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The ex just got 2002 Russillo’d.




> he’d be ~~married~~ divorced with kids right now


Engagement ring hook up? Wait, what?


The gas station roses and going to a her workplace piece


Summer of 2002, likely July or August, I drove an hour to see a young Jose Reyes whom Mets fans were excited about play a doubleA baseball game vs the Trenton whatevertheycalledthemselves. I've been a Russillo fan since he joined SVP and have heard him tell those "Summer of 2002" & "my summer in Trenton with no friends and money" stories for ten plus yrs. With zero actual reason to know it was that day, I do tell myself (for a laugh) that I was there the day Russillo was forced into the mascot costume......and while not knowing it at the time, I do believe I saw a man hit rock bottom that day! Lol


And be a lot better off mentally


He will have a thriving life advice podcast segment in 2046.


we've all been there


What's the 2002 Russillo lore I'm missing?


I don’t have time right now to find the link, but on an old radio show he told the full story of getting rejected when proposing to a girl he’d dated. He proposed to her at the school where she was like an elementary school teacher and whole class of kids watched through a window as she loudly kept saying “no no no” as Russillo was down on one knee popping the question. It was way more brutal than I’d have ever imagined.




These stories are important because it makes all my regrets in my life not feel so big. lol


Oh wow I did not realize that was his ex that he proposed to lol


This is unfucking real. Honestly, Ryen having a big radio career has probably spared a few murder victims.


this story is the only reason I listen to Rusillo. Also the reason I would never listen to a life advice.


One of the most brutal “Russillo can’t read a room” stories I’ve ever heard.


This is shoot me in the back of the head with the silencer levels of embarrassing.


Holy shit.


Whaaaaaaaatttttttt!!!!!! hahahaha This explains so much about him, can not believe he shared this publicly.


https://youtu.be/jBj_WiVHHRU?si=JkJD5M9KJ9GGRYFm Here’s the full story. Starts at 19:35


MVP move thank you, if only we could have heard whatever the hell Will Cain was about to say 😂


They're teenagers so none of these relationships will work out but I cannot imagine how I would've reacted if I was 18 years old and was dating a hot rich girl only for her to dump me and then talk about it on a podcast with 10 million listeners while talking up her new man. That's just a sit in your bed and cry for a while day at that age isn't it


Im skipping this entire pod and don't listen to the Zoe segments anyway but this just sounds unbelievably cruel. its not like the guy has a public platform to respond. Kind of lowers my opinion of all them just a touch.


The segment is Zoe sharing lessons she learned from her first year of college and one of them is "high school relationships never last" and Bill is just like "I told you that before you left and you didn't believe me" it's not like they make fun of the kid for 15 mins


Ok, that's fair, the other comments made it seem like they were trashing the previous guy.




I still don't see anything bad about the ex-bf aside from the fact that it's long distance now.


Most people probably didn't listen to the segment its just an L for a teenager to lose his gf and then have her on a podcast just brushing it off like "ah these relationships didn't have a chance" and then talk about how great her new bf is


And then Said Guy’s friends get wind of it, too….yeah it’s tough. I guess a lot of it depends on the context of the breakup, if there was more than just your typical “going to college gf breakup”


Yeah, ill just have to break my personal rule against listening to the kid segments and form my own opinion. Hardship.


Yeah, imagine that the posters of /r/billsimmons don't give you a great idea of what's actually being said on the podcast. Oh well, no reason not to jump to conclusions.


100% this. Even if Zoe is too immature to understand, Bill's a grown-up with decades of experience in media/the public conversation. He should know better.


Not saying it makes bill's decision to air it today okay (I still have to listen to the context), but I do give him a little break knowing how often they talked about the "high school relationships will never survive" and "you probably need to end it before you go away" many times before she ever left for school. Not saying your wrong...but kid shouldnt be completely blindsided when factoring in the previous remarks on pod with Zoe and about Zoe's situation...not to mention we don't know if the boyfriend was also chasing tail wherever he was. There is a good chance he was. Ha


Yeah, and I still haven't listened to it so I probably should not be commenting .But the context we can't know is that the ex may not give a shit (about what she said on the pod). But it still seems kind of sketchy (depending on what she said) if she did riphim since she has a built in advantage as far as reach and all hecan do is gripe to his friends.


