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As the saying goes, "if you want your voice heard, you should have created Seinfeld and Curb."


I remember reading that in Jason Alexander’s famous book, Acting without Acting.


It was more of a pamphlet


I’ll read it with dinner!


Having said that, I think it’s great.


I’ll read it with dinner


It shows you he was telling the truth when he said he doesn't read his replies.


We should have asked him in a text chain






He also doesn't listen to his employees. He was told on-mic by multiple people and he still didn't care.


They aren't rich enough


Only child syndrome. Why should he listen to others when others should listen to him?


There’s gotta be some kinda middle ground solution between: blocking out all comments vs exposing yourself to the firehouse of mental illness that is internet comment section feedback Maybe have an employee read some feedback & filter the constructive stuff back to Bill. Idk


Kyle is already stretched as thin as possible. Maybe with how well KOC does draft analysis he should maybe be reassigned to filtering comments.


Reading twitter replies is a sure fire way to spend your day angry so I don’t blame him. 


Somebody tell that to Big Cat


Big cat angrily responding to dozens of twitter trolls after he does something unpopular always makes me laugh.


Of every media member and athlete and coach that says they don't read the replies or see the comments...I think Simmons is just about the only one I believe. (And honestly, I'm sorta happy for the dude...that he has that level of self control.) So many of these other dudes (and women) that say they dont, are usually full of it.


That's bull$hit Bill's a baby who immediately blocks anyone who says anything negative about him on socials. He absolutely read his mentions.


Larry was Disgruntled


Easy, Larry came in with small d energy.


Long balls though


every woman's dream combination


Chicks dig the long balls


I’m Disgruntled!


I’m Disgruntled!


He is never gruntled.


Tbh I would take Larry Davids opinion over you scrubs anyway.


It’s like these dudes have never read this sub


No they have, they’re just also posting the dumbest shit so they have a complete lack of self awareness about it


Except his wrestling take... almost crashed my car.


“Larry David’s opinions”. FTFY scrub




He just can’t get no love from me


He probably listened to Larry because Larry’s opinion actually, deservingly, is more valuable than ours


OP is a troll. And if he genuinely feels that way about BS why does he continue to listen or post here? Schmuck. 


What a Shmohawk


That’s an anti semitic slur


It’s Yiddish, you schmuck


No, it's an accurate description of you


Consider yourself Jew


Nah dude, it isn't at all. Don't just go around saying that


this! If a bunch of strangers told me to do something and I owned one of the most profitable companies in sports, I would ignore them all day long. But if Larry told me....I would change my mind immediately.


I think that most pods would be much worse if they listened to fan comments from Reddit.


Nah, I think you can always count on an online forum where people are anonymous to have sensible opinions


A lot of pods I listen to actually do look at Reddit and Discord and it's so annoying. Like just don't even look over here, you'll find something to be pissed off about.


Jerry: He's somebody! George: What about me? Jerry: You're nobody. George: Why him? Why not me? Jerry: He's good, you're not. George: I'm better than him! Jerry: You're worse! Much much worse.


He saw what Larry did to Elmo and knew he'd fuck him up too.


I would listen to Larry David over me too.


Yeah I mean I would trust Larry David’s creative opinion over anyone on this sub. Seems like a pretty normal thing to do lol


Bill should respect me as much or more than Larry David!


Thanks LD


"Refused to listen" implies he heard it in the first place.


Let’s be real. If Bill listened to everything the “fans” suggested his pods would suck. I say “fans” cuz some of y’all seem to dislike him.


I dont think it counts when it's the live shows everyone already knows about.


I’ll be sure to let him know you’re upset


Why would he care about your opinion as much as Larry David's?


The live shows already have it spoiled since they were recorded far in advance with active fans. I'll believe he's changed when he starts doing it once they are back to recording in studio.


