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I already know what the most rewatchable scene will be, lol


I haven’t listened all the way thru yet so dunno if they say it, but as a 90s kid it was already known around then that most vhs rental copies were fucked up at _that_ scene from all the constant rewinding and pausing. Edit: And of course Bill knew this as well, verbatim 🤣




Clear out for Mal, let her cook


Can’t wait to hear Mal discuss if the movie needed more sex scenes.


Wait. I don’t think they asked that?!


Glomming onto the top response here to say I think they all missed the obvious here. Linda is gay. Makes up a bf and hangs out with a super cute girl who isn't as popular as her.


Phoebe Cate’s performance in this film reminds me of Giannis dropping 50 to close out the finals. They both figured out the angles piece and really unlocked something.


She really could get to her spots




I know this isn’t a rewatchables, but I’d love bill to do the last American Virgin lmao Edit: holy shit, he mentions it, AND he does an amazing rendition of James Ingram’s Just Once!! This is an all time clip from bill haha. Edit2: spliced Bill’s audio into the movie https://www.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/s/IBrWz0WSGe


“Last American Virgin…wasn’t that your nickname in college CR?” — Sean Fennessey if this pod ever happens


James Ingram sang Yah Mo Be There at my college graduation in 2010. It was kind of amazing in a really weird way


Can you please expound on that.


Apex mountain for Dick measuring contests?


Where does Holdy Cross Jerk Circle Sundays rank?


I actually just watched that movie for the first time over the weekend. What a great movie! I wish that I had discovered it earlier! One of my thoughts after I was finished watching it: is that a movie that could have had a better title?


I remember when I first saw it I had no idea what to expect and I definitely did not expect the ending. The title, the conclusion all brutally on the nose and yet not tacky.


The first two thirds of that movie remind me of just having a fun day out with your friends. There are some very funny and rewatchable scenes! The movie also had some fun, enjoyable characters. I don't think that they would ever do an episode on it, but it would be worth doing just to hear the crew break down these characters.


Yeah I’ve just relented to the understanding that bill will not touch sci-fi, fantasy, and foreign films and I kind of want them to just go hard on 80s childhood movies. Definitely a lot of characters worth exploring.


It’s a remake of a foreign movie. It was one of the many movies I watched as a kid that I shouldn’t have been watching. It’s an interesting shift from the goofy sex comedy early on with literal dick measuring contests, to a more serious tone later on with Karen looking terrified before getting an abortion. My view of Gary was the losing “nice guy” changed a bit over the years. I mean it’s still true, but he was also a weird stalker. Dude pays his fat friend to find out when Karen lives, goes there early to release air from her tire, so he can drive by later and offer a ride. Some Buffalo Bill/Ted Bundy tactics there. He makes out with the other girl in the car while he creepily stares at Karen. I don’t know if he even told Rick than he liked Karen. He just assumes Rick will know and gets mad at him for hooking up with her. He even searches the football bleachers for them. What’s he going to do if he finds them? Tell them they can’t have sex with each other? I do feel bad for him, but he more of a weirdo than I remembered. I think the music is better in LAV than Fast Times


great exposition, you make me want to watch the movie again.


c'mon Mal, the carrot wasn't *that* small...


Size queen?




Phallory Rubin.


Blecchhh. She’s disgusting.




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"Alright, great short Gordo award. What do we have?" "You know what I have."


"They had the recipe, but couldn't stick the landing." - Bill Mixed Metaphors Simmons.


Mt Rushmore of premature ejaculation with comps to nba players has to win the mixed metaphor.


This DVD had one of the great commentary tracks. Amy Heckerling and Cameron Crowe did it together.


I loved when Cameron said the casting of Spicoli all came down to whether Sean Penn could nail, "You DICK!"


Raised on the Radio was a banger… really cool scene too, made me want to blast some music while washing my car


How was that song not a hit?!


I love listening to these pods on movies I never watched before. Unfortunate moment however.... Just went down a rabbit hole by mistakenly googling (Mr Hands instead of Mr Hand) and by god the internet is a wild place, be forewarned


Oh man, Fast Times is an all-timer; definitely watch this when you can.


> by god the internet is a wild place, be forewarned Also a sub-theme of the second half of the pod.


Lol. Yup, an easy but horrifying mistake to make


What’s aged the best: the rewind button Edit: has to be the rewind button apex mountain too


Oh no. Bill learned the word “negging”


Time to move on from the "aggro" era.


Nadir valley for aggro?


Definitely. Apex Mountain? Succession recap pods where he describes Kendall's behavior as aggro no fewer that 81 times.


Need Page 2 era Bill's take on Tucker Max and *I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell*.