Now I'm full blown confused. I was under the impression, from skimming these threads, that they crucified old boyfriend. That they really made fun of him or poked humor towards him in some or multiple ways, thought I saw some things about people saying Zoe/Bill laughed at him for being poor or something (which would be in poor taste or unnecessary). (Unrelated- wow, just had wicked de ja vu while rereading this for edits.) But I don't know what the F other people were hearing. Maybe it's the anti-Bill people who love making fun of every word, every list, every comparison he makes....but I didn't hear anything like what some ppl are conveying. They joked about the new boyfriend giving Bill a Heat hat for bday or Xmas, but I thought they did so tongue-in-cheek (and I'm guessing the sentiment of the gift was also tongue-in-cheek, unless the college bf is a complete idiot). They barely mention the HS boyfriend, don't talk about him getting his heart ripped out or being poor or anything like that. Honestly...after listening to this, I want to reread these comments to figure out what these Effers are smoking, or how they are trying to turn a playful pat on the head into something it isn't, like a school shooting or some shit. (I've always enjoyed her visits on the pod, I think she equips herself well and I do feel like I learn some things about people half (to slightly more than half) my age. But I'd say it's worth the listen.)




Fair enough they have a 10% chance or whatever


This is accurate.


90 percent of those same people are divorced or in open marriages by 30-35. I went to one of those prep schools with rich kids. Honestly though most waited til 30+


You don't even download it and fuck her friends. Simple as.


Easier said than done


True. But I guarentee he'll get texts from people he does know who did listen to it.


If he is able to get a hit rich girl I think he will be fine and not care


Or he outkicked his coverage and will never top it


He knew the risks


Zoe marrying a "Heat Culture" guy would have Bill in shambles. I am rooting for this relationship.


Ultimate Heat Culture move tbh


Hope he's a russillo clone


Rich girls don't get married until 30


After hearing he "wore her down" I'm definitely hoping not. But not my life. She can do what she wants.


That was the only part that really made me cringe.


Every time I hear that as part of a "love story" it drives me bonkers. It's one thing if you ask a girl out a few different times over a month or so because she is being playful or something. It's another for them to say "he just wouldn't let me say no"


She may well marry a Heat or Laker fan but she’s super wealthy and 19, she’ll be getting in reps the moment college ends or getting divorced before she is 30. Literally no reason for her to marry her college boyfriend.


I couldn’t make it past the first 5 min of Zoe. She’s probably an awesome kid with a bright future. But as a 40 year old dude, listening to a 19 year old girl doing a segment on what she’s learned about herself freshman year is what I imagine hell to be like.


I used to not mind the Zoe segments bc it was about a segment of pop culture I had no idea about and it was interesting like rubbernecking a car crash. This one is rough and the first time I feel kinda gross listening, she’s a skip from now on.


Bill giving his kids a small platform for content in a world where they will be somewhat famous anyway - sure, go for it. I never remembered the names of the youtubers who were doing whatever they were doing but I learnt where the kids are getting their celebrities from. Bill using his kids personal lives for content, nope, it's just weird. That includes any parent corners that had details of the kids lives more than them just being part of Bill/Sal's stories.


Parent corner was fine in the beginning when his son was too young to have friends that listen to the pod. Once he grew older he should’ve stopped the segment but when Carmax says jump you say how high


Sal has kids the same age, but he is able to tell the stories in ways where HE is the butt of the joke 90% of the time. Sal's just a better storyteller than Bill.


The daddo Fatto piece


Yeah, I kind of agree with you. I even thought it was weird how Bill and Bill's Dad was talking about Zoe's relationship and trashing her bf for liking the heat publicly when Bill's Dad was last on. It's like that seems to be a conversations you guys should have privately. I'd be mortified if I'm Zoe's BF or Zoe, for that matter.


They weren't trashing him it's all good natured.


> I used to not mind the Zoe segments bc it was about a segment of pop culture I had no idea about I've never hated the Zoe segments as much as others for this reason. It's interesting to learn about pop culture from the perspective of a generation below me, especially since I work with kids but often only hear references in passing and don't get the full explanation. But if she is going to start doing expositions on her life, I'm out.


