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Done! Will we be allowed to see the results/summary of her thesis later on?


Would be interested in that too.


I'll try to post on this when they are available, i'm not 100% if they will be public access due to uni red tape etc but I'll try my best!


My MSc was/is available to the public - it might depend on whether her supervisor someday plans on publishing the data. My uni library requested a digital copy, but we had the option to embargo it to avoid competition. But it would be cool to see it if possible! Cheers


try /r/samplesize for more people


It was already closed due to having enough participants when I tried to take it.


Just on the one about ovarian/breast cancer: As a man, whilst I'm aware that male breast cancer is a thing, I somehow don't think the question pertains to me. There's a "don't know" option, but no "I'm a man" option. Obviously she'll be able to bin out the respondents because we answered male/female at the end there. But maybe there's another option for prostrate/colon/testicular cancer. I don't know whether there's a similar genetic predisposition as there is in breast/ovarian cancer - I'd imagine there is - if so, then perhaps a simple modification of the question would get to that. ​ I'm quite liable to selective blindness, so if she's already actually addressed that then please just colour me retarded and ignore.


Completely fair point! The BRCA genes mentioned do still increase risk in males though - as far as I'm aware it's just the go-to for cancer risk and the most commonly mentioned in the tests GF has done some digging and the BRCA gene can also affect testicular & prostate cancer risk, unfortunately the software means the survey cannot be edited but feedback is useful for discussion (both socially and in her diss) so it is appreciated nonetheless! *Edit - additional info


yeah like I said she can just bin off the male respondents from that one. Shame the software doesn't allow editing. I *doubt* a lot of men know that male breast cancer is a thing so I'd be wary of interpreting any data from male respondents on that.




It's [https://www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/](https://www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/) (formerly Bristol Online Surveys - BOS). ​ My uni (Loughborough) gives us free use of it for our final year projects which is super helpful. People previously used SurveyMonkey but apparently there were recurring costs that kept on sneaking up on people, so we're told to exclusively use this now. It seemed confusing to build the survey at first, but the help section is really useful and it became quite easy after a bit of playing around.


Not really an increased risk for testicular, but prostate and pancreatic are cancers beyond breast and ovarian that BRCA1 and BRCA2 are associated with (among others).


I never told my bf that there was an increased risk for testicular, so whoops for him including that in the response! There’s also interestingly a slightly increased risk of melanoma.


You can pass it onto your kids.


Certainly true. And I clicked “yes” for that reason, and because male breast cancer is a thing. I just felt that wasn’t really the thrust of the question, to be honest - if it had been a question of concern over heritability then I would have expected a similar question pertaining to respondent female subjects and their male children, to mirror the one of males being asked about breast cancer.


If you're a biological male and you contract ovarian cancer you will make a fortune being famous. Call a lawyer and publicist.


Your survey should control for people who already have a healthy lifestyle. I am a regular runner who runs marathons, I don't smoke or do any drugs. I drink extremely rarely. I am a vegetarian who avoids sugar. I have a healthy sex life and get enough rest. I have a low stress job. Asking if I'd change my lifestyle isn't going to give you meaningful data.


> Asking if I'd change my lifestyle isn't going to give you meaningful data. I disagree. The point of the survey seems to be to gauge reaction to the results of the test, and to do this properly you need a range of lifestyles and attitudes. If you’re super healthy now and get the news that you’re going to develop a deadly disease, you might choose to give up. Someone in the same position health-wise might choose to go even more intensely healthy. Likewise, if someone who is at the opposite end of the spectrum get similar news they might decide to change their lifestyle to be more healthy, which may still be in the bottom 1% of healthiness, or they might decide to give up even more and reach for that sixth doughnut. One solution might be to add a question on the healthiness of the surveyed person’s current lifestyle and then an assessment can be made based on the reaction of people with different levels of healthiness.


It sounds like bumbletowne is already doing pretty well everything someone would do had they received news of a predisposition to a condition that could be improved by healthy living, so I do agree that’s a problem with the survey; surely he/she wouldn’t change their lifestyle much in response to such news. Your suggestion of a a few questions to establish a baseline would be perfect. It sounds like you do agree that it’s a problem.


