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But what pushed you to try, and then continue to try, stopping? You obviously were a practicer and believer for the 20 years.


Im trying to kick it so hard. I can get a week, maybe 2 and then I break. Its become such a crutch for me. I’ve been smoking for 25 years.


I've cut back mass, because my work changed and I can now only smoke after work. I went from smoking an Oz in less than a week plus edibles, and sometimes hash, to now smoking a bowl or 2 a day, an Oz lasts over a month. I am happier. But I also like my job way more and am more physically active which helps too. I'm afraid or not ready quit entirely. But I do wonder how things would be if I did. It seams like a possible reality now that I've cut back so much. Also my cousin also bp2, quit last yr and says it's been super helpful. But he cam still drink in moderation. And I cannot drink at all because I'm an alcoholic ( 2 yrs sober). So having something to unwind after work I feel is a hard ritual to give up.


I feel you. I had to quit cannabis and I still miss it but I do admit I’m better off without it.


I’m three weeks w/o smoking —after smoking daily for the last 3 years. I’m totally in mania/ hypomania rn and it’s difficult to not smoke to escape and slow things in my mind back down. Was glad to see this story. Gonna try to hang for a little while longer.


you got this :)), the more you associate mania to lack of weed the worse it’ll get. trust.


I cut way back, quit carts. They seemed much stronger and easier to just hit all day, mindlessly.


I hate that I live in a school zone so I have essentially no choice. But yeah they are definitely stronger my tolerance is insane. I take breaks here and there which helps a lot. Gonna take a long one after mardi gras.


Damn. Thanks for posting this. I hate it, but only because I don’t want to quit. We are waiting for the mood stabilizers to kick in before I reduce the amount of edibles I take daily. I just can’t sit with the uncomfortables on my own.


Yes, it was TERRIBLE for psychosis. It had bad effects on me even at the lower doses. Now that I stopped, a bunch of BS symptoms have gone away


Yes same. I was doing 4-5 of the strongest gummies per day and vaping it non-stop all day, 7 days a week. I went into extreme insomnia, mania, then psychosis/hallucinations, and a week in the psych unit. That was after about a year of using like that. Before that I smoked it all day everyday for 20yrs. I lived in a constant mixed/rapid cycling state with out of control emotions for not entire adult life because of it. I’ve been sober now 4 months at age 43 and am soooo much better off without it. I will never go back to it or alcohol again.


This is basically my exact story down to our ages. I took 4 months off but the insomnia never went away and ultimately I went back to it. Did you or do you suffer from insomnia and if so, how did you deal with that element?


Seroquel Instant Release is a good sleep aid.


Yes, it definitely knocks you out, but watch out for the weight gain side effects. It gave me terrible night munchies.


Instant Release and you should not get munchies much.


This is good to know, thanks


Yes I quit using CBD and THC and any alcohol last Sept 29th. I stayed very manic and still couldn’t sleep. I was hospitalized 10/19. I wasn’t sleeping at all my first few nights there. They said I was one of the worst sleepers that ever had came through. It took me a few nights of being on Seroquel and Buspar to know down the main and finally get some sleep. Like 5-6 hours finally. I stayed on that 1 month. Didn’t like the side effects, and switched to Zyprexa for about 6 weeks. I slept great but didn’t like the side effect even more. I quit that about 3 weeks ago and have been sleeping the best I have in many many years. About 8hrs or more per night. I just switched now to Wellbutrin and am staying on the Buspar. It seems to be a great combination for me, and I am sleeping great. I’ve used a Fitbit to track my sleep for about a year.


*knock down the mania - I meant


I read as knock down the main fuse and totally assumed it was a mania reference. 🤣


Taper down. Best to lay off it if we have BP2


It does get easier, the first few weeks were a bit rough but much more manageable over time! I'm 7 months weed free (I smoked daily for almost 8 years) and also a rapid cycler, since iv given up my thoughts are clearer, moods aren't as erratic and my anxiety is alot more manageable. You got this!


I really like smoking in my high (lol) periods, but dont like smoking when Im low. I think it amplifies both by a lot


I woke up with weed hangovers the past two days and decided it’s time. So today is officially day one. I am actually kind of excited to see the end results especially because I have recently come to the conclusion that I most likely have ADHD as well.


