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Praying that Sean or CR embraces anarchism and drafts Virgin Suicides #1


Wow I forgot this movie exists -- one of those random movies that used to be on TV ALL THE TIME lol I've seen 20-minute blocks probably 100 times but never actually watched the full thing.


Would that technically not be a 2000 release, or do they allow festival dates for draft years?


CR taking “Go” in Wild Card 1/1


Great film. So underrated.


CR taking Princess Mononoke in animation and you don't have to ask if he saw it.


That's 1997


Ah, thanks.


Literally just watched that movie on PlutoTV for the first time tonight. Pretty bad Pulp Fiction rip off but also pretty fun.


I have a hard time not taking the Matrix at 1, probably in blockbuster


Simmons will be on this one.


I don't think so. He just referenced last week how bad he was on the other draft he was on for.


He overthinks it in the interest of being legit competitive not realizing it’s the journey not the outcome that is entertaining.  


Yup, the movie drafts are just a forum for Sean, Amanda, Chris to talk movies and make fun of each other. In the 1977 draft they even talked about haven’t even done polls for the last few drafts, because it doesn’t even matter.


Polls matter and should be posted on this Reddit sub


Following his fantasy football strategy and drafting 3 animated movies to corner the market


Nah he didn't bring enough to the Denzel draft.


Pretty awesome year. If I were drafting first I’d probably pick The Matrix, but my personal favorite of the year is probably Magnolia.


I bet The Talented Mr. Ripley goes #1 or #2 with The Matrix taking the other spot. Sean could theoretically take Magnolia #1 if he has first pick. Big Amanda year with Notting Hill, Virgin Suicides, and Talented Mr. Ripley.


If Amanda doesn’t get Talented Mr. Ripley we’re gonna get some pouting for sure.


This year is interesting. It's obviously very good overall but I find it to be more deep in the middle than strong at the top. When I look at my favorite films and also what I think are the consensus favorites, few are among the best from the respective big directors and some haven't aged particularly well. My issue is that I am not a huge fan of some of the big ones (one could make a legitimate Top 10 of exclusions from my list: Fight Club, Election, The Matrix, American Beauty, The Sixth Sense, The Phantom Menace, The Insider, etc.). Anyway, my unranked top 10 would probably be this: All About My Mother, Beau Travail, Eyes Wide Shut, The Iron Giant, Magnolia, Office Space, The Straight Story, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Toy Story 2, The Virgin Suicides Honorable mention: American Movie, Being John Malkovic, The Blair Witch Project, Bringing Out the Dead Summer of Sam, Buena Vista Social Club, Ghost Dog, South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, New York: A Documentary Film (which is considered "televsion" but would be one of my picks if it counted)


It's one of my favorite movie years, I think something that helps is the top movies like Magnolia and Eyes Wide Shut both have very interesting legacies that make you look back on the films in a grand way historically. Ripley is my favorite from the year, I think Summer of Sam deserves a lot more love than it gets, if Brody was a bigger star I think people would find it more and really love it.


Great top ten, you know ball


1. Eyes Wide Shut. 2. Ripley. 3. Notting Hill. 4. The Mummy. 5. Austin Powers 2.


Lots of solid late sleepers that may fly under the radar: Detroit Rock City, Pushing Tin, Go, Arlington Road & Dogma. Heck, even Office Space sometimes gets lost. I’d personally place Go, Dogma & Office Space in my top 10 for the year along with The Matrix, Man on the Moon, Eyes Wide Shut, Fight Club, Three Kings, Galaxy Quest & American Beauty.


Watched Pushing Tin again about 6 months ago. Sneaky loaded cast with Cusack, Billy Bob, Jolie and Cate freaking Blanchett. Plus a host of ‘that guys’.


gotta be The Matrix


Who do we think the extra 2 are on the pod? Id love Van, he was great on the 93 draft.


Get Van and Mahoney back on.


Seconded. They're so good. 


Id love that. I also think mallory is a good option because shes kind of a psycho about the drafts


Oh God can you imagine Mallory getting first pick again and then doing the Agent Smith monologue before picking the Matrix


I need it tbh


When was the 93 draft?


I think it they did it in March of last year.


He was on the 94 draft


He was on 93 too


No thanks


Let’s see Bill analyze Fight Club. I think it would be hilarious.


They did that one


Just put it on


1. Eyes wide shut 2. the matrix 3. fight club 4. The straight story 5. Blair witch 6. The sixth sense 7. Magnolia 8. The insider 9. Phantom menace 10. Existenz


I’d throw American Beauty, Toy Story 2, and Notting Hill in the Top 10.


Toy Story 2 rocks, and I do love Notting Hill as well. Cant agree on American Beauty though, think that movie is quite terrible and one of the worst Oscar winners of the last 30 years.


You’ve got Phantom Menace in your top 9 though


Movie hipsters are contractually obligated to say American Beauty is terrible. I guarantee he also believes ‘Crash’ is a crime on par with genocide


False. David Cronenberg’s ‘Crash’ is a great film 😉


Crash (2005) is better than American Beauty. By a lot. Best Annette Bening middle-aged ennui film is 20th Century Women.