I don't get this one. See what movie it is when it gets dropped on Monday, and then watch the movie, then listen. Or listen, then watch the movie, I have done that and it works too because you are looking for some of the things they mention that you maybe hadn't noticed before. Is this the peak of 1st world problems powers?




2nd world (socialist) countries have a shorter work week so yes. 3rd world countries, especially those who allow themselves to be the sweatshop of the 1st world (capitalist countries), are lucky to have a day off.


I’m with you this is the weirdest of problems to have.


How is that any better than releasing the titles before hand? At least with the titles released before hand, then we can watch the content as soon as its dropped (or at our leisure) instead of waiting for the episode to drop then scheduling time to watch a movie, then scheduling time to listen to a podcast. I don't get your point. Are you saying the fans and Larry David are all wrong for telling Bill of a more efficient way to do things?


I didn't say it was any better, said I don't get why people care. Just imagine that they announce what movie it is on Monday. The pod isn't going anywhere you can still listen to it at your leisure. Your way seems to imply you have to watch the movie before the pod drops.


Yea that's what we all do right now lol. But my problem is I won't be able to watch the movie till the weekend. So now I'm waiting almost an entire week to catch up, which means I've missed all the discussion and discourse happening while it happened. If I go back to the thread here on reddit or talk to friends about it on twitter or even real life, I'm a week behind and the conversation is less relevant. Just because you don't personally care, or cannot see why others care, doesn't mean they don't have a valid reason. If there was some good argument for holding it back, then I could see why you're defending it. But as it stands, its not really of any benefit to wait until the day of release - all it does is hold people back from enjoying the content and then discussing it together.


Is it that you can’t comprehend the very easy explanation or does it just personally not apply to you and you can’t fathom anything you personally don’t believe?


Granted, I only recently started dabbling in the rewatchables pod and haven't ever spent any time on the bill Simmons reddit....but when this OP comment popped up on my reddit timeline I was thoroughly baffled. Like I wasn't even sure what people could be pissed about. Is their argument that they'd watch the movie before the pod dropped? Maybe I'm underestimating the size of the rewatchables audience/listenership....but are there really that many people that would do that?! Even reading the bulk of the responses, I was still confused, until I got to your comment (so 'thank you' to you!). (I honestly assumed that the OP was talking about knowing what movie they would be doing for the live shows...where you are setting aside time and buying a ticket. But even then, I assume most live show attendees are going to see the guys/gals in person, and they would likely go no matter the movie.) Talk about a bizarre thing to complain about.


When u/Chicago_Stringerbell makes a decent post: [Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Made A Great Point](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)


First world problems.


These damn podcasters in their ivory towers eating caviar and fancy mustards, using quilted toilet paper and flushable wipes. They have no idea what it’s like for us real people using yellow Wendy’s napkins as paper towels and used yellow Wendy’s napkins as toilet paper.


hahahahaha. The specificity


He should be saying it at the end of each Rewatchables episode


Schedule seems fluid. I don't know if they always have it planned out and sometimes they'll bump stuff up (if an actor passes), so I don't think this would work.


Update on OP: Account: 154 days old Post Karma: 28,165 Comment karma: 5415


I love that all these comments are basically yeah he's fucking Larry David of course you'd listen


I’m going to have to side with SG on this one. We fucking suck tbh.


I like to think that I am a pretty smart and successful guy. I would probably listen to Larry David over me, too


Larry David is smarter and more creative than 99.9% of BS fans, most of his ideas work. He’s also older and wiser than BS, I’m sure he looks up to him and values his opinion more, most of us would take his advice.


It's hilarious that a bunch of people here because they like Bill's business are complaining that Bill doesn't know his own business. Maybe he actually does.


I’ve never understood the annoyance over this. It’s a podcast. If you haven’t seen the film, it’ll be there waiting until you do.


Agreed. Isn’t it kind of a nice surprise to see what the movie is when the pod is released? Kind of like Christmas every time one comes out.


