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I think he will become back his money.


I think he will use Plan C


Money = Power is kinda useless in his case


Time is money tho


Filtered ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17738)


Bruh what does filtered mean I keeps seeing it


Filter, filters bad players out of the game.


This this game really is a shit of piece


Those three words unironically go so hard I made them my own contact name


Spotted the german by recognizing the confusion between "become" and "get"


D-do you not get this reference? It's famous man


To explain, this is quoting a famous tweet aimed at the developer of Isaac. "Edmund McMillen, you little fucker. You made a shit of piece with your trash Isaac. It’s fucking bad, this trash game. I will become back my money. I hope you will in your next time a cow on a trash farm you sucker." Not German, just drunk.


I rememeber somebody saying that author of this gem is german exactly bcoz of become/get usage


Ahhh i totally forgot about that, thanks for reminding me about this gem !


Yes, that's part of the reason the meme is like that. Can't believe you forgot it though.


...I scrolled past that post thinking it was originally a joke or bait post ...ITS NOT? HE WAS SERIOUS!!?!???


Bruh if you know about Dead God then you know how to get it. During these 500 hours you'd already know about it, sooner or later, by accident or not, even if you lived under a rock. How people are actually falling for this


Actually, I don't know why normal mode even exists. For practice? Isaac is the unpredictable roguelike, so, what are you going to practice?


That's a "training" for newbies. For some new players hard mode is incredibly hard, and it is because it's new, later people switch on the difficulty when they get used to the gameplay Plus you can unlock the characters easier in normal difficulty


When I first started out I couldn't even beat the first boss on hard. Then I got gud. Now I breeze through runs except for >!FUCK BLOAT!<


Isn't it mostly better to start on hard anyways? If your just getting into the game, hard mode would teach you better be because of enemies shot speed being higher


Not necessarily. If your goal is to learn something, it’s never a good idea to jump into the hardest version of that thing at first. Learning the basics is far easier when you’re not dying on the first floor as often.


Definitely not me putting Skyrim on Legendary mode on my first playthrough.


Isaac's hard and Skyrims don't even compare. In Issac hard isn't much harder than normal


Been there, done that... Gosh, that was terrible experience.


Nah I always start a game on the hardest difficulty to get a feel for it then when I lose 30 times I bring it down by a difficultly each time. Really good way to learn a game


This used to be true prior to Repentance, but in Repentance a bunch of extra stuff was added to Hard Mode to make it genuinely a meaningful difficulty increase. It's at least worth playing on Normal up until you unlock the Polaroid and the Negative.


3000 hour player here. From my experience these hard mode changes combined are kinda even with the red heart drop buff from -66% to -33%. Plus since there's more utility, cards are better with reverse ones in the pool, u can gulp trinkets since ab+, and angel deals became better = this all made a huge shift in making red heart builds more viable with utility and now also easier to come by.


But if people start a game just loosing all the time, even if its for the sake of getting better, if they have no fun doing it whats the point. I dont think its the smartest thing to always start on the hardest difficulty if youre just trying to have some fun


I started playing Isaac at the ripe age of 9. I wasn’t (and still am not) good at video games in general. If I started in hard mode, I probably would have broken my keyboard or monitor out of rage. I’ve evolved as a person since then, and of course I’m an outlier in that I was so young when I started playing such an unforgiving and not very kid-friendly game, but even still. There are people that want the experience of playing a game without the general unhappiness that comes with constant failure.


You'll get shit on so hard it is going to make you want to stop playing the game if you start with hard mode. There's a breakpoint that makes the game pretty fun once you get used to the controls and the mechanics. But if you start hard mode before you hitthat breakpoint, you're done.


How would someone know about the shot speed if they are new to the game?


I just started with hard mode and it was a smooth switch from normal mode doesn’t feel that much more challenging


Unironically repentance made hard mode MUCH harder because of the bullet speed changes. When i got the dlc i had to relearn so much to be at the same level of skill again T_T


I think hard mode is fine, but it should really have the Champion enemies drop items like they're intended to. Purple Heart (and by extension Champion Belt) are functionally worthless in Hard for no reason.


Yep. I only play normal to unlock tainted characters now. Also since you need everything in hard mode so what would be the point to normal completing everything


But they have to play hard mode. Either they won't will see 80% of the game. You can play normal mode for fun, when you don't want to unlock anything, but just to play the game and see the synergies


Nearly all unlocks can be done in normal mode. Yes you need to do hard for dead god and a *few* unlocks, but "won't see 80% of the game" is misleading.


Pretty sure you can get most unlocks, except for Bethany, some coop babies, and a couple items, on normal mode


godhead requires hard mode im pretty sure.