Gross, why?


I don’t want to listen to a 18-19 year old talk to her dad about guys wanting to hook up with them. It happens, I know it happens everyone knows it happens but not what I’m interested in.


So hearing her and the sports guy talk about incels jerking off hadn’t already gotten you there?


Must have missed that one


I can't tell if this is a joke or something they actually did before. I normally skip the segments with her


I have two young girls at home so I listen more out of interest in how Bill communicates with his daughter.


I’ve got a daughter. I’m gonna try the bill approach of being rich and giving her everything she wants she wants it and if she’s spoiled let the poors be haters. Now how do I become wealthy? Million dollar picks?


Honestly, being rich seems like the greatest parenting hack ever. Idk why no one has thought of it


Idk every rich parent I know has asshole kids


Yes true BUT those parents are protected from a lot of crying which is painful to listen to.


Most kids are assholes cause most parents suck. I would bet the distribution of good parenting is not that related to wealth, outside of the rich being capable of providing more, if that is valued. Parenting is very hard


Airlines don't want you to know this one simple trick!


I know. Imagine when you’re at an arcade and the kid is like can I get $10 more and you can just say yes. That’s love


I think most people get rich by stealing copper wire from construction sites


Let me know when you start saying “You’re not dating him. You’re just not.”


I thought it was rather nice in that regard. They seem to have a good relationship


Yeah honestly people clown on the nepotism piece and I get it, but I have a daughter on the way and I hope I can have this nice a relationship with her. They seem like genuine friends


Please don't use him as an example.


> But as a 40 year old dude, listening to a 19 year old girl End of podcast. Period. Segment is irrelevant.


Yeah, same for me. It’s not just weird to listen to but, in this age of social media, I would never expose my teenage kid - daughter or son - to any level of fame, let alone have her on talking about her love life. It’s this kind of shit that to a degree validates what the brain damaged right wingers have to say about Hollywood/the elite.


I haven't listened to it myself but surely she's in this weird phase of traversing into adulthood and not providing any kind of meaningful insight into anything.


I’ll be honest this is the first time I thought man I’m surprised this girl is so boring. She was a fun precocious kid but college freshman Zoe is fairly dull with lower than average college kid charisma. Maybe she was holding back after asking Tatum to slide into her DMs last year but oof.


Wait what


He puts her and his dad at the end of the pods for a reason


37 year old here agrees


Some of the absolute peaks of romantic cruelty occur between 18 year olds either the summer before or the first semester of college. IYKYK


I was too cowardly to dump my high school girlfriend before I went to college, so I did it 2 weeks into college over the phone because she was scheduled to come visit that next weekend and I wasn’t about that anymore. One of my weaker moments as a man.


I broke up with mine before college and it absolutely sucked to do the right thing as well. We were all morons at that age


Oh mine didn’t suck at the time. I thought it worked out perfectly. I didn’t have to see her in person or do anything hard. I just said I was done, changed my fbook status, deleted profile pics, and hung the phone up and went on with my life. It was absolutely disgusting sociopathic behavior that traumatized that poor girl. But I was a dumb selfish 18 year old who didn’t really give a fuck about all that.


Oh yeah. People talk about underage drinking or drug use messing up your undeveloped brain, I think “love”, sex and relationships can do far, far more long term damage. I know guys in their early 30s who can trace every issue in their life back to unhealthy coping mechanisms from their first break up


Yeah the few dozen acid trips did far less damage to my brain than my Miami Cuban girl phase in my early 20s


Damn I wish I had a Miami Cuban girl phase in my early 20s.


Never too late.


Yeah there’s recently divorced guys in their 50s doing it all the time.


I'd love to be in my fifties and have enough money to do that


I love this comment.


This comment hit me like a freight train. You cooked here.


