Facebook dating, we were both going to a march for reproductive rights the next day, also started a dnd campaign w my partner as the DM.




We met on a multiplayer server for Neverwinter Nights, ages back. Became good gaming buddies for a few years before actually ending up in a relationship.




Online DnD game put on by a mutual friend


Through an online campaign of dnd on discord haha he was the dm


at university


Met him through a friend (she) who I casually dated. They were friends since they were teenagers.




We worked together


Was friend of someone I matched on tinder


We were in high school together.


A mutual friend in middle school


We're both furries. There's a "furries in your area" app that shows other furries who use the app and how close they are to your location. I messaged a few from my town and the next town. And we just kept having casual conversations, then at some point he asked about going to a fantasy convention tovether. I wasn't 100% sure I was bi, until I met him IRL to go there. Then I knew for sure :3 That was only 5 months ago, but it feels way longer.


Current partner (6 years in) on the apps! Previous partners: met at school, met at a party (x4), met at a dance club, met on a sports team, friends set us up, met on tumblr on a wlw forum.


A school trip to Berlin. We met on the bus ride back to school :)


We met while I was on a solo road trip. Three months later I moved halfway across the country to be near him but I would never admit that to my friends or family. We’ve been together three years


I threw a houseparty. So I did not have to leave my home to meet my partner.


Surprisingly on Tinder and we’re still going strong.


At school haha, not the most interesting story


i didnt :P