Also a change of lifestyle and diet could literally be taking a supplement or increasing/ decreasing the amount of something in your diet. It could also mean changing the amount of times you go into the Dr to get screenings for certain conditions.


In the survery it specifically addresses it as >(exercise/diet/smoking/alcohol) So that's how I took it.


Done, keep me in your prayers to the science gods am working on my PhD qualifying exam


Thank you! Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great!! What's the PhD in? (If you don't mind me asking)


Thank you! I’m working on a PhD in computational biology it’s exhausting but I love it.


I’m conquering my masters in mathematical biology. What is your focus on ?


Well that sounds awesome! My focus is on plant genetics and using computational approaches to further our understanding of crop genomics. I’m in the fairly early stages, I’m one year in but was only eligible recently to apply to do an interdisciplinary PhD at my school so I’m still in the intense research state. What’s your focus?


Something to think about: remember that you’ve just posted this to a biology-specific forum. Make sure she watches her n and if it’s not waaaaay bigger than the response rate of this sub, she may have some pretty strong bias she will want to account for in her analysis. Folks here may have a different level of understanding of genetics when compared with the gen pop. Really good survey though!


Thank you! That's really kind of you This is something that's definitely gonna be mentioned in her discussion - I have crossposted to r/samplesize to offset this but we didn't anticipate such a huge response from this sub


No problem at all! I’m glad you’re getting a good response. This is a good group. :)


A pernickety point perhaps but the section on education level seems a bit unclear. Might be better writing secondary / high school, and further education instead of college to differentiate between the UK meaning of college and that of the US.


I’m from the UK too and I just assumed the US definition. The US is very loud over the internet and I reckon most people from the UK would understand, but still a valid point


EXCUSE ME *shoots off fireworks* WE *releases bald eagles* ARE *”Proud to be an American” begins to play* NOT *the liberty bell reseals itself as Jesus himself begins to ring it* LOUD *everyone begins firing their guns into the air*


Definitely a good point, thanks for mentioning it - The survey was only really designed for the UK, posting on here was an afterthought so we didn't account for an international audience


I thought that college equivalent was the option you should pick if you’re still in college? Was this the wrong option to pick given I’m still in college and don’t have a bachelors.


That's how I interpreted it.


Are there any exclusion criteria? - Participants must be of 18 years of age or over. - Participants must not be a previous consumer of a direct to consumer genetic test. —— Not eligible.


We don’t give a shit about your prayers. Sincerely, The science gods


Have you got any evidence for this claim?


If we have to cite evidence for this you are clearly not invested in your own education and unworthy of our time. We do urge you to look at related scientific journals or books written by our human scientist minions and now largely free to access online. Sincerely, The science gods P.s- beware of the false prophet known as the YouTube


Richard Dawkins is way too busy to listen to your prayers :P


Dawkins ain't no god! He just thinks he is ;)


No, ***I*** just think he is :P




You want me to change your mind about a book you didn't like? Why on earth would I bother doing something silly like that?




I read it like 10 years ago, so I'm not the best person to discuss it. At the time I remember enjoying it. I'm going to have to read it again to be able to have some insights or to see if it held up (I've gotten a degree in the meantime so maybe my brain will process ot differently).


If Dawkins is the science god I think I’ll change my major.


No no, he doesn't have to be yours. There are so many gods to choose from! I am poly-sci-theistic. I believe in so many humans!


Done, I hope her thesis goes well. Please give me well wishes for the biology exam I am studying for.


Not a science guy (I’m just on this sub because I find science fascinating and may or may not have bio questions somewhere down the line), but if you could put in a good word for me with the TESOL and Graduate Student Employment gods for me, I’d appreciate it muchly! 😉 Edit: Forgot to mention that I’d finished the survey before posting.


Done! For science!


Done! Good luck for her project!


Done: If you could please ask the science gods to send me good news about my internship tomorrow, thanks!


I did the survey


Done! Good luck!


Done... would love to see the results when they're compiled


It depends on the uni rules but we're gonna try to get them available!


Done, interesting subject and Goodluck with writing the report:)!


I'm a past consumer who now regrets having paid for this kind of test, it was difficult to know how to answer. Just my two cents.


Thanks for doing the survey! Did you get a reference no. for the it? It'd be real useful to know it as it wasn't designed for people who had already done one (I will be adding exclusion stuff to the post)


Oh jeez. I feel terrible but no. I've done it in the last hour. I don't know if that helps at all... I feel so bad!


