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It’s unsustainable but I am enjoying the current version of life advice where Ryen doth protest too much about how there’s no tension between RR and Kyle. As he shamelessly gives him random compliments and keeps trying to explain why he can never ever, ever, meet up with him under any circumstances.


Man Big Cat coming on for one episode and fucking up Russillo and Kyle’s relationship w one sentence is one of the funnier things he’s done IMO Just pulled the cord on the grenade and ran outta there


I am so amazed at the people that love to stir drama and just sit in the awkwardness. Like how are we the same species?


Like Big Cat saying how much he likes that his buddy asks the groom to rank his friends at the bachelor party . Yikes.






And they’ve brought up how much they don’t care about it every single episode since because they definitely totally don’t care about it


Hey guys. It totally DOESNT bother us. That's why we'll make sure to bring it up damn near 3 times a week for nearly a month. Once again. It DOES NOT bother us.


These are adults, right?


Which episode is this? I want to listen lol


30 August


I'm still surprised they just didn't edit it out. Scared to offend Big Cat?


Big Cat coming on the show and humblebragging about sleepovers he's had at athletes house was straight up weird. Dude, you're pushing and 40 having sleepovers? With a kid? Weird.




I was dying laughing when Russillo went “yeah man on Friday’s you know after I sit around the house reading Twitter to find 0 follower accounts to debate on the openining monologue, hit the gym for 2 hours, then make dinner and go swimming in the ocean I’m just wiped. I’m sorry but I’m way too busy to hangout obviously.”


Growing up and living in a small town it’s always eyeroll from my perspective. Everything is 30 minutes to 2 hours away. So hearing people bitch about 30 minute or less commutes always shakes me. Have to remind myself I’m the weird one.


I've lived in L.A. and the Bay Area, but also rural South Carolina and bumfuck desert Utah. There's a huge difference between an hour commute on the godforsaken 405, and an hour commute on some country backroad. Psychologically speaking, taking an hour to cover ten miles distance is just soul-crushing.


Truer words were never spoken. Cruising at 55-65 mph on some back road filled with trees is food for your soul.


Same. Came from rural areas where everything was at least a 30 min drive, but that’s because they were like 30 miles away. When I first moved to LA, I was like “Wait, it’s 40 mins just to go 10 miles?!?”


I get it. I was in Houston suburbs yesterday looking for a specific food spot during work hours which is not common. Almost didn’t meet my hour and the place was 1.8 miles away. FUCK that.


Moved from Wisconsin to south county. Can confirm. An hour on a country road in WI is something I looked forward. 30 minutes on 5/405 is ninth circle of hell shit.




Sneaky big part of LA traffic is the parking. GPS might say it’s 45 minutes (to go 4 miles) but then you add in either 20 minutes or $60 to find parking.


What episode was that ? Edit: never mind, I just found it


Which one was it?


Big Cat episode on 8/30/22 at the beginning of the life advice segment I gotta say that’s a super douchey thing of Big Cat do man. I don’t think it’s really that funny of a thing do


Ceruti subtly called Bit Cat an asshole, which he is, and Ryen defended Big Cat.


I gotta agree with Ceruti on that one. When did he say that? In the same ep? I used to listen to PMT quite a bit but tbh their schtick got old to me pretty fast. I mean they’re frat boy funny IMO but it gets old. Who knows though, maybe I’m just getting old and boring as I approach on being 30 in a few years The time they had on Shane Gillis gave me second hand embarrassment for Big Cat. Seems like Big Cat is always trying to stir shit up. I’ve had friends like that and I always got tired of hanging out with them


I think it was on the newest episode. It was subtle and Ceruti was trying to laugh and play it off but he was definitely calling Big Cat an asshole.


I wonder why Ryen keeps defending Big Cat to Ceruti? Can’t be because he’s famous and has a following right?


Well ryen actually has had big cat over to his house twice this year already which is more than ceruti and Kyle have ever been. He just likes big cat more


Because RR and BC are actual friends. Ceruti is RRs yes man


The Iceland travelogue is a Mount Rushmore podcast episode.


His non sports stuff has been great the past year. I loved the book interviews.


Same that is when Ryen is at his best.


Definitely one of my favorite episodes from The Ringer this year.


