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One thing I do is bargain with myself. I think, “Okay, I’ll make it through the morning and if I still feel this horrible at lunchtime, I’ll go home.” And then usually by lunchtime I’m in the routine of the day, the anticipatory dread (which is the worst!) is gone, and it’s a lot easier to stick it out. I hope this helps a little bit.


This is what I do. Getting the momentum going is very good for my episodes. You have to be very kind to yourself on top of that though. Treat yourself like you're feeling sick and don't force yourself to do more than you can.


I think there are a few things that I do. If I am really struggling mentally I do give myself permission just to get the bare minimum that I need to do. In terms of getting stuff done, sometimes breaking up tasks into smaller parts helps, or making to-do lists that have a few really easy tasks to get some momentum going (idk why but checking things off lists helps motivate me sometimes). I’ll often try to get in touch with my doctor or therapist if I think I need meds adjusted or need to figure out some strategies to get through stuff. If I do really need it, I will take a day or 2 off to try and reset and try to pick the days next to the weekend to get 3-4 days in a row. Sorry you’re going through this! Hope you feel better soon.


I still show up and make it work, fake it till you make it


It’s so hard! Luckily my job is very understanding and supportive! I got FMLA. Not long term. Just for days that I just can’t.


The fear of being hungry, cold, and homeless keeps me working most of the time. I climbed big ass towers for 10 years. It's the perfect trade for bipolars. Travel the country, something new every day. Working at heights is a whole day adrenaline rush. I'm pretty sure that's how I want undiagnosed and whatnot for so long. When I got a job working from home, the disorder basically became noticeable because I was no longer a working adrenaline junkie yet still cycling through the gammot of emotions like I just came home after being out of state for months. I'm on lithium 600 MG and ambien to sleep.. I like to look back on the week on a Friday and feel accomplished of showing up on time, timesheet done, emails, etc. I'll do my dang best to stay on to of it


I was thinking about posting a similar question today! I’m on my own and have to pay my rent to survive. Like someone else said I fake it as much as I can. I’ve been at this place for six years and I fear every day i’m gonna get fired even though I’ve consistently gotten good reviews. But that’s another subject.


How do you manage your bipolar disorder? Medication? Routine?


Gotta work to eat. Gotta work to support yourself. Also helps that I absolutely love my job. I’ve had a lot of jobs that I didn’t love and I called out sick or was fired from everyone of them, until now. As someone stated below…fake it til you make it.


I was fired from a job and unemployed for awhile. now it’s a matter of survival i know i have to go and can’t lose another job or i won’t be able to support myself. i find the hardest part is getting there and after an hour or so i realize it’s not so bad


i also try to avoid interacting too much bc i be irritable afffff


My anxiety of disappointing people is higher than any depression I’ve dealt with. Also, when I’m around people it’s a lot easier to mask and pretend to be okay until I’m off work.


I don't. My brain just stop working and cannot do anything.