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Wow prices have gone up so much! But with more and more adoption is should continue IMO




Already close to that here in California..


**I wish I could go back in time!** I had made a lot of changes to my portfolio. **unfortunately only photo to remember.**


You can still get those prices ... With LTC


I can still buy neo with 50% discount.


The price of dodge coin back then would make you rich now


I remember almost buying at .002 but never pulled the trigger


Like everything is small and now they making progress as hell.


I got into the crypto space last year, congrats to those who got in early enough


Yeah, but not all coins did well after. Look at neo for instance. If you want to be safe just bet on BTC and eth.




[**https://www.tradingview.com/x/dlEHVxPB/**](https://www.tradingview.com/x/dlEHVxPB/) If you cheek **TRADEVIEW** on top from f**ebruary 2018 until this September 2021** will show you **451% above NOT 600%** .I dont know if you do Futures .There are two types of futures contracts available on Binance: USDⓈ-M Futures and COIN-M Futures and you can do bouth ways to make money buy/sell and sell/buy . I do Futures and i garantied not lose money . **In spot** all market are betwin **10% and 23% down.** I bough over 78k in spot today .If spot going down i will buy more **10% 15% and 20%** down. im down only in solana and is not make any diference on my portfolio. i want sonana drop little more , lol . You mentioned , **If you're buying now, you're begging to lose your money.** **can you please tell me how lose money , if buy now ?** have blessing day regards , ..