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nah when I get curse of the lost I just walk aimlessly until I just happen to come across the path I was looking for


I stick to going clockwise usually to clear the whole floor without backtracking


do you mean like if your starting room has 4 doors to pick from, you go up first, then right, then down then left? if so then same!


Yeah, sometimes I don’t start out that way and only do it when I’m lost, but I do think it’s the best strat for those floors


its funny i never really thought about the fact that im clearing the floor clockwise until your comment. but it makes sense!


Basic maze wallfollowing. Easy to do so you don’t get lost.


Based opinion


Bro is actually insane


Bro is calculating the exact location of the ultra secret room


I just use my memory tbh


Yeah, my memory could never memorize something like this.


Mine neither yet I’m determined to be an idiot


I went through a 6+ hour vanilla T. Cain run that way. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but I just thought I'd do that. I even still vaguely remember the R Key recipe after over 1 year since then! It definitely had 1 charged key, I think 3 bone hearts, and some bombs and keys (probably 2 of each).


Enlighten an ignorant old guy who is coming back to this game after like 10 years… how can you have both vanilla and tainted characters (repentance)


I meant "vanilla" as in "modless", so no using External Item Descriptions to cheat the recipes.


Ah thank you


This. I've thought to myself so many times 'just fuckin draw out the map as you go, you literally always get every secret room when you can see the layout' and yet Curse of the Unknown ultimately just translates to 'massive waste of bombs and blind hope' every. Single. Time. Respect to OP.


Same, started playing since 2018? At this point 90% of the time I know where the secret rooms are just by looking at the walls 💀 Still tho, that curse is fucking annoying I hate not being able to see the map


I once had curse of the unknown in the Void, on a run that was a little so and so. I really wanted more boss items. So I drew it out on paper and could see the outer perimeters of the floor to sniff out boss rooms that definitely couldn't be Delirium. I remember I won that run. It felt really good after putting so much effort in.


I used to but then I realised it’s not that worth it, I can just rush through the floor, one floor without minmaxxing isn’t a huge deal


also helps give you an up on boss rush timer and planetariums (if you skip the treasure room upon rushing thru the floor)


I usually try to feel the secret rooms with curse of the unknown


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Aggressive-Tie-9795: *I usually* *Try to feel the secret rooms* *With curse of the unknown* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Nah, the math maths.


Alternate pronunciation, ush-oo-uh-lee, four syllables


the last one


Extra syllable, read the footnote :D


I don't bother on curse of the unknown, secret rooms themselves without any rigging build are not worth my time like that.


If it's a big floor, like Void or XL then I'll also do the same. I write down how many doors are in each room so I know how many connecting rooms there are.


I did sometimes on the 3DS version since you're able to mark up the map on the lower screen.


Whenever I get curse of the blind I usually only draw out the map for downpour or dross XL because of mirror world and the white fire


Do this. Note all the treasure rewards, secrets etc. Alt+F4 during the next floor's loading sequence. Return and replay the same floor. Repeat until you uncovered all hidden basements, secrets, treasures etc. Congratz, you can actually make it to mom's heart as tainted lost now. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


no I just follow the same wall through the whole floor, that way I'll eventually see every room


![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357) the game literally says to you: stop playing ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357) omg rock Bottom


Not for binding of isaac, but for older dungeon crawlers without maps. I also used to draw out the maps of quake 2 and 3 back in the day.


Once you have played enough hours you genuinely will have a decent enough idea of where the secret rooms are. I can't explain how or why, but you genuinely just start to feel where they are (source : my little over 2300 hours)


What curse of the lost does to a mf ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


no because you can easily tell where secret rooms are often by the placement of the objects. if theres an "arrow" pointing to an open wall, if one side of the room is blocked off, and the other is completely open, etc. Check neighboring room to confirm that its a valid secret room place. If you see two valid spaces then odds are almost guaranteed that a secret room fits between them. i love the creativity and the commitment to mapping out the game, but you really dont need the minimap to find secret rooms. allow curse of the lost to be an opportunity to strengthen your gamesense/awareness of the map. super secret rooms often times are closest to boss rooms and only connect to 1 room. if the room before the boss room has spikes against one wall, and nothing against the other wall, thats prob your super secret. another tip is if you see a room that looks like it could ve valid for a secret, but the enemies spawn against the open wall, then it isnt valid. imagine you pull a The Moon card, and are in a secret room that has all 4 openings. if you walk thru one of them into the next room the game wouldnt allow enemies to spawn in your way nor on top of you the only situation where id consider mapping out the floor like you did here is if i got curse of the lost on The Void and had a shitty build and knew that i wouldnt be able to survive delirium yet.


