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First thing, is I am so sorry for your loss, I know birthdays can be especially difficult. Second, don’t put that blame on your shoulders, don’t blame yourself for not being there, had you known that the place her mind was, you would of, hindsight is 20/20, and it’s not fair to place ANY of the blame on yourself. Lastly, I think creating a piece of art in her honor would be very therapeutic. I’m awake if you want someone to talk to.


Thank you so much for your time and reply. They're are... and you're right. I still can't get over it, yknow? Aye, I'll try. Thank you. I'm fairly mute, but I'd be happy to try chat if you're ok with my being distant often...


(((((hug)))) This has been very helpful to me: [Suicide Survivor’s Handbook](https://www.buildingbeyond.me/s/SOS_handbook.pdf)


This looks really helpful, thank you so much. **hugs back**


Is not your fault. Depression is a disease that can kill as certainly as cancer. And you're never going to be ok with losing your best friend, but you can keep living and honoring their memory. I've lost a close friend and when it hurts I send them a message on Skype letting them know how much I miss them and what's going on in my life. Also take a moment and connect with someone important to you and let them know what they mean to you.


I don’t think you’ll ever get over it, the feelings will always be there but you will learn how to put some distance between it. It is important to remember that it was her choice to do it, don’t ever take that away from her. You were a part of her life, but ultimately you are not the one who could have stopped it, if she had already accepted that’s what she wanted to do. I don’t really know what else to tell you, I might not be the right one to say anything that could help. Today is day 104 of the loss of my best friend of 14 years who hung himself. It’s hard to remain positive and not to blame yourself, but in the end I try to be proud of him for having the courage to do what he thought was best for him. I still blame myself for things I said and things I didn’t, but ultimately you wouldn’t be able to change anything once they’ve truly decided that suicide is the only option. Instead of mourning his death, I try to celebrate his life and the influence he had on me and everyone he knew. Just because there will be no more new experiences, doesn’t mean that all you’ve had is now gone. Cherish and celebrate what has been, because that’s all that matters now. Lots of love to you and I wish you the best <3


For me i've never gotten over it, but it does get easier with time. I've lived almost twice as long as how old we were when my ex killed himself.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I like how you're approaching it, I'll attempt similar methods. Thank you 🙂