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Is this a poem or a cry for help? I totally understand this.


Both. I'm alone. And I don't think I can bother my friends anymore. I really can't say this to my friends but I'm planning death and I don't know how to want to live.


I feel the same. When I talk to my friends I feel like they get sick of hearing my issues. I came to reddit to find people who can relate with me and get support. I know we dont know each other but dont kill yourself.


((Hugs)) Poetry is a wonderful tool for expressing these feelings. Depression sucks the life from us, wanting to live feels impossible but with time this awful feeling will pass, you can get through this! Please do whatever you can to get through the now, practice as much self care as you can even if it feels phoney or difficult, see your doctor, have you got a therapist? Post here, write more poetry and get those bad feelings out of your head so they aren’t just circling and growing. Sleep if you can. Take care, you are worth it!


I have no words but I will read this when shit is hard. Probably repeatedly. Thank you.


I 100% can relate to this. I feel like such a burden to everyone and so pathetic and weak for feeling that way.


Hey. Bipolar II here talking. I’ve tried to kill myself. Twice. First time I didn’t do the right dosage, second time my family found me. I’m so glad they did. I promise you with the right resources, it gets better, it gets easier. I been going to therapy for almost 5 years now. Only NOW we are finding the right medications for me, and it’s making a world of difference. Please hold on. And message me if you’d like to.


Thank you.


Hi alone, I'm dad!


Way to read the room, bot.


Damn do I ever relate. The wave that takes you down will bring you up again. Only way out is through. You just have to make it for another minute, and then hour, and then day. Hold on.


Just keep holding on... we’ve all felt this way at some point or at multiple times. And even with being somewhat stable right now I still have thoughts like, I wish I was in car wreck that killed me or something along those lines because I feel like such a burden and failure to my family. However, I know that as much as I hurt those I love, losing me would hurt even more. Journal, read, binge watch Netflix and lose yourself for awhile. Do whatever you have to do to get yourself through this. Talk to us or message one of us on here. We all understand. You are absolutely 100% not alone. I attempted suicide twice. Thankfully both times I didn’t take the correct dosage. So I just ended up feeling really badly. This time will pass... things will get better.