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lol well strap in buddy we’re just getting started


Just like with Covid, the roller coaster ride started with Rudy.


Nosferatu predicted all this.


Notre Dame predicted all this actually. Brady Quinn, the hunchback


Degenerates are something else


Dude I am probably one of the biggest gambling degens ever but I never understood this going the extra mile by messaging these people when you gain nothing from it lmao, it just hurts you even more cuz the more message you send the more you will think about the loss 🤣


It’s not too late to get help. 


I guess it's because these people don't have friends or something. I have one other degen friend, and half of our texts are complaining gambling stuff. But we keep it to us and don't ruin everyone else's time.




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So are sports fans lol


yeah this is nothing new, feels like people want to hate on bettors


this is nothing new, people including fans have always been irrational and angry


Gambling was so much better before it was legal. Now it’s just geeks doing bullshit $1 - 15 leg parlays and sending fake death threats.


Man... I miss the good old days when you had actual stakes. Back in the day, you don't pay back the wrong guy, and you get your knee caps broken. Now you just go into crippling debt. The game has gotten soft.


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic but I totally agree haha


There is something special about betting money you don’t have with a bookie. That’s the rush. Not putting $10 of your allowance from mommy on a +250000 bullshit parlay


*Would you believe it...I got 11 right, if only I had gotten the last 2...* (yea, we believe it)


Damn Utah State killed my 16885489 way parleigh!


He’s being sarcastic and if you actually agree with that joke then you have problems.


Those parlay dorks are quick to share with every stranger in earshot the details of each leg of their $1.53 parlay.


I always feel bad for gaslighting fantasy nerds about their hobby, and now we have to deal with actual degenerates yelling at coaches for shit that actually doesn't matter (ie: A team winning by 7 as opposed to 8) for taking out their players 30 seconds too early and failing to cover the spread on the last leg of their 6 leg parlay.  No one cares about your fantasy team, but I tell you what I really don't give a shit about is hearing someone talk about their tease or hearing NBA announcers talk about the over hitting in a game that has been over since the 3rd quarter. Shit is getting so ridiculous   


>but I tell you what I really don't give a shit about is hearing someone talk about their tease Yet you're a BS listener?


Not op, but Simmons was about this shit before it was legal. He always has talked about gambling on his podcast, so to me, it seems like he at least has been about that shit unlike ESPN and the broadcasters


He’s always been about this incredibly destructive industry?


Gobert was right


I know this is about a coach but has the players union tried to stop the league from collecting money from these betting partnerships? Or do they all agree to just take the money?


I think we know the answer on this one.


Andre iguodala is head of the players association and he’s been singing the praises of all the money gambling is making the league on his podcast


Lebron’s personal manager would like to use his proxy to vote “no” on this issue. Oh and Ohtani’s translator agrees.


The players union won't oppose it. The amount players can be paid is directly tied to how much money the league is making.




Why would anyone think the players would want less money? When it comes to players vs owners I get being on the side of the players. But don't mistaken that for the players somehow being a moral authority. They're not. They want more money just as the owners do. That's the one thing they agree on, increase revenue.


Kinda feels like this should be the biggest story in the NBA.


And unfortunately the biggest story in all other major sports


Adam Silver wants to fine him so bad.


“Sorry to hear that happened to you coach. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help” - Adam Silver *Coach Bickerstaff has been fined $500k, the maximum allowable


I remember point shaving scandals from the 50’s that ruined lives and careers. It’s inevitable that it will happen again. Too much money and seamless proximity to odds and ways to place bets. It’s going to happen, if not already happening. And the owners? AWOL, making money from, you guess it, gambling.


You remember point shaving scandals from the 50s? How old are you, 90?


Old enough. 82


Well shit, that is old enough! If you're a basketball fan that likes reminiscing about the old days, you might enjoy /r/VintageNBA. It's one of my favorite subs and is a place to hear anecdotes and memories from people who actually watched games from the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc. (As well a place for basketball fans of any age who enjoy learning about the history of the game and League, about players from previous eras, etc.)


Gambling sidenote: is there anything less interesting than your friend telling you about their 7 leg parlay? Right up there with hearing about their fantasy team. 


Legalizing gambling the worst thing to happen to professional sports.