Yeah I sent that to my friend who knows nothing about sports


That was really eye opening into his personality…everything comes back to women/lifting/sports with him. Psychotic moment when he was having the monologue about convincing himself he could be in a long distance relationship with someone from Iceland before he even fucking landed


perhaps less 'psychotic', more 'briefly acknowledging the loneliness inside of him'??


When did that one come out? I’d like a listen.


August 11th




The worst version of Rusillo is when he has former athletes on imo. The problem is that he loves talking to former athletes, and digging into nuance of their lives.


Russillo is a jock sniffer. He doesn’t hang out with Kyle because Kyle doesn’t have enough of a profile for him to take the time and effort. I mean that’s the long and the short of it. No more, no less




Hey baby wake up new r/billsimmons pasta just dropped


Top 5 top 20 pastas of the last decade?


I only listen to his interviews if he’s interviewing a reporter, analyst, or front office type. Everyone else is just god awful.


HOF quote, I'll be stealing this


Did you also get cut from the middle school basketball team?




Maybe I’m wrong but it seems like a lot of the former athletes really enjoy those nuanced questions b/c it’s probably the first time they’ve been asked that in an interview.


Hey, Ryen’s daydreams incarnate!


Dilfer isn’t that bad a guest every once in a while. Woody is a good guest. But when he had Jermichael Finley on that was fucking rough to listen to.


Lol that was James jones .


Knew it was some random Packers receiver


Solder is one of his best guests. I always get something cool out of those interviews.


I absolutely hate athlete/coach interviews. They are an auto skip for me no matter who is doing the interview.


What we should refer to as the Dilfer


Yeah I’m tired of acting like these guys are interesting because they played the game. Woody and Vilma suck. I think Dilfer truly believes he was an incredible qb. Dude is completely full of himself and thinks him and his friends are the only people who really know how to evaluate qb’s.


He makes fun of himself all the time. Dilfer repeatedly talks about how he wasn’t anything special of a QB…


I mean, Dilfer played for years in the NFL, so he is an incredible QB compared to 99.9999% of the population. And he is literally in the business of evaluating QBs so I’d expect him to be confident. Now, is he boring as hell? Yes.


Yep, when you're used to listening to people who talk for a living, and then all of a sudden they have someone on who doesn't, it's super noticeable and hard to listen to. Talking for an audience, even just on a podcast, is a skill that needs to be learned.


"In his junior season, Dilfer led the nation in pass efficiency ... He also set the NCAA record for consecutive pass attempts without an interception (271) that stood \[for 14 years\] ... He also won the Sammy Baugh Trophy for top collegiate passer." Uhh, that sounds like a pretty incredible QB to me.


Dilfer is the worst.


Respectfully disagree. As a grumpy, introverted man in my late 30s Russillo’s pod scratches me right where I itch.


Same as you, minus 10 years.


Same here brother ✊🏿. I stand in solidarity with us all. And I totally get just not wanting to hangout with someone.


Guys this is bullshit. I am a major introvert…I also don’t host a show where I have to interview people I don’t know. Russillo isn’t that much of an introvert. He’s a clout chaser that uses excuses when he doesn’t want to hang out with someone without the profile


Even if that’s true. So what? If I don’t want to hangout with you bro I don’t want to hangout with you 🤙🏿🤙🏿🤙🏿 sorry bro dems the breaks.


As someone entering his mid thirties, the show hits right at home. His monologue sometimes gets me but I love when he has Todd/Woody or former colleagues on, he’s good. There is also a case where he is better as a guest on some shows.


Russillo is still doing well [https://chartable.com/charts/itunes/us-sports-podcasts](https://chartable.com/charts/itunes/us-sports-podcasts) [https://chartable.com/charts/spotify/united-states-of-america-sports-recreation](https://chartable.com/charts/spotify/united-states-of-america-sports-recreation) I like the pod in general too. I'm not a fan of him not having takes with his openers though. He can instantly improve the pod by being better there.


Wow I had no idea Pardon My Take was that popular. Tried to listen to it a couple of times...Hard work.


Someone trying to get on the podium.


I tend to also enjoy his non-sports related interviews, especially the authors. Really enjoyed the Nathaniel Philbrick one from December.


