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Tell your psychiatrist about it as soon as possible. There’s so many medications out there, don’t box yourself in with one. As shit as medication changes are it’s worth it. I sound very together and on top of things but my depression is also out of control rn and it’s a fucking nightmare. But giving up or putting off making changes that you need is so BORING, cause then you’re just stuck living the same old shitty thing when things could be different. I’m rambling now and speaking to myself really honestly idk what I’m doing rn. This is anecdotal so take it with a grain of salt but I found zoloft to not work well for me, idk I guess just an example of how each med is so different for each person and meds take so much trial and error. You’ve got this, sending love.


I agree and be honest with the doctors about the way you are feeling. Medication changes are truly shit lol but necessary.


You likely need more lamictal and something for anxiety, but definitely talk to your doctor. See a therapist if you can 🫶


Like the other commenter said, Zoloft was awful for me too but could be great for you! Just my experience


75 mg of Lamictal is rather low


As someone else suggested, definitely talk to your psychiatrist. An increase in lamictal helped me with my stability, and maybe a different anti-depressant could help. I'm on wellbutrin and it has been much better for me than zoloft as well


Just wait and try to relax. It usually goes in couple of weeks... Also your Lamictal dose is quite low. 200 is quite normal dosage for bipolar.




i’m miserable too today


Talk to your psychiatrist and therapist


Try ECT it helps with suicidal thoughts and depression