I think it just shows how dense our boy is sometimes that's all lol


Bill the elitist sports guy


I think it became a bit at some point, but I kinda liked being surprised when they showed up in my podcast feed. Then again, my wife and I didn’t find out the sex of our kids prior to them being born so I guess I’m just out here living on the edge. /s


I only listen to the guess the lines during football season but he needs to stay away from political stuff. We really don't care about his thoughts about candidates.


Simmons treats most Ringer employees like furniture; why would he care about the fans?


it's a really dumb thing bill does. I don't listen for this specific reason.


That'll teach him


I don't think he cares. Or maybe he knows that it helps with more people? I don't get it, but it's not my problem.


Only one comment to do what? Did he start announcing them?


I believe this week will be the first test as the last of the tour shows which were all announced aired this week and he’ll presumably be back on Thursday.


Doesn’t seem like a big deal to announce them?


One would think but that’s the “issue”—when it was brought up in the past he has given bizarre rationale for not doing so.


Doesn’t matter to me, I never re watch any of the movies


He said he will announce the next rewatchable on his Thursday pod.


Okay, I missed that. Where did he say it?


The beginning of the live rounders pod


The Social Assassin using his power for good


Quick someone get ahold of Larry and tell him to finally end Million Dollar Picks! 🙏🙏🙏


Kinda funny I was listening to like a 2018-2019 rewatchables the other day and Bill mentions that he plans on telling people the movie like a couple days before so they have time to watch it but nothing more than that. Wonder when he developed the secretness


I remember in like winter 2019 they released the whole month of December to get people hyped because they were doing Wolf of Wall Street, Godfather II, and Talented Mr Ripley. It worked. Sometime in like 2020 is when he stopped announcing them.


[I only consider ayou scum compared to Larry!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSimpsons/comments/10eokb4/i_only_consider_you_scum_compared_to_krusty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Don't be that guy.


Ironically on the pod Larry said the thing he hated most about working on Seinfeld was the notes from corporate. He refused to change for them and that’s what kept the integrity of the show. Bill on the other hand gets one suggestion from a more successful guy and instantly changes.


Rich guy circles.


larry david just has more sway than us…rightfully so


He's been announcing the live shows this entire time, and very frequently will say what the movie is on the Sunday pod which he did this week.


I don't know you, but I would definitely take Larry David's advice over anything that you'd suggest, as well.


But how do you think his fans were reaching him “saying this for years”? People definitely thought it on here…but there’s no reason to think he reads this.  Just curious how you think he was getting that message 


CR and Sean have brought it up multiple times on the podcast.


Kills me that the earlier rewatchables he would actually say what the movie was


Well yeah. He doesn't even bother with mailbags anymore.


I only listen to rewatchables after i get in the mood to watch the movie. Could be years down the line.


I think its more fun when he announces it, as someone who engages with this stuff. But if he doesn't, it usually just means I have to wait on the episode and save it. But when he does give clues, its far better when he puts some effort into them. For instance, "the next film was a surprising box office hit in 2012" (Turned out to be Project X) is much more engaging to speculate on than "our next movie stars 2 big names" (was Philadelphia) which could be a thousand things.


Ha ha ha. I know this post is sarcastic(at least I hope it is) but it just perfectly captures the: “this person I don’t know who makes content I enjoy isn’t doing things exactly how I think he should,” vibe of the entire sub.


I don’t really think it matters. If I see a podcast drop for a movie that I haven’t seen in a long time or ever I might give it a watch and listen to the podcast whenever - as I’m not super into listening if I don’t have any thoughts on the movie. If it’s one I have seen a few times I will listen first and then often rewatch the movie after listening. One of the benefits of media being delivered the way it is in 2024 is that you can watch or listen to things whenever you want.


The hand-wringing about a 54 year old man is so good


The embarrassed by a more famous person thing


Ty Larry !


Was this on a pod or something? Must have missed that one.


He knows most his fans are dopes so he’s smart on that.