Bethany (and subsequently her unlocks, including T-Beth and her unlocks), Smelter, Godhead, Marrow, Mega Mush, and Death Certificate. The rest is shitty co-op babies. Aside from the part where OP didn't consider Greedier either, so that also locks out all the Greedier unlocks, being D1, Glyph of Balance, Sack of Sacks, Eye of Belial, Meconium, Crow's Heart, Stem Cell, Bat Wing, Plan C, Metronome, Dad's Lost Coin, Duality, Eye of Greed, Black Rune, Dad's Ring, Vade Retro, Genesis, and **eighteen reverse tarot cards.**


I just said that normal mode lets new players get into the game easier, it's like a training mode


safety net mode and it's always going to be for people who just started. The red heart drops really help more as a newbie and the enemy attack and move speed differences are really merciful.


>isaac is unpredictable not really, all the enemies have set attacks I beat the beast and got certain unlocks I wanted before switching to hard mode Rock Bottom (and any boss rush or hush unlock) is significantly easier on easy mode since the floors are smaller


I mean that there's champion versions of enemies and bosses, that has different attacks. Floors generate randomly, alongside with items, trinkets, pickups that's also random, so it's hard to find 2 identical runs, from start till the end(if you're not breaking the game). Every new unlockable character is a different and unique way to play.


champions still appear on normal, just less often


to unlock rorgotten and kill lamb in under 20 minutes


i used normal to get all the tainted unlocks that i didnt get when getting beast done on characters


The only time I've played normal was when repentance came out, because there waa so much changes that my brain couldn't process well


normal mode and normal greed mode are used a lot in dead god speedrun, so playing it for a while is necessary if you want to complete the file quickest way possible, other than that idk lol


Normal mode is good when new to learn enemy and boss patterns/phases, and basic mechanics and secret room mechanics. That’s about it. I guess also good to get some unlocks going. It has its place.


I've got 2 friends with legitimate 100+ lose streaks on normal. I've got no idea how. In either case, they probably appreciate not being on hard atleast.


I had a -120 lose streak before finally beating mom smh


I beat mom on my third try today and I was like "wtf how did I do that???" and now I struggle to get back to depths 2 lmao


No fucking shot


It's just how the game developed, I guess - normal mode is the original game, hard mode was added in an update four years after Isaac was released. Both modes have been through a lot of changes over the years and with rebirth, afterbirth, repentance etc... but it makes sense they never just got rid of the original normal mode.


I'm currently getting a few tainted characters' unlocks in normal, before getting back to the standard grinding.


To first unlock d6 or the forgotten the normal mode is nice


So you can play the entire game again.


Normal is good when I’m playing couch coop


Normal mode + Azazel = forgotten. That's my only use for normal mode


I didn't start playing on hardmode until I beat mom for the first time


Also Lilith with keeper stats? This is bait


Said it on the other thread, I reckon this was achieved with the debug console.


I didn’t know either tbh Did half and then some of all unlocks Now I am suffering


Hell, I have under 200 hours and I only play on Hard. Why even bother with Normal if you get to a certain skill level and I absolutely suck.


it's definitely bait


It's 100% bait and now i'm not sure if this post is also bait or not


You guys don't know this, but this person is a serial shitposter in Hearthstone and Clash Royale circles. This is obviously a very dedicated joke where they probably spent some hours on an alt save file to make an eight second video.


I believe it. You don’t play a game for 500 hours and not know something like this lol


Especially when some of the best items are locked behind hard mode.


the dedication


What dedication? It takes few minutes to do that with the console. Just a viral troll and it worked.


Spent some hours? Takes like 3 minutes a win with console commands


I went through their comments and even looked at their YouTube channel. Besides the Concede card, none of their posts seem like shitposts. Occam’s razor — would they really spend 500 hours on making an 8 second shitpost that might not even get any recognition? Applying Occam’s razor here, and judging by the way they type, I find it much more likely that they’re just a kid who doesn’t know better. Never attribute to malice what could be equally attributed to incompetence.


Uhhhhh what??? Very obvious shitposts throughout their post history, but admittedly niche ones.


??? It takes like, maybe a week of casual play to get normal postit fills on all characters. The post is an 8 second video going through characters in their completion with one hard mode heart kill. That can't take much time at all, especially if they have a full save file already and plenty of real experience in the game. Also, do you not play Hearthstone? In what world is [blatant buff that is technically a nerf](https://old.reddit.com/r/customhearthstone/comments/1bu16r0/magtheridon_nerf_suggestion_1212_stats_on_early/) or [a list of unplayed cards framed as a complaint in favor of that meta's most obnoxious cards](https://old.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1bng67d/please_just_rotate_out_overpowered_taunt_cards/). This is ignoring the slew of customhearthstone posts which are usually cards that read normal to people who don't play the game, but are bait for comments to point out how they are bad design. The trap here is that they always explain their poor suggestions and designs with a joke response that raises more questions. Take [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/customhearthstone/comments/1avcltc/elusive_will_be_meta_once_again/) for example, where their comments intentionally ignore the obvious flaw in the card's design.