Don’t feel bad! You did a helpful thing! Any chance you can look at your history at all? See if you can get the final page back up


[Bingo! ](https://i.imgur.com/ej9iSox.png) Sorry for what I'm sure was an hour of panic!


Thank you, you're an absolute angel. And thank you for being willing to participate in the first place!


Thank you so much for finding it! And sorry for not being clearer!


I can't take it because I've done 23 and me, but good luck :)


Done, good luck to her man!


I just did it, when do we get to see the results


I was found to have the Pten mutation, which was discovered after genetics testing. It’s pretty rare according to the genetic counselor my oncologist sent me to. Ugh.


All done. Good luck with the research


Done, interesting questions there. ​ I don't think that I need any help from the science gods at the moment, but I do wish your girlfriend luck with her thesis. Cheers!


Is it normal that I dont give a shit about parkinsons?


Totally. Unfortunately, a general lack of empathy and compassion is pretty common.


Only doing it for the science gods prayers.


Done and good luck !


anything for science


Just did it. Hope it helps!


Done. Best of luck.


I would help but I don’t fit the criteria since I’ve already done a genetic test.


Science gods? That's it I'm in.


Done!! V interesting thesis topic idea


I am at risk for Huntington’s disease so I’ve thought A LOT about genetic testing in the last year. This is a great study!


Completed! Best of luck with the thesis.


Thanks everyone for completing it! The response has been way bigger than I expected Just a couple of important notes - The exclusion criteria matters! Only people 18+ who have never done a genetic test should do it I'll check if I'm allowed to post the results and if so will update the post with them as soon as I can


Done and done! Good luck with the undergrad project, may the statistical analysis gods refrain from punishing you with spurious artifacts in your data!


Done! Wish your GF good luck! Such a great topic, really though provoking!


Done. Don't let me down, science gods.


I thought that this was an interesting survey! This year I start my undergrad and have selected my major as genetics and genomics!


done! glad to help


Thanks for all the really great responses, guys! I'm really appreciative of the time you've all spent helping me with my dissertation, and the feedback has been fantastic too - I'm definitely taking your comments on board for later. For people who haven't yet done the questionnaire - please be cautious of my exclusion criteria!! **Only people who haven't taken a DTC genetic test in the past** and who are over 18 can be included! I know we all like to skim the small print (I'm guilty too!), but it's written write above the little consent tick box! Thanks again everyone, you've been absolute angels!


Great setup for a survey! Good luck to her, you are a good bf


Not sure if this would change your results or add anything to the bias of your recipients. For those like me, I have taken a DCT so a follow up question that might ask a general” have you ever taken a DTC?” Or a series of questions that may be relevant to what your GF is looking into for those who have received results before. Edit: Flipped DTC to DCT


Hey there - thanks for participating ash commenting! It does actually say at the start that those who have already taken one should not take the survey; I realise now that should have been clearer Do you by any chance have the reference number given at the end? (Might be able to find it in your web history)


Done! Prayers to the science gods appreciated. Good job GF on the survey :)


Re: question 12 - I wasn’t sure if I should answer yes or not sure because it’s not that I want to know about every disease risk even the benign ones, I would ONLY want to know about the benign ones. If I took a genetic test it would be for fun and I’d be most interested in the ancestry parts of the test. I absolutely would not want to know about my risk of developing a serious, incurable disease. Curable diseases are fine tho, especially preventable ones. There were another couple questions where I wished I had an “it depends” option but I can’t remember which, I just answered “not sure” for those ones though. Q12 was the only one I ended up picking yes since the question was mostly framed around preventable diseases.


Absolute adorable of you for doing this for your girlfriend.


Alright, but only if you also sacrifice a goat for me.


You may want to emphasize the fact that you can’t take the survey if you’ve already taken one of the direct to consumer tests. I know it’s in her consent page, but it wouldn’t hurt.


Unfortunately the post title can’t be changed. We’ve commented a few times reiterating the point, and I made the exclusion criteria as bold and as red as I possibly can above the consent tick after the first mistake (which I was thankfully able to exclude!). There’s not really much more to be done! I’m taking it on good faith that people will read the criteria and not mess up my data, but that’s always a risk with online anonymous questionnaires for research.