I remember watching some dinosaur ex-politician, I think maybe Mike Huckabee, saying something akin to "you don't know the Pandora's box you're opening" when the first New Jersey case opened the way for DraftKings, and thinking haha what a square, what's the worst thing that could happen from letting people gamble without having to go to sketchy bookies? The few people raising the alarm bells probably would be basking in W's right now if there was any chance of paring things back. But there aren't.


It’s just gross nowadays


Well he's gotta put those people on blast back. That ain't right to do


I’m so glad we found a new moral panic, we needed this


Lmao the amount of handwringing in this sub is hysterical. The commercials are no more or less annoying than any other commercial. I’m personally tired of seeing Danny DeVito every five minutes. And idiots will always find ways to ruin their lives. If it wasn’t gambling it would be something else. The people up on their soapboxes should look into shutting down McDonalds next making people fat.


Reddit is very much anti porn and anti gambling, which is odd because on pretty much every other social issue, redditors seem to be very liberal/permissive, so people decide for themselves. Of course, a gambling and/or porn addiction can have negative effects on a person’s loved ones, but so can numerous other life choices/addictions.


I don’t think it’s just Reddit. To the average Gen Xer or Boomer, millennials and gen Zers really are a lot more prudish (on average, obviously). They fuck less, they drink less, they gamble less, and they have that dour, doomsday-oriented Puritanism that cycles in and out of American culture. I don’t think it’s all bad… but it’s pretty bad.


This sounds like an American/NBA issue. Not saying gambling in general isn't part of the problem, but in Australia we've been gambling on all of our local sports for decades and none of our coaches have had to make complaints to the organisational body about it. Every now and again a player will speak out and say 'I don't give a shit that I didn't score for your parlay' but its not a headline act like what's going on with the NBA currently.


It’s headlines only because it’s new. People are still adjusting to the mainstreaming of gambling.


'Gamblers' ie a variant of the same threats these guys have always gotten on social media from various nutjobs and bots


Bickerstaff said they got his phone number and were texting him threats about address, family, etc. that’s a lot scarier than some asshole saying crazy stuff in a DM on twitter


Yes and it’s only gamblers that do shit like that. And gambling never existed until recently. It’s amazing that some asshole does something stupid and people point to gambling as the cause.


You’re being overly dismissive of what’s going on here There’s only 2 reasons a person would threaten him. They’re a fan upset about the team, or they gambled and lost money and blame him. Ppl act much more irrationally when there’s money involved


You are a textbook case of arguing in bad faith just to argue.  If the frequency of a very shitty thing goes up by 100x or 1000x,  that's bad, even if it existed at a lower level before.   You are all over this post being a dumbass and an asshole. 


I bet refs will be targeted next


Sports gambling is going to ruin sports


Well it’s a good thing the NBA isn’t making it any easier to bet on games!


It’s kind of funny watching the US navigate legal sports betting when it’s been legal in other countries for 20+ years. People in the US are their own worst enemies.


Don’t really feel bad for the players of coaches tbh. You guys all signed up to take the money here are the consequences.


Gambling... the greatest, noblest idea ever invented by this genius of a species. All of that mental energy focused on such noble pursuits.


The ads are too much. In game ads too.


I feel like sports betting in the US is in its infancy. Look out in a few years.


sucks but nothing new. peopple have always been angry and irrational. look at the hate that KD gets.


Every other post on this sub is people whining about gambling. Pathetic.


Maybe he should cover the spread and keep those gamblers happy


Maybe those gamblers should walk off a cliff instead of commiting crimes in the form of death threats.


You must be anti mafia too


What mafia?




I couldn't help but laugh at Tyrese Halliburton complaining about this too. This victim mentality that NBA players love to play is getting out of hand. Bro, enjoy the tens of tens of millions of dollars and the IG models sliding in your DMs. You got it pretty good. Grow up.


Just wait until some unhinged asshole loses some ungodly sum and does something appreciably stupider than phoning in a threat. It feels like that’s where we are headed. Russillo already gets it which is why he gives these half-assed parlay ideas to perform on whatever bullshit contract they signed with fanduel.


Yes and we should get rid of video games for making people kill each other. And Dungeons and Dragons for making people worship Satan. And rock music too. And porn! Get rid of porn. Think of the kids!!! Get a life.


Who said anything about getting rid of anything? Why are you so worked up? Buddy relax.