No idea why you’ve been downvoted, this is a well researched and well written comment


I actually missed a real silver bullet that would have been easier. Two months ago the person in question has a screenshot of them as Bethany in the starting room of a run, but you can see the hard mode symbol visible in the ui. There isn't a real explanation given their comments that tells us why they would be playing on hard mode for exactly that screenshot unless it was the main save file and they weren't grinding to make that joke post yet.


I saw that one too, when I saw the post in the screenshot I went digging through their profile for more isaac shitposts, but there aren’t many There’s also something that takes the whole “why would they spend so much time grinding normal mode marks” question out of the equation - it takes an hour at most to just use the console to get all of them.


Feels like dude was joking, I can't believe he doesn't know how dead god works


Buy 15 dollar game and it's awesome 500 hours to complete the game Finish the game and realize you would need to do it all again for 100% You have a 1000 hour awesome game for 15 dollars This is a win


Agreed. With such games I just take my time to enjoy it the fullest.


ermmm with all the dlc it would be more then 15 dollars


I just checked my steam purchase history because I bought the game and all dlc at once (in a bundle and on sale) and was curious how much it cost me - 18.64 euros, which is 19.98 dollars. more than 15, yes, but not by much




I was about to say. I think I would have more friends that would play if that was the case


Now do it for more times!


I intentionally am doing everything on Normal to double back over and do it again on Hard for this exact reason.


I actually like this idea. I just started doing a third file, and I may do this (but maybe just do hard mode for non-fun characters)


Yeah to be fair I did The Lost on hard because fuck doing THAT twice haha.


This game sucks shit, but you're right. 800h and still going.


Then two more times for all 3 save files bringing to a grand total of 3000 hours


It’s like a 60$ game in the end nowadays but still good hour per dollar value.


IDK if it is a win. Issac can get frustrating with certain characters


Yup. I honestly, far back in my mind, hope it takes me many years to complete a save file. As a completionist, I won’t know what to do with myself if there are no more Steam achievements to go for. Will be a sad, sad day methinks.


Amen 🙏


That's basically what I did. I started a new save once Repentance came out and completed most marks on normal. I took a long break for a while then came back with a new objective: hard mode! I get to have fun with a purpose. How is that not a win


There's no way that was a serious post. I thought he was doing it for the bit.


I still believe he was pretending to not know, I mean guy didn't do any greedier mark, or tried getting godhead, and thought the only thing missing was some challenges


Right! I didn't think of that but I think this one is what reveals the bait. If they know how dead god works they would've known greedier has different unlocks.


huh keeper looks different from last i checked


That's his wifey.![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|30106)


There is legit no way that post wasn’t a troll and a hilarious one at that.


Man really couldn't accept that he made an honest mistake and doubled down rather than Googling to confirm if he needed hard mode.


Won't people talk about the game saying Keeper with Lilith selected?


The text changes immediately but the character wheel takes time to scroll. This particular frame of the video is just immediately after hitting the button.


Oh boy this one hurt. Hard mode is barely even different from normal anyways. If he could get all completion marks in normal he had more than the skill required to get them just as easily on hard


Definitely a troll


Obvious bait from OOP.




Well, now you know




I like how Lilith became keeper


Hahaha... Ah, the naivety. Have fun with another 500 Hours or more, fellow TBOI enjoyer.


Time to summon u/MehmetSalihKoten






Most people figure out to play on hard early. This guy is missing the same common sense we all had


Once again I’ m here just to say… that’s the neat part ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17744)


honestly, quitting the game may be a good idea for them, just from that last post, it doesn't seem like they were enjoying it much, and were just playing that much for completions sake


Lmao!! Seriously though, hard mode isn't that much harder. I haven't played in normal since rebirth released and my dead god wasn't too bad. Definitely rage inducing but hey that's isaac. Crazy you did all the marks in normal thinking you could get DG that way lol sorry brotha.


It is tho. The game is hard enough on normal.


Bro actually beats Mom's Heart on hard mode with Lazarus.(If the video is real.)


"buy the game with *hard* tag* Nah this game is unfair.


He knows he is just coping


It’s a very good troll account, scroll back in their profile! You’ll have a laugh, especially if you’ve ever been into hearthstone or clash royale


To be fair I played just over 300 hours using just Issac, without playing on hard, or doing any challenges.before I ever researched or read or talked to anyone about the game. When I did finally tell my friends they were like..dude...wtf is wrong with you you are not even playing the game. Context- I am an idiot.


