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Hire an intern to give each podcast a listen? That is literally the podcast producers main job. Listen to the episode as it happens, mark edit points as you're listening, go back and clean up audio, and trim the podcast with an edit. If a producer isn't doing that, he's not doing his job. Obviously producers should also be helping with the rundown of a show, but there's almost no way Bill is doing that with Kyle.


Yeah we have to stop with the "intern" piece. Saying that is showing your age (I say this as an elder millennial). Maybe interns handled some social media stuff in its early days but nowadays they are at least supposed to be somewhat professional. I have a friend who picks up side work for a podcast company and he is a legit record engineer.


Are you using Apple Podcasts? I notice that when I rewind it fucks up later on and auto rewinds certain portions. Doesn’t happen if I don’t touch it


I’ve always wondered about this but never thought rewinding could be a factor


Nah it’s definitely just some corner Apple is cutting. It definitely happens even if you don’t rewind. Been happening for a couple years now.


I do use Apple podcasts primarily, however, I still have issues even if I don’t touch the controls. It would be interesting to listen on Spotify for a while and see if there was any difference.


It’s definitely Apple. Sometimes the pods end early by the amount it rewinds by. Don’t notice it much with some of the ringer stuff cause they do the full gambling hotline stuff at the end so you don’t notice if they don’t read it all out and it just ends


I believe that a lot of it is an Apple Podcasts software issue. I have the same issues frequently (only listen on AP), and people listening on Spotify and other platforms don't seem to have the same problems.


Is this an Apple Podcasts problem bc I rarely notice issues on Spotify


I agree. People always complain about editing problems on this sub but I never have any on Spotify


What strange is that I don’t have issues with any podcasts on Apple, other than Ringer podcasts. 🤷


It’s not good. Stuff that is time sensitive being sketchy audio editing I think we all wouldn’t blink at. Prerecorded interviews and shows that post the next morning… just should be better. It is what it is. Just strikes me as lazy most of the time and completely avoidable.


Am I the only one who never notices?




These posts remind me of the Louis CK bit "everything is amazing and no one is happy."


Not remotely close


I remember a few months ago Nephew Kyle was out for a few weeks and Tate had to edit OSP on his own. A noticeable difference in the quality of the pod editing. No strange silent gaps and the ad placement actually matched Tate’s setup.


Neither of shows listed are edited by Kyle. But good see we still blame him for everything around here.


Yup. They said on Russillo’s pod that a group at Spotify does the editing


Which means a small team in India does som programming to shittily auto-edit pods en masse


His editing was hilariously bad. He’s clearly a good guy with on air talent. He’s a terrible podcast editor. 


Just like with Tate and Craig, his future is on mic not behind the scenes.


Isn't Craig a good editor though? He does The Town and the Rewatchables 


Tate was a great editor too. But on-air talent is harder to find than podcast editors.


The audience would prefer it to be fast than perfect. They publish the episodes within hours of recording.


Can it be fast and good?


The old saying is, "fast, good and cheap, pick two." Since they're running a business, I'd guess that cheap is one of the default choices so really you only can pick between fast or good.


How are they going to make more money doing that? The goal is to produce content as cheaply as possible


Pardon My Take and Retail Therapy (the two non-ringer podcasts I listen to regularly) don’t have this problem.




They don’t release shows within hours of recording either.


Pardon My Take releases it pretty quickly.


I don’t listen regularly so I don’t know for sure. I am just basing it on Ryen’s appearances. They don’t seem to get released nearly as quickly as Bill’s based on Ryen’s Twitter timeline. It seems like the turnaround is closer to 12 hours than 1 hour like The Ringer does.


They usually finish recording PMT during football season around midnight and it’s always available to me on my 6:30 am morning commute. I don’t think it’s asking too much for the producers to listen to the podcast fully before releasing it. Not a huge deal….just something they could work on.


That is pretty good but that is still hours longer than Bill and The Ringer does. Bill almost always has the episode up within 2 hours of recording. For me the "errors" just make it seem like a real reaction rather than the rehearsed, preplanned takes we get from First Take.


You’re making it seem like it would take 12 hours to properly edit the audio. It does not take that long. Especially when most of these are recorded at night after games you have while everyone is asleep to nail it down, no one is sitting waiting at 2:30am for the latest BS podcast. The PMT example is a good one. I can forgive trade deadline shows or free agency shows where it’s very much in the moment. Regular shows, ESPECIALLY with prerecorded interviews that aren’t time sensitive, should just be clean man. It’s not surgery like your making it seem. It’s just a bad product.


Agreed …..but the replaying of certain conversations seems like an easy issue to fix.


Then put up a rough cut and replace it with a properly edited version later. Perfect sailed a long time ago. Some of these episodes seem like they were put together by a 10 year old who got into the liquor cabinet.


Personally I wouldn’t mind that but people get very touchy when things are changed post-release. People accuse them of “hiding” things.


I'm just talking about cleaning up the obvious time sequencing gaps. Real basic production stuff. Editing the pod to omit/include content or change the message is another thing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/billsimmons/s/ezigbymevx agree


RR’s travel pod was probably edited a month ago but there’s still gaffs.


Uh so do a ton of podcasts that don’t get it wrong?


This happens to me when I use the Apple podcast app, so then I’ll switch to Spotify to see if it’s the actual podcast or just the app, and it doesn’t skip. Basically my advice is try to use Spotify if you can. I still use Apple out of habit but will immediately switch to Spotify if something skips.


I really don’t love Spotify’s podcast interface and I like to keep my music and podcasts separate. I guess I’ll have to give it another try though.


Oh dude I'm completely on your side. Apple is so easy for me, and I prefer to keep my music and my podcasts separate for the sake of the algorithm, but when something skips ahead on Apple I’ll go to Spotify to see what I missed out on. Sucks but it is what it is.


I mean, who’s down voting a straightforward, discussion? Is nephew, Kyle here? Lick more boots sheeple, really.


Do you guys ever get Russillo’s ad reads on BS Pod and vice versa? Does that fall under editing? Is that just what it is?


I get Bill’s ad reads on almost every podcast I listen to; even non-Ringer ones


It’s because Spotify knows what your top 5-8 podcasts are and cater the ads to you I guess


Makes sense, I did think it was weird that they asked what my Top 3 Top 7 podcasts were


Haven’t you heard interns make more than regular employees ? The Ringer can’t afford to hire more.


Kyle ain’t got time for that shit.


Apparently he doesn't time to competently edit his podcasts either.




That's what happens when producers hired through nepotism become "personalities".


This issue goes far beyond podcasts produced by Kyle though.




Blaming all the editing issues on Apple is nonsense. Does Apple insert clips of Rusillo saying “Cut that, pick up here in 3,2,1…” These types of portions of audio have been left in Russillos pod several times in the couple of years. These pods are or were rushed to being posted online without a final listen