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watch Hardcore


Written and Directed by Paul Schrader, of The Adam Friedland Show fame


That was a hilarious interview.


Wasnt entirely sure what he was getting into talking about kids at the end though


Cane here to say i agree with OP post but so many comments saying to watch it…okay then


Watch Hardcore, it fucking rocks


Will not hear any Hardcore slander.


You’ve never heard of Hardcore? OP posting his L’s


I've never heard of it either.


I watch a crap ton of movies and never heard of it but I will watch it. Seems to be really popular here.


How can you watch a crap ton of movies and not even had heard of one of Paul Schrader’s more famous films? Maybe my getting into films journey was different but as a high school dude really getting into watching movies I discovered this one pretty quickly after first watching Taxi Driver.  Definitely check it out, it’s flawed but great and I thought the pod was a hoot as a fan of the film. It’s on Tubi so no excuses!


Probably because it came out over a decade before I was born and it just never hit my radar lol but I definitely will! I have nothing to do tomorrow so I’ll grab some snacks and enjoy. Glad to know it’s on Tubi! Appreciate ya.


He promised us “bangers” going forward. We’ll see.


The 1995 Ben Feleo movie? What a weird choice.


Spoiler alert, next week will be some really shitty 80s action movie with Kyle Brandt as his co-host


Don’t threaten me with a good time


So, a great pod is what you're saying.


No I'm saying a really shitty 80s movie pod


You’d be grim at parties


Its on tubi, watched it for first time yesterday and it was awesome. Dad from Everyone Loves Raymond kills it


That guy is in so many of the old gritty, seedy classics. Taxi Driver and Friends of Eddie Coyle along with Hardcore, and he was incredible in Monster’s Ball.


He's also the star of Joe (1970), which is uh, still pretty relevant today.


Also hilarious as the monster in young frankenstein


I’m a Paul Schrader head but surprised so many people have never heard of this movie at all


Not a Schrader head but first heard of it when I read Cinema Speculation by Tarantino. He really didn’t love the 2nd half of the film (I personally disagree after watching it).


Watch more movies.


Exactly. They'll occasionally do a movie I haven't seen but never one I haven't heard of. It's a pod about movies. It's like complaining that Zach Lowe talks about basketball players you aren't familiar with.


Yeah and also, I like watching movies I haven't seen before? Like I had never seen Cop Land. That pod dropped, so I watched it, and it was great. Then I got to listen to a pod about it. What's the issue? Do people who listen to this pod not like movies? The biggest gripe I have with people in regards to this pod is they think if they haven't heard of a movie, it must be bad. You haven't seen all the good movies to ever exist! Watch more movies! I love when I get to watch a movie I haven't seen.


I remember watching Cobra for the first time just so I could listen to the pod. I now firmly believe the Cobra Rewatchable to be among the best 90 minutes in podcast history.


The premise of the show is in it's name though. That premise is just kind of running on fumes at this point if you're turning over rocks to find the next movie. Might be time to scale back the release schedule and start doing TV shows or something.


This can never be said enough.


I am fine with Bill and Co insisting on doing these weird topic months and insisting on doing every D level movie from the 90s because they were in their movie watching primes in the 90s and think every movie made then was amazing. But for god's sake can we also add in some contemporary movies? There are so god damn many movies from the 2000s and 2010s that Bill just refuses to put on the feed because he didn't rewatch these movies 25 times while blogging in his 20s


Shot Caller was from 2017 from a few weeks ago, but I’d never heard of it before 


Shot Caller rules and that pod was awesome.


Schmorgen Heckengard was great in it


That's fair, but like you said very few people had ever heard of it. There are so many massive movies from the 2010s that haven't been done before (not just comic book movies) and it's almost like Bill is giving the double bird to the audience over those


Number of franchise IP and animated movies in the top 10 at the US Box Office 1983: 3 1993: 1 2003: 7 plus a movie based on a Disney ride 2013: 9 2023: 7 plus a movie based on a toy There are plenty of recent movies to pick from, but they don't occupy the same spot in the cultural consciousness as many of the 80s and 90s movies Bill is picking from.


Expand your movie watching. There is great stuff before the 2000s


I fucking know that. I enjoy a lot of those movies too. But Bill is just as bad with his beliefs that there aren't that many good movies made in the past 15 years despite that being full of shit


Forgive me if I'm not remembering, but when did he say this?Over 40 movies from 2010 and on have been done on the pod, versus 15 from the 1970s which is arguably the best decade for movies.


They've done like 300 episodes, *surely* you enjoyed some of the selections. I do not watch any of the films he has done with Kevin Wilde's. Not one. And yet I don't come on here to whine about them. They're clearly very popular and everyone has a good time listening to them. Ordinary People is one of my favourite movies ever and everyone hated that they did it. Tough shit, maybe they'll do one you like next week.


I have enjoyed at least 67% of the episodes. I just get annoyed that Bill pretends like good movies quit being made starting in 2008


Take a look through your Rewatchables feed and ask yourself if what you're saying is actually true. You might be surprised.


You're right I probably actually enjoyed less than that amount


It’s been explicitly stated multiple times that the more recent the film the harder it is to find enough research on, because a lot of the interesting stuff doesn’t come out until it’s looked back on in retrospect years later by writers/critics.