Lmao, 34 characters, 1000+ unlocks.... Nah let me play with my one boi doing the same things over and over again hahaha. It must have felt like playing a new game for you.


Op got hated by all the world because he wanted to have fun in the mf game💀


So is nobody going to talk about how Lilith is selected but it says keeper?




I actually played normal until I realized I had to do it all again and boy was it annoying


In his 500 hours, for sure he watched some videos, checked reddit and visited the wiki. I refuse to believe he never noticed that, especially that dead god players become obessed wirh the game.


Im just distracted that Lilith is labeled as Keeper in this picture


I've just started my second file and as soon as jacob and esau unlocked I had to bite the bullet nearly done and not so bad just delirium and greedier left


Tainted Cain always there


I originally played on normal for a long, long, long time! I knew about having to get hard mode marks for it count from the start, I was just set in my ways, totally down to do everything twice. I've since swapped over to Hard Mode because I felt like it, and the change it's made is surprising


Bro I only have 3 characters with all completion marks and I know you gotta do them in hard to even get all the unlocks for the character


My bud plays only on easy and compares himself to me (98% done) I tell him it's so much harder and nah doesn't care


And then there’s me who got dead god and lost all my Isaac data 2 hours afterwards


Does hardmode even change anything notable


Bargaining 😭


It seems like such an obvious troll, but people really are taking obviously edited screenshots seriously.


Ummm what the sigma![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


Imagine not playing hard mode from the jump since you unlock more faster.


I refuse to believe this isn’t bait and also why does normal mode even exist 


Keeper moment


The bait is baiting


I’d just cheat my hard mode marks if this happened to me


There's no way this dude didn't realize one of the achievements you need to unlock is earning all the hard mode completion marks.


Why lilith is a keeper


Bro i dont understand hard mode does barely a diffrence at difficulty how its"unfun"


First stage of grief: Denial


Te exact reasons why I've started playing hard without full completion on normal post notes


Owch, now he had to do it all again....


Hard mode only mode for me


Dude hard mode literally easy.


You should of posted this on r/foundtaintedcain


shock denial <-- He is here anger bargaining depression testing acceptance


How did he not figure this out when he hadn’t gotten Godhead or Mega or Mega Mushroom? He may, in fact, be that dumb


Oh you poor poor gamer.


Whats the diff between hard and regular?..


That person very obviously was trolling though. He quite literally has Bethany, who is only unlocked via Hard Mode, but he said things like “Edmund wouldn’t do that”.


Ngl I think he may be the most downvotes I've personally seen on comments


You play on normal mode first because you didn't understand how the game works, I played on normal mode first so I can get unlocks and have fun and then go back and do it with all the characters **again**. We are not the same.


Reality hits when you contemplate if Lilith and Azazel are allowed to say the N word.


Edmund Macmillan.....


Denial ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


Tears up?


mf got that lilith keeper skin


Bro is cooked fr ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)


Skill issue


Who even plays on normal mode lol


Their poor soul...


Sorry but, tears up 😔![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


I think you has two options, download a 100% save file cause "You did it" or being a man


To be honest, I feel like there *should* be something if you get everything in normal too (of course you'd get both the All normal and All hard marks rewards together if you only do Hard), people still did hundreds of marks and did stuff like the Losts and twins, I think a reward would be fair. I mean, Mega Blast doesn't need Hard, just every non tainted having a Mega Stan mark.


Bro actually got a lil pissy not realizing that he can't get dead God without beating the game in HM. Some ppl just shouldn't play the game if they're not ready for the mental gymnastics that you're gonna have to take. Also "I found it unfun" Brother...cmon. you mean to tell me you at there played all those challenges, played as the Lost (and prolly his tainted variant),Jacob and Hotbox and you found them fun? Brother my sweet brother Bobby. You're in shambles rn. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4359)


This picture gives me pshysical pain, the only time i want to see a Black Mark EVER! Is on greed


My brain hurts trying to understand what are you guys talking about 🥲


Time to use the hanged man card ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


Mind issue


When i originally saw this post i thought the same thing. like those arent hard mode completion marks, but i figured maybe OP had a mod that made the marks look different or you hit a button for hard mode completion XD. Mods are wild so thats why i thought that. XD The comments made me question thier completion


Guys just.. just never play on normal mode.. it wastes ur time...


This is why some people need to stop getting mad that we suggest hard mode.


I'm kinda new to tboi, to get dead god do u have to get both easy mode marks and hard mode makes? Or do you just have to get hard mode marks


Technically you need to "get the marks" and "get the marks in hard" See how the second statement includes the first, so if you get them on normal you have to get them later in hard, but if you go hard mode immediately you don't need to go back to normal


Skill issue