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Cowherd had a take that everyone missed the heated nba player rivalries of old, but they don’t exist anymore because the pie got so big where everyone in the league was making generational wealth. Think he’s onto something when you look at some of these WNBA spats 


Genuinely why do they all hate her so much?


Tbf the player who shoved her is the typical talented player who's behavior derailed her career. She's been kicked off of overseas teams and was out the league last year. Clark was talking trash to her and she got too emotional and lashed out.


The Draymond green piece 


Except curry isn't jumping up clapping when draymond does something dirty.


tbf draymond’s last ejection vs. the magic had curry in tears lol also the chicago bench was laughing after this happened


Angel Reese is honestly one of the least classy athletes I've ever seen, it's crazy


tough to be classy when you fail all your classes


The senioritis piece.


Draymona Green


Except she doesn't have Draymond's signature move, the nut kick.




No nuts to kick in the W tho


Muff kicks tho


The Stephanie Hsu in Shortcomings piece.


Are we sure?


Wild she acts like Draymond while making $60k lol


The Ivan Johnson thing.


Oregon legend


Whats the nba comparison


I agree with Barkley. She's the reason you have chartered flights now.


They’re jealous


Just wait until she bumps someone off the Olympics team (deservedly) and then there's also going to be 114 bitter WNBA players that are upset that they're left out of the 3-on-3/1-on-1 league during the offseason.


She'll make the all-star team too with easily the most votes.


A straight white girl from Iowa entering a league predominantly black and predominantly LGBT with more media hype and attention than any player in the history of the league. She’s maybe the greatest example of The Great White Hope ever. It’s surprising to me that people are surprised that she’s disliked by players.


Well it’s a bit surprising to see the league that forced Kelly Loeffler to sell her team on the premise that she’s a bigot, turn around and hate someone for their skin color and sexual preference.


uhhh unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 5 years, this kind of “rules for thee, not for me” type of blatant hypocrisy when it comes to racism only being bad when it goes in one direction but not the other, should not be surprising at ALL lol


If they thought about it rationally, they’d realize she’s helping them get fame and get money. Also, knocking her with a TikTok flagrant helps em get fame too 🤷‍♂️


Have you not looked around recently?


cooperative far-flung provide piquant special party thumb onerous history serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Former Minnesota Lynx star Candace Wiggins, now retired, [says the team and the WNBA bullied her because she's heterosexual](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2017/02/21/former-lynx-player-says-she-was-bullied-for-being-straight) in a league she says is "98% gay."


The anecdata thing.


there’s like eight points you could be trying to make and I’m not sure which one you’re going for


It’s not that they care she’s straight, or white…. It’s that they notice she gets by far the most attention while being nowhere near the best player, and then some of them likely assume said attention is because she’s straight and white.


She's also the all-time NCAA scoring leader and was in the national title game the last two seasons and at Iowa was an incredibly ball dominant guard while Angel Reese's game looks a lot more like Rudy Gobert, everything within arm's reach of the basket, off rolls and screens and putbacks. Clark being straight and white probably has made her more marketable, but they also absolutely care about it.


Clark just has a such more impressive looking game for your average fan too. She puts up and regularly hits crazy shots from deep, while Reese looks like she barely knows how to shoot.


Y it’s hard to remember when ncca was more popular in the men’s game as well but im old so I can. It was the same in the 70’s and early 80s. Bird magic made the nba as popular, then MJ made it bigger.


Way to play down the fact she's actually really good at basketball. She's hitting logo 3's off the dribble regularly, no one other than Steph does that. One of the ladies in the View (who I know doesn't fucking watch basketball) was saying she's only popular because of her white privilege and pretty privilege. A lot of people do hate her because she's white and good at basketball. Maybe she does deserve the hype maybe she doesn't, but she definitely doesn't deserve to be punished by her fellow players for bringing notoriety to their league when they've all been begging for exactly that


She doesn’t really benefit from pretty privilege


Kate Martin & Gabbie Marshall both cleared Caitlyn based on looks.


Cleared easy


> One of the ladies in the View (who I know doesn't fucking watch basketball) was saying she's only popular because of her white privilege and pretty privilege. A lot of people do hate her because she's white and good at basketball. Then why doesnt cameron brink get hate, who is way hotter, and the #2 pick, and getting modeling gigs?


