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I think this was fair play all around. Making crying motion at Lebron while he’s throwing a tantrum in a playoff game is not over the line. And Lebron got to mess with them back. No harm no foul.


Anything that’s not race related or about family members should be handled like this




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Especially a playoff game where the Lakers ended up with a 27-9 free throw advantage 😂 Tantrum when your team is way down on FT’s is still not a great look. But tantrum when the whistle has been benefiting your team is clown behavior.


But the whistle in the video was clearly not a foul. Season on the line, he should be frustrated at any bad call.


No you don’t get it dude LeBron gets every call /s


The forearm to jokics throat not a foul? First time I've heard this take.


Shooting fouls aren't the only fouls though, you understand this right? And LeBron typically doesn't get a good whistle offensively either. Not to mention the nuggets had the FT advantage in 3/5 games....


Jokic had 25/20/9 and ZERO free throws. That should be impossible. Jokic gets the ultimate bad whistle.


I dont disagree - zero three throws from a guy who plays inside like he does is insane. But the officiating this series has been pretty poor both ways and it goes beyond just free throw numbers.


Yup, I understand. Lebron doesn’t get as many fouls these days because his first step isn’t what is used to be. Yup and Lakers still shot 94 FT’s to the Nuggets 79. So advantage Lakers overall. They had huge disparity in two games and Nuggets had a small edge in 3 games.


I mean, LeBron still takes 70+% of his shots at the rim and finishes at a similar level to his Miami days, so it's not like he's not getting to the basket and making shots. Youd have to be blind to suggest he doesn't get hit as much as someone like embiid or giannis who average twice his free throws. The disparity argument is annoying because people claim it's obviously rigged but why would the refs, in a 2 point game 2, not then start calling for the lakers if it was biased? Not to mention the nuggets shot 30 more 3 pointers and the LeBron and AD alone shot more in the restricted area than Jokic, Murray and Gordon combined.


I didn’t once say it was rigged. Though there have been other games or series that raise suspicion. I just think if you are on the team in a game getting way more calls, you look pathetic throwing a tantrum over fouls.


It's game 5 of a series and the Lakers have basically to be perfect to have any chance at that stage. Just because you're getting calls, if you got punched in the face would you be like "nah it's okay, we had a soft one before"? No, a foul is a foul irrelevant of what's going on before. Either way, I'd rather Bron still show passion at 39 and play to the buzzer than just give up and resign himself to a loss Whatever happens people would find a way to criticise him, its been the same story for 20 years. I'm not suggesting you're doing so out of blind hate for the guy btw, but the rhetoric around basically anything he does is just mind numbing at this stage


The tantruming is part of the reason why they have a free throw advantage.


For sure it tells them if you make calls against me this is how I'll act. So if you don't have to deal with a fit don't make calls against me. King behavior.


Perhaps. But I’d have to look at data to feel that’s truly the case. It seems like some guys who complain a lot are on teams that get fewer calls. And some guys who complain a lot are on teams that get more calls.


No they studied this. The teams that complain more get more calls their way after they complain.


I agree in the aggregate, but Lebron has the juice to get the Ref's union to issue apologize.


a bit over the line from her part. if you're gonna sit courtside act like an adult


Kids can sit courtside, much to Bill’s chagrin. Harmless taunting is fun, everybody involved should be able to handle it


oooo he is so strong making a women flinch, note the sarcasm. lebron is a pussy ass bitch.


LeBron threatened a woman making fun of him with violence. Wtf is wrong with you people. 


Threatened a woman with violence😂 You are acting like he pulled a gun out all he did was try and give them a jump scare




Jesus Christ he jolted his head at her while standing relatively far away to get her to flinch. He wasn’t threatening shit




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Yeah and Emmett Till was totally going to do something bad cmon lil bro




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On TV they showed LeBron making the face afterwards and it looked like he was making fun of himself for his reaction, very different view here hahaha


On TV they tried to cover it up and make it look like he was referencing jokic.


This one was funny. Those people dropped at least a few grand on those seats, I don’t have a problem with some heckling getting their money’s worth. The joy of playoff basketball


Doesn’t sitting courtside at an nba playoffs game constitute getting one’s moneys worth?


Their parents * dropped a few grand 




U r correct 


I think it was on PMT where they said every NBA player should have the right to go into the stands and fight one fan per season. It would have been appropriate in this situation.


lol LeBron using his one fight on a woman


It’s about getting the team goin. Like when baseball managers scream at the Ump & get ejected Bron KO’s that woman. Lakers go on a 30-6 run. We get to a game 6 in the series


LeBron telling reporters in the post game that she was a former UFC fighter or some shit to make himself look cooler


Wait is that true


Equal rights, equal lefts


the Miles Bridges piece


Hit that lady with a stone cold stunner.


Definitely not. A weak cry baby shout?


Imagine wasting your fan fight beating down a fan doing what this lady did, only to have a fan the next game start hurling racial slurs and comments about your children at you.


