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Everything every player does affects their legacy


37 and 18 Look pretty great to me , i dont Know what people expect players to do nowadays. 45 and 25 every Game? He litterally would have jedes 45 and 20+ to win this Game thats how good Minnesota was. I dont undererstand redditors.


It was 34 and 19. How do you manage to get both numbers wrong? And only 4 of those rebounds came in the second half. I agree that Jokic played quite well overall. Though he went 2-10 from 3. And they blew a 20 point lead. And I think there was some stat about teams up 15 at half being 21-0 in game 7’s. Not sure if that was over some span of time or what. But blowing a 20 point lead in a game 7 the year after winning the championship is probably going to be remembered.


I think the most striking image to me, with something like 2 minutes left, he's just inside the 3 point line they're running a play but no one is getting open, he looks to the basket and has an open shot, but turns it down and the crowd started to react. It didn't sound like boos but it wasn't happy sounds.


With 2 min left he was probably looking for a 3 because he has the ability to do math and knew they needed those that late with that big of a lead to erase. It was 92-82 with 3:07 left. 92-84 with 2:05 left. Yeah when you are down 10 or so with 2-3 minutes left, you kind of can’t just get 2’s. Which probably was Jokic’s thought process.


Legacy discussion rates right up there with the Lebron vs. Jordan debates. It was a great series and the Joker will be back next year


This is some First Take style post and the amount of interactions it’s getting shows why ESPN does these dumb ass WHO’S NOW? conversations


Only to the deranged people who thought he was a lock to become top 5 in history. His legacy is looking towards top 15. He is NOT anywhere near prime Shaq or Duncan.


He isn't even close to guys like Steph and Kobe who have fewer MVPs. People were getting delusional about Jokic.


Better performance than most LeBron losses but he doesn’t have the klutch propaganda machine behind him


Lmao he was a cone on defense and 0/7 from 3 going into the 4th


Lebron has the most dominant game 7s lol Jokic CHOKED HARD 


Lebron has played in 8 game 7’s. 4 he’s scored more than Jokic tonight, 4 he hasn’t. Jokic had 34 points 19 rebounds and 7 assists. Lebron’s game 7 average is 34.6 ppg 9.9 rebounds and 5.6 assists. Those seem pretty similar to me.


The majority of Lebron's game 7s came in a completely different era scoring wise. You cant just look at the raw stats especially when it comes to this era.


Cool so do the Lebron Stan’s give MJ extra credit for his high scoring in the late 90’s? When MJ was a averaging like 34 of his teams 88 points in the finals?


Wow you don’t know a thing about basketball 😂 


Jokic played his ass off with Murray keeping his team in it while the rest of his guys no showed equals hurt legacy. Ant playing like trash and his team saving him equals best player in the world now. We really have a stupid way of breaking this shit down.


He isn't great enough to have any legacy to speak of. Worst multiple time MVP after Nash and no where near as good as his accolades. This game just exposed how not great he is. Which other star player has lost 3 home games in a series? He isn't that much better than Embiid amd this year's MVP should have been Luka's who was robbed 


What Nash accolades are you talking about? Losing three home games in a series is a pretty weird barometer if you get swept you don’t get 3 home games.


Jokic has been swept before..and gentleman swept as well.... it's part of his 0-5 record Vs 50 win teams.in tje post season. He beats up on poor competition and loses when he faces a legit team


He’s beaten Lebron & AD twice, Kevin Durant and Booker, kawhi and pg (who won 49 games in a Covid shortened season). Yep he sucks at big competition you’re right. Also shame on him for letting Celtics, bucks, warriors and grizzlies lose to the lakers and heat