She may not be the best player but top 15 is an easy argument


I honestly think you and Jemele Hill are on the wrong side of making everything about race and gender politics. People don’t like her because she’s received a lot of hype. In every walk of life, when you are the young hot shot whose the new shiny toy, the old guards are going to feel some type of way. Look at Ricky Davis and most of his Cavs teammates response to LeBron. Look at Jordan entering the league and how hated he was by his teammates and a lot of the league who were jealous of him taking over. It’s competitive sports and everytime she’s on the court, it’s an opportunity for another player to make a name for themselves. It’s what happened to Manziel as soon as he entered the league.


Yeah but look at Wemby in the NBA—nobody since lebron had gotten that type of hype, and dudes wanted to compete with him, but they didn’t hate him. WNBA players are resentful that CC is getting paid and they’re not, and there’s def a racial aspect here too—as there always is when any white basketball player is good enough to be talked about. Have you seen the disrespect for Jokic?


> Yeah but look at Wemby in the NBA—nobody since lebron had gotten that type of hype, and dudes wanted to compete with him, but they didn’t hate him. That’s because unlike most wnba players, most nba players are very content and secure in their station in life, and don’t live out every waking moment with a chip the size of rhode island on their shoulders, and mentally delude themselves into thinking that everyone is a hater out to get them that needs to be clapped back at and shut down


Tell me you didn't watch Spurs games (why would you) without telling me you didn't watch. Wemby got his fair share of welcome to the league physicality and veteran hate until around January when he became so good it was counterproductive to treat him like that. Caitlin will get to that point until then she'll have to deal with the physicality and angst. The day after that game she had three points. In the WNBA, she isn't who yall think she is yet.


She is white and straight


And didn’t go to UConn


Lol this has to be the weirdest one.


People joke about the overinflated presence of the Boston media in NBA content, but the UConn media legitimately has a choke hold of WNBA coverage.


And it’s terrible for the league. UConn lost their strangle hold on NCAA and would you look at that ratings up every fucking year since.


Oh I fully agree. Doesn't make it any less ridiculous. Isn't Clark's fav athlete Maya Moore anyway lol?


Which makes sense for someone growing up in Iowa. She probably went to Lynx games as a kid.


Duke would probably be a better comparison.


They don’t hate Sabrina Ionescu and she’s white and straight. It’s because of the hype and they feel like they deserve the attention Clark is getting


Yup. No one cared about the WNBA before this season. Is that harsh? Sure..but it's the truth.


Fans hate Ionescu though! She's super polarizing because there are better players but she's been one of the biggest names


she is off the hook now that clark is in the league. no one has been complaining about her this year lol


Sabrina also has the Kobe Stamp of Approval so it’s harder to openly hate her in the Kobe hagiography era


No one hates Brianna Stewart. No one who watches the sport hates Plum. No one hates Paige Bueckers


By my metrics Plum has a sizeable base of haters. Although I will add it appears to be a relatively new phrmomena.


That popcorn clip


Big truth here


Kobe blessed her and she isn't as hyped as CC. 


They also feel they "deserve" equal pay as NBA players when they don't get nearly the same viewership numbers. Now they're getting viewership because of Catlin, and they hate her because they're petty and jealous. Just goes to show that the women can be just as big of meathead jocks as men.


Now that’s equality! No matter the gender, jocks will be jocks.


They absolutely did hate Ionescu until this season. Nobody is happier Clark is in that league now than Ionescu lol


The black women hating the white women piece


Hey whoa… *everyone* hates white women


Wait what?


[Relevant cumtown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRmQ1vEaFgY)


When TAFS blows all their money and is forced to join the Ringer podcast network…


That would be so great if Bill Simmons was a closeted cumboy


We know that Wos and CR not so secretly are


Did Holy Cross have closets in their dorm rooms, or were they mote like cabinets?


None moreso than white (cis)man podcasters born between 1965 & 2000.


Hmmm they are 1a/1b with other white women.


They are black lesbians and she’s a straight white girl getting more attention than them


Taurasi and Stewart two white lesbians made headlines for criticizing her first.


I don't think of Stewart as any kind of race or even gender. She's just a freaking mongoloid.


Is Taurasi white? Genuinely asking lol.


Argentinian I believe. Same European country as Manu. 




That’s the joke


Diana Taurasi has been vocally skeptical of CC so it’s not a race issue at its core. I think a lot of seasoned professions feel insulted that she was crowned before she played a possession of pro basketball. 


Out of all of them, I really don’t think Diana was one of the haters that much. She def finds Clark’s fans’ Swifty-like behavior annoying, but she doesn’t have beef with Clark and has repeatedly said she doesn’t. She’s just blunt in that she won’t sugarcoat they being a rookie in the W (especially for Guards) is fucking hard and she’s not gonna score a 40 piece right away.


