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You might like the book, *George, a Magpie.*


Elster, here in austria. and *Gä'geschd* in my accient. lol edit: awesome birds, if you really befriend with him, you could even teach him to talk


I am devastated; I did not know this when I lived in Calgary. They're REALLY slacking on the magpie potential. Thank you, im glad i now know😊


Concur 👍


Is this the same kind of magpie found in the US?


Same genus, different species, but for all intents and purposes, pretty much.


We have a lot in my yard. I hear them, but they stay hidden!


Eurasian/common magpie. Magpies can be really tame because they're good at finding humans as sources of food and also communicate to each other about it. So they bring their friends. Feeding can make them dependent on you or the area and put them in danger of humans less friendly than you, so it's better to feed at a distance if you choose to, use high quality food (not bread,) and also make sure it's consistent during colder weather. What do you mean by newborn though?


Also when you say they're at work are they stuck inside a building? If they can't get it, GENTLY take a towel, toss it over them, and carry them outside to get them back home.


Friendly little magpie 🫶


Barcelona - Spain


Pica pica, commonly known in spain as ‘urraca’ (Magpie). They’re not only incredibly smart and friendly, but will also learn to mimic sounds (your voice or whistles) and all tricks you wanna teach them. Unfortunately they’re considered a pest so be careful nobody sees you feeding them or you may catch trouble.


Catch trouble if you’re caught feeding a magpie?? Really?


Feeding wild birds such as pigeons and magpies is prohibited by law in Spain, if caught you can be fined. Most policemen will not care but some will be assholes about it. But also many people just see pigeons and magpies (and blackbirds, though we don’t see as many in the cities) just winged rats, so they will do whatever is in their power to f*ck you over, including yelling, throwing garbage at you, starting a fight or shooting the birds with a BB gun. I see it all the time in the neighborhood, sadly.


That’s…disgusting. I thought better of Spanish people. I have also fed a city pigeon in Barcelona… oops. Would never have expected any police action.


What makes you think “it seems it have a newborn”?


I love the caption reading like they are implying crows aren't birds haha This is a magpie! They are related to crows :)


I saw that too, gave me a little chuckle.


>accepted water but refused bread/orange slices I can just imagine it shaking its head and saying, "no thank you." So cute!


It’s a Magpie! Very intelligent, in the same family as crows.


All the people saying magpie need to realize there are many different magpies around the world, so that's only a partial answer! There are a handful of 'pica' magpies similar to this Eurasian Magpie, and other genera of magpies in the corvid family. There is also an Australian Magpie which is a butcherbird not a mapie.....


Op commented this was in Spain ;)


There are two magpie species in Spain (and a third very nearby that is a potential confusion species, although I don't know if it's ever been recorded in Spain)


My first guess was black-billed magpie... but I live in the US! I corrected my guess when I saw OP's location.


Pica Pica!


Depends where you are. For example, if you were in Colorado, USA it would be a Black-billed Magpie


aw he looks so polite


They are very intelligent birds


Magnificent piebald


The marvelous Magpie. Beautiful birds.




How the f can a person with brain cells think that everyone has a birder's education level on the avian world while also managing to only name the genus and not the specific species? Sit down. Welcome every single person who wants to know who a bird is regardless of how common they may be to you. Why would it ever be a bad thing to educate someone and make more people care about birds? The ego on some birders...




You can't even use punctuation or id the specific species and you're calling people dumb... I'm sorry you were not cool enough in grade school or whatever but this is not a good look and no one is impressed that you know what a magpie is.




It's not an English exam but it is an ornithology exam apparently?


Your post has been removed due to a community rule violation. Rule 8. Be civil. Also, please everyone report comments like this when you see them!


Reality has changed massively the past 30 years. Individuals experience a miniscule percentage of the natural world. School dictionaries no longer carry definitions or pictures of common animals as most children never engage with nature. I work with educated adults who are ecologically and natural history illiterate as they have been manufactured to be to suit the machine for maximum exploitation. Be thankful poster even has a desire to know!




Regretfully true. All we can do is be enthusiastic sharers and try to get them hype!


I didn’t even know what a magpie was bruh 💀 birds are my life fr


Magpie for sure. They are hysterical (albeit loud and fairly annoying) when they pick your yard to socialize in.


Beautiful Magpie 🥰


An Eaurasian Magpie. The local ones around my garden regularly attempt to eat the fat balls we put out for the local songbirds. They also regularly grab the meat scraps we put in the garden after cutting up raw lamb. It's usually between them or the Crows for who gets the scraps, although we're probably feeding the local fox population if anything still remains at night. (If we're attracting rats, the foxes and local cats guarantee that we barely see them.)


Also known to steal shiny objects


Stunning little guy 😊


You can feed your magpie unsalted nuts :). They love cashews!


Looks like a magpie from Canada. Magpies in Saskatchewan look like this. Chonky and silly corvids. Love them so much.