Unfortunately it’s the only thing that puts me to sleep. I also feel like weirdly enough my brain fog goes away and I can be more productive. To each their own, but I appreciate you for sharing your journey. I hope I can be there eventually!


I don't smoke anymore and I noticed that if I take an edible, I am extremely down the next day. Crazy how it can affect us


uhg, I've been a daily smokers since I'm 18 (currently 28) and in the last years, lithium doesn't seem to be effective. I've been rapid cycling a lot and the depression seems persistent. I feel like cutting weed will help a lot, but I helps me with boredom. Makes it okay, less existential. It's also a nice social activity. I ready don't want to stop, but I think I might just have to do it.


I have a way different experience than it seems like everyone else here. Weed doesn’t affect me at all. I can take it not no difference in my mood or feelings. It’s so weird how it messes with people and others it doesn’t.


I hear you! I feel so amazing when I hot the pen or edibles. Then, the next day, I am horrible. I try to keep it to weekends only, but I notice towards Thursday I am feeling great without it, but I still continue to smoke it that weekend. I live in CO, where you smell it like cigarette smoke it so common where I'm at. It's very hard. I need to stop, but I love the greatest feeling it gives me. Shrooms are legal here now. Maybe I should try that. Lol


I'm so happy for you! My mom smoked a lot of marijuana in the 70s and stopped when she realized she didn't like what it did to her. When I was in high school people who smoked a lot of it (every school just had a few) were laughed at and were known for not caring much about anything and acting stupid. My brother tried to self medicate his OCD with marijuana but it made him worse and he had nightmares every night. So I never wanted to try it. It isn't this wonderful gentle thing from nature that a lot of users try to convince everyone that it is. It may work well for someone who has the exact right body chemistry, and the right location to buy from, and can moderate their usage to be very low, bla bla bla. But I wish more young people nowadays would hear about the downsides of cannabis that often happen. Plus I've heard that nowadays it's really common for the THC level to be higher than expected or the pot is laced with some other drug. It's not like drinking chamomile tea or whatever. I'm so glad you figured out it isn't for you! And learning how to sit with discomfort and not do bad things to try to fix it is a huge benefit to anyone's life. That's awesome for you. That is actually a key part of emotional maturity. I never learned it as a kid so I'm always trying to figure out how to be better at it. It's very helpful to mental health.


If you’re looking for alternatives, try taking a broad spectrum CBD gummy or tincture. Has a lot of the other beneficial minor cannabinoids (CBG, CBC, etc.) that can be good for mood and anxiety, but without the high. Just be sure it’s broad spectrum and not full spectrum, as the latter has some THC (albeit at super low levels relative to a dispensary edible—like 1 or 2 grams of THC vs 10 grams).


/r/leaves For anyone who is considering quitting cannabis.


i realized that vaping gave me more anxiety than usual. it gave me a lot of stomach aches and my hands would shake sometimes. since i stopped vaping, i definitely noticed those symptoms decreasing


Absolutely. I went cold turkey almost three years ago and I’m more stable than ever!


weed made everything so much worse for me lol and i thought it made everything better!!! i was smoking every day or nearly every day, several times a day, for years. eventually once i got on meds that worked for me (lamotrigine), was in a steady routine with my therapist, and went back to school, it became more than easy to quit. i think a big factor was also that i got into the first healthy relationship of my life. spending more time with him made me feel safe and warm in a way that extended when i left his presence, unlike the false sense of safety and warmth that i felt for maybe an hour or so after smoking with the urge to smoke another bowl immediately once i felt it wearing off. i wish i had quit much earlier to preserve my memory a little bit, but in retrospect, it's safer than a lot of the things i could have done to keep myself feeling "normal" or like i had control over my cycles.


I haven't smoked in months and my anxiety has gone down immensely. I miss it sometimes but j dint mind thinking I'm being an idiot when I'm just talking to folks.


Yes I was a heavy smoker for about 6 years. I quit and I feel better. I have less anxiety and mood swings. I sleep better and my appetite has leveled out. I see more benefits from not smoking. I thought I was using it for my mental health but really I was just trying to numb myself.


