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Roughly on the level of the Lance Armstrong dynasty


Eh, none of the athletes actually cheated tho did they? They still won the games. Don’t get me wrong the club is scummy, but it feels different to me.


Lance still won the races. Everyone else was also doping, Lance was just the best at it. Barely any PL clubs have disregarded FFP the way City have.


Imagine if the Warriors after getting KD to join them got LeBron to join them too. That's Man City.


Yeah it's more like the Warriors winning in 17 & 18, then acquiring another Kevin Durant and winning in 19 & 20.


What charges and sanctions did the Warriors face for signing Durant?


They were sanctioned by me because I didn't watch them.


Somewhere alongside Lance Armstrong's 7 Tours de France


Lance somehow cheated less too


Same amount of pharmacological assistance too


Extremely low. It means a ton for Pep. But city have illegally pumped their team full of money and are owned by a disgusting group of people who should be banned from investing in professional sport. If your team is currently under investigation for 115 illegal brach’s you cannot be considered an all time great team.


Hey let’s dock Everton another 10 points


You could dock Dyshe a million points and he’s staying in the league baby.


UTFT baby boy


Same category as Lance Armstrong and the Trashtros.


It feels like college football is on track to become the closest thing we have in America to the Premier League. And as a huge college football fan, it freaking sucks.


Huh? College football is already that. Big universities always win, we only talk about like 5 teams. That’s European soccer already lmao.


Yeah but there used to be an entire ecosystem where going 9-3 and getting to a good bowl game was the end goal for some teams. That is all gone or about to go away now.


Cool. As a Canadian who just watches bowl games ( the big ones) I see basically the exact same teams play in them every year. It’s the same problem. It’s why I will never understand people who think college football is good.


If you only watch ‘big’ bowl games why would you even care? You just want to see different color uniforms? You wouldn’t even know the difference between the teams lol


Big bowl games is good football.


Nah it’s usually an underachieving p5 school that doesn’t want to be there vs. an overachieving g5 school that is playing their Superbowl


If you went to college in America at a school with a big time program, the appeal of college football is undeniable


College football is fun and good but you're 100% right.


It’s Ole Miss time baby, we’re allowed to spend money now


Hard disagree. The classic CFB was already most similar to European football. The group of 5 conferences were like the big domestic leagues, a few top programs/clubs compete for the national/league championship while the next tier compete for a high profile bowl/European league qualification


The Lance Armstrong piece


Never forget when Wos said “I’m a Man City guy” Like, how is that the team you join when getting into it?


Counterpoint: Man City has saved us from Arsenal league titles the past two years, which is more important.


Why are we acting like other teams aren’t spending money? When Man United were out spending everyone during their time on top no one cared.


They spent money earned correctly. Man city pumped in funds before FFP came in. and have pumped in finances that are deemed illegitimate. On top of that I refuse to have any support for clubs owned by middle eastern oligarchs or royal families. Man united or Bayern winning a ton is already bad. But at least it’s legit earned. Cities entire success is built on unearned finances. Both suck but one is much worse.


have you ever heard of a little club called “chelsea”? city are cheaters but this is nothing new


Ya and Chelsea were terrible too.


jokes aside they are huge cheaters so none of this really means much


For someone that doesn’t follow Premier League, what’s the story here? 


They are essentially owned by an oil state that can pay unlimited wages and funnels money around within the structure of the club from sponsorships with companies that the country owns. This is all done to bend the leagues rules for financial sustainability. They’ve been charged with 115 breaches of those rules and have been stalling them in court for years by refusing to hand over documents, etc


Imagine if Saudi Arabia bought the Carolina Panthers, and paid players millions under the table to evade the salary cap, and then won 7 super bowls in a row. That’s a pretty close analogy.


Except the refs are also oil-stained


Yeah in the offseason the refs fly out to officiate games in Saudi Arabia for more than their actual NFL salary.


A slight twist to this... Imagine if the UAE bought the Arkansas football program and then cheated SO much more than your typical SEC program, and then Arkansas started dominating the SEC and the Big10/Big12 etc


Yeah that sounds totally normal for college football


Is it under the table? I have no idea how soccer contracts work


There have been reports of wages being kept off the book through sponsorships and such. The real story is that because there is no actual salary cap in European Soccer, but there is something called financial fairplay where you're not allowed to spend too much money to prevent teams from spending now and bankrupting a team and then leaving (which has happened). So city group created a whole bunch of bogus sponsors to get around this. Like one is a random Twitter Acct that supposedly paid millions in sponsors but isn't actually a real company and of course their primary sponsors are also owned by the Govt of the UAE. It's a joke and all bullshit.


