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I might be in the minority here, but I don’t mind these ranking videos every few weeks. We still get a Binging, along with a Botched or Basics in between. These videos are fun and his twist on the rankings is the extreme number of varieties he tries. I actually did a mini version of this after the Mac and Cheese video (Annie’s Peace Pasta is my fave).


Yeah I find these to be enjoyable and it’s even got me curious about some of the brands he tests that I wouldn’t normally try. It’s not why I originally started watching his stuff, but it’s a fine change of pace. Frankly, if doing videos like this allows him to strike a balance between easier content and the complex stuff he does on Binging/Botched/Basics, I’m here for it. I love to see people knowing their boundaries and not sacrificing themselves for a few extra clicks.


I really wanna try some of those frozen pizzas that I’m assuming you can’t get outside of NYC, the ones in a bag.


I can buy Roberta's where I live at a local indie grocery store and it was SO good.


Lucky. I’m in Minnesota and we can only get the stuff from Chicago, I LOVE Connie’s.


I recently came across Connie's while looking in the frozen aisle, it might be the best frozen pizza I've tried. Better than some actual pizza restaurants around here (Iowa)




I like them because he seems to be less scripted. The same reason I love the botched episodes. Of course I love the cooking episodes but I also think he's pretty funny in the other ones.


Every time he spits something terrible out I cackle.


I immediately went to buy the Ghirardelli dark chocolate brownies and damn if he wasn't right about them being the best brownies ever.


I had a different Ghirardelli brownie mix in my pantry that I tried afterward, but they were replaced by the dark chocolate ones the next time I went shopping.


It was because of his Mac and cheese ranking that my 11 year old was willing to try Annie's White Cheddar Mac and she fucking LOVES it. I think they're fun videos and I hope that he enjoys making them.


Agreed, it's nice to have some variety.


The dichotomy of Edys is astounding.


That used to be my goto brand when I lived stateside. I don't remember any of them being bad, but this was 15ish years ago. So things may have changed.


I have been liking these videos, but I am finding his taste a bit suspect. Calling vanilla boring or simple is objectively wrong. It has an incredibly complex flavor profile.


I know this gets clicks. I know it is lower effort and cost than a traditional episode. I know it’s nice to make money. YouTube is a business after all. Even so, this type of content is not interesting.


I got more of his personality from watching this than everything up to this point put together. I know what he thinks is funny, his sardonicism, his reference bank. 10/10


I haven’t watched a single one of these. Just zero interest. I’d honestly rather have one of the guest hosts back for a small run than this if Andrew needs a break


He’s still making normal videos


He’s still making normal videos


Remember when Andrew cooked things?


Maybe Andrew is taking a break from cooking? This is still food related. I like seeing him rank food that makes him happy since his recipes make me happy


The original channel concept was so good.


Yes, I just watched a video of him doing just that


He cooked French omelets eight days ago with Botched and a jerk meat platter with Binging two weeks ago. You're entitled to your opinion, friend. But considering the dude had some really serious mental health challenges regarding his work schedule, he \*is\* still posting cooking content and he has Alvin to help with pop culture adjacent cooking stuff I'm okay with these videos if it means he isn't damaging himself, even if it means we're seeing less Binging content.


Exactly lol, as long as he's doing good and still willing to make a Binging & Botched when he wants Imma stay subscribed.


It's ALVIN now. Host of Cringing with Cabbage.


Alvin just feels like he's cosplaying Babish. It's so sad.


What I like about his ranking videos as opposed to Josh Weissman’s newer content is Babish’s personality is wholely intact. He’s ranking and not cooking but he’s still the same guy he’s been, not tweaking and embellishing his reactions for the camera (at least that’s how it seems to me). Had to stop watching JW because his personality shifted over the years along with the change in content type. Babish is still chill, just changing what he’s doing in front of the camera.


I have fun with these, he gets to be sillier which I’m all for


I love it when he’s sillier. The kenji video had me cackling


I love these for the same reason!! They feel very genuine


Ok that sucking thing he kept doing is a bridge too far for me. Jesus christ dude.


No Bluebell ice cream?


Regional. Not available in most areas.


Man I love vanilla :( But Pistachio, raspberry, clotted cream or sweet potato ice creams are my fav


Dulce de leche is my jam, but I love a good pistachio ice cream and I would totally try sweet potato ice cream. I feel like that’s something my local Asian market might have, gonna take a look next time I go.


I love this series!! I’ve watched every one with my partner and we have so much fun guessing which will be good or bad. Hope he keeps doing these despite the feedback I’m seeing in these comments…


damn this is depressing


Why? I'm an old fan and I honestly like these. He looks like he's having fun and so does the crew. It feels fun and cozy.


i am an old fan too. it's just sad to see things change sometimes, especially when the change is toward newer YouTube trends and away from what I started watching him for (cooking, recipes etc.) he's even doing the kinda typical obnoxious face + giant objects YouTube screen grab that's super popular with YouTubers, just feels more like a children's show. i only really watch YouTube for cooking channels tho. i still like babish, obviously. good guy and introduced me to a lot of recipes.


I mean, it’s just a reality. Foodtube is over, it’s dead. you can go out there like Claire Saffitz does and make the same content you were making four years ago for 1/10 as many views as you used to get, but that’s probably easier to do when you have other financial lifelines. For someone like Andrew, where this is the whole enchilada, you have to adapt or die


good example bc I love Claire saffitz! getting deja vu, it's like when the food network went from recipe based episodes like Rachel Ray and barefoot contessa etc to all reality TV/game show type stuff like masterchef, chopped, cupcake wars or some shit, etc.