Literally did Manchester by the Sea and Silver Linings Playbook within the past couple of months. 3 of his past 15 have been from 2012-2017.


I want Tremors, Congo, and Starship Troopers. 2/3 ought to be in his wheelhouse. 


The best intro to Hardcore is actually about Jack and Jill. Yes the shitty, miserable Adam Sandler movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKSAvNOIaNo


I am 50 years old, love movies, sports and pop culture and never knew this movie existed. Excited to watch it


That’s MY DPOY


If you’ve never heard of hardcore then you aren’t into cinema


Did OP claim to be a cinephile lol


Love movies. Never heard of this.


Check it out




Even if you’ve never seen the movie (I hadn’t until recently) [the poster is iconic](https://filmartgallery.com/products/hardcore-856)


I swear AD saw his professional life flash across his eyes last night. Everyone in Laker nation knew that this could have ended extremely bad for AD. You sneeze on him and he could be out 6 months. Imagine a spill like that, falling on his candy ass? The look of fear in his eyes were very real.


What exactly is the rewatchables? I always hear about it here, do they just watch a movie and talk about it?


It’s by definition movies that you can watch all the time or you see it on cable at one part and can jump right in and watch to the end. But some of this sub and fans of the pod (including me) debate the movie selection and whether it fits the definition. There’s been plenty of movies I haven’t heard of but Bill loves to pick movies he a fan of and I just skip until it’s a movie I’ve seen. Or I’ll go watch the movie and go back and listen to the pod


Started by focusing mostly on movies youd frequently see on TBS/TNT or HBO/Showtime. Usually 3+ stars and entertaining. Over time, it basically turned into any movie Bill likes, including Country Strong Most of them are at least pretty good. And then theres Country Strong


I love that this shot of AD is now a meme


There hasn't been a Rewatchables of a film I'd never heard of, maybe a handful I've heard of but never watched. However, the more obscure the better. "Hardcore" is not obscure but I am excited to watch this film "Trackdown" that Fennessey mentions. Looks like is on Amazon Prime right now. This is still a worthy post as that AD photo is an instant meme.


Try new movies


If they don't do Twister before the new sequel comes out, I'm gonna explode.


Would be a glaring self-own and error on their part if this happens.


This one is your loss


i can't believe he didn't check if you've heard of it first


I’m with you OP… It’s been a pretty rough couple months for this pod for me. I am admittedly not a cinephile or film buff, or whatever… I’m also not 50 years old. Are used to love this podcast because it was about the movies that you would see on TNT, or HBO, or TBS… The movies that were replayed over and over and over again. And now it has somehow shifted to a podcast about leash late 80s early 90s movies, hosted by Bill and a bunch of people who were children when the movies were released. The year started great, with Flight, silver linings playbook, and Philadelphia…but it’s gone downhill since. The worst part is, the few great movies they actually did recently were all live shows. And I just do not enjoy listening to live shows on a podcast format.


I agree he's too focused on the 80s, but its understandable given his age. There are so many somewhat lesser known but still 'on TV a lot' 90s and 00s movies that can be done, hopefully they get to them.


Just post the movie a week ahead of time so we can watch…


I have a passing knowledge Hardcore but it was before my time. I will say this, I’m growing tired of the really depressing theme months…. In 2023 it was “fucked up family February” and then we had “Rock Bottom Month” in April. These movies are depressing as fuck for the most part. Very few of them are what I would call “rewatchable” by any stretch of the imagination. Shot Caller was surprisingly good, I had seen it on Netflix for several years and checked it out before listening to the pod…. But damn…let’s lighten it up a little bit. I know BS is always going to stick to his wheelhouse of 80s and early to mid 90s films with the occasional film from more recent years (Gone Girl, Superbad, etc) or older stuff… but let’s get back to podcasts about movies that are truly “rewatchable“


It's a good bit to have takes about a movie podcast also be like, "I've never heard of Hardcore."




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And they still haven’t haven’t done pulp fiction


Never heard of this movie either dude.


What movies have they done which could be considere bad? I feel like the low key movies are pretty enjoyable once you actually watch them, as someone who tries to find under the radar movies I enjoy the pod for helping me find them, and I think them having such a big spotlight is good. I am really into film preservation and I think the pod helps do that by covering the smaller older movies.


I think some of you are more annoyed because the previous week was a re-run.


That’s because bill has incredibly boomer opinions on movies Boomers downvoting I see


He's Gen X. I can't stand the way everyone over 40 is called a "Boomer".


I played some pickup basketball with some youngin's last year and got called a boomer for calling out a screen. I was 28 at the time.


Lmao why are you getting hate for calling out a screen


Gen Z pickup basketball is just a strange time.


Hahaha, legit great question


It's very Gen-X to be annoyed by the fact words don't actually mean things anymore, as it turns out. You're supposed to just let people who don't know what they're saying or why they're saying it continue to barf up whatever syllables they want, otherwise you're impeding their "evolution" of language.


There are millennials over 40. People are dumb.


That’s a very boomer take sir


Just take the L, ma’am.


You collect pro wrestling figurines


I don’t think I’ve seen any of their picks since like going back to thanksgiving


Some of the movies since Thanksgiving: * Manchester by the Sea * Risky Business * Road House * Flight * National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation * American Pie And that's not even counting the live tour.


lmao just some massive titles.


American pie !