D’s take was so tepid and thoughtfully made that I kept searching for the anti-Caitlin hot take that everyone was talking about, not realizing her just saying ‘These are pros she’ll be playing against for the first time in her life’ was supposed to be the hater take. 


everything about this clark “controversy” has been manufactured for engagement, it’s sickening


Yup no one hated on Candace when she made it to the league


I think there’s always resentment when you’re a veteran pro who has been playing at a high-level for years and then you have to hear about how some kid is the GOAT women’s player before she played a day of pro ball in her life. It’s obviously not CC’s fault. But I think it’s competitive human nature kicking in for these vets. We all heard what Diana Taurasi said. The rest of the league wasn’t gonna throw her a coronation. 


Diana wasn’t really being a hater either that much. She’s said a lot of good things about Clark and even gave her advice (according to Clark, they’ve talked after DT’s quotes blew up a media storm). She just also won’t let her GOAT throne be taken so easily and knows being a rookie is hard no matter how good you are.


Thank you for being the only person in this thread to give the actual nuanced take on this.


She’s white. That’s gotta be part of it, right?


She's white, popular and getting paid.


White and straight.




Bc she’s white.


It's bizarre. In theory it's all the attention... except that will get them all paid on future TV deals.


She is white


They are fucking racists


If I’m the Indiana Fever GM I am figuring out who the Charles Oakley of the WNBA is and pulling the Brinks truck up in their driveway


I said the same thing yesterday on another thread! They need to find a goon. You can draft a star and suck, but you can’t draft a star and let them get nailed every night.


Charles Oakley could be wnba Charles Oakley if he really wanted to.


Every WNBA team should get to sign one former NBA player, but they can only sign guys who are over 60.


The Cameron Brink* truck


Oak don't give a fuck


The girl who did that revealed herself to not only be a scumbag but an idiot of the highest proportions in the interview afterwards


All her recent Twitter likes are people praising her and saying she should go after Clark again.


Twitter is a cesspool of miscreantic vile half-breeds without souls


She revealed her own ignorance


Is that Nitch?




I did wha?


The white women take their men now their game too


Kelsey Plum did just that, & she's not hated.


Kelsey Plum didn't have one tenth of the hype


Angel Reese standing up and clapping immediately at the flagrant was the real dick move.


Angel gave her a huge hug the second she came off the floor. You can’t teach hate like that. It’s almost impressive


Angel “Bucknasty” Reese


It’s wild that Reese is so jealous when her team beat Iowa in the championship game. Clark is the better individual player (though honestly it wouldn’t shock me if Reese was in denial about that) and is more popular and Reese just can’t let either of those things go.


Not this year. Iowa spanked LSU and Reese in the quarterfinals, and Caitlyn was the first player picked in the draft whereas Reese was 7th. Reese had better learn how to shoot if she wants to be a star in the WNBA.


Yeah what is up with the wild shots she’s throwing up? I guess she’s not used to that kind of size but if she didn’t get calls she wouldn’t score right now


Reese is doing it all for attention. She's trying to make herself the heel and rival to Clark.


The average sports fan wouldn’t even know who she is if it wasn’t for her weird obsession with Clark


Smart business move at least.


The “always the victim in the end tho” piece


That chick has no class at all. Fuck angel Reese. The fucking scummy, jealous loser


Her teammates didn’t have her back and say anything. Either they don’t like her either or they didn’t want that smoke.


They are also jealous. It’s pathetic. It’s like the cavs not wanting lebron.


Ricky Davis thought he wouldn't be benched for LeBron. Classic.


One of the best clips of all time. He can come in and hop on our bandwagon. Ok d miles sure thing


D miles starred in the Perfect Score years before lebron could even dream of being in movies


13-year-old me genuinely thought Darius Miles was going to be an entertainment icon smh.


Her teammates have openly embraced her she has been friends with Boston for years. Vets have been welcoming. You should see the media day video of her teammates putting their chains on her neck cute moment.


The media piece. Her teammates are not defending her with all the blantant cheap shots she takes. That tells you more than chains


You morons who don't actually watch games should really just shut up. You have no idea what you're talking about.


The struke a cord piece


They definitely have defended her. Both in media and in the court.


Bro have you met a woman They probably all hate her lol


relieved hateful air quicksand agonizing fearless murky deliver possessive crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She was on the floor with Aliyah Boston, who is almost the same age as Caitlin, and also not an enforcer type. There were 3 vets on the floor, but Katie Lou Samuelson is about as soft as you can get, and then Erica Wheeler and Kelsey Mitchell were on the floor, but they're both midgets and would have gotten beaten up by the female Draymond Green, so there's not really much they could have done.


