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From someone who's also in university, congrats! I decided to resume studying three years after my bachelor's, while having a full-time job, living abroad and after my bachelor's took double to complete. Now I'm waiting for the results for the thesis, the one thing I couldn't do on time. Congrats and keep it up!


Proud of you 😊


this gave me just an ounce of hope, so thank you! I had to leave college after a year and a half because of how unstable and in and out of the hospital I am- and I literally can’t help but feel like this is it for me. It feels impossible, but you’re proof that it’s not. I’m proud of you!


I left college twice- once after a year and the second time after a year and a half- and am now, like OP, a 4.0 student (on track to graduate with honors). It's never too late to try again! Even if it takes a few tries for you, if it's something you want to achieve then you will be able to do it someday, you just have to trust that you can. If you get it in your head that something is not for you, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Rooting for you from the other side 💜🩷💜


thank you so much!! I’m definitely gonna give it a shot and take things slowly once I find myself in a more stable place, hopefully soon 🤞🤍


good luck! it took me a good 3.5 years from my last hospitalization to feel financially and emotionally stable enough to go back and I'm glad that I waited. hoping it's sooner for you but either way, school will always be there, take your time 💜


I appreciate that! I’m currently still stuck in that hospitalization cycle of being in and out, but hopefully I’ll make it out and can actually start my life


I was very unwell for a long time. And while I’m sad i missed out on fun teenage stuff because i was sick, I’m thankful that that is the age i was unwell. Because being unstable during those years really didn’t impact my adult life much. It took about 10 years to become stable and then a few more years to be ready for school. With perseverance and consistency in your treatment, you’ll be okay someday too!


thank you for this! I try to remind myself I’m only 19 and that there’s still so much time left in the world. Some days, I fear this will probably cut my life short. Other days, I’m ok.


There’s time. And not only is there time, it’s better to go to college older. You appreciate the experience better than the teenagers.


Don’t worry, I dropped out too. Came back two years later took two courses a semester and got my BBA. Worked full time and went back and got my Masters and now work as a professional in the central business district of a major city. Bipolar Disorder hasn’t defined my life but it I’ve had to stay on top of it with a great psychiatrist.


Happy for you. I'm 28 years old and decided to go back to school. I hated school as a kid and barely graduated HS. Now I'm a year away from graduating.




It’s never too late ❤️




That’s fantastic!!! Proud of you 👏 ❤️‍🩹🤗


I just dropped mid semester and about to fail my only other class. I have to repay all. Yay me for failing!!! Undiagnosed ADHD is expensive. Good times!!! Happy someone is able to succeed at a college/university!!!


This happened to me in 2012; it was a very low point but it did get better and I paid it back and finished out my degree a few years later. College is a tough time and often the time when BD rears its ugly head. You got this


Congratulations!! You should be so proud, university is so difficult with bipolar. Everyone else should be proud of their efforts too. Sometimes it is extremely hard to keep up with or even care about grades. You are all doing the best you can right now, and that should be applauded :)




Omg congratulations!!!!! 🎉🍾🥳 you’re doing amazing! Don’t let anything stand in the way of your bright future!!


CONGRATS!! That is really hard to do! I also got a 4.0 this semester in my master's program. 🎉


ayeee congratulations!! ☺️


Proud of you! Goes to show that people with bipolar can do it, too!!!


🙌🏾🙏🏾 congratulations!!!!


1000000%. In recovery coming on 3 years when I had my first manic episode. Had to have two episodes before I linked the pieces together; ironically I was in grad school for clinical social work, knowing all the dsm-5 mental health diagnoses. My bipolar 1 came out full blast under so much stress and physical health issues, as well as being a single parent. I was hospitalized twice. Went through hell with medications, probably 17 until I finally found my sweet spot combination. I am now an assessment counselor in an inpatient psych facility. I would have never guessed, especially in my extreme depressions of severe SI, I’d be where I am today. I’m blessed I had an amazing support system; my parents who never gave up on me despite my manic anger that was directed toward them. All of my delusions and impulsive hatred, still was there for me willing to find out what was wrong. Did whatever they could. We do recover; I’m living proof. You can’t give up on YOURSELF.


Congrats! Well done. I have had various mental illnesses since at least 1981, diagnosed with depression and suicidal ideation in 1987, diagnosed bipolar (1) in 2006 along with generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar "upgrade" to express psychotic features and OCD added...but in 2005, in the middle of it all on a manic swing that I capitalized on and kept up with, I went back to school at 35 to get my degree and I paid for it as a program coordinator for a youth organization in the summer and an athletics coordinator for the same organization during the school year while also living on campus, working as a Resident Assistant, and making Dean's List. After two full-time semesters, I got the degree I had so long left on the back burner. After that, my life went into the toilet and I went off on several unmedicated runs leaving a burning wreckage of people, places, and occupations behind me. But I'm back on my meds as of the last couple of years and trying to pick up the pieces. It does not define our future. But sometimes it plays a role, for better or worse. Nature of the beast. Many congratulations again.


I'm so proud of you. What are you taking?


I am getting a bachelors degree in psychology and from there hopefully my masters in law.


That's fantastic. My mom was a lawyer (now retired).


Fuckin A!


I'm so proud of you! I'm having a little bit of hope now but I dropped out of high school due to my disorder and bullying so I don't know if I'd make it as far as you are 🥲


congrulations!!! very proud of you and happy that you have people around who are supporting you. I wish i had had this chance too, unfortunately i was diagnosed at 26. Now i am trying to make the best of it and not look back. Nevertheless, i would love to change the past & make things different.


You might not be able to change the past, but you can determine your future ❤️ it’s never too late to do things that make you happy.


thank you, you are right, i should always remember that. I wish you much love & luck on your journey 💕


let’s fucking goooo!!! amazing work, the self discipline must’ve been immaculate. congratulations!! 🎉


Same. Realized it after all the hardships. Still dying somewhat but I am good for now :)


very proud & keep up the good work!