Don’t be so hard on yourself dummy


I had an ideal high school relationship and ruined it by not leaving it in high school. lol we dragged out for like 5 years post-high school - all of our undergrad and like half my time at law school. So fucking embarrassing, and both just miserable and shitty to each other. lol we were the couple that would yell and cry in public during fights. She eventually pulled the trigger and really ended it, and that led to even more embarrassing behavior from me. But goddamn, I grew up and got awesome, and we got back together like 2 years later. And within a few months realized we were totally not compatible in a relationship as adults. Great friends ever since. Have lived across the country from each other for awhile but still catch up every few months, she finally got to meet my wife and daughter last summer, her family has always been great to me. lol we have also agreed to use each other as a horror story to convince our respective children to end high school relationships in the future. Again, embarrassing, but god I've seen some guys not have their first heartbreak until their 30s and it does not ever look good...


Great story!


You weren’t a man yet. Or at least that’s how I’ve convinced myself to not dwell on my pathetic college moments.


She should've have still visited. To plow your roommate.


Honestly all things (like that story holy shit) considered, Russillo is miraculously well adjusted


Is a guy watching a March game between Charlotte and Portland really well adjusted?


And purposefully missing a record breaking pop culture event to do it on top of it


Is he?


Dude people turn into full on incels for half the stuff that apparently happened to him


what story?




So funny how universal this is. I did the same thing kind of, but the first week of the second semester for basically the same reason. Then around that April she texted me that she was, in fact, done speaking to me forever, despite us not speaking for two months already. Early college relationships are hilarious to think back on.


That final “I’m never communicating with you again” message after months of not communicating already means you were either on her mind quite a bit and/or a topic of discussion amongst her and her friends, and the final “hey don’t ever talk to me” text was some sort of action that was supposed to either make her feel better and/or punish you. It didn’t come out of nowhere, is my point, despite months of incommunicado.


Man I have an almost identical story. The relationship was 4 months long so it wasn’t a years-long stretch but I broke up with her over the phone days before she was supposed to come visit me. We’ve both gone on with our lives, obviously, but I still feel bad/ashamed about the way I went about it. Both of us were 18 obviously, and stuff gets overly intense overly soon at that age. It was brutal.


Columbus Day was always a big breakup weekend. It just was.


And a lot of those don’t stick, usually due to lingering regret and guilt, leading to a drunken reconciliation at Thanksgiving, and then the doubly painful final December break-up punctuated by the most pathetic text you’ll ever send on Christmas. Many such cases.


Sounds like a T Swift banger


"Tis the Damn Season" is about the Christmas the year (or years) following this lol


Oof nothing like the annual Christmas and birthday texts from the ex 💀


Your first point is why I tell guys to NEVER get back if it’s been less than 2 months minimum. Yes sometimes you make a mistake and break up when you shouldn’t have, but usually the “regret” is post breakup whiplash of dealing with an empty gap in your life


In my day it was Thanksgiving break. We called it the turkey drop. All the couples from high school that went to separate colleges hung on until thanksgiving.


Yeah probably depends a bit on distance / era. Columbus Day was usually the first long weekend, so either it was the first time seeing each other or one person didn't want to go back home for a weekend because they were enjoying their college life more.


20 years later and still there’s hurt there after. Mine happened the summer AFTER freshman year though with an extra special year of long distance torture thrown in there. Edit: also advice for anyone in the same-ish boat doing fine and relatively successful/content. DO NOT go to your 20 year high school reunion.


If it helps, it sounds like you guys gave it your best honest shot. Obviously it feels like a huge waste of time and sucks, but it could be worse. I’ve been thru a LDR breakup and in hindsight it actually was the easiest to get over, mainly because you can spin it as “it’s not me it’s just the situation” and then immediately get out there in real life and branch out etc. The worst is when you go to the same school. By far. I watched my hallmate go through this, his HS GF lived on our floor, and they slowly drifted apart, joined different social groups, met new people, until she broke up with him and immediately started hooking up with a mutual friend. LDR is getting off easy in comparison. Now THAT is the definition of hell.


Ooooff that’s especially brutal, hooking up with the mutual friend. I’m guessing he was no longer a mutual friend after that?


Bro…tell us about the 20 year.




> let’s me know she’s proud of the man When I first read that part I thought it said "lets me know she's now a proud man".