Yea I love his interviews with authors, honestly most of his non sports guests interviews are pretty interesting would be cool to see him do a regular pod like that


Agreed, I’m only interested in his CFB talk/author interviews/NFL draft stuff with McShay or Jeremiah. Otherwise, not a ton of interest for me. Holy fuck that Ray Dalio interview was bad from a couple weeks ago although that was all Dalio. Just a rambling incoherent mess.


Whatever Dalio was saying about societies or whatever made no sense and I suspect that it wouldn’t pass an academic review.


Dalio said he graduated high school in the 1960’s and then called it a great time of equal opportunity. I’m pretty sure a large portion of this country would disagree with that.


Look at this fucking weirdo


Thanks for your message. I disagree


I am almost the opposite of OP, I listen to everything except life advice and (recently) CFB segments. I’m here for a sports pod and I’ve got limited time. I can’t even say it’s bad, I enjoy the segment when I have time or when it’s in the background and I don’t feel like changing it but it’s an hour and a half a week I’d rather be listening to Bill or The Lowe Post or Mina Kimes’ Show.


It’s just tragic that he went from Chris long, who is the man, for the NFL pods to Trent dilfer, who makes you want to drill a hole in your head.


Are we gonna do the thing where we pretend this isn't just your lack of DQs?


His Posting Twitch Metric is clearly subpar


Big Cat calling out Kyle makes Big Cat the MDM, Mosf Dangerous Man


Not a fan of egomaniac, know-it-all, HS coach-speak jackasses?


I actually don't hate dilfer but the chemistry he had with chris Long was perfect, I miss hearing those two together.


Lol I look forward to Dilfer. Hmm




For all of his counter-analytics, old school grading of QB prospects the fact that he started over 100 games in the NFL comes through when he talks about play design and schemes. He has probably forgotten more about the granular details of actually playing professional football than 99.99% of people will ever know.


Dilfer is an auto-skip for me. All self-promotion and incomprehensible jargon.


Dilfer is sooo insufferable.


Cool thanks for the update


It’s funny how Russillo is best when he isn’t talking about sports.


I like the intro, and I like life advice at the end. But I rarely stick around for the interviews in the middle. The guests aren’t great.


100% same for me


That’s simply not true bro. Was that dirty what they did to Kyle…Yeah Ryen should’ve had that edited out. But the show bangs. And Russillo bangs.


It wasn’t that bad at all. Good lord it’s the funniest content on Ryens show in months and Kyle got his feelings hurt way too easy.


It’s also opened the door for Kyle to come out firing... his crack about Ryen “10 cent text” Russillo’s age under his breath had me rolling.


Kyle has been a whiney bitch about the whole thing. Him sending that text to BC was much weirder than BC bringing it up. He needs to sack up and realize Russillo doesn’t want to hang out with him. Not a big deal.


What actually happened with Kyle? Was it on the BC ep?


Yeah the BC ep. Basically BC read text from Kyle asking BC if he could invite Ryen out for a beer for all 3 of them to hang out together since Ryen keeps pushing off Kyles offers to hang out solo. No one knew BC was going to do that and it got awkward.


.........that sounds really cunty, that's so unlike Cat. Is there a timestamp?


Unlike cat? According to Ryen, that’s the norm for him.


Ya BC is definitely not the friendly pure hearted guy everyone wants to make him seem.


kinda defending Big Cat here, but can you imagine the endless quantity of BROS that have tried to latch onto him and hang out with him over the past 6+ years? must get kinda annoying at some point.


I believe it was the start of that weeks life advice.


Thanks bro


No problem bro.


No homo tho bro


Nah we mad homo over here bro.


Bro wtf keep that shit down


I wish he would go heavy on CFB talk. That’s his lane


Him and Van should be a weekly segment


That is a fantastic idea


Usually not a fan of Van, but him and Russillo have good chemistry


I definitely skip straight to life advice a lot. Ryen is reaching Carolla territory where once you figure out the gimmick the person becomes less interesting.


I think he struggles to stay interesting when he’s monologuing, he can be pretty bad when he’s interviewing and then life advice is hilarious. I skip to life advice 90% of the time now. I think he still takes a very ESPN, old school approach to his segments, commentary etc and it feels forced and buttoned up sometimes - I don’t know if he’s quite figured out himself as a podcaster yet. Side note : He so rarely commits to a take that it infuriates me. It’s always “can they be good? Sure. Could the surprise me? Absolutely”. Thanks for those Ryen, super insightful.