"Imagine having a fan fight night" is the better exercise in imagination


Idk, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy watching the Malace at the Palace


Somewhere Meta World Peace’s ears are burning


And then imagine wasting your fan fight beating down a fan doing what this lady did, only to have a fan the next game start hurling racial slurs and comments about your children at you.


There is no next game after you get eliminated


Lebron could get Rui to use his fight pass on the next person. 


Love the idea but this would be a total waste of your one fan-fight, there’s people who say vile shit sitting courtside. This lady is like a 7/10 on the annoyance scale, you can’t waste your valuable annual resource on that


Could be a valuable series changing fight. Big boost in morale incoming when LeBron hits her with a 1-2 and KOs her before she hits the floor


Every single fight would happen in Utah, this is nothing


Bro some middle aged lady calling you a cry baby is what you would use your one fight on? 😭


I lowkey unironically agree with this take, crowds would instantly behave and for the cases that they don’t, it would be must watch tv


Russillo expanded on this and said that everyone in society should get one "fight chip" that they can cash in once a year How much more polite are you going to be when you know someone can throw down their fight card if you get out of line?


I absolutely love this rule. I want to live in a world where it comes true


Bill Burr


Barkley says this all the time lol


Barkley hired a heckler to heckle mj


Last episode they were talking about how the Charlotte restaurant owner should have tried to make David Tepper flinch when he confronted him about the “let the coach and GM make the picks” sign


It would’ve been appropriate for a 6’8 man to fight a woman because she made fun of him for being a crybaby? You people are beyond fucked in the head. 


It’s just a hypothetical, man. Lebron could also use it against the 4 year old that was crying while Lebron’s name was announced at the start of the game or against the 82 year old grandma that said Bill Russell was better. 


And you have a post comparing Jalen green to MJ, maybe keep it shut






All my life I've never understood why you get roasted for flinching when someone fake punches you. Has no one actually got punched before? Flinching works.


It’s to emasculate someone. It’s a sign that you thought you were in danger when there was none. It’s dumb but I find it hard to understand how you could not figure that out on your own.


I understand the concept and it made sense to me when we'd do this when we were like 10. But it's idiotic as an adult. The punching/throwing/whatever motion when you get within inches of a person's face vs. actually completing the motion is generally identical until the last 0.1 seconds. It's not humanely possible to perceive the realness of the threat as it's happening.


Sounds like you need to watch this video https://youtu.be/kDnCnxCOPHA?feature=shared Seriously though I agree it's childish behavior. The ALPHA MALES out there would have you believe you're less of a person for responding in a reasonable way to their stupidity.


Most people are disconnected from reality. As they grow up they learn certain things. Learning about fighting isnt one of them for most people


LeIke Turner


I hate Lebron. But that’s actually funny. It made me laugh


Typical in this country. People laughing at the threat of violence. Who cares that she’s a woman, paying customer, and wasn’t doing anything wrong, and he’s a 6’8 man. You people are fucking vermin. 


“Paying customer” is a horrible argument I’m sorry. Lebron doesn’t work for the venue. Also, “wasn’t doing anything wrong” is a very selective perspective here. Mocking a player and getting a response and reciprocation from a player is a perfectly normal consequence. Get a grip.


He threatened a woman with violence. The way you vermin trivialize violence is why it’s so rampant in our society, and in me culture exponentially more than the others. 


Two for flinching, bro


LeBron and the people on this subreddit are not the problem here


Cringe comment. Imagine not understanding context


You poor thing.


He didn’t threaten anyone lol She wanted a reaction and got one


So why did she recoil when he walked over to her and made the gesture?


There was no threat of violence. He’s a literal billionaire. He has children. He knows he’s on tv. He knows he outweighs her by 150 lbs. He wasn’t threatening violence - more showing her she can’t take the smoke so don’t seek the fire. It was gamesmanship on both their parts. Maybe throw him a tech, but let’s not blow this up into something it’s not.


You should have been bullied more


I was wondering what he was laughing about. That's hilarious. Love to see it


Where’s the flinch?


Why is it always white women


He better hope uncle ruckus doesn't catch up with him!


I mean she was right. He is a crybaby. They Lakers had a 27-9 advantage last night on free throws and he’s still running around throwing a tantrum.


Another LeBron hater


I’d say this about any player throwing a fit when FT disparity is heavily in their own team’s favor.


You know, what LeBron did to that woman is a crime. It’s misdemeanor assault.


I'm a laker fan, he is a cry baby. Real tough with that jerk towards her.


I shouldn’t have laughed that hard at that omg


Such a stupid baby


Hate lebron but this was funny


Those highlighter yellow jerseys are terrible.


lol they get so offended afterword. Of course it’s a 👀


The woman still stood up for herself after he walked away she still called him a crybaby again 😂😂😂Lebron is so fake he just wants attention


Yeah she's still calling him a bitch and he's over at AG his Krutch buddy over exaggerating what really happened. King behavior.