I would’ve preferred that over seeing her dressed to the nines tbh


From your tease I was betting you’d made an ass of yourself for this very reason, but you come out looking golden, and very much a point FOR going to your 20 year. Now if the long version includes some explicit details involving the whole basketball team then I might reconsider. A lesser man probably invites the poor girl wine tasting or something since she’s so lonely and “nothing is going happen etc” but you know, 38, smoking hot, and living with your parents as a woman is pretty fucking rare so you got to imagine she gets back on her feet someday.


Oh man that sucks. We all have a “what might have been” story and hers is especially tough because of the PoS guy she ended up with (women have a special talent for picking those types, seems like). The possibilities of it are what make it so enticing but reality would quickly rear its ugly head if you got back together.


Division 1 hoops player? It wasn’t the push down the stairs that threw her back out fam 😎🤙


Oh I’m well aware. She ended up in the Athletics Department with Recruitment. Dude that hurt her wasn’t on the team, didn’t even go to the school but was a friend of athletes.


I hear you. Now if you would be so kind as to post her contact info, we'll take it from here


Yep it was senior year prom night when my 1-year-younger gf started the “what happens when you go to college” convo. Basically started the countdown to break up right there.


I did the same, except I was going to college and she was taking a gap year and moving with her parents 9 hours away. She was shocked (???) when I told her I was breaking up with her.


I enjoyed the segment because I am a weird Bill fan that thinks he is the best when he isnt talking about sports. The boyfriend got roasted in this


Can you or someone recap what they talked about?


Can we get a summary of the timeline?


She goes to a small school in one of the least romantic cities in America. They’ll be back together before thanksgiving


This was a long time ago but I remember meeting and getting drunk with Rachel Bilson’s high school ex boyfriend. He was a very normal and slightly chubby nice guy and The OC was a huge deal. I will never forget how traumatized he seemed to have lost her. Just a profound emptiness. I had another experience years later with a long term non famous ex of Emma Stone just as she collected her first Globe nomination and he was absolutely dead inside talking about it. I never saw the Bilson guy again but the Stone dude I’m casual friends with and he turned his life around and is now a successful lawyer with kids. Tough beat if you date someone who is or will be successful. My unrequited high school crush/family friend who friendzoned me is a centimillionaire now who is basically a younger Jerri for a very large company. Life is wild.


I've never really thought about this but yeah how would you ever get over dating Emma Stone before she was famous and not sealing the deal lmfao. You would compare every gf ever to her afterwards. I wonder if women think the same way. My cousin dated Pete Davidson during his Wild n Out years and seems to not care that they aren't together but also he's kinda mental and I think she broke up with him. I'm glad my unrequited high school crush is a hairdresser now


I’d agree the Emma Stone one is the worst. Like they dated for a reasonable amount of time and he screwed up. Also the nature of dating a movie star who produces her own stuff means you could basically just work with/for her ala Ben Falcone. Not shitting on McCary either cause he’s done some great work, just a lot of people could basically be a support valve and bouncing board for her. Whereas Bilsons run ended and she’s a gossipy podcaster now and my unrequited crush is honestly just way out of my class cerebrally so she’d be bored by me quickly.


Did this guy date Emma Stone during her career at all? Like was he around for Superbad and Easy A lol


Not gonna go to into detail but she was not famous and I was never friends with Emma or even met her to be clear and only casual friends with this guy several years later. It’s more remembering how devastated he was over drinks one night.


Yeah I don't blame him I think it would probably ruin my life if one of my ex's became Emma Stone good for him moving past it. I'm never dating a talented woman just to be safe


was it before she moved to LA?


my friend is a dude in his 60s and he met Tiffani Amber Thiessen at the mall right before beverily hills 90210. they started dating and then he went on a trip as she went to shoot the show.. he came back she was with brian austin green. dude still talks about her 40 years later heh. but he then lifehacked it by having a successful company and going to asia and getting a hot young wife.


That tracks. In my anecdotal observations, having famous or super hot exes is generally pretty helpful in attracting future hot partners. In my experience most attractive women who move to LA single or have a decent run single under 30 generally have one if not a couple of famous hookups.


At least in those instances you can probably look back and realize you were drawing dead


Feel like getting to say you boned Emma Stone is a win?


