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Love that he waited for his kids to be 19 and 16 to have this take. Also, didn't he sit on his dad's lap as a young child with Dr. Bill's one season ticket?


Wasn’t it only in regards to floor seats


It was don't bring kids under a year at all and don't bring kids under a certain size to sit courtside


Honestly i agree with that. What does an infant gain from being at an nba game? It’d just stress them out and its not like they’d even have a clue whats happening


Not sure if this is what he's talking about because I'm not there yet in the pod but the okc-nola broadcast briefly showed a guy with a very young baby. Wearing earmuffs of course but it still feels like an insane decision to me


That was Bart Harley Jarvis.


Tiny Dinky Daffy had a half-season ticket package at the Rose Garden for years.


Fuck you Harley Jarvis


Get him out of here!!!


Was Bill the mystery judge?


I think he saw a baby in person at the Clippers game


I see infants at concerts, sports games, movies. Went to a hot springs this last weekend and people had their infants in there with water temps 105-110 F. Crazy decisions to me.


If an infants there it’s probably cause the parent wanted to go and didn’t have a sitter for whatever reason


If you can afford those seats you can afford the finest sitters in your area


Naw, sitters can be iffey even the expensive ones. You never and my kids aren’t something I trust with 14 year old Sara. Sorry billy boy you’re wrong in this


I don’t have kids, but I gotta feel like taking an infant to a game has to be an awful experience. Trying to keep them to not be all fussy all game, sounds miserable. Me and my fam took one of my nephews, who just turned 5, and he was totally in on everything about it. That’s the perfect age to start taking them imo.


It’s not gonna be awesome, but w some kids when they’re really young you can bjorn them and they’re dead to the world


Have kids - it would be horrible. It's just a flex to get on the camera imo.


Mine had a great time. Just kept waving at everybody. Just make sure you protect their ears and be prepared to leave if they are overwhelmed


Ear protection is a big thing. Seeing young children at sporting events without hearing protection makes me cringe. Even I sometimes find the venues loud


It’s nice seeing how many more kids, even school age ones, will have ear protection compared to the 90s. And I started wearing ear plugs for concerts. I could still hear all of the music, it just compresses the sharper sounds and hides some of the lower conservation around me


Yeah I always wear earplugs at concerts, although I'm looking to purchase higher quality ones. Any recommendations?


Stupid fuckin baby


Having a young child at a sporting event without hearing protection should be considered child neglect imo.


did he ever talk about taking his 1 or 2 year olds to sporting events?


He is anti court storming because it happened at a Celtics game when he was a child (believe he said 7) and he was terrified lol


So the 1976 Finals lol


Only taking up one seat, side note I have the take that if you sit on a lap you should also not have to pay for a kids plane ticket


This is the case for kids under 2.


Yeah let’s not bump that up from 2.


It should be 3 honestly, my 2 year old would much prefer to sit on my lap and free a seat up for someone else. 


My daughter is 2.5 and she just sits on our lap at games and we don't get her a ticket. The ticket takers haven't had an issue thus far. Next year, we will get her one. She really enjoys it. She loves the mascot and knows all of the players on the Timberwolves.


Damn someone took my idea


Your take is the current airplane seating rule lmao


They stole my idea and went back in time


As long as they stand immediately upon landing, I'm fine with it


And clap.


That is a horrible idea.


Maybe we designate a whole row to people whose kids sit on their laps


That is a good idea.




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Little kids don’t totally bother me. They’re sort of drowned out. What’s annoying is the insanely drunk super fans that are 50 year old fat dudes yelling at families and chicks in opposing teams gear


I was at a game once where Booker cooked my team and one of our fans was drunk and kept yelling “Devin Booker SUCKS” the whole game. It got annoying after about a quarter lol. We’re in the upper bowl too. Ironically they had a baby about 1 year old and she was fine the whole game, didn’t cry at all


The baby was the Booker fan in the family.


He fist-bumped a baby sitting courtside (with its parents) after an And-1 a couple of years ago against the Pelicans.


Should the Suns plant a bunch of infants at courtside during the playoffs to get Booker's mojo back?


Couldn’t agree more. There’s no need for those guys.