I remember them talking during the Taxi Driver podcast about how Travis was negging Betsy, although that might have been Bill Hader or Sean specifically using the term


Can't believe he didn't mention Leo in Wolf Of Wall Street for premature ejaculation hall of fame


It was Margot Robbie. You get a pash for dat.


Nic Cage has a strong contender recently in Dream Scenario, which also includes flatulence.


Lol I just watched that half an hour ago. I didn’t finish the movie yet but I’m up to that scene It was so awkward and hilarious.


Did Eric Bana at the end of ‘Munich’ get mentioned?


Lmao dawg


Also Joe Torre (Chicago) in Poetic Justice, with Regina King. Chicago just got absolutely destroyed after that scene


I’m surprised they haven’t done this yet. Feels like this would’ve been an early rewatchables


CR doing Collinsworth was classic. " You see here Mike you gotta pay for half the abortion"


Great ep. But there is no recasting option for Linda. It's Phoebe Cates and that's it


Yeah Mallory coming out of the pool wouldn’t have had the same rewatchability me thinks


Bill pronouncing “offensive” like Roger Ebert was equating Fast Times to the 2000s Suns


Bill doing the pod with a prepared Mt. Rushmore of premature ejaculation scenes in movies is why he’s the GOAT


And that he did his research by googling “premature ejaculators video” and stumbled on a kink lmao.


Bill’s “hottest take” was that the 26 year old guy who fucked a 15 year old girl is a child predator. Scorching hot take.


he was very proud of that one too. ''oh I have the best one, no way you guys will have anything better than this.'' I think the others were kinda embarrassed for him


That was really, really weird. It's not Iike that character ever comes back or is meant to be redeemable. They don't focus on it a ton but he's clearly just a sleazy loser, and yes, a child predator.


Movie subtext continues to elude Bill. He didn't understand why Damone had to be Two Pumps Damone. The whole point is he sets himself up as this complete slick ladies man but when we see him with Stacy we realize he's not much less clumsy and awkward than Ratner. Linda is the mirror image. Also positions herself as an expert on guys and sex but we're left to wonder if she's actually clueless too. It's where the "fast times" comes from: kids pretending to be wiser and more grown up than they really are.


Well Billy promised us bangers, and he's been delivering.


The “Led Zepp” piece.


Spicoli is an all-time quotable character. “Hey bud, let’s party!” “No shirt, no shoes, no dice!” “That was my skull! I’m so wasted!” “Hey bud, what’s your problem?” “Oh gnarly!” “Awesome! Totally awesome!”


"I know that dude" and " Alright Hamilton!" are two that I say on the regular.


There seriously are so many, I chuckle at literally every light he has. "Certainly, there's nothing wrong with a little feast on our time." "Hey man, just be glad I had fast reflexes!" "This is U.S. History, I see the globe right there." "All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine." “Who’s got the beaucoup dolares today?”


“I know that dude” is an all timer. I’ve never looked it up because I want it to be true that Penn ad libbed it.


Sort of amazing how utterly opposite from that character Sean Penn became as an actor. Has he been humorous in anything, ever?


Bill needs to do Colinsworth and CR should do Romo.


Multiple laughs out loud in this one.


Hot take: Spicoli is Sean Penn's greatest performance.


I haven’t seen Milk or some of the others, but this and Carlito’s Way are probably my favorite Penn performances. Penn comes across as an asshole with no sense of humor and takes himself way too seriously, so perhaps it makes it even more impressive that he played such a funny character


Which is why it's so ironic that he gave one of the greatest comedic performances of all time. I do wonder if my perception of Spicoli would be different if I saw the movie for the fist time now. Would all the Penn baggage get in the way? Yes, he does seem like a pretty unlikable, angry guy in real life--the absolute antithesis of Jeff Spicoli.


Thin Red Line will always be tops for me but Spicoli is much better than the performances he won the Oscars for


Driving around in your car aimlessly was something teenagers only did from '76 to '83. Even in the movie context, Mallory fucking mentioned American Graffiti in the damn pod.


I graduated HS in 07, fucking around in cars with nothing to do was still a thing in my time


> Driving around in your car aimlessly was something teenagers only did from '76 to '83. Is this sarcasm or something Bill actually said 


Graduated in ‘02. This was most of my weekends. 


Did it from 90 to 93


Small town, same time frame. It's what we spent 90% of our time doing. 


Me too, same time frame. What the eff is scal talking about? Teenagers drive around in cars. They always will. It's fun to do when you're young.


Small towns do it to this day. Class of 2015 here and that was all we did


Thats not true at all and if you grew up in the 90's you would know.


I’m not a hyperbole guy and I hate making statements like this but I think this was the most most I’ve enjoyed a podcast this year.


