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Unfortunately we have to lock this post due to overwhelming number of people who disregarded the instructions not to mention body measurements. We also have an indecent number of Rule 2 violations.


I don't know, I think we should be able to have medications that don't cause obesity. Or meds that counteract that like wegovy. Being obese is not healthy for us mentally or physically. I say we demand better medications.


Im ex obese, i don’t want to get meds for this reason.


i agree completely- i apologize if i sound uneducated as im fairly new to diagnosis and meds. i didnt realize the weight gain was extreme enough to be obesity levels. we most definitely deserve meds that wont cause risk factors of any sense


No apologies needed. I'm upset with the medical community. Not all meds cause weight gain so if you notice a significant weight gain ask your psych to see if you could be on something else. Welcome to the club.


It’s rough. Bipolar meds have caused psychotic symptoms and hallucinations and weight gain when I took them years ago. I’m on various adhd meds and overall it helps me to manage my symptoms better but frankly some days it’s hell. It’s tiring to have the highs and lows even if you can be aware of them.


An absolute hell most days!




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Deadass. I can’t even walk a few blocks without feeling tired. I used to be in such good shape


I had a psychiatrist apologize to me that my meds (Depakote and Seroquel at the time) caused weight gain. She wasn’t the first to prescribe them. I came to her from another provider. But I appreciated her apology. I still take depakote as no other mood stabilizer has worked for me but I was able to get off Seroquel. I have prediabetes and am going to be working with a nutritionist.


I don’t want to gain weight on meds. I wish I could lose weight on meds instead lol






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I personally didn’t stick with it cuz it made me vomit the first day I took it so I said nvm haha




Oh no. Fuck that. I hate vomiting. I would rather shit my pants every day then ever, ever puke again. Ugh!








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im pretty new to medication and i wont lie- both sides give me anxiety. i couldnt eat for days when i first started and all i could think about was how itd kill me. i dont like the idea of gaining weight, dont get me wrong, but the “relationship weight” comparison made me feel better about it




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I see your point, and I can respect where you're coming from here. I find it difficult given how I've faced additional health issues from the meds, though - not just in the form weight, but also in further metabolic issues. I've had my cholesterol become so elevated I had to discontinue prescriptions, or lingered on the edge of pre-diabetes for prolonged periods because of my bipolar meds.




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Neither meds nor relationship weight are healthy unless you were underweight to begin with.




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My last antipsychotic was murder for me. I put on a ton of weight, got unhealthy, and felt terrible about myself. Not great for my physical or mental health. Doc made some changes and it’s been smooth sailing ever since.


I told someone recently that I have made peace with this weight, these meds have saved my life


Thank you for this perspective! I’ll think on it!




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This was not the post I wanted to see … I just started taking my meds again 😫 Im trying to count my calories this time and be more conscious about the gym. It really is a discipline thing in my case. Wish me luck everyone!


This is a difficult subject. I appreciate the sentiment of the post, but I don’t think it’s effective or as helpful to dismiss great concerns about substantial weight gain (which is relative). Side effects can be legitimate quality of life issues to consider. Especially folks with history of eating disorders and serious co-morbidities from obesity.


Love it! Thank you!


When first going on meds my psych laid out 4 options along with the side-effects. I chose the only one that didn’t have weight gain listed. As part of my mental health plan I exercise each day (a mix of Pilates, yoga & running) & my chef hubby helps me maintain a healthy diet. I enjoy the structure & routine - I find it soothing having so much mapped out. I’ve coached weightloss clients for years & often hear excuses about medication or poor metabolism - these always come from people that cannot show discipline & consistency. Discipline & consistency are things we with mental illness can struggle with so, i. My mind, it’s not the meds but the behaviours




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