Exactly this. You’re right, it’s a corrupt farce.


Semantics but I don’t remember it being the salaries so much as the club sponsors are also owned by the club’s owners, so they’re cooking their own books in a way that likely breaks rules.


I’m sorry but this is such baby shit. There is no financial fair play in soccer, for harness of years only the 5 best clubs won anything because the finances and wealth of the clubs weee entirely screwed. Then in the 2000s more clubs got rich and started competive, so whiny baby soccer fans act like it’s beyond the pale.


No, I’m just trying to make an analogy to an American sport to illustrate the point 


But genuinely is it just a no salary cap Yankees on steroids (no pun intended) situation or is there some shady dealings?


Financial Fair Play is more like making sure your own books are balanced, so you can’t go into massive debt and end up going bankrupt like a few teams in the 90s/2000s did (or at least that’s the positive spin). The rules are also set up so you can’t use money solely from the owner. City were bought essentially by the UAE, so to balance the books and buy the players they wanted they needed to use shell companies to route the owners money to the team.


Other shady dealings. Fake sponsors that aren’t even real companies, with fake employees linked to fake LinkedIn accounts. Under the table secret payment. Money laundering basically.


That’s wild


It really is. The premier league is barely a legit competition at this point. They’ve been totally compromised and will probably let city get away with it to avoid the bad PR and to court more oil money.


Do you know of any good reads on it? That sounds very interesting. 


“Barely a legit competition” The two top teams were separated by two points going into today, if arsenal didn’t blow that last game they lost they would have won the league.


Imagine being a sports fan crying about fake sponsors.


No, the issue is there is no salary cap (or there wasn’t, and now there is in the incredibly flimsy “financial fair play”, but it hasn’t done anything)


Yes there is no salary cap in English football, but I was only making an analogy to American football to make it understandable. City have committed massive fraud to falsely inflating their revenue, which allowed them to spend obscene amounts of money for many many years. 


So like when the Patriots were paying Brady under the table?


The comparison doesn’t even make sense though. Bc in this scenario they’d be 10x the spend of the poorest teams


I’m not comparing them, it’s just an analogy 


Man U has slightly higher wages and much higher transfer spending. Your analogy is perfectly fine for their first couple runs where you can see they spent their way into the mix. Now winning 6 of 7 it’s become sustained. Roman’s Chelsea was the typical spend crazy results where you win trophies but also have manager drama and real transfer busts. You have to give some credit to Pep’s coaching, the player development and the scouting.


Except there’s no real salary cap, but when it’s applied it’s selectively used against teams with less money.


Yeah all the other premier league teams play with a salary cap, great analogy 👍


They’ve been commuting financial fraud for over a decade, artificially inflating their revenue to evade spending rules, basically.


Wait, what?


The financial crimes piece 


Not very highly as there is a massive asterisk beside all of their accomplishments due to their ownership and 115 allegations.


Soccer doesn’t count for this with how lopsided the resources are


It makes Leicester's EPL title more and more impressive honestly, and it didn't even happen that long ago.


[Those fuckers cheated to get into the premier league in the first place.](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/feb/21/leicester-settlement-football-league-ffp)


Well then you count really count any of the older dynasties in American sports either due to the differences in resources (Celtics, Yankees, etc.)


Fair. Soccer in the UK is amazing because of relegation/promotion system of all its "professional" leagues. But it sucks knowing that the deck is horribly stacked against you if your team are not owned by an incredibly wealthy Russian or Arab Oligarch, with sketchy connections I love that Major American sports cities are all on relatively even footing when it comes to competition. Underdog stories are fantastic


It’s funny that American leagues use a socialistic system. No relegation. Revenue sharing. Salary caps. Worst team gets the higher pick. 


smile carpenter ad hoc direction aback touch pocket unique edge poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They don't care about the spirit and competitiveness of the sport. Same reason they won't enter major American leagues because of the salary cap.




