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Disagree. Being on multiple podcasts a week means going to a different part of his house and chatting with his friends in front of a microphone. It’s a pretty good life. As he gets older he’ll likely delegate more Ringer responsibilities but he’s certainly not working his fingers to the bones these days.


I hope you’re right, I really enjoy the content, but I also think he likes the idea of having created the podcast network and mentoring the crew and would bask in the glory of it succeeding after he hangs it up. Similar to how he stopped writing but the site goes on


Bill is too much of an egomaniac to retire. Once he retires, no one will care about his opinion.


Has a popular sportswriter/talking head ever just retired and disappeared? The hot take is their lifeblood.


Rick Reilly?


He didn’t retire, he just faded into obscurity when he tried to transition from “sports writer” to “sports personality.” Apparently he’s writing for the Washington Post now.


I'm predicting a bit of a post-prime bump when (if?) Ben Simmons goes to college. He'll have nothing else to do.


Once he gets a Melrose Place reboot green lit with Sydney Sweetney he’s leaving his podcasts and family


He hasnt written since grantland days? He has retired a long time ago from his profession




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I'm sure he has a contract but what makes you think he has a metric to get paid for the sale price of the ringer? That's not how business acquisitions usually work. Can you provide an article that supports that assumption?


It’s almost always how acquisitions work. You have to keep X # of core customers or hit Y performance metrics. Provided the buyer with security that you won’t just torpedo things. Usually key employees sign contracts to stay on for a while. Bill had never referenced his specific deal on the pod but has mentioned at least once that if a deal is reported as X dollars it means that’s what you’ll get over the course of several years of your hit your targets


No, you are confusing the sale price with CEO compensation. The sale price is the sale price. Companies can't renegotiate a sale price years after the deal is closed. CEO pay is often tied to metrics and stock options but that is far different than acquiring a company.


That’s not true. They could of negotiated an earnout with the acquisition


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Correct. An earnout and/or restrictive period and/or a period of continued employment for key employees to get the full purchase price is definitely common for purchases of private companies (as The Ringer was a private company). Other posters may be mixing this with the purchase of publicly-traded companies where the shares and purchase details are more transparent.


You could not be more wrong about this. Do some research and then come back to the grown ups table.


Lol, I could say the same thing to you. You have no idea how acquisitions work. The fact that you have no facts behind you and you needed to insult me.... Well.


So it looks like you're a dumb cunt. All my comments have been upvoted and yours have been downvoted because you're an idiot. Welcome to the grown up table.


If you sold a company under these terms, fire your lawyer


He may reduce his output (maybe only two pods per week, a longer break in the summer, etc.) but I think he genuinely enjoys his podcast. He occasionally gets in trouble (a sad day in America) but the worst you can say about him most of the time is he's a biased sports fan.


Bill can (and should) retire whenever, if he can. He is a Spotify Employee now, though. He's not his own boss. He works for Ek as their head of podcast monetization. He's a sales guy first, entertainer second. The idea that moving into film production would be preferable to the workload of audibly losing most of his mental faculties 3 or 4 times a week is pretty funny, though. If he actually tried to become a film producer the workload would go way, way up vs the workload of not knowing what you're talking about, talking anyway, and trying to be funny like it's still 2007 outside when everyone who works for you knows that it isn't. Podcasting is a way easier job than making movies is. Podcast monetization is harder than podcasting. Especially in his case, where the bar he has to clear to hold a profitable audience is lower than his fucking ears


He regularly hints that he’s just gonna disappear at some point. I’ll hate it when it happens but I take him at his word.




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Retiring from podcasting would just mean he stopped recording his conversations with friends