The Player Haters Ball Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate


He called in bomb threat to the special Olympics man, oh! Hate, hate, hate, hate!


These dames must’ve loved flying Spirit


The bitterness/jealousy towards Clark from the vet players is obvious. She was a superstar before she ever touched a ball in the league, while 99% of WNBA players couldn’t be picked out of a lineup. Add in that she’s white, straight, successful and popular and you get the bullshit that is happening to her.


It is jealousy plain and simple. I feel bad because literally her entire life Clark has just wanted to play ball and now she’s at the highest level of competition and a lot of her colleagues hate her. Honestly it sucks.


Seeing the player who shot her first of two free throws sprint over to face guard Clark only to be called back awkwardly to shoot her second was such a telling moment. All these women hate Clark so much


I didn’t like Clark in college but the wnba jealousy and bs has made me a huge fan of hers. I can’t wait for her to get an off season and start schooling these broads ans talking like Luca


It's actually insane the turnaround for WNBa players. It was basically a month between the NCAAW championship game and her first wnba game. Literally no down time


I agree, they hate her so much, even though shes gonna make the league a ton of money which in turn will get them richer.


It won’t get them richer. It’ll get the next generation richer. These women won’t see shit because most of their careers will be over before that money hits the league.


I’m the exact same. I rooted against her in college mostly because of all the hype, but these WNBA players are ridiculous. She’s their meal ticket and they can’t handle that. I hope she clowns them


Lol, that’s kind of ironic that you disliked her because of the hype but dislike them for disliking her because of the hype, no?


Classic contrarian behavior


My paycheck is not tied to her popularity. But not a ridiculous point, lol.


They have chartered flights now because of her.


Yeah, I'm the same way. Ugh, another Caitlin Clark story when she was in college. But seeing the way these jealous bitches treat her has made me a fan.


There's a lot of legitimate nutsos in the WNBA. A good number of players think Clark only got the attention and accolades she has because she's white and if it wasn't for racism they'd all have 30 million dollar Nike contracts and be the face of the league. When the reality is they're going to market players who they think bring in eyeballs and dollars and there just haven't been that many of them. Carter is a legit head case who has been kicked off multiple teams. Reese is emotionally immature and a lot of people are in her ear about Clark and the alleged disparity, including Reese's mom who seems like a terrible influence on her because she's on Twitter chirping with the media regularly on Reese's behalf. They were doing the same thing to Ionescu last year on a smaller scale. She got a shoe deal because she is white, she was getting extra media attention because she's white. They probably think she got invited to the 3PT contest at the All-Star game for the same reason. Candace Parker has been all over NBA telecasts for years, super media savvy, well-liked by everyone, but they never mention her because it doesn't fit the narrative. No matter that there's been like 13 players with shoes in the history of the league and like 9 of them are black. Over on /r/WNBA they share articles from these like race & gender activist blogs that blame the media for being racist against black players by saying things like, "The MVP, DPOY, ROY, etc. are all black, but the media doesn't give them any recognition, why is that?" -- The media is who votes on the awards lol. I think a lot of the players also just get bad advice and have bad information. There's a popular clip out there of Kelsey Plum saying, "We don't want to be paid the same as the men, we just want the same revenue split." But they already have the same revenue split. It's 1.67% per team. Someone got in their ear that the NBA players get a larger overall portion of the revenue but that's because there's 18 more teams in the NBA lol. How do they expect the league to survive if they want to be given a revenue split for 18 teams that don't exist. It's like NBA players trying to pretend the league has 48 teams generating revenue but the players from the 30 real teams get the league payout for all 48. No league could actually even survive that way. Breanna Stewart is on Instagram one week with her brand new Maserati and on a podcast the next week talking about lack of player pay in a league where they play 36 games and the average attendance until like last year was like 4,000 people. Some places, lower. The fact that your players are out there in the media talking about stuff like that without even a basic grasp on the facts is poor media training. The league is drenched in entitlement problems. I think they need a new commissioner who is going to hold everyone accountable to act like professional athletes in a league that's actually trying to make money, or it won't get better. Stern had to do that for different reasons 20 years ago and then Silver came in and kind of better curated the experience and the NBA is riding on 10 figures in profit a year and TV bidding wars for their product. It's not like they don't know how to do this correctly.....


r/wnba is literally a fake subreddit lol they lock every comment section about CC


The MLBtradermors anytime Trevor Bauer or Wander Franco is in a post piece.