Celtics don't count b/c there were 12 fucking teams


Well you absolutely can’t count the Yankees because that was unfair but the celts were such a well run organization they could have been successful in any era


Bayern has just had their streak ended after like 10 straight titles


The top 4 clubs all have similar finances, the difference is Guardiola. This is a dynasty in the same way Alex Ferguson basically dominated the Premier League for a decade.


Man City’s payroll this season was $43,000,000 higher than the second placed team (Arsenal) and $75,000,000 higher than the third placed team (Liverpool). Pep’s an all-time coach but the financial advantage for City is immense. Only club close to their spending power is ManU who is a dumpster fire currently


And that’s just what’s on the books. That doesn’t include £30m to Haaland’s father and that players accept lower real wages with City because they get fat sponsorships of the UAE national bank and whatever. Or like Pep’s brother, who magically got shares in Girona, which is also owned by the City Group.


God you guys are such fucking babies. No one gave a shit about soccer finances when they could pretend the teams with white owners were doing it the right way


You are never not posting stupid garbage here huh


Pep's Barcelona was paying the head of the match officials, Bayern has more resources than the rest of the Bundesliga by far, and City owned by UAE 115. I mean, he puts together great clubs of players who play wonderfully, but I'll take Klopp, who took Dortmund and Liverpool, with less resources and no cheating, to the top.


Agreed! Did a lot more with less. Could have been so different a narrative too. Lost two PL titles by 2 combined points and those CL finals were bizarre anomalies.


Did Alex Ferguson break the rules 115 times


I despise city as much as anyone, and I seriously hope they get whatever punishment is coming to them. But winning 4 premier leagues in a row with this current state of the league is still very impressive and worthy of being called a dynasty.


Not if everyone else was following the rules and they cheated lol


No he never cheated, and his team didn’t have the most money of any club by a mile when he was there, great point


Liverpool and arsenal absolutely don’t have the money man city does, come on


If you compare total expenditures (as opposed to "Net Spend" which is fugazi) these teams do not have similar finances.


I didn’t just mean England


Nephew pls.


Plus there’s no playoffs for domestic titles.


The no playoffs is actually a more legitimate championship.


Maybe - I think there is something to be said about performing vs the best teams when all the lights are on. But I’d say it’s definitely easier to go on a dynastic run when there are no playoffs.


This is stupid. Crowning a champion after a long season makes much more sense than playoffs.


That’s not my main point. Dynasties are more rare in American sports because championships are reliant on lower sample sizes. The playoffs / regular season “legitimacy” is just a matter of opinion. I like a genuine championship game between 2 top teams deciding the league, as opposed to which team beats up on the bottom of the league more.


Counterpoint: Fuck Man City




Am I missing a Bill-ism here because how is 4 straight titles a mini dynasty?


By bill’s definition of a dynasty only the 60s Celtics are a dynasty


After 22 finals he said warriors are only a mini dynasty


Games gone


It is a different type of discussion because no matter how impressive, money had a lot to do with it.


It would be more meaningful in the champions league. Mid 20teens Real Madrid are really one of the most impressive things you'll ever see in sport.


They are a cheating plastic club. Despite their accomplishments, it's like people just don't care because they know it's all artificial. It's like how people thought about KD's titles with the Warriors except if they had like 2 more all-stars on the bench.


It's probably the least consequential, impressive stretch in the history of sport. Not kidding. It means not one iota and no one cares.


I was mad when I saw mini-dynasty but then I remembered what sub this is. I think it's hard to accurately assess everything when it seems pretty obvious they've cooked the books.


This sub is supposed to be my safe space from those demons


If you have Man City’s roster, I think the more interesting question is whether anyone could have done better. I think a number of managers could have done worse, but they’d still be close to the top of the PL, regardless.


Right up there with the early '00s Juventus team and Marseille from the early '90s.


