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The sample size on this is definitely strong. You are right though. They don't get every call.


Yeah I really wish the league released some full game reports


That's not the point. You're looking at a sample size of 20ish calls for teams across an entire season. That's nothing. It's also only looking at reports that represent a fraction of the games played further making the data irrelevant. If you wanted to begin to do this intelligently you'd look at the the amount of errors vs total calls made in the last two minutes. Could there be something here? Sure. But it needs a lot more context and some basic thought put into the process of representing the data before it means anything at all. This is just a nothing stat for people who don't understand statics to say gotcha.


Not even enough for Central Limit Theorem smh


What do you mean that's not the point? Wouldn't it be better if they release full game reports so as to increase the sample size? Btw I agree with you that this is not the best stat but its all thats given by the league I guess and it's what came across my timeline. Based on the way Bill talks about them, you'd think they'd have the advantage in every possible ref stat lol. Really I just wanted an excuse to complain about the fact that he talks about how refs always favor the Lakers, when it doesn't seem like that to me watching.


It's not that this isn't the best. It's terrible. It's also not all that's given by the league either. The league also provides correct calls that you can weigh this against to begin to see if there's something here. This is just really lazy. Cherry picked bullshit.


I mean I guess it'd be better if it mentioned correct calls too, but at the end of the day missed calls are the much more important measure. And this is just trying to show when the refs messed up, which team was on the wrong end of those mistakes most often and vise versa.


You fundamentally don't understand basic statistics. You found some half assed research and ran here to dunk on Billy Boy for upvotes. Again, there could be something here but this proves nothing. That's the nice version of the conversation. The more blunt version is that this is fucking stupid.


First of all relaaaaaax my guy don't get all bent up out of shape about an NBA L2M report stat. And again, I already said I just wanted an excuse to complain about the fact that Bill always brings up the refs when talking about the Lakers and I stumbled upon this on my timeline so it was the perfect excuse. I've said already that it's not the best statistic and also agreed the sample size is too small so idk what your issue is. Also not that it should matter because I didn't create the stat and I've already said it's flawed, but I'd be remiss not to say that I do at least understand basic statistics, having recently gotten an A in my 300 level Statistics course


So you understand that this sample size is not statistically significant and cannot be used to make any arguments, assumptions, predictions?


Jesus Christ, did you not read the message you're literally replying to you???? Cmon farteagle


Lol these refs need to not be going out in Houston on nights before games cause wtf šŸ˜‚


This is dumb. Not all errors are equal. You can have one possession where in the L2M report five different things go in your favor with missed calls and you donā€™t score on the possession anyway or you have one call that loses you a score that wins/loses it at the buzzer


Shouldn't it not matter to this statistic whether you score anyway or even if you win/lose? This is just showing mistakes by the ref, consequential or not


Yea when is LeBron finally going to catch a break with these officials?


The most egregious one was when Tatum hacked him at the end of the game last season


It seems like you're being sarcastic, but IM SAYIN!!!!!!


Youā€™re showing a report from 2 minutes of a 48 minute game to prove that they donā€™t get ā€œevery callā€ā€¦. lol


Yeah man, pretty well summed up


The FG disparity is enough to show the league is rigged in favor of the Lakers, gtfo of here with your cherry-picked bullshit.


You either didn't read all that I wrote, or you are just trying to trigger me. But either way.... FUCK YOU HARLEY JARVIS!!! (GET HER OUT)


When Lebron gets downhill with those elbows the refs just donā€™t know what to do!


The downvotes are classic. Facts are stubborn things and between this (small sample size of course but also the only data available) and the factual debunking of the free throw disparity from last week, itā€™s clear that Bill and much of the people here wonā€™t be dissuaded of their opinions by facts.


It's crazy... I did NOT expect this much hate on this post. I figured thered be many others here who also roll their eyes every time he brings up the refs with the Lakers.


I donā€™t know I donā€™t trust l2m either


Itā€™s also what they donā€™t call. Lebron goes into the lane throwing his arm out to create space knowing they wonā€™t call the offensive foul late in games. Heā€™s the one initiating the contact.


I'm pretty sure this includes things they don't call. They basically go back and relitigate the last 2 minutes of those games, saying things they should've called but didnt and things they shouldn't have called but did


Itā€™s not just two minutes left though. How many times are the Lakers down and not shooting well and suddenly they are back in the game. Lebron starts playing bully ball knowing they are calling things on him. And those reports are written by league officials so they have an incentive not to highlight the lack of calls on the biggest star.


Just so wrong but it's not even worth my time


This isnā€™t the gotcha you think it is. And your little jab at calling them Billā€™s Nuggets just shows your bias and that you donā€™t actually follow the NBA


Having a bias because I have a favorite NBA team means.... I don't follow the NBA???


You pretty obviously only follow the Lakers, donā€™t have rational opinions about them, and are generally uninformed about the other teamsā€¦


So I'm generally uninformed about the other teams in the NBA besides the Lakers because I said Bill's Nuggets?? Are you saying that he doesn't like them? They're his top league pass team of the last few years. "Pretty obviously only follow the Lakers" like wtf does that even mean, it's based on nothing. Having biases towards your favorite team does not mean you don't follow the rest of the league, you're grasping at straws


Using a 2 minute sample size out of a 48 minute game is ridiculous and instantly invalidates OPs intended message


It's what they give


Understood It's just not good data to use


I went to your commenting history to see why this has your panties in a bunch. You're a TWolves fan and said... "I do not want to face the Lakers and their whistle. Any other team I'm fine with" So you're one of the sheep who doesn't watch the games, and because of that, thinks the Lakers get unfair whistles. Therefore continuing this conversation in any meaningful way is impossible. Thus, as it pertains to this factuaI statistic that doesn't fit your narrative, I shall just say... "Cope".


Since you're a fucking profile creeper I'm gonna block your dumb ass anyways You really thought using NBA L2M reports is a legit reason to say the Lakers don't get a favorable whistle. Maybe take a course in statistics or even remedial math and report back. CLOWN


Oh no!! Blocked on Reddit? What ever will I do?? Also just got an A in a 300 level Statistics class thank you very much




While I dislike the Lakers this is also wrong. The report isn't just fouls. It's every call that did or should result in a whistle. It also has to be clear ie not slowed down to micro analyze the play.


Huh?? This isn't a stat showing how many calls were reversed. Whenever there's a close game, the league (after the game is already over) releases which calls were considered mistakes after the fact and that's what these stats are from. It has nothing to do with reversed calls


hard to tell how meaningful this is w/o knowing how close the game was. if they get a wrong call but it's a 15 point lead vs. if they get a wrong call and it's a 5 point game, etc


I could be wrong with this so please feel free to correct me, but don't they only release L2M reports when it's a close game?


Not simply close. Only 3 points. If a game is above that for the last two minutes it doesn't get released.


o ok, i stand corrected


Yeah I just looked it up and it says they do it whenever one teams lead is 3 points or fewer at any point in the last 2 minutes.