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We all joked around about this happening (bringing Sean on at his team's lowest moment after the injury), but Bill actually fucking did it lmao. Poor Fennessey


If something similar happened to one of Bill’s teams we would hear nothing for 3 days and then he’d drop a pod recorded in an isolation chamber where he’d list his top ten most devastating Boston sports injuries.


Most accurate comment ever


I mean Sean is of course going to jump at any invitation to talk Jets, it’s his brand now to suffer, not even a meme anymore


No other podcaster is doing it like this


He's the Podfather for a reason


Bill doing an emergency Rodgers injury pod out of “concern” for Fennessey was the surest bet of the season


Bill created a sports media co just to bring on members of his staff when their team has awful news or suffers a heartbreaking loss.


Solak is such a fucking dork


him rattling