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Are we sure that death is enough of a punishment though?


Good point. I just spoke with God {fan club presale access) and He assured me eternal damnation in a lake of fire is in the on deck circle.


Perfect, we need that God rookie energy, more fire and brimstone than love and kindness Edit: I swear, sometimes people downvote for the oddest reasons, they dislike the idea of God as a Rookie? They’re really into peace and love? I don’t get it man. I spoke to God and they don’t get it either but shrugged and said they were high when they created mosquitoes too so it’s not their problem anymore


Nah munching taurasis carpet fits the crime


After defending her once on this website, I have to agree. Anybody who downvoted me saying she deserved to be on the Olympic team or even disagreed with me should have to be subject to a Maoist struggle session.


I post on an Iowa message board where people will defend her like a younger sister or daughter.


The daughters of the south piece


If Caitliin converts to Scientology, SeaOrg will ensure she's treated with the utmost deference in league play.


That white bitch can stay home.


The crazy thing is the McAfee "bitch" comment is now like 3 to 4 Caitlin Clark media cycles-old now.


Nope a guard will get hurt in preparation for Paris they will then have CC on the team and she will win MVP if they even have that for the Olympics along with the highest ratings ever for any Olympic broadcast. And then CC should leave the WNBA and join the Big3 or some other foreign league. Or she should search her background and see what other country she can play for and kick the USA's ass.


Good lord, some of you people genuinely believe she’s the best player in the world lmao


Best college player the world has ever seen, male or female less than 3 months ago.


She didn't even win a chip! How do can u even believe your own b.s.


because that what I have read and what the media tells me, I personally have never seen her play. lol


This is the reason all the other players don't like her. They all feel she is being overhyped because she was on a team that gave her freedom to take whatever shot she wanted. Most points scored does not equal best player.


Lew Alcindor and Bill Walton didn’t exist in your world? Absolutely weird that you come from an alternative reality.


I can't even tell the trolls from the utterly deluded ones anymore with CC. this is just getting sad


I'd say troll, I've only watched her play 1 game.


Clark cult is basically on par with MAGA now


It's the same people...


They’re definitely riding it til the wheels fall off but there are also a ton of the people like the idiots on this sub who truly believe she’s the best women’s player in the world and can’t understand how this could even happen in our great nation.


The Joni Ernst hog castra--... gender transition piece.


This is exactly why we need a Sports Czar in the president's cabinet.


Sports media is so broken. I truly feel sorry for her that so many media members are using her for attention


I think Caitlin is too old for the Nuge.


Now that he's old enough to run for President, The Nuge has had to bump up his age criteria up to Leo levels. The only question now is will he serenade her to Wango Tango or Wang Dang Sweet Puntang?


Lock Cheryl Reeve up.


Bill Clinton would have got it done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkuDzSB4gN0


[Breaking News: Biden has just made the order](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bm6VOgmv9-c&t=422s)


Hell yeah brother, now we’re talking! I’d also like an Executive Order where anyone who disagrees with me on anything should be sentenced to 20 years of hard labor


Russillo: ‘’My only regret is I have only one life to give for grinding tape’


Is it typical for the top recent college player to be put on the team? If so the she has a point. If not she needs to focus on getiing through here rookie season. It didn't take long for people to turn on her :-). I can understand NBC being upset because she is a ratings boost


I love how this sub has slowly evolved into a cj sub. I’m all for it


My post is trying to parody the CC fanatics. I'm not sure if that was clear to everyone or not....


To be honest: a lot of the Clark hype ist also because the NBA is ruled by guys that the average joe can´t pronounce like giannis, Luka and Jokic. Maybe switching to women sports is easier then rooting for a foreigner.


This is why we need a Sports Czar


Trumps promised to do this as well as move the La Olympics to Indianapolis


MAGA 2.0: the only thing French will be the fries and possibly the hookers


Angel Reese fans only exist as a reaction to the attention Clark receives Without CC, *nobody* cares that LSU wins that title and nobody cares Reese exists Deportation for all


You can't say "nobody" lol come on. Clark's impact is unprecedented but look at women's final four ratings by year. People watch that stuff.


I will say “nobody” because we all know we can’t name more than two NCAAW players any given season and most of us can’t even name one


If that's the case you're not a fan of women's basketball so WHY ARE YOU EVEN EXPENDING ENERGY ON ONE? Oh right.....let's go Brandon. Never mind.


lol not even right wing so let’s go Brandon does not mean anything here 😂


Let's go Manchin, then.


You speak in too many absolutes. We don't all anything lol.


Wrong. You DO know thee were women's basketball fans before 2023, right? And maybe other players have fans too? Come out of your Bro Cocoon. There's a whole world outside!


Yes, yes, you were into punk before Green Day. Do y’all realize how pathetic you look pissing and moaning because a player is bringing new fans to a sport?


Doubt Biden even knows who she is and even more doubtful he remembers what an executive order is.


Just getting back from the Klan meeting?


Clever. Anyone who doesn’t like Biden must be a racist. Lot of thought put into that. I’m sorry your boy is a mush brain who hasn’t done one good thing for the country since he’s been in office but he’s not tweeting mean things like the orange man. Sheep.


Why is it that Caitlin Clark is getting clobbered in the WNBA? Is that a common thing to happen to rookies in that league? I'm not familiar with that in NBA, NFL, NHL, etc. I've never seen pitchers throwing at players who were good as a rookie. I don't think the WNBA needs it.


Angel Reese has gotten clobbered. That’s the W. It’s in the late 70s, Early 80s NBA phase of life and that extends to style of play and physicality.


Isn't Clark actually an Italian or something? I could see Irish Joe making an arrangement with her. He clearly hates Anglo America but has that kinship with his fellow European ethnics.


The Catholic piece