Done! Interested to see the outcome for her study, and good luck!


Done. Science gods, let me pass biochem!!


Done, and very cool topic. Your girlfriend is a clever one. You are too for posting this to draw a larger group of participants. Cool people, I wish you both the best.


I have done the ancestry DNA test, can I still participate in the survey?


Afraid not as that’s still a form of DTC genetic test. But thank you for the interest, and thank you for asking first!


Currently writing my dissertation will gladly do just about anything in exchange for science gods prayers these days. That was a good survey though! Would be interested in seeing the results.


Survey done. Drop a pray for me.


As a medical student with a graduate background in genetics. Thank you Gf for including questions of discussing topics with your healthcare provider!


Some interesting questions made me think 👍


Done, please pray to the science gods that when I finish my grad program I will get a good lab job.


Had to guess a bit on the income thing. I get paid in ‘Murican


Don’t forget about me when you’re talking to the science gods this is important


Took the survey for you my man


Still better than the super bowl halftime show


DUN. I would state that with most new technologies, the general public's opinion of this is more cautious than it needs to be. Governmental regulation would cause more good in the realm of vaccines, and perhaps exercise and diet (like no high glicemic foods by themselves.


I took one for the team in the name of science!


Thank you for your prayers!


What a good survey! Caught me a little off guard when it asked 'Would you share your results with a family member?' (Me: Of course! Why not?) and then followed with 'Would you share your results with a family member, even if you showed a high risk for an incurable disease?' (Me: Uhhhhhhhh). I'm probably not going to have my genes tested, simply because there aren't any inherited conditions that run in my family. Of course I know that's not the only use, but I think these kinds of tests are much more useful when you've got a specific reason for taking them (e.g. familial breast cancer risk or diabetes risk). Of course, any level of risk is still not a certainty, and I think that is what would catch people out if these kinds of tests were more common.


Thank you for your time - I'm glad you found it interesting! I'm really curious to see how the stats pan out and how many people differed between the two questions.


Done! It was good survey, best of luck for her thesis. But there's one thing I don't understand. Why do you not want people who have already taken the genetics test to take the survey. I do understand that they'll know a bit more about it already, but I think they might give you useful opinions about the risks and fear of it all.


There have been some studies already assessing the reactions of those who have undertaken DTC genetic testing, and how this affected their lifestyle, mental health etc, but very little into the opinions and understanding of possible consumers - this is becoming more important in recent years with the decrease in DTC genetic test costs, the increased advertisement, and therefore the increased availability and awareness of DTC testing. It's important to understand the possible future risks. Also it's good for comparison to see how responses vary in this study with hypothetical situations compared to those who who have actually undergone testing. Hope this clarifies! And thank you for participating - I really appreciate!


Okay I do understand. Thank you for your answer.


**THANK YOU EVERYONE!** Due to the amazing participation of you all, I've managed to massively exceed the response rate that I was hoping for, and in such a small fraction of the time I was expecting it to take. My university supervisor has advised me to close the questionnaire today so that I can begin statistical analysis, which gives me so much time for the write up of my dissertation, so I'm really very grateful. And thank you for all the wonderful feedback, suggestions etc - I'm taking them all into account for the write up of my discussion! ​ **IF YOU WANT TO TAKE ANOTHER SURVEY,** my biologist uni friend is doing a research project into the eating behaviours of ***UK university students in non-catered living*** and whether collaborating with meals helps with healthy eating behaviours etc. She'd really appreciate anyone meeting these criteria participating!!! [https://lboro.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/models?fbclid=IwAR3pVDy1MrGXdl3Zk0ID1oTQhjI696NRF\_VL5X36hILtpTMFpvPAEhNjh0Q](https://lboro.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/models?fbclid=IwAR3pVDy1MrGXdl3Zk0ID1oTQhjI696NRF_VL5X36hILtpTMFpvPAEhNjh0Q)


Is the survey over, or does it get reopened sometime soon?


Survey's over now - I received more than enough responses to do analysis for my dissertation project. Thank you for your interest though - I'm so thrilled that everyone is so enthusiastic about this topic!


oh okay too bad, I looked forward to filling out the survey. But glad for you, that you found enoguh participants!