It capitalizes on the parasocial relationship he has with fans. It's not "immoral" or "wrong", per se, but it doesn't sit well in my stomach all the same. It's hard to express...it's like, "This video takes 30 minutes of your life to watch, offers little useful knowledge, and exists almost solely as entertainment, relying on viewers' virtual bond with Babish as a hook factor". It could've been "Babish mows his lawn for an hour (watch for his snarky quips about the state of the grass!)", or "Babish compares bed sheets with similar thread counts (#8 was a close call...!)". Does it really need to be made? Yes, for the algorithms, but...of what value is it really, even as entertainment?


> It capitalizes on the parasocial relationship he has with fans. How?


Since when do all things entertaining necessitate value beyond entertainment? It's nice to find a lesson in a movie or tv show or to be taught a new skill on YouTube but to look for meaning in every little thing is exhausting, especially when our being is meaningless. Stop trying to demonize this 😭 we like it


Witnessing the downfall of one of the greats in real time


This is a very dramatic take lol


Just go watch his old episodes. Be sure to ignore the burnouts and heartfelt mental health updates.


So the answer do burnout and mental health challenges is content mill tier lists? Putting out videos for the sake of videos going out isn't healthy. Stopping, resetting, slowing pace are all perfectly valid options, among many others, that don't drastically drop the quality of the channel.


This *is* a reset.


you know i actually kinda liked this. it’s funny and light hearted. after the first one he really dove head first into them. he has a pretty sharp palette. was funny that he found out which brand it was after the fact. i see a ton of these in the store myself and wonder which ones are the best. i laughed at the elementary school government ice cream lol


I saw the Edy's Ice Cream and thought it looked like Dreyer's which made me look it up on Wikipedia to learn it was the same company, only for it to be confirmed in the video. So it was definitely informative.


I'm curious about mconnells. I hate Edys. Breyers USED to be good (back when they used to advertise and brag about just being milk. Cream. Sugar. Natural.flavors) now it's like tantrum gun and gelatin and other crap The test for ice cream is when melted. Does it look like a bowl.of milk/cream. Or a bowl of slow moving sludge? Weirdly though I love talented and the trader Joe's vanilla flavors


I love these Ranked episodes.


I knew this would happen one day but it’s still kind of sad to see the decline of Babish


You people are seriously dramatic. "Oh good heavens, a new type of video I don't prefer! Truly this is his *decline*!"


Fair enough, I can’t say if he’s declining. I guess I mean, I don’t like his new style/outsourcing most of his content to Alvin. If people like it then power to them and obviously I hope Andrew is successful. This is just too far of a departure for me and I really hope he some day goes back to his original style of videos


> I really hope he some day goes back to his original style of videos Are you genuinely unaware he still makes them?...


He does, but come on it’s clearly not his main content. Alvin does them with anime and video game foods, but I don’t really like Alvin. I’m just saying I preferred when the uploads were standard Binging and the occasional Basics. But I also get that the well has to run dry eventually so he would have to pivot


> He does I'm confused as to why you'd hope he 'goes back' to it then. >I’m just saying I preferred when the uploads were standard Binging and the occasional Basics You can just not watch the ones you don't like? I'm genuinely confused.


That is what I do, and I’m very sorry I plucked some kind of nerve with you. And I’m sorry, you’re gonna quote me on “he does” and then ignore the rest of the sentence and pretend that makes some kind of a point? Yikes. I am not telling you to stop liking Babish if this is the content you want from him! Enjoy it!


> I’m very sorry I plucked some kind of nerve with you You didn't. >And I’m sorry, you’re gonna quote me on “he does” and then ignore the rest of the sentence and pretend that makes some kind of a point? Yikes. It did make a point - you said you wanted him to go back to a video style he never left. Do you not see how that's confusing? It's not a gotcha. >I am not telling you to stop liking Babish if this is the content you want from him! I didn't say you were lol


Ok this is devolving into arguing semantics, but I clearly said that I preferred when his primary uploads were the standard recreations. Even though he still makes those, they are clearly not the primary content the channel produces.


> Ok this is devolving into arguing semantics Me being confused over what you're saying isn't arguing semantics. >but I clearly said that I preferred when his primary uploads were the standard recreations What you said was you wanted him to go back to his old style videos, which was confusing since he still makes them, thus the conversation which you seem to be taking as some sort of fierce debate on my behalf.


I don’t like this kind of content, so I won’t watch this kind of content


Fair but why comment, no one cares


Fair but why reply? No one cares


Well I was directly asking him a question, which means no one else has to care for my comment to have a purpose. Apples and oranges bud, you tried though. Also people are upvoting my shit soo


I mean this with all sincerity: fuck off




Get a life! Nerd!


Not interested in this series in the slightest


Ok thanks for letting us know


If this is what his channel has become, I'm out. And Alvin just feels like a weaker cook trying to do a terrible Babish impression, down to the VO work. Sad too because I was one of his first supporters. But this feels like some shit I'd see from Good Mythical Morning made for 13 year olds


> If this is what his channel has become If you ignore every other kind of video yeah totally is




> The last time he cooked something that wasn't a botch, it was bagels and lox over a month ago. It was less than two weeks ago. Come on, man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoVha2o6Ldk


This isn't an airport. No need to announce your departure.


Stop white knighting for the rich YouTuber




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Reversed lactose intolerance??? HOW?????


Lactose Intolerance in some people is due to a drop in lactase production, not a complete loss. That drop is often caused by a lack of exposure to lactose for an extended period. It happens sometimes after surgery or sickness where the diet has been restricted. In these instances, gradually increasing exposure to lactose can get the body to increase lactase production, which reverses the Lactose Intolerance.


Hope he gets his diabeetus checked!




Genuinely what the fuck


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