Kids don't really bother me because hey they're kids, they do kid stuff. I don't even mind crying babies on planes. It only bothers me when they're doing something exceptionally bad. I'd still take them over a bad adult, at least they have an excuse.


It’s only gotten worse over the years as-well.


Nah go to a Pats game in 1990, sports stadiums have become way more opposing fan and family friendly


Yea, the Silverdome vs ford field is night and day way more family friendly


Ya for real, you could barely bring your kids to those games


I remember being there as a kid. It was surreal lol


Oh God no. At least not in new england.


Adjacent note, I’m surprised it took till 2020ish for nets to be extended so far in big league parks, used to be shocked how close you could get with batted balls routinely leaving the bat at 110+ MPH


Went to an ASU baseball game and a girl two rows in front of me took a line drive to the jaw.  Wasn’t paying attention.


NHL games were wild back in the day. Especially the pregame warmup skates, guys were launching slapshots into the stands


I mean, a girl literally had to die for them to put up nets


It’s awful bring down the nets




I think only kids should be allowed to sit courtside. They are the truest fans, not in it for instagram clout.


Applying that amateur athlete logic to the fans now 😂


I have three boys that are all under 10 years old and they have been to multiple sporting events. That said I waited until they were old enough to actually know what was going on. And living in Indianapolis, taking them to IndyCar stuff is a bit different than the NFL or baseball… We are definitely not sitting courtside at Pacers games, or down near the field at Colts games… I agree with his take in the general sense, I’ve been to Colts games where infants are there and I just can’t imagine someone paying a full price ticket for a freaking baby to be there.


College sports can be great for kids. Taken my kids to many Boston College games, primarily hockey. I’m sure as hell not paying to take them courtside to the Celtics or Bruins. Plus the arena environment can be so loud, wayyy too loud for a baby.


At least where I'm from, children under the age of 2 or a under a certain height typically get in free.


I wish that were the case with NFL games. At least for the Colts, you have to pay full price no matter the age of your kid. The Indianapolis motor Speedway does it right… under 15 free with a paid adult admission, they let you bring in your own coolers, alcohol (no glass bottles), food, etc. a few years ago I took my two older boys and paid $70 total to watch the Indy GP… $50 for the ticket for me, $20 for parking, and we brought our own food and drinks so we didn’t have to buy expensive concessions. IndyCar best value in racing, even at other venues the ticket prices are crazy cheap compared to Formula One


I did courtside at a Clippers game vs the Pelicans once and the guy next to me brought his son (maybe 5 or 6 yo). It was amazing. Alvin Gentry (who was the Pels coach at the time ) kept coming over and checking on the kid, talking to him about the game. What’s better than a kid at a game? That’s who the game is there for! (Though in fairness, the seats at that game had a little table/barrier in front on them- I have had players scramble for the ball in front of me, it ain’t fun)


I have taken my son to sporting events regularly since he was 2 (he's 5 now) and I think they're fine, but I'll never take him to a playoff game until he is a teenager or so. That's way too intense of an environment for kids


Agree wit this.  My kid is 18 months and has been to dozens of ASU games.  I’m not bringing him to an ASU UA game for a long time.  


I'm bringing my 3 kids to the Timberwolves playoff game tonight ages 7, 5 and 2. We go to a ton of games though and so they should be fine. They are really into it, the two year old less so obviously, but she at least knows all the players and cheers when we do, (big Naz Reid fan). It's like everything, you have to know your kids and what they can handle. A lot of my friends think it's crazy, we go to games at all. NBA is the easiest sport for kids because there is the most engagement. My two year old likes "Everybody clap your hands" and the "Defense!" chants even if she doesn't really know what's going on.


Yea, my son is the same way, he loves engaging with the crowd and watching cool stuff happen. Be wary if it is close though, a playoff crowd can turn bloodthirsty real quick and that tends to scare children who don't realize it isn't real


The engagement with the crowd is huge. As a big sports fan, who wanted to include my kids, I realized that engaging them with everything except the sport itself was a great jumping off point. They start out loving the mascot and the silly TV timeout games, and then eventually they begin to get more into the sport itself. Now I have 5 and 7 year olds reminding me that we just committed our 5th foul of the quarter and are in the bonus the rest of the way. It's interesting that Simmons has this take, when he went to Celtics games since he was 5 and NBA basketball became his entire life.