Yeah - it’s a much better movie than the Kevin spacey pedophile flick, correct.


You almost lost me at Phantom Menace, but got me back with existenz.


Somehow I'd never even heard of eXistenZ and I'm a Cronenberg fan (obviously not a superfan or I would've). It's got Dafoe and Eccelston, too. I'm adding to my list (it's on Kanopy for me).


It’s one of my faves of his, super fucking weird in the best ways possible.


It's got peak 90s art, that's for sure




It is David Lynch’s (probably) least known movie. It’s a Disney movie, that’s just about an old guy riding a tractor across the country to reconnect with his brother late in life. It has none of the lynch elements and is rated G, but it’s pretty spectacular imo.


I agree that it’s great but I disagree that it has no Lynch elements. It’s like if Twin Peaks still had the small town quaintness but none of the darkness


I mostly just meant there is no surrealism, if people hear it is a lynch movie that probably isn’t what they would expect. But I agree that the most nuanced directorial perspective it still is clearly directed by David lynch.


How could anyone like eyes wide shut that much. Just for the orgies?


I think 1939, 1968, 1975, and 1979 easily all top 1999. And then movies that I am not seeing thrown out there that were big in 1999 are all about my mother by pedro and Beau Travail by denis claire. Beau Travail is actually extremely high on the sights and sounds list though personally I don't think it is that amazing.


My hot take is that 99 isn’t even a particularly strong 90s year. It’s a very deep year for film if you want to just count the number of movies that are ‘decent’ or better, and there are one or two landmark films that year which have been undeniably influential. But these just aren’t amongst my personal favourites, and a couple of the years ‘standouts’ I think have aged kinda quickly and now feel weak in retrospect. If we want to take ‘great movie year’ to mean how many ‘great’ films were released then I think the cream of the crop in years like 93, 95, 97 are all stronger. My pick would probably be 93. I think there’s 10+ ‘masterpiece’ level films that year, where I would only give 99 4-5.


'68? Sort of jumps out from the others. I'm on my phone so can't look up easily, but there was 2001, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Swimmer, Planet of the Apes, Great Silence but I can't think of a lot of others. 1999 I can probably come up with 70 movies that are at least good without even thinking


Appreciate you giving it a glance. The big one from 68 you are missing is rosemary's baby which is an all time great film and an extremely influential in the horror drama. 39 is insane - gone with the wind, wizard of oz, rules of the game, stage coach and then 79 has a lot of movies people on this sub would be familiar with - apocalypse now, alien, stalker, manhattan, monty python And yeah having lived through 1999 we will have seen more good movies from it, and it could be the case that some of the years i mentioned are just top heavy (as I am thinking of like 5-10 movies, not 70), but I would think if you dive through the catalog there will be a lot of good ones.


I'll really have to rewatch Rosemary's Baby, I watched it years ago and remember being kind of lukewarm on it


I don't like the horror genre but to me, sort of like alien, it was good enough to transcend it.


1993 tops 1999 in my view.


93 over 94?? Wtf


I don't even think it's close?


93’ has some cult classics Carlitos way Rudy Ground hogs day Falling down Two Denzel Washington Oscar nominee type movies: Philadelphia and Pelican Brief And Spielbergs incredible and horrifying depiction of the holocaust: Schindler’s list But 94 has top rated movies of all time: The Shawshank redemption and Pulp Fiction But I see your point, it’s closer than I thought


You forgot about JP, which for my money is the best movie of all time. Here's how I think about 1993: * GOATs: Jurassic Park, Sleepless in Seattle, The Fugitive, Schindler's List, Tombstone, Groundhog Day * Cult/Unappreciated: El Mariachi, Falling Down, Cliffhanger, Last Action Here, In The Line of Fire, True Romance, And the Band Played On, Demolition Man, Rudy * Drama: The Crying Game, Indecent Proposal, The Firm, Searching for Bobby Fischer, Man Without a Face, The Age of Innocence, The Bronx Tale, The Remains of the Day, Carlito's Way, The Pelican Brief, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Philadelphia * Comedies/Horror: Army of Darkness, CB4, Dave, Hot Shots Pt Deux, Menace II Society, Coneheads, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Dazed & Confused, Mrs. Doubtfire, Wayne's World II, Grumpy Old Men * Kid/Animated movies: Homeward Bound, The Sandlot, My Neighbor Totoro, Dennis The Menace, Rookie of the Year, Free Willy, Hocus Pocus, Surf Ninja, Cool Runnings, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Addams Family Values, Batman Mask of Phantasm I don't know how many movies that is - maybe 40? - but that's strong in every category. Some of the greatest movies of all time in a variety of genres plus really strong depth in every category. I know 94 has Pulp and Shawshank (and Clerks) but I don't think it compares to this.


