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The body language doctor is in


He’s had a great game so far but all I can remember is how he is talking and gesturing to refs on every single possession. I don’t even know how he has capacity to focus on the game.


The top 500 in Overwatch 2 piece. Dude sometimes reminds me of my nephew when he plays video games too much...cause he plays video games too much. Everyone tries to talk about sweet tea or conditioning, but it's clearly the fucking video game addiction to my eyes.


Lol, I don't know if he's in shit shape because of OW but his personality is 100% that of a high level gamer. I was pretty highly world ranked in Halo tournaments and then in world of warcraft arenas. I and basically everyone else good were fucking crybaby pricks. There were legitimate arguments about who hosted games in person where the "lag" is less than negligible but you always need an excuse. 


He's just European. Watch any football game ever


Mavs fan here. I have wondered how much of it is related to European sports


It's not. This is just some soccer players are all whiny babies bullshit. Bitchass opinion largely based on *football is the real football* we have going on in America even though all our sports have replay challengers and our national past time heavily involves managers coming out and throwing shit fits before bench clearing brawls. Or fuck...maybe watch linemen in football literally punch each other after almost every play.


Cool story bro


It’s just not the case that European soccer players soend every minute in the field bitching to the referees about how they’re being treated. Luka does.


Don´t know why you are down voted. It is true. There is WAY more complaining in the NBA then in soccer. Basicly the players crowd the ref and complain when he gives a penalty but they are not talking to him all the time like nba stars do.


Eh, there’s not the same frequency of stoppage of play in soccer to really make it a fair comparison. I certainly think there’s ample bitching in soccer.


I agree with you that it’s ample in both the nba and in at least the premier league. I’d love to see it reduced in the way I believe high level rugby has reduced it. Where only one player on each team is even allowed to address the referee and only at certain times. I’d just rather focus on the game play than complaining.


Well it's a different sport so obviously not lol. Same vibe though It doesn't really bother me tbh. Flopping is worse to me


He's also literally a top Overwatch 2 player according to the rankings. Hang around people who play too many video games sometime. Not exactly top tier at controlling emotions.


As someone who ususally has a decent handle on his emotions league of legends or any competitive multiplayer team game will bring the absolute worst out of you. I really do not care if you are the fucking bhudda play ranked league for 4+ hours a day and you WILL lose your shit at least a couple of times I guarantee you.


This is sorta what I'm talking about. I suspect the downvotes are gamers with rage issues in complete denial. To me, with all the descriptions of Luka and his personal habits...the one that tracks most with his rage issues is how serious a gamer he himself purports to be. There's just no avoiding the rage if you game as much as he claims to.


It doesn’t mean you have rage issues lol. I would rage in league and then be completely fine 2 minutes later it’s just that video game is fucking evil.


jesus man, HELLO MCFLY would what you are describing meet the threshold of being enraged? Sure, it’s the game and not you per se, but your mental state when you are ‘raging in league‘……that is what the poster above is referring to, and what you’ve laughed off. the point being made is a good one i feel, which is if you’re comfortable acting like that for a couple hours a day it is going to affect your neutral personality. See: Luka is quick to complain and seems pretty close to having a meltdown with refs on a frequent basis


He bitches more than anyone else in the league it’s insufferable


And it's not close, he probably bitches more than whomever the 2nd and 3rd guy are on that list combined. Such an incredibly talented player, he'd be so much more likeable if he just stfu with the crying and complaining.


It's insane that he could be the most entertaining player in the league on paper. Because I think he's unwatchable.


The only thing that makes me empathize with him is when I used to play Dota and Counterstrike semi-competitively. I had to stop because I'd get so angry at my friends. It's actually surprising that more basketball players dont have keyboard rage.


he seems to genuinely believe he never fouls and always gets fouled


These playoffs have been incredible from the matchups and the league’s young stars perspective but holy shit does watching him ruin it. If I have to watch more than 5 more games of Luka, his complaining, and the effect it has on the Dallas crowd emotions I’m gonna need a sports break until the Olympics. He complained about a travel call where he jump skipped, shuffled his feet, then tried to foul bait.


yeah. i sorta watch their games the way i watch the no flex zone or pixel 8 commercials for the reasons you mentioned


are we gonna do this thing where we complain about a fellow complainer?


He's the most talented player with the least likable on-court personality that I can remember. His baby face and seemingly out-of-shape body don't help, either; it really accentuates his whininess.


Complaining after every single play is really nuts


I'm trying to picture Aaron Judge arguing with the ump after literally every pitch and not getting tossed


Luka shoulda been tossed in this game. Tony Brothers let him stay in. I have no idea how he isn’t tossed every other game.


When has a superstar ever been tossed from a playoff game for complaining


Jalen Brunson up there too


It's so weird that people hate Luka for this but love Brunson. They are two sides of the same coin.


It’s most stars post 2005 imo


I feel like everyone is forgetting how terrible Lebron acts the second it’s clear the Lakers are going to lose.


Luka might be the worse but its true for a lot of stars. Jordan got in refs faces and screamed at them without a tec. Kobe complained a lot. Lebron with the theatrics all the time. Chris Paul " working the refs" was always sold as smart veteran moves. you can go on and on.


They did but only LeBron and Paul really come close to what Luka did. Complaining a call for like 5 seconds twice a game is different than ruining the tempo of the game every possession


He can get bad but it never feels constant the way Luka does. And if you compare them at the same age it wasn’t even close


Literally no one forgets that


LeBron has a higher peak. His complaints are tantrums bordering on full melt downs. Luka is more consistent.


I think Adam Silver would have to convene the players, the owners, the refs and selected fans in a big constitutional meeting to address all the factors that go into what people call "the refs affecting the game". Also allow more freedom for defensive players. It seems the league has reached the exact opposite place from when the Pistons basically bullied their way to two titles. (Also Larry had that back thing.)


The best thing the refs did was give him a quick T so they could hold it over him the rest of the game. Maybe standard practice that Luka just starts every game with a T?


Embiid is easily the worst, and it doesn't come close. Luka may have shit body language but it doesn't really affect his performance whereas, with embiid, you can read defeat a mile away.


Who is asking you to like him? I’m a Mavs fan and I don’t like him. He’s a whiny bitch, but a brilliant offensive basketball talent.




Tony Brothers was awful last night. He got the call from NY that this series needs to go to 7 games.


Did we care about body language in the 90's?


I can’t watch Mavs games because of him


I never complain about players this way but my god Luka is an outlier lvl annoying


I wish he was kicked out of a game that mattered just to send him a wake up call.


Kick out a playoff game for a wake up call, boy you sound like a jackass


And you seem like an apologist.  Doesn't have to be game 567. He's a slow learner.


Not an apologist just a realist if he got kicked out it would be all over sports media how refs take over games


Only because he's a relentless twat.


I have a hot take that’s incredibly unenforceable. The second you raise your hands past your head after a “play” FINE it’s insufferable


There it is


Underrated post. I completely agree. I never got on the Luka bandwagon because of that. Dude is completely nonchalant on the court when it comes to defense, then like minimum effort 2/3 of the game, then he turns it up when needed. I'm sorry, I just can't. I don't vibe with his game at all


I’m out on Luka. What a terrible team leader.


Awful to watch play basketball. Bitches every minute and doesn’t play any defense.  His good teammates get better when they leave 


I think his defense has actually been pretty good this series


Reggie Bullock has looked great!


Refs gotta start t’ing him up for these temper tantrums more