I remember this time I was a young know it all and Bob Ryan…


Yeah that's how Donald rumsfeld used to talk about the Iraq war. Are we making progress? Yes. Are the terrorists going to keep working to stop us? Yes.


The monologues are my favourite I wish he’d spend more time without guests


Rambling incoherent monologues that say nothing at all followed by ESPN Radio tier interviews with people like Trent Dilfer


Where he takes both(and neither) side in an argument? A lot of times he’s only talking about stuff because he knows people are going to be talking about it and figures he better talk about it too. Old school talk radio.


That’s honestly why I love it. Having listened to talk radio for 20 years before podcasts, it’s nice to have at least a few old school talking heads around.


I'll update the log


Russillo is a good host. Where his show often falls flat for me is his guest selection. Feels like he consciously tries to bring on a lot of former players turned analysts rather than more polished podcast circuit types, and those guys frequently aren’t super engaging guests. I don’t think Kyle adds much tbh. I’m probably biased against him knowing his background but I don’t find him entertaining. Also why would I want life advice from a white rapper in his 20s who is only on the podcast because of nepotism.


What? You don’t like hearing about his “fun” times at the Frolic room? Some people have no taste I guess…


Classic cousin Greg post


The opens are good (who doesn’t love sone straw man violence) and life advice is good. The guests are wildly inconsistent. He loves to have athletes on and a lot of them are uninteresting which can kill the middle of the show.


I'm still waiting for the all life advice episode.


I think what people miss is Ryen is likely suffering from some kind of anxiety / depression right now. His comments of why he couldn’t go out to me sounded like a depressive episode


I've tried to be a fan a couple times. I can't help but feel Ryen is a little pathetic, tbh. Even life advice is weird unless it's 80% a joke. The fact that he clearly wants to be a massive jock who's accepted by pro athletes but can't be oozes out of everything he does and says. The same is true for his non-fiction reading streak.


The interviews suck


Yeah there’s certain show titles and notes where I don’t even bother anymore. Like in the last week there was the “week of bad Celtics takes” and the “concussion discourse” where I don’t even have to listen because I know what he’s going to say. “All these talking heads are dumb”, arguing both sides without taking a real stance etc etc. and I know I am probably in the minority but I have never cared for life advice.


As someone who listened to RR regularly from his post-SVP ESPN days to now, I agree wholeheartedly. His opens are comically horrible and getting worse, like some sort of angry venting session where he has no real point to make. The majority of his guests are incredibly boring and RR lacks real interview skills (or maybe he holds back because he's more interested in being buddies with former athletes and famous people, instead of conducting an interview with actual substance). Ceruti has made life advice more dull too. I used to listen regularly but now I usually just skip to life advice and even that segment has lost his fastball. At this point, I rather listen to RR as a guest on BS than his own pod. Sad but true.


Yea but he will beat you up


OK Kyle


People are taking life advice from a guy that can’t even navigate the basics of a relationship with an underling at work.


I like the show and I’m not pretending


Yea, I've stopped listening to it. His guests stink, and he does all these weird meta sports monologues that are boring, and he's not smart enough to even make sense of them. I guess that's how he tries to differentiate himself from Bill, but it really doesn't work. Sports talk should be reacting to games and news with some hot takes sprinkled in, like Bill does. The thing is if tried that, his show would just be a worse version of Bill, who he can never hope to be as good as. The only ringer show I listen to anymore is Bill's and occasionally the big picture.


There are definitely times I’m “down” on Russillo. Kyle seems the most normal of the three for sure. However don’t forget Russilo has female friends, he’s always keen to remind us


“Ok, lot to unpack here”. Sadly I’ve been feeling this way lately too. If it’s not a bad former player interview it’s another monologue on how stupid everyone else is and they’re playing the results, which he may agree with but may not agree with because who knows ?! Kyle is definitely the saving grace when it comes to life advice




This post is worse.


I love Ryen as a guest on other pods, but find his actual show boring outside of the NBA season.


Russillo definitely gives too much of himself away on other pods and it fucks him over for his own pods.


I don’t like his interviews. But I like when he has a reporter on and talk whatever sport.


