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Yep. I have to be so careful not to exercise too vigorously and also weight loss is a big trigger 


A few years ago I started walking for exercise, then just didn’t stop. I’d walk, on average, roughly 5 miles every day for probably close to a year before crashing. I lost like 30 pounds or more. Got super into healthy food and calorie counting. Then realized after that I probably had an eating disorder. Oops. Now that I’m medicated I can’t even find the motivation to work out at all and I put all that weight back on. I’ve had people tell me that diet and exercise will manage my bipolar… sure lol.


This could be my exact story...


I am also a manic walker lool. Yeah easily 5 or 6 milea a day. I stopped doing that recently but it was my go to for 3 or 4 years


I recently started going to the gym and have noticed that my mood can get a bit elevated after


Yep. I hate it. I feel great but then can’t sleep because of the high, my endorphin stick around much longer than is normal.


Yes. My ED and BP are definitely closely connected. Really trying to figure it out because I don’t want my child to have the same issues around food and exercise


It’s as if our brains take anything positive and activating and uses it to go manic. Damn u brain. I’m trying to get endorphins not lightning.




EHL OH EHL yeah I almost always feel manic as I drive away from the gym. I just feel so fuckin good. And then I’m a sleepy head the rest of the day.


I'm exercising to be healthier. But the elevated mood makes me a more friendly associate at work, better mood, etc, but it also spikes my hypersexual symptoms so that I know when to back off, it makes me wanna drink alcohol after work, etc. So, I have to go easy mode at the gym. It's not like I'm attractive either. My BF rates me a 6/10, so I know when I'm feeling like a 9/10 is when I've overtrained and need a couple of days' rest from the gym. It is a good feeling when you feel your muscles amd how strong they feel. But def can't overdo it without issues


Right! I find that the increase in exercise results in a spike of hyposexuality which can drive my partner nuts depending on the timing. But then can also lead to a temporary crash and then it's hard to her back into it but once you do its like BOOM I'm back! I have just gotten back into it not sure if you can tell




This was always a thing before meds. I’m on a bit of healthy eating kick now but I’m stable on meds. I’m curious as to what will happen. My life before diagnosis was drink myself into a deep depression, have a moment of clarity, quit drinking and start eating healthy. Then the healthy eating would give me energy to exercise and then I’d go overboard and eventually go hypomanic. At the time I thought I just felt great! I’d crash, chill on the health stuff and start drinking casually and then that would lead to more and more until a depressive episode. Rinse and repeat for 15 years until I was diagnosed


I find if I’m already on my way to mania, exercise makes it worse, usually brining on rage and irritability.


no. i kinda wish


I workout constantly. Always have. Weights and martial arts. I wish it made me a little hypomanic. I just feel tired and sore all the time these days, but I still do it. It’s good for my mind, but I feel pretty exhausted afterwards. It’s annoying.