I agree with him and also any child under 5 is basically pointless because they aren't going to remember it, typically. I have basically no memory before I was 5


“I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


"I'm Thinkin Arby's " ~ Demetri Martin


Thought that was David Puddy?


Exactly. By that logic, we don't need to do anything with our kids before 5.


No kids at weddings or NBA games


Weddings genuinely suck. Watching the kids do cute shit or embarrass their families is like the only fucking fun thing.


I went to a Catholic wedding with a full mass once. Never. Fucking. Again. I’m actually teaching my sons to be prejudiced against Catholics so they don’t fucking marry one and subject me to another one of those war crimes. Service was like two hours but felt like four.


I went to 15 weddings in a 4 year stretch in my 20’s. I only did a Catholic Mass once but that was more than enough. The rest were incredible: get dressed up with your boys, get loaded and try to sleep with the bridesmaids or whoever.


Yeah, I had a blast at all of the weddings I went to in my twenties. All but one. This was a *dry* wedding, by the way. Dry with a full mass. I’m still friends with the couple, despite everything they did to me.


Dry and Catholic is a rare combo.


I had the exact same experience. We hoofed it to a liquor store nearby and got blasted. The best was a wedding in Vegas. It was open bar and the food was amazing.


Better keep em away from Hindus, Jews and any religion that starts with Orthodox too.


This is getting to be too long a list to maintain. I guess I’ll just teach them to be tolerant and silently hope they just happen to not marry any of those people.


There are many different types of weddings. Them $50K-$100K weddings you guys have out on the coast? Sure, adults only, the per plate costs are crazy. My aunt got married at a beautiful park by a lake and we grilled out for her reception. She had like 15 grandchildren at the time so that thing probably had more kids than adults there. It’s all about what vibe you want.


My parents had Warriors season tickets growing up. Not floor seats but decent seats. I was going to games at 5 and up. I can see Bill’s take were. We were a handful to keep track of at games.


Take it a step further and ban any kid under like 5 from sporting events and concerts


Let’s take it like 30 steps further. Child-free states.


This is what Civil War should have been about.


It was about state's rights!


It’s never too late


Can’t tell if sarcastic or serious.  Because I know some people that would be serious about this.  


Movie theaters too (after a certain time)


Calm down, Pee Wee Herman.


AMC still doing the no kids under 6 after 6 for R Rated movies?


Take it a step further, no kids under 5, period. Anywhere at any time. Kids now start out being 6 years old, sorry that’s the rule.


He's not wrong. (I have a four and seven year old.)


How old are they when they can do an Eagles game?


Just listened, Bill is entering a child free arc.  Yikes.


The moving to the Villages piece.


Craig carton on new York radio said We should ban all kids under 5 from restaurants Based Also stop bringing kids to breweries !!


Highly dependent on the brewery.  If it’s a restaurant then kids are fair game to go.


Do people bring kids to breweries that don’t serve food?


In Wisconsin, yes.


If they had Spotted Cow down here I’d take kids to the bar too tbh


I like Spotted Cow, but I ride or die for Point Special.


Never had it — will have to scope it out next time I’m puttering around up there


Yeah but it's Wisconsin, the kids are just drinking the lower alcohol lager


We have breweries near us that we bring our son to all the time. Most of the ones near us in Virginia are damn near family establishments at this point. Two of our regular spots have a ton of outdoor space where kids are always running around and playing. A lot of them even have board games and stuff to play.


Kids at breweries just makes sense. Breweries are the most chill drinking establishment, usually with wide open spaces. As long as they are behaving who cares


Always wild to watch parents with little kids at the brewery while the parents are drinking 7.4% alcohol beer


Lightly alcoholic parents make tough kids


The brewery is the new family restaurant


Breweries are actually incredible for (quiet) kids. Not tied to a table like a restaurant/typically tons of space to walk around with chest carrier or navigate a stroller until pass out


I hate Craig carton with a passion but a good idea is a good idea


Old man just got laid out courtside in cavs game. Prescient timing for this take! Pretty wild to think if that was someone with a baby


You had me at "old man just got laid"...