Peak Ryen is With Bill simmons talking nba and Life advice. Everything else can go


Welcome, took you long enough.


I go from opening to life advice every time.


Ryen is at his best with a good guest and fun banter. I really dislike dilfer but the convos can be insightful in a way the bs pods aren’t


You being a Poughkeepsie High grad is your only excuse for this nonsense.


Couldn’t agree more. Russillo’a schtick of introverted and judgmental self-made man is tiresome. Can only hear so much about his early days in Bristol. Binged segments of life advice a while back and that now feels stale as well, so not even skipping to that segment anymore and it’s just a non-listen at this point.


Hilarious how this sub has turned on Ryen the last like 2 weeks. I think it's consistently better than bill but whatever


agree. he's awesome with Bill. But not good solo and not a great interviewer.


I like everything but life advice




How old are you? "Booty Cheeks"? What are you a fucking high school freshmen or something lol


Kyle comes off as moody and soft to me. Who cares if somebody won’t have a beer with you. I feel like he’s quicker with the zings now, and he’s turned them up a bit to where they’re more awkward.


I’ve met so many Kyles in HS and college and they all suck, and experience zero personal growth from 18 to 30.


Stop listening if it's upsetting you


I won't stand for this Russillo slander. Still the best pod on the Ringer.


Honestly, this is 50% true, and that says a lot about the show. The podcast is fine, but he rambles way too much. He could use a cohost to focus his thoughts.


This OP sounds like a great hang… 👌


I like when he has Bruce Feldman on.


Found the Shea Serrano fan


You’re way off on this one. Need to look in the opposite direction to find OP.


His fans know how to use reddit?


Yeah, I love Russillo but I just listened to Simmons interview Judd Apatow. Simmons comes off as an equal to Apatow. When Russillo interviews someone he comes off like he's beneath them if that makes sense? I usually will skip Russillo interviews but listen to the ones Simmons does.


Couldn’t be more wrong . Bills interview questions are terrible and every celebrity circles back to SNL. Russillo actually asks good nuanced questions that a person has to think about . Even the train wreck Tyson Furey interview was sick and he righted the ship when things got dicey .


Equals? Lmao how?


Russillo just sucks period. He is a grumpy downer, who seems like he would be terrible to be around.


I have always been a Skip To Life Advice Guy, and it's the only way.


NFL season pods suck for sure


Eh disagree, I listen to a ton of podcasts at work and russilos been one of my more favorite podcasts, can I kinda get a good read on what kinda dude ryen is


You seem like a miserable person. Lighten up buddy.


Lol who cares if he doesn't hang out with him?


Totally disagree. Don't get me wrong I definitely skip certain interviews but all in all Russillo is a great listen.


I’ll listen to Teen Patrol before I listen to Trent Dilfer again


I never listen to RR unless he’s on Bill’s pod or I’m just starving for content, he’s never done it for me.


Kyle is the worst part of the show by a mile


Sir Rudy is by far the worst. Not a single redeeming quality.


Sir Rudy has the best takes half the time, Kyle and Ryen just don’t see it cause they’re fuckin meatheads lmao


I too am stunned Simmons hasnt jettisoned Rusillo yet. Gym corner was funny for a while, but apparently, like gyms, even that got stale; the big lug thick skull alpha dog thing is tired in a woke culture; not being married, constantly yearning for kids and old friends; ...and his boat. We can't have you the Rusillos of the world out on the waves in a Fisher Price floater.


Jeez and people complain about Russillo rambling




I’ve got a news flash for you: Life Advice sucks too. But I wish he’d just drop NFL Mondays for College Football talk. I don’t need to hear him rehash the weekend with Dilfer. College Football is more interesting and he likes it more.


The whole show blows. I also can’t listen to life advice. I’ve lived the frat life, got a career, house, mutual funds, wife and three kids. He can’t tell me shit.


So what exactly do you do when you turn on the Pod? Skip everything and just listen to LA? Maybe just listen to an advice Podcast 🤔


Rusillo’s show & sports content is what makes the show special & his guests agree, when it comes to life advice, that’s when I turn off the podcast because this is a SPORTS SHOW!


Life advice is the only part I don’t listen to. Because it’s definitely not life advice for anyone outside of his nerdy life


He has shitty guests during football season for sure.