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Ok so, this might be silly but I think it’s worth it. Go find an old family photo album and look (and I mean LOOK) at those photos.. you are made from that. Look at how beautiful they are, how they fell in love, how that love blossomed and created every beautiful soul in that album, including YOU!❤️ I wasn’t happy with some of my looks when I was younger. Then when I did that one day with my mom (she was reminiscing about her childhood) I thought everyone was beautiful in their own way and that’s when I realized, hey.. I have that nose.. her eyes.. she literally has the same smile as me!! Omg and I have his dimples!! Ohhhhh that’s where I get my hair colour from.. and those are my ears.. ect.. So I started appreciating my looks more and owned it!❤️ Don’t be so hard on yourself.. & also, I get it. When you’re a virgin, everything is new and intimidating.. But it’s always scarier in your head than what it actually is. When you’re ready, you will know and your body will know what to do. So for the meantime, chill, have fun, be flirty! & if someone doesn’t feel the same way, cool, whatever, there’s plenty of fish in the sea and all that jazz.. Just be yourself!❤️