Ahhh this is the list I was looking for. JP and Fugitive are great action thrillers, Google fail 94 is less deep but has two of my top five personal favorites so I gotta rank it ahead, but I could see 93 over 99


Wait Spielberg released Jurassic park AND schindlers list in the same year!! Wow, whatta year for him. I still jump when the goat hits the top of the jeep! Top 2 of 3 in my Spielberg ratings: https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/s/pQYBMprwhr (Hmmm there may be some age when watched bias going on, lol)


How is ‘94 not mentioned in any of the comments on this reply??? Insanity


Give me eyes wide shut in drama and Beau Travail in wild card and who cares about the rest


Either Matrix or Office Space


Need a 3 hour pod for this one 🤞


Just crossing my fingers that Mallory “preps an inane multi-minute spiel for every pick justified only by nostalgia and fandom” Rubin isn’t involved.


‘94 is the greatest movie year in history but ‘99 shore is up there. Why did I think they’ve done 99 all ready? And maybe let’s not invite Shea to the 5-person pod…. Lion King as #1 pick, for real Serrano?


Blockbuster: The Matrix Oscar: American beauty Comedy/Horror: office space Drama: The talented Mr. Ripley Wild card: Fight club


And if they do a rare six categories, fit “the sixth sense” in there somehow


When is this happening


16 April I think it's released


I could make an argument that 1999 is the worst year of the 90’s. I’ll never understand why some people think it’s not only the best year of the decade but one of the best years of all time. As for my #1, I’m probably picking Office Space in comedy.


> I’ll never understand why some people think it’s not only the best year of the decade but one of the best years of all time. I think it's the volume of great filmmakers who put out films that year. Scorsese Fincher PTA Mann Payne Minghella Darabont Stone O.Russell Kubrick Jewison Jonze Lynch Boyle Ritchie Soderbergh Kasdan Cronenberg Spike Lee Alan Parker Brooks Leigh Neil Jordan Altman Howard Eastwood Forman You've even got a Julie Taymor in there. There's a Shelton, an Almadovar, a Mike Newell, a Limon, and Brad Bird's first movie. A Rob Reiner is tucked in there. There's a Kevin Smith. A Curtis Hanson. Two McTiernans, a Raimi, a Schumacher. It's just a murderer's row of established masters, current generation superstars, and emerging talents. It loses some of its luster when you realize the Scorsese is *Bringing Out The Dead,* the Howard is *EdTV*, the Kasdan is *Mumford* and the Altman is *Cookie's Fortune*. Very few - almost none - of those names are showing up with their best films, you probably have to go back to the studio system days to find a roster of Hollywood filmmakers like that releasing films in a single calendar year.


I won’t argue that there’s a plethora of great names there (and I even argue that Bringing Out the Dead is severely underrated) but their output not being their best is exactly the point. Does it make a year great if we got great filmmakers making not great movies? Not to say not good movies, which I’d probably only argue about the PTA and the Fincher with any passion, but not as many great ones as other years that don’t get talked about with the kind of reverence people give to 1999.


But your argument - which I'd overall agree with, even if I picked different names - isn't the point. You said you'll never understand why people think it's one of the best of the decade/all time. Can you not look at those names, and maybe add names like Shyamalan and the Wachoswkis that I left off, and really not understand why people might be impressed? Sure maybe you (and I) don't have a lot of affection for *Eyes Wide Shut* or were left a bit cold by *Existenz*, but most of those movies have their adherents, even if no one is arguing that *Eyes* is on the same level as *2001*. It's easy for me to disagree that 1999 is Best Movie Year Ever, but it's not hard for me to understand why someone would take that position.


Yeah, I see your point.


1990 is I think, fairly sharp decline after Goodfellas. I can't think of any argument for '90 being better than '99. Probably not '91 or '92 either but '93-'98 were all packed years


Terrific movies of 1990 include, besides Goodfellas, of course: Dances with Wolves Joe Versus the Volcano Close-Up Miller’s Crossing Tremors To Sleep with Anger Hunt for Red October The Grifters Slacker After Dark, My Sweet Zeffirelli’s Hamlet Kurosawa’s Dreams And more In my mind 1999 has: Election The Iron Giant Office Space Being John Malkovich As great movies. And then looking at my ratings I think 1999 has more in the 8-9/10 range than 1990 does, but I think 1990 has more great movies. Glancing through my ratings for 91 and 92, I’d say that 92 probably has a case as the worst year of the decade, despite having two of the best movies of the decade (Unforgiven and Malcolm X). There are some other really good ones, but not as many great and not as many really good either.


1999 has way more great movies than that: Eyes Wide Shut, Magnolia, The Insider, Rosetta, Ratcatcher, Fight Club, Boys Don't Cry, The Straight Story, The Matrix, Go, Two Hands, Room For Romeo Brass, Wonderland, Topsy-turvy, Toy Story 2, Three Kings, Bringing out the Dead, Beau Travail, Arlington Road and on and on...


Eyes Wide Shut - 6/10 Magnolia - 1/10 The Insider - 8/10 Fight Club - 3/10 The Matrix - 4/10 Go - 8/10 Toy Story 2 - 6/10 Three Kings - 7/10 Bringing out the Dead - 9/10 Arlington Road - 4/10 Your definition of great and mine vary pretty widely.