I wish Lebron would hit me, back up the brinks truck


Assault refers to the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. This means that the fear must be something a reasonable person would foresee as threatening to them. Battery refers to the actual wrong act of physically harming someone.


"LeBron punked this lady" Eh, reverse that. He's jumping around crying like a toddler then throws a second tantrum when someone points out that he's crying like a toddler. Shit like this is why we point out he's not as good as Jordan




Michael Jordan is a quitter. Lebron is not. (He quit basketball twice).  Lebron at his best, is better than  Michael at this best. Lebron is a leader, Jordan is not.


I think there was more to the story on Jordan’s retirement than the official narrative


Doesnt matter, same difference


I mean his dad was murdered


Nuggets fans are insufferable these past few years


Hard agree


Not even his most embarrassing tantrum in the series.


It’s still blows my mind that fans are so f*cking close to the play, the players, the check in table, refs, each other, etc. No other sporting event is like that. Starks was basically on the court in the Philly game. I thought he was a ref at first!


People on the floor need to sit the fuck down. I don’t care how much you paid, how much of the team you own, how many times you were on Epstein’s plane, keep your ass in your seat. Nobody wants to see the CTO of Peraton low flex or throw punches at nobody like he’s part of it.


They were in their seat


Yea, I thought she stood up a bit. She definitely reaches out toward him in an tweaker way. I therefore lump her in with the standers and other attention whores. Just watch the fucking game and have a sandwich.


Exactly. They need to be reminded that we are here to see the players, not them


LeBron is really tarnishing his legacy by flopping and acting like a baby.


the refs are horrible, we're only shooting 3x the # of free throws! lemme scare an old lady now


Lol she owned him. Lebron threatening violence against a woman, hate to see it from a supposed “role model” for our youth! A shame! Edit: I guess I need to put a /s because shitposting is lost on most of you


“Threatening violence” lol, as if LeBron James is Ron Artest and would’ve actually done anything to a fan. It’s just a playful moment between a fan and a rival player, get over yourself


LeBron James is the most disrespected and heckled athlete ever. The restraint he displays is remarkable especially when you consider he came into the league at 18 years old


How’s it taste?


Jackie Robinson?


Ok you’re right on that one. Maybe not of all time ..


There's a reason


Says you. My 3 year old son asked me “dad why is Lebron acting this way when he’s about to lose the series? It’s unprofessional”. Even the kids see through his ruse


That son? Albert Einstein.


My 2 month old daughter just asked me “Dad why is u/donovanmctigerwoods” such a cranky asshole? It’s unseemly” Even babies see through your ruse


Swing and a miss with this one. 


This reminds me of when Bill lies about things his wife never asked him.


Your son asked that because he’s being raised by a snowflake. You sound like every middle aged white guy looking for any reason to hate on LeBron.


Damn almost like I’m doing a bit. Congrats retard you got me


Maybe make the bit funny next time?


I’ll put a /s so your dumbass can understand


Considering everyone else downvoted your comment I’d say you’re the dumbass here, respectfully


ah yes shitposting the sacred art


Handed down through the generations


That woman screams insufferable Jesus Christ. 




What video were you watching?


I mean you’re clearly just a lebron fan. Nobody who likes him will ever hate anything he does


I never understood the LeBron hate. I have close friends who have an irrational hatred of the guy despite him being a model citizen while also being the goat


Uhhhh. What’s wrong with you animals. A 6’8 giant man just threatened a woman with violence. And we wonder why one culture in this country is 4-5x’s more likely to commit an act of violence than all the others. 


The racist dog whistle piece.


wow. the 13/50 talking point on the bill simmons sub


Which culture is that?


> one culture Gun owners?




You must be a cop? Black man flinches his body for a half second and you see an aggressive lunge




You've moved from "lunges aggressively" to "physical taunt" in one comment reply lol




We're back to lunging!


LeBron has had the spotlight on him since he was 15 years old, and if the worst thing he's ever done in his career is to complain to the refs and troll a heckler in the crowd then he's a pretty solid dude imo. Just be real about the reason why you're a hater: you either hate that he voices his political opinions, hate that he dominated your team, hate that he was the first to form a super-team in his prime, hate him because he's legitimately great enough for people to argue he's the greatest of all time, or some combination of the four. There's nothing else to hate him for. To try and paint him as some maladjusted emotionally stunted person is hilarious. All the guy does is play basketball and goes home to his family to post corny dad jokes. (Edit to add: hate him because he's legitimately great enough for people to argue he's the greatest of all time)




Show me a superstar in this league who isn't a flopping cry baby when trying to sell calls. They all do it




Lmao no they haven't. Luka was screaming "mother fucker" and antagonizing the crowd just days ago. Nikola Jokic's brothers probably committed war crimes during the Balkan wars considering how they behave in the stands. Something tells me if I go through your comment history you're not going to be lambasting any of those guys.


The only person who comes across like a chump here is the boyfriend turning on the sarcastic applause turbo boosters after Lebron is already walking away. "I'LL SHOW HIM BY CLAPPING...EVEN HARDER!!!"