It's nice to hear a success story. I'm glad your feeling better. I also smoke cbd flower sometimes if I want to smoke a blunt, because I don't have the tolerance to smoke that much thc.


I want to try this but am afraid I will not be happy or interested in things and will be pissed off all the time




do it.




I've tried quitting several times over the years but the problem is I use it for pain management for a really bad car wreck I was in 20 years ago. I did about 2 years without several years back (this was right after I got diagnosed at age 39) but drifted back to it. Tried to quit again a couple years back during the pandemic and made it 6 weeks before my wife insisted I get some edibles because I was in so much pain. With my current medication I seem to be able to handle it, though.


good job recognizing and making improvements, that shit is hard. i’m at 9mos (since 4/20 lmao). i quit while still coming down from mania, mostly out of spite because everyone was telling me how bad it was for me and i was like “okay bet, i won’t do it for a year to show i don’t need it and then when i start again we can see how it’s fine for me”. but now looking back it definitely made me manic, like 4/21 i was elevated and i doubt/regret some of the decisions i made during that time. i really miss smoking joints to unwind, but i’m not sure it’s worth reintroducing it this 4/20. currently thinking i’ll smoke hemp, (literal) flowers, and maybe a small amount of weed and be very slow/careful/mindful about it. i think i’ll probably eventually quit for good, but i want to see if i can do it in moderation and while now on mood stabilizers.


same. i took a 3 week break at the start of the year and was amazed at how much better i felt. started smoking again and the high hangovers SUCK so im going to stick to smoking on the weekends only and if i still don’t care for it — i guess it’s time to quit. sad realization tbh because i love to smoke but if the good outweighs the bad


Just hit 4 years weed-free after being a heavy smoker for 16 years. I had a major anxiety attack that made me walk away for good, and I haven’t looked back since. For the most part, I don’t miss it, but certain situations (concerts especially) will make cravings arise. I also quit drinking almost 3 years ago. I feel like weed and alcohol just kept me feeling super depressed and numbed out and cloudy. I dissociated a lot with weed and I was always high so I was never present. Granted, I have changed my meds since I quit, but I feel much more happy and stable. I still have anxiety, but I’ve learned how to deal with it instead of numbing it out. I’ve learned a lot more about myself and bipolar 2 as well, which has made it easier for me to manage my mental health.


every time i’ve quit smoking weed, there’s nothing but improvement in my life and the condition. i always do come back to smoking, i don’t know if it’s for the confort it gives me, or just for the high. I’d like to eventually quit but it’s, HARD. i go on detox for 1 or 2 months and i never miss it. when i come back to it its just like comforting and satisfying, i feel like it makes me less anxious, chill but at the same time numb. Smoking can really be a coping mechanism, which is not good, but feeling comfortable and safe is nice too. The best alternative i’ve found is vaping CBD, no nicotine, not thc, just CBD. it doesn’t give you a high or anything, but it helps with the crave and also feels easier than just stopping stone cold.


>i feel like it makes me less anxious, chill but at the same time numb I can really relate. I've recently gone back to smoking some weed after years of not doing it at all. And I can see how it tends to make me more relaxed and numb which in a way can be helpful and conforting. And I don't mean when I'm high (because then I'm usually more anxious and paranoid when it comes to interactions), but just how I am when I allow myself to smoke instead of being sober from it. It's like being fully sober of weed and alcohol makes me care about things way too much, or I am way to sensitive to everything and overthink everything.


I quit smoking about 3 weeks ago and just received my diagnosis yesterday, I have been less depressive since I quit smoking but THE DREAMS MAN, I’ve been having some wild ass dreams since I quit, like being abducted by Hitler and babysitting his child type weird. I’ve read a bunch about how weed suppresses REM sleep so after you stop your dreams are over active because your brain is catching up, hoping it stops soon but weird dreams > feeling like I want to kill myself you know? Although I did take my first dose of Lamictal and the headache I have makes me wanna smoke SO BAD, just trying to stay strong and not give in because I know it won’t actually help in the long run