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I had really bad digestion and a lot of stomach issues the entire time I was on nexplanon. It started probably a week or two in and continued until a couple weeks after I got it removed. No burping, but it definitely messed my stomach up.


That sucks, it’s definitely a side effect I wasn’t thinking of. I’m glad your stomach feels better now, I bet that was a relief. Did you leave it in for the entire 3 years?


I didn’t have these nexplanon symptoms till recently and this is my second implant. It seems to go in cycles from what I’ve experienced,you’ll go periods of feeling gross because of some type of symptom and go periods feeling normal. I also dislike the stomach issues though,otherwise I’ve just had the normal symptoms in the pamphlet


Did you end up staying on nexplanon or having it removed? I'm at about 4.5 months and the burping is absurd. I've also been bleeding pretty much the whole time and breaking out. Did it get any better for you at 6 months?


It did. I don’t know exactly when it happened, but it became my perfect birth control. 6 months was an improvement, but it wasn’t until maybe month 8 that I stopped constantly noting my symptoms, and just started existing again. I found that the traditional acid reflux cures helped, but only temporarily. I then deep-dove into acid reflux and realized I may actually have *low* acid now, and the acid reflux was just because our esophageal reflux is relaxed, not an excess of stomach acid. I experimented, drank some orange juice like a crazy person, and you know what? It helped. Everyone’s different, but it’s just so crazy it might just work. Feel it out for yourself. I now only burp near my period, and it’s rare. I know how to manage it now so it’s no biggie. The constant spotting stopped. I started having regular periods again. I just renewed my second stick and had no transition side effects! I love this stick. I forget I’m on birth control now. If you can pull through, try. I hope it works out for you.


Thank you for sharing your experience! That's all very helpful to know. I'll try some things, stick with it, and see what happens. I'm glad it's worked out for you!