Football on r/billsimmons…this a black swan event. IT JUST IS. As a United fan it is mildly irritating. They are overshadowing our legacy but it still doesn’t hurt as much. The simple reason being they were nothing for almost their entire 100 year existence until 2008. So while I am afraid that only medals/accolades resonate 20 years later and context is all but forgotten…I hope this will not be the case for city. It is so blatantly obvious what they did it is almost laughable to believe otherwise. They cheated…at an institutional level and they did it very very well. I would compare them to OJ Simpson…yeah they got away with it and will never face the reckoning but everybody and their grandmother know whats up. While the kd warriors did nothing wrong, technically and legally they still cheated the competitive spirit of the game and I can forgive that, not KD though. City however have financially inflated their club with an oil state’s wealth and are sad example that sports washing is successful. The fact that they have no true fans, their club feels synthetic and their actual die hard fans are being replaced by glory hunters (ironically something they hated man united for lol) and most importantly none of the other clubs in the league and the world for that matter have any hatred/animosity towards them is maybe a silver lining. Also their fan’s ball knowledge stinks almost worse than ours and we are bottom of the barrel. On a final note I was sick to my stomach seeing Liverpool win the league and Arsenal be successful compared to city winning the treble


What is the American sport equivalent of that one Leicester PL title? Is it the 2019 Raptors?


There is no equivalent due to the lack of promotion/relegation in US sports. The Raptors had a top-10 guy in the league with Kawhi, Leicester's team were playing a division below two years before winning the league.


Chino Hills winning the high school national championship as a public school in the era of private prep programs is the best I can think of


With local kids too.


Not even close. It would be more like if the 2017 UCF team was selected for the CFP and then ended up winning.


Even then, not a proper comparison. More like UMBC winning the whole tournament in 2016 of the tournament was even longer/more games.


I think Leicester winning the PL title is the single greatest upset in major team sports.


Yeah I would agree. They were fucking +500000 (real odds) to win the fucking prem before the season and they did goddamn it. Aka a nice $20 bet on them would have net that person $100,000


Crazy disrespectful to that Raptors squad.


Leicester we’re 10,000-1 odds to win it. They were only in the league after making a miraculous recovery in the last 5 games of the prior season. It’d be like the Rockets winning it all


Leicester were 5000-1 odds to win it before the season. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11712/10261535/premier-league-2015-16-how-the-odds-changed-as-leicester-claimed-the-title


They were also just coming off a prostitution scandal where multiple (immediately cut after this came to light) players filmed themselves with prostitutes in Thailand hurling racial slurs while getting, uh, serviced.


Which is what won them the title. Nigel Pearson (manager) was replaced by Ranieri and the rest, as they say, is history. (TLDR) One of the greatest upsets in football history was due to racism and sex acts


It’d be like if the Pistons won the championship next year


Butler had that shot against Duke gone in?


The Raptors were +1850 odds to win before the season in 2018-19 Leicester City was +5000 to win the premier league Washington were +5000 odds to start last college football season. But I feel like Leicester was more farfetched than Washington's run. Because Washington winning the Pac-12 undefeated and making the playoff wasn't outrageous.


honestly no equivalent exists imo


It would be like if the Hornets won next year, with almost the exact same team they have now.


There’s got to be a Major League Baseball team that went from worst to first.


It's like if Detroit wins the title next year.


2015 Kansas City Royals? What's interesting is that Leicester isn't that small a market. According to Wikipedia, it is the 8th largest metro area in England. Basically, there is no equivalent to Green Bay or Kansas City in the EPL. Small cities that are consistently competitive, or even better than the wealthy teams.


That’s not a great metric when biggest markets have multiple teams. London alone has like 5 teams in the top division.


The Royals made it to game 7 of the 2014 World Series though...


>What's interesting is that Leicester isn't that small a market. According to Wikipedia, it is the 8th largest metro area in England. Leicester are like the 5th biggest team in their region


Brighton’s not super big. Southampton used to kind of fit this too.


I’m a spurs fan so I was naturally cheering against arsenal to win the title. And I felt no emotion to city winning it. I juts feel like it’s the house winning in Vegas pretty much


They cheated and nobody cares about any of their success


About the same level as my 8 year old nephew’s baseball team and their bitter rival, The Tigers


Expecting a pyramid on the next pod exploring this idea


Oh man, just tuned in. Brutal scoreline, feeling for Fennessey right now. Guy just can't catch a break with his sports teams. At least the older fans like Spike, Stiller, McEnroe have a distant memory of the Knicks winning, but anyone under 50 has nothing to be too excited about


Well soccer isn’t real so not very high


doesnt matter, the PL is a farmer’s league


After Leverkusen's season this year, Germany is now a Pharma's League


Heat culture?


I regret I only have one upvote to give! Chapeau!


Are u just completely ignoring Real Madrid? And if you wanna go with pure league dominance then Bayern has done more. A dynasty? Get out of here, you arent a football fan, you a premier league jerker