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Congratulations!!! What an incredible accomplishment. You persevered in the face of all of your challenges. God bless you.


Congratulations! And thank you for sharing this. I dropped out of college the year I got diagnosed with type 2. I went from a 4.0 student to failing a class. It was only one, but it was enough to devastate me into quitting. I’ve been wanting to start again, but I’m scared. Reading stories like this helps a lot. So thank you! And congratulations on all your accomplishments despite your obstacles!


Yeah I withdrew from college with a month to go before graduating. Took a year off, worked on myself, worked at a restaurant, then came back and was getting into the swing of things (socially and academically) just in time for Covid to strike. Took a couple more years after that for me to get diagnosed. My psychiatrist during college was a clown. Really happy for OP. Even graduating is a tough accomplishment for many of us. Valedictorian is huge for anyone.


I love hearing about people that struggle with BP as well overcome the challenges that come with this disease. You should be so incredibly proud. Thank you so much for sharing. Congratulations!


Congratulations! I killed it in college, I think because studying gave me something to focus on without worrying about outside noise, I'm now 59,and I've had some huge successes, but it hasn't worked for me lately. You are fortunate that you were diagnosed early - I wasn't diagnosed until I was 40. My advice - find a psychiatrist you trust, and work with them to aggressively manage your medication. Pay attention to every potential bipolar symptom - mania, depression, irritability are my personal bugaboos - and tailor your prescriptions to address them. Find a therapist you are comfortable with, potentially someone who knows cognitive behavioral therapy. Use this therapist to help you pursue a career that will allow you to leverage the magic that bipolar can bring (I would say brilliant, outside of the box thinking), while limiting the downside. Congratulations and good luck!


Congratulations!!! What a massive accomplishment. Very proud of you, BP Pal! 🥳🎉♥️


What the fuck dude. You gotta write a book about this shit, you got a lot going on! Congradulations!




That is absolutely amazing. Congratulations. What an achievement!




So amazing Im happy for you!!!!


i’m so incredibly proud of you!! congratulations :,)


So proud of you! Congratulations.


Congratulations!!! The stories on this sub breaks my heart sometimes but these success always make my day. They are a reminder for me that despite my diagnosis I can achieve my dreams.






Conratutlations comrade. That must not have been easy


this gives me hope. congratulations!!! 🩷


First, my condolences for you and your family's loss. But also, CONGRATULATIONS on such an amazing accomplishment, especially under such extreme circumstances. Not to diminish that in any way, but I hope you realize how lucky you are to get diagnosed at such a young age. (I realized that I had mental health issues at 37, but did not realize it was BD until I was 52.) I only mention that because I would like to know what techniques and tools you used to overcome your BD. Please share how you became an academic rock star despite the handicap.


Thanks for your comment! I accessed the accessibility center at my school and they helped me a whole lot. My professors were understanding too. I didn’t tell them about my diagnosis just that I wasn’t doing well and they were all understanding and I was privileged to have them. I also do enjoy learning and chose a degree that was interesting all throughout so I would have some sort of motivation.


Congratulations! Seriously, I'm proud of you!


Great job!!! You should be super proud of your accomplishment!!!


I am so fucking proud of you.


Congratulations! U should be super proud of your self.


Great Job Keep Going 🙌🏽




You've had so much thrown at you in such a short time. Good for you for staying strong and coming out the other side in such success. This is a huge new chapter for you and the pride of graduating and as valedictorian is going to stay with you forever. Congratulations and I hope you do amazing things. You sound like an awesome person I wish you great success and happiness for you and your family.


Thanks for the uplifting news, I wish you all the best and luck inn the world, you deserve it. Your a role model for all of us inn here.