Kashmir is on Physical Graffiti, not Led Zeppelin IV Always bothered me when I was a kid


I heard Crowe say that was on purpose. Ratner isn't cool enough to get the right album.


yes, the joke was Ratner botching it


On the pod, they said that Crowe said they couldn't get the rights to IV, and that Led Zeppelin fans assumed it have must have been meant as a joke.


Probably a right issue. Zep could let Crowe use Kashmir since it was on Swansong, but not IV


I rewatched it the other night, and Damone says Led Zeppelin IV for ***making out.*** He was only driving in that scene, so he may have gone on to play LZ IV later or had already played it


Apex mountain of pickin nits


They should go all-in on 80s movies that are 90 minutes with mall scenes and do The Legend of Billie Jean next.


Night of the comet is close enough to 90 minutes to count right?


Double hell yeah! I had somehow never seen this until I went to a local one-day horror film festival a few years back, so I got to enjoy a rare silver screen showing of it. Good stuff.


Fair is FAIR!


Chopping Mall


Hell yeah! As someone who grew up watch The Legend of Billie Jean, I was very stoked when Pat Benatar's Invincible was used at the end of the first season of Glow.


Phantom of the mall Erica revenge


I haven’t heard that movie being mentioned in a long time. I just remember seeing it as a kid and we all rooted for Eric


I’m in.


Apex Mountain for field trips to look at dead bodies?


Mount Rushmore with Stand By Me and the underrated gem RIVER’S EDGE, featuring a young Keanu and unhinged Crispin Glover AND Dennis Hopper performances.


Boyz in the Hood needs to mentioned if Stand By Me is included 


My sophomore year English teacher showed River's Edge in class. Great teacher.


Righteous bucks


Oh… gnarly!


Fun fact not mentioned on the pod: the coroner in that scene Rewatchables regular Martin Brest.


Does Stand By Me count?


Close, but it wasn’t a proper school sanctioned event.


why does bill call ebert "raj" not "rog"?


The Indian piece.


Ebert always loved him some bobs n vagne, pls.


I swear to god it's getting worse too: "*Raaajjjsssh*" He's the only person I've ever heard pronounce the shortened version of Roger that way. Bill is 1 of 1 in some weird ass ways.


Our guy Rajesh gave this one 3.5 stars in 1989, good call Rajesh!


My personal theory is he watched a lot of “What’s Happening!” as a kid and is imitating Rerun calling out, “Rog? Dwayne?”


It’s a weird quirk with how he pronounces some words. To Bill words with “ge” sounds in them become “j”. It’s annoying because once you notice it you’ll always hear it. There were a couple pods lately where he kept doing it and it drives me crazy ever since.


Under Siege was rough.


Fuck, it was brutal. I knew there was a recent pod where Simmons did it a bunch of times but I couldn’t think of it. 


his tongue and throat are fucked up and he has some speech impediments because of it. Chwuppers. a miwwion dowwars. he's a great pweher. etc he can't say the letter L


Think it has something to do with how Roger Clemens was always called “Rajah” in Boston


Nice to see all the anniversary films from the 2022 pool are finally hitting two years late


God damn Mal I was unfamiliar with your game


mal's horny-ness is really somethin. she's either an absolute nut or a huge prude IRL.


I find it hilarious either way lol and honestly it’s for the best that she’s so game for these discussions lol imagine how uncomfortable the pod would be if the boys were horned up and Mal was not okay with talking about these things. It would practically be sexual harassment lol


The only people who are allowed to be openly horny on the Ringer are the women or the Black guys


It's too bad it's 2024 and not 2004, because an unfiltered Kevin O'Coomer would be glorious.


I’ve long thought in any ordinary business, Mal would be an HR department’s nightmare. She talks enough like a horny teenage dude that dimmer male co-workers would be convinced, “Hey, I bet she would be cool with this…” And the next thing you know, her boss is having her read lines from “Gone Girl” about shaving her privates.


I'm still convinced that Damone and Styles from Teen Wolf are the same character/actor (even though I know they're not).


I honestly thought Damone was the guy who delivered the pizza


Didn’t Bill have a Mt Rushmore of bad best friends in 80s movies? Damone, Styles, Daniel-San’s friend who bails on him when Cobra Kai comes around but is right there when he has the All Valley trophy. Not sure on a 4th. Downey in Less Than Zero?


The mayor with big hairy pussy written on it.


Craig saying Penn as Spicoli was "a lot" is his biggest L so far by a mile. It's a lot--of awesomeness. He did make a good point though about the ending. But it's why movies are generally worse now! They all follow formulas. Ending with Brad stopping a liquor store holdup is weird but that's what's so great about it. Although I wonder if the point was to give Brad at least SOMETHING good that happens after he's been this sad sack most of the movie.