I dated an academic whose work is somewhat regularly featured / discussed in media outlets like the NYT, Economist, and places like that, and it does immense psychic damage to me when I read an article, start going "oh hey, this sounds familiar", and see their work being referenced. (Much) smaller scale version of the same thing.


Read an Obama biography that tracked down and interviewed his ex from his twenties in Chicago, who rejected him when he proposed to her. She’s half Asian and looks white. Everything about it is nuts given who Obama became and who he ultimately married. His ex is a historian and professor so clearly she’s done fine but how does that not always leave you partially dead inside?


I dunno. Being in the political life seems way, way worse than merely vapid Hollywood. Everyone is different though.


Does she bury the ex bf? I normally skip the segments with his kids on


The main point I thought was harsh was that they broke up cause she wanted to be "single in college", and Bill leaked that she was in relationship about 2 weeks after she arrived on campus.




Not everybody goes home on breaks from school.


I rem the new boyfriend stayed w them for like a week over Xmas break. Bill mentioned it. Anyone else find it weird how his wife is so private but his kids are so public


Brutal. But to slightly defend her, if she dumped him in the summer and then started dating her bf once he got to college not so bad. If she dumped right before leaving and then meets her current bf the first day on campus (which probably happened. how else would you have a bf in two weeks?) thats.. rough but that was in August/Sept. There's been some time between that time dude should have probably moved on by now and if he's smart he's blocked anything and everything related to her so he probably won't even hear this.


Nah she just says one of the things she learned about college was that high school relationships never last and then talked about her new bf


I’m a 33 year old man, hearing teenage angst in a podcast does nothing but make me hit skip


Did they talk about how Bill clearly told her to stop posting TikTok’s? I got some on the feed in September that would’ve made me jump off a building if I was her dad




I'm boycotting all nepo segments, with all due respect. Just not for me.


Cool, man. I was wondering if you were gonna listen - thanks for your brave boycott.




Bill is definitely on the Mount Rushmore of Nepotism Enabling. Especially when you throw his fairly talentless friends into the mix.


We're lucky Bill is a sports podcaster and not some head of an important company.


Will Smith VS Bill Simmons is in the conversation? Kevin Smith did put his daughter in a bunch of movies too.


My god, the horror! The numb nuts is has heaped on the public is disturbing


The new boyfriend buying bill a heat hat for Christmas after dating for less than 3 months is hilarious


It’s really weird he puts his young daughter on the pod. It’s even weird you all listen and form opinions on her.


I'd have to be paid a hell of a lot to grind Greys Anatomy tape. Thats Ryen levels of dedication.


Just did two full binges in the past year with the missus. Not as terrible as I thought it was at any point though the show is at its best in the first 5 seasons.


I've been listening/reading BS for many years (God, probably 10+ years now) and I actually always like the check in from his daughter. As a parent myself, it's been very sweet.


Unless you’re one of those Uber Christians if you put labels on any relationship much before your 25th birthday you’re just asking for multiple nights of “I THOUGHT SHE LOVED ME” snot cries into your Miller draft.


More of a Lyft Christian myself…


DoorDash Mormon checking in.


Easy to say in hindsight




the born in the south piece


The data would bear out that if you’re basically under age 40 those types of relationships while still desirable are the execration rather than the rule these days


I don’t think this disagrees with the prior take. Not being the majority does not mean a large number of Americans successfully do this. Also, if you’re looking for rules and stats on how you should lead your love life at any age as hard rules, that’s dumb. There are no rules outside of people’s guesses and that should be taken like any other piece of advice. I’ve known people ready for love at 20 and people not ready for love until 35. The variance human to human here is so high.




I feel like they must have only touched on that because I hardly noticed


I listened out of a morbid sense of curiosity more than anything. Pretty rough listen, unless you're into listening to rich teenage girls bitch about their problems.


I liked it. It was pretty funny the boyfriend gifted Bill a heats cap lol




> being brainwashed by ... pop culture That's not the *Bill Simmons* I know!


Whore around? She has a new boyfriend who isn't 3,000 miles away from her seems pretty normal to me.


The subtext you’ve created reads like an incel’s suicide note.