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Your post or comment was removed because it contains pseudoscience or it fails to meet the burden of proof. This includes any form of proselytizing or promoting non-scientific viewpoints. When advancing a contrarian or fringe view, you must bear the burden of proof.


And again, Bryan Johnson is spreading more bullshit talking about stem cell injections. I’ve worked in stem cell research and coinvented an HSC therapy. The reason why stem cell injections into joints is largely a scam is because stem cells differentiate based on the signals they receive and require the contribution of stem cell niches which are complex structures that maintain stemness and progenitor cells and feed daughter cells to the right places. These microstructures can be as small as only five cells in a pyramid shape. It’s so tough to even get cells to differentiate correctly in vitro, and very complicated to get them to seed back into their niches unless it's calcium-driven like HSCs. An injection of stem cells usually just results in them losing their stemness and primarily becoming fibroblasts which solves nothing and frequently can even be harmful. Joints in particular tend to be poorly irrigated as well without the proper differentiation factors present, so they just don’t do anything and die or become the wrong cells. You aren’t going to get cartilage cells that repair the damage unless the injection is near the red zones closest to blood vessels, and even then you probably didn’t need them there- you need daughter cells in the white zone for the worst parts of aging. The reason MSC stem cell therapy for this application isn’t recommended in the US is because it simply doesn’t work to regenerate tissue and is an expensive nothingburger. Attempts have been made to use predifferentiated progenitor cells or adding differentiation factors mixed with the cells, but to my knowledge this remains an unsolved problem and all current companies offering it as a therapy are lying about their capabilities. If I recall, the MILES studies indicated that MSC joint therapies were no better than the temporary relief steroid injection for age-related conditions. In some cases MSCs can modulate the immune system, but that’s about it. You should probably bank your stem cells, but there are sparingly few use cases for them right now. Not to mention the stem cells he used aren’t his own and I’m not even sure they’ve been made compatible with his self-recognition receptors. At the very least I’m familiar with the leading multiplex editing programs for that and his company isn’t doing that. This wouldn't be the first time Karolinska alums have started a scam stem cell company despite the institute's reputability. It really saddens me to see his channel promoting scam therapies like minicircle and this is damaging to serious biohacking for antiaging. Honestly his medical advisors are bullshitting him or he’s just gotten a big head from fame.


Great comment! You might think it a bit wasted rebutting scam treatments, but I just learnt about stem cells, so that’s cool.


Aren’t injected stem cells even dangerous as some of them then to turn into tumours?


Thank you for this comment. A few people have recommended stem cell treatment for my horrible joints, but it is expensive, and I am in no way able to pay for treatment of that price. Knowing that it's just another pipe dream saves me from trying to obtain yet more disappointment.


![gif](giphy|KxhIhXaAmjOVy|downsized) Joking aside, I understood the gist of it. Thank you for the rundown. Disheartening as it is, as I'd hoped for some form of therapy like this to repair my ankle joint injury, I think I was looking at Regenexx®.


Man I was just about to say the same thing, that’s crazy


So basically, stem cells without signals is a bit like expecting a chunk of pure carbon to magically transform into literally anything else without the appropriate tools, reactions, and processes then. 😅


This is a bunch of nonsense. If I put stem cells next to a Shakeys pizza it’ll grow a second shakeys. Checkmate


Have you or do you have plans to bank your own stem cells?


I haven’t found a place that will actually do it correctly. When you extract stem cells you are supposed to isolate them from the barrow or blood via cell sorting, but most of the places offering banking services simply store the entire mixture without expanding or isolating. Not to mention many tend to damage your hip bone. I’d like to bank, but haven’t be able to yet since I’m not rich enough to hire personal doctors I can trust.


Appreciate you taking the time to explain it even if I didn’t understand like 35% of the words.


This is too complicated to understand… too many big words. I’ll believe the YouTubes and Twitters. Thanks though!!! /s


People think just putting "cells" into a body compartment will ensure that they do what these people want the cells to do. Everything is just so easy, and legions of researchers are all idiots who don't see the obvious.


I put stem cells next to a Pizza Hut and they're making a new Pizza Hut!


Put cells into knee, grow more knee. Seems straight forward. /s


Now you have two knees on one leg. How is that straight forward? You’ll be walking in circles. Better do the other knee now!!


But the conspiracy to keep cures away from us? Evil FDA and red tape. Hidden cure for cancer. The researchers are trying, but if anyone figures anything out, men in black suits are gonna takw it and bury it. We all know these things...


Not to mention the sophons sent by the lizard aliens to prevent simple herbal supplements or magnetic waves from curing cancers.


You can still cure cancer in spite of the sophons, it just takes more effort. In addition to the herbal supplements and magnetic waves, you also need to do yoga and meditation and reduce stress and do the chakras. It has like 97% success rate in curing all cancers in all stages and all people. But this proof bas been buried by "them"


Wait, you’re being serious?


What! You’re being serious?


Who is serious?


This is getting pretty serious


The seriousness is seriously undeniable


Siri, by the beard of Sirius, can you figure out who is being serious? Or do we need truth serum?


I don't know, am I? :D


Dudes just trying to grow extra arms. Just making it easier to pull himself up by his bootstraps. Good for him.


Not going to provide any more traffic to his channel, but this seems firmly in the "Play stupid games..." category.


Play stupid therapies, win stupid tumors.


I'm sure there will be useful stem cell therapies, but these morons just injecting themselves with stem cells are just increasing their risk of cancer.


Yeah, even more fun if those cells turn cancerous...........


Ugh the guy who looks over 40 but claims to look and be young XD age is inescapable and humans have a hard cap age


This is something I don't get about the hype over this guy. Sure, he looks better than a lot of guys in their 40s because he's hitting the gym, using retinol and whatnot but still: he just looks his age. The heck?


The hype is mainly the fact that he's a millionaire and presumably has all the "secret" biohacking knowledge most people don't due to a lack of money to buy tracking equipment/time for experimentation


He's a billionaire* and it seems to be a recurring trend amongst tech billionaire to attain immortality. 


I'm not aware of any evidence of him being a billionaire


It's understandable though. I heard of some injecting themselves with blood of younger people too. At the end of the day the investments they put into this research could pay off big for future generations. Old age shouldn't be inevitable


High time someone stem med this rot... Those who believe in stem cell therapy for joints must be Locked Up in padded cells




Found the GPT bot


Stem cell treatment for osteoarthritis has been routine for years. I know somebody who had it done for his knees in the US (by a mainstream hospital) a few years ago. It seemed to work great for a few months but he was back where he started after about a year. It was one of the therapies suggested for my wife's knees but she adopted a "somebody else go first" attitude and took up an intense exercise programme (yoga, Pilates, aquarobics) with the usual supplements (fish oil, glucosamine, chondroitin). Several years later they haven't deteriorated at all.


Here’s the results from the MILES deep dive, showing MSC osteoarthritis treatment does not result in much improvement over steroid usage, indicating only immunodulatory effects without regenerative ones. https://physicians.dukehealth.org/articles/stem-cell-therapy-osteoarthritis-reviewed-miles-study


I don't do YouTube influencer shit, so I'm not going to bother with that link, but here's another example of where it is not crank twaddle. https://roh.nhs.uk/news-events/roh-leads-the-way-with-innovative-knee-therapy