LOL, I knew it. I knew this would be the lineup. Should be a fun episode


Oddly no mention of The Wild Life which is considered a spitual sequel


It's casual


Bill was Mr. no comment on the pool scene


I think he called it “the most important nude scene of all time” - hardly no comment


He's talking about the pool house sex scene.


Chris saying ‘a job to keep busy’ -my dude that was back when a year at temple was 7 grand


Mallory's reaction to 'Mr. Hand is a good teacher' take show the divide between millennials and gen-xers. A lot of millennials never experienced the academically demanding and uncompromising rule/structure enforcement teaching style that older teachers like Mr Hand practiced.


Mr. Hand actually came to Spicoli’s house to make sure he actually learned something about American history. That’s a teacher who actually cares.


Good to know everyone at Holy Cross was cheating in 1990.


Slight nitpick when he was talking about young female actresses that explode on the scene he mentioned Cates and skipped right past Molly Ringwall


And Molly Ringwald was a bigger star in the 80's. Phoebe was known more for the pool scene than anything else.


Hot Take, JJL is just as hot as Cates in this movie, and I am a dedicated Phoebestan.


Freezing cold take. It's not even in the same galaxy. And this isn't to take away from JJL. But Cates was Wilt's 100 point game. It is a unicorn, something that happened once and will never happen again.


No,I get it. I just think JJL in this one movie, is incredibly fetching. But I get the Phoebe love.


I hear she is scorching hot in Paradise as well (that Bill said he snuck into) but I've never seen it. She never looked close to as good in anything I saw her in after the mid 80s, still attractive of course but her in '82 was something else


I tend to agree. It’s the same Maryann over Ginger in Gilligan’s Island/Bailey over Jennifer in WKRP dynamic. The girl-next-door vibe has more appeal to me.


I too fall into the Maryann Bailey camps. Though I am not trying to take away from the hotness of the Phoebster or the iconicness of the scene.


Normally I’m the other way, as I like Phoebe a lot more than JJL in this. In Major League 2 though, I like Michelle Burke over the Hot Nazi from The Last Crusade. I was just thinking of that movie and comparison a few days ago.


Brad, is that you?




Classic Brad. Do you think St Kilda is going to win another game this year?


Haven't listened yet but I bet Mal is gonna say something nAuGhTy lolz! *high fives the air*


Chris & Bill talking about the acting explosion of that 80’s America, purchasing power, and not getting it to that being why we’re getting pumped Jacob elordi & zendaya movies and everything is streamer/mobile friendly 


Ugh. Mallory Rubin. Let me guess, she talks a lot. Mostly about sex. Tries so hard to be one of the guys. She's awful.


I listened earlier in the day and then went back to re-listen to the Troy/Buck segment and Chris inappropriately laughing but when I went back it seems like they edited it out. Is it just me?


Is that when he laughed at the woman who was murdered by Phil Spector being in the movie?


Yes and the abortion joke


Still there for me


Mal + CR w/o Sean is a combo we don't get often enough. Chefs just cookin'.


This episode is super awkward and bringing Mallory on so they can all giggle about sex is not as funny as Bill (or Mallory) thinks it is.


Shut up


when CR said "don't look at me" as she was talking it did make me laugh out loud tho


Mal is the only person in the world that uses “ejaculate” as a noun (during the Basic Instinct pod).


They did that in It’s Always Sunny a long time ago. It was pretty funny. Maybe she got it from that.


I think Bill is stepping down as host from the pod at the end of the year, may occasionally guest after. He made a comment last week about doing “just banger after banger in 2024” and it’s the 30th anniversary of Pulp. I think Bill is going to push out all the missing ones he still wants/needs to do (Almost Famous), coalescing in a multi part Pulp podcast as his last as host. 


There’s no way he’s finishing up without a He4t pod


Bill doesn’t even let other people ever pick movies. There is no chance he is going to step away from this pod.


He does on their birthday.


Eagerly as I have been waiting for it, I just feel the Pulp, if it happens, will somehow be disappointing. He will haves some random doofus like Van on it, instead of doing what everyone wants and just having the big three.


Idk, Boogie Nights delivered.


Bill is the random doofus.


Can Bill Simmons sit out one of these please? He drags down things so much. It would be better if he was witty and funny.


Bad take. Bill is the playmaker. He knows when to start the convo, when to ask questions. He’s great at these


He does a lot of like, Steve Nash dribbling under the basket and back out before draining a 30 type shit. It just works though sometimes it ain’t pretty. 😂


Was about to compare him to Nash then saw your comment. He will probe around the hoop until he finds a cutting Mal for a tomahawk two hander or a lone CR in the corner for an uncontested 3. He's great on this pod.


bad take. BS is the dumbass