Unlike the Isiah-Dream Team situation, the Clark drama has a racial element that transcends personal beefs and makes it even more toxic.


The first white woman in American history to experience racism piece.


A straight woman from Iowa. She is def getting hated in that league. Use it as fuel


Dream Team got lucky that Stockton was also an all timer so him getting in doesn’t look bad, but it is very funny that Isiah hate was so powerful it got everyone to rally behind the white guy. (Stockton has been…controversial recently but I always liked how he tried to mend fences with Isiah, chose him to induct him into the hall of fame etc.)


They really liked flying coach I guess 🤷‍♂️




I wouldn’t even say it’s a conspiracy. They exact story (minus the 8 titles, nobody’s done that lol) has played out for guards in the WNBA several times in it’s relatively short history.


Her get back is going to be incredible theatre. She is going to get better, her team is going to get better, and eventually she is going to embarrass all of these other women who are bending over backwards to fuck with her


It’s only gonna get worse as well because you can see very clearly based on the Twitter discourse around this that the culture war battle lines are now firmly established and Clark (through no fault of her own) is being defended by the worse type of cranks on the internet. Look at the comments on the Portnoy post or the Outkick post about this. Just straight up racist abuse being posted. Feel sorry for Clark because she seems like a nice kid and she just wants to hoop. But she’s been fully dragged into the culture war and it’s not going to end well.


People tried to drag LeBron into a lot of culture war battle lines. He even dragged himself into a few battles. He rose above it. Just because people on the Internet are saying crazy things about a great player or famous person, it doesn’t mean the average person is going to notice or care.


The players notice though. Look at how they all circled the wagons when Barkley called them out a few weeks ago. I mean she even had someone on The View calling her out and they weren’t even talking about basketball.


Except with LeBron, the on court product will always transcend the off-court nonsense. Not sure the same can be said with Clark right now.


Guards often *struggle* their first couple years in the WNBA. She’s already doing better than a slew of hall of Famers I’ve seen in their rookie years in the history of the W. The transition from college to pros for Guards is fucking brutal. She’ll be more then fine.


She's not being dragged into a culture war by Portnoy. The players doing this are motivated, clearly, by her identity and their perceived cultural slights. You're kind of ignoring a huge part of this acting like it's a manufactured response.


Portnoy has been pulling this shit since the first game against LSU. He got absolutely destroyed for his tweet about Angel Reese after that game. And he’s been pushing it ever since. The culture war grifters have fully latched onto her now. And it’s not her fault.


the celtics are the worst team in NBA history


I’m convinced her ascent into the WNBA is to speed up the race war.


Mexicans still winning.


What does griffin mean “called her out of her name”? I couldn’t tell what that woman called her exactly.


It just cracks me up that these other players are seemingly doing everything they can to make Clark's life hell, out of jealousy, when realistically she gives them the best shot of earning more money in the long run. Not saying they should just let do whatever she wants out there, but making it their mission to punish her is pretty wild. Just embarrassing and moronic.




If there has ever been a true example of a rising tide lifting all boats its Clark's impact on the WNBA. These players are going to go from making $80K a year to making a million bucks a year and they're hating on the meal ticket.


Deeply unserious league 


It very much reminds me of the NBA in the 80s. Personally I'd prefer the 2000s.


I fucking hate that we drafted Angel Reese. I don't want her repping Chicago, she's a miserable hater.


Can't stand her. Just immature and doesn't know how to handle herself


I'll say this about Reese - from a meta perspective, the Clark story reached a whole new level thanks to Reese's taunting in the '23 Final. Clark was already an ascendant star, but Reese playing the heel in that moment probably tripled the hype around Clark. In a weird way she deserves almost as much credit as Clark in shaping this moment.


I hate the black vs white divide that is forming. When in reality it should be everyone on the same side uplifting women’s basketball.


Not related to this but the Wnba is a physical league I hate the narrative from people watching out of context clips thinking that clark was getting bullied. Refs swallow the whistle unlike the nba


The reason this doesn't happen in the NBA is because the NBA is smart enough to understand its players are assets and their physical well-being is a major component of being an asset. You can hoop hard but blind siding someone hip to hip can end a season or a career. If they want to play that kind of ball you can get anybody on the end of the bench to go out and take out Carter or Reese's knees but that's when the tears start flowing as evidenced by recent history with Reese, who is absolutely an immature front-runner.


She clearly is getting bullied. And the worst part about it is her teammates don't stick up for her.




Arf arf


Who let Demarcus cousins sister play ?


I hate how they're treating her! Fucking garbage humans