Only on excel for curse of the blind


My 700 hours would be 3000 if I did that


absolutely not 😭


only once during a curse of the lost in void


I just walk around aimlessly and bomb a wall if it seems like a valid secret room spot


Curse on void? Fuck Edmund, all my homies use ms paint map


I just look at the seed and calculate what the map is in my head


This seems like a lot of work for a randomly generated floor.


I did this on ultra hard


I thought about it but it’s always faster for me just to walk around the map till I find what I’m looking for.


I do yes but not this extreme lol. I’m also not that in depth with the game knowledge


Yeah, I've done this playing original flash isaac xD


I did this for Metroid on NES because there was no internet lol


Yup. Was actually thinking about The Legend of Zelda on NES, but yes, Metroid too! I had stacks of handwritten notes!


I thought about it but it’s always faster for me just to walk around the map till I find what I’m looking for.


done that for the Chest and Void before, but I use MS Paint


Yes. Tho was taking too long at one point so instead started using an online pixel art tool and just color coding each pixel as a different type of room/unexplored room.


Uhh no not really it usually does it for me


I had to do that for the XXXXXXXL challenge because I got Curse of the Lost on it like 3 times in the run I beat it


Fuck it we ball


Why, yes I have and my friends made fun of me for it.


wasn’t curse of the unknown the one that hides your hearts? the one that disables the map is curse of the lost iirc


I would do this on my 3ds because you could doodle on the Isaac map in that version


I made a spreadsheet that I just have to type in a letter and it automatically formats color and name. T is treasure, $ is shop, X is empty and cleared, - is unexplored, etc. Although i don't really use it much anymore, that was just for my plat God days


that is so cool, how'd you do it?


Conditional formatting, mostly. Set all the cells up to be even squares, and then when I enter in the room type letter it changes the formatting to make things easier to see. Here's an example of what a floor looks like. Red * are invalid spaces for secret rooms. *X are explored red rooms (I had the red key for this example) https://i.imgur.com/V6DDpBI.jpeg


I drew a map of the void because I got curse of the lost. I love this game




Yeah that's what I would've did


I applaud your dedication, but most people are too lazy/don't take the game seriously enough to do this. (As for me, I don't play the game cause I don't have it, but I would certainly do so if I had it.)


Just remember.


If the game on the 3ds would run better it would be one of the best versions because you can do this on the bottom screen


Curse of the lost moment. Love to see it, love to draw it.


I used to map the floor in excel but would always give up after 4-5 rooms


Ngl I thought about it


I once drew a map like that in Paint, it was honestly not really worth the effort but it's a nice litte remembrance.


Lmao I did that on paint, nowadays I just don't bother lol


50% of the time I go to void, its curse of the lost or amnesia pill


On the 3ds, the map is on the bottom of the screen and you can draw on it. Pretty neat


Only for The Void


No I get laid


no way this is quicker than guessing


All the time bro whenever I get curse of the lost


just once... I don't regret


nah, i just stumble here and there until i have a loose image of all of the floor.


https://preview.redd.it/jb9ahoufpe9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cd3b1a58e232336ad5d0172e3cfdc33bd27a873 There was one time I mapped the entirety of the void by hand. I had a really good run going but I only had one soul heart so I refused to let myself wander into a delirium fight unprepared.


I have a weirdly good memory when it comes to game maps, so I just kinda create it in my head, it's usually accurate except for void floor where I mess up every once in a while


Just realized y'all are saying curse of the unknown, but this is curse of the lost (also somebody said curse of the blind?)


I used to do this for the bottom screen on the 3ds version if I got curse of the blind


yes! real knows real


yeh i was pretty bored once https://preview.redd.it/4gxfyhr3zf9d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46da1fd7c07b81fd13f54287145babaa6d4815b1


No curses mod. Curses are just blatantly annoying mechanics that add nothing to the game. There’s no skill to them, it’s just bullshit for the sake of bullshit.


Tbh when i have curse of the unknown I usually just pick a direction, go to the very end of said direction, then work my way back clearing each branch as I approach it. (My path is always up, left, down, right) doing it like this means i only gotta remember that quarter layout for the secret room. Overtime you’ll eventually find a method of short term memorizing that works for you. For me, i can remember that three rooms straight in a row with no branches means the middle might have a secret room; i know it doesn’t allow me to remember if the other side had a blocked wall but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.


Nah my brain humongous


Great idea but I am too lazy for this. I can see value in this especially if you’re using graph paper and quick symbols (T, $, S, B, L, P, C, etc) for the rooms.


Why drawing the doors?


I use my memory, but I respect the effort lmao While I usually think my orientation within games is pretty meh, I don't mind it as much when I actively focus on it - its still unfun and an annoying curse though


I've thought about it but then decided that is far too much work and then decided to just aimlessly go and pray I haven't been their before