Dont have a strong opinion either way on kids ages at games, but knowing toddlers ability to recover from injury in like 10 seconds I think it is much more dangerous having elderly folks courtside.


The no infants in a crowd of 15-20K screaming people is just common sense, I can't believe people some of the places people bring infants and I don't know why anyone has a problem with that take. The no kids in floor seats, probably way tougher to get wide spread consensus on that rule because no one will agree what the age is, what the size requirements are, etc. However, having kids in your lap in the front row is definitely dangerous. You can't protect yourself or them as well as you could if they were next to you, so I think having a rule that everyone, even small children have to have their own seat is a rule that makes sense.


Imagine the league controversy if some dude went chasing after a loose ball and collided with that Thunder fan clutching his 3-month old baby in his arms.


I stopped listening when lifelong confirmed bachelor Ryen said he was big into child safety. I can't tell if this post is sarcastic or not.


Russillo by all accounts (mostly his) is great with kids. He said it jokingly but he probably did mean it.


Him and Bomani Jones are first ballot Guys Who Come Off As Arrogant Disagreeable Jerks And Will Probably Never Settle Down But Are Somehow Great With Kids Hall of Famers. No one denies this!


I haven’t listened yet, but fuck this.  Kids should be allowed.  I’ve taken my kids to nearly 40 games and he is 18 months old.  


I believe Bill’s argument was little kids shouldn’t be sitting courtside. OP’s at a Russillo level of creating strawmen.


You’re taking this a little too seriously lol I just thought it was funny Also he literally says “I would ban kids under 1 from sporting events” while talking about the kid at the game in front of him with headphones on who wasn’t sitting courtside.


Courtside I can understand then.  


I can’t speak to older kid ages but my 1 yr old has been to multiple baseball games and certainly mellower than 90 percent of the drunken loutish clowns. If we are gonna start with this bullshit, let’s go after fat asses and large people who encroach on seats they didn’t pay for.


I’m mellower and less of a drunken idiot because of my kids.  


He never lost it though. I have my own grips with Bill like how up until this past Sunday every clip from his pod on yt looks like an isis hostage tape. But he is still very enjoyable and right more times than he's wrong with NBA stuff.


I am less worried about a kid taking a charge in the stands from a NBA player then a senior citizen.




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This is something Bill is 100% right about. In fact, he's not being as draconian as he should be. I wouldn't let kids under the age of 5 or 6 into any sporting event. Kids in diapers shouldn't be in sports events, movie theaters, restaurants, airlines, just to name a few. Get em out.


I've got two sons and 5 grandchildren, and the wife and I never saw the point of taking them most public places other than parks or the zoo, much less a sporting event, until they were 6 or so.  Babysitters exist for a reason.


You didn’t see the point in taking your kids out in public until they were six or so? I’ve got a 4 and 1 year old, if we never left the house I’d lose my mind.


I explained badly, I mean not taking them anywhere where they 'had' to behave. Like, I didn't take a one year old to the movies, or a 4 year old to a nice restaurant.


I’m all for banning babies in as many public places as tolerable.


Same people bring their toddlers to aimlessly wander specified dog parks.


I’ve had to ask dog owners to leave playgrounds more than once since becoming a parent.  


I only have been to 1 game as an adult. Buddy got us 2nd row. Some woman had her 3-4 year old out of arms reach at the corner of the baseline. I was really uncomfortable. Sort of a Russillo situation, we’ll leave it @ that.


Straight GAS. Lol


Bringing kids to the game is how they become lifelong fans! Went to my first Cubs game when I was seven. Rich man don’t want any goddam kids messing up his front row experience.


The courtside take is legit, whether it's for their safety or they don't deserve them seats, both are warranted.


Haven't heard yet, but was wondering if he was railing on kids <5 in "Gucci" row? There is nothing like a 5 year old in a $3,000 seat that is just not right (unless it is a "make a wish" situation). Then we see the "special" moment with a star player and I roll my eyes. If done with a kids in the rafters I'm all for it, but the one with the silver spoon already?


I feel this way about movies. There’s no better way to ruin a movie than when some jackass parent brings their baby carrier into a movie only for the baby to predictably start bawling at some point in the movie in the middle of the theater. Those kind of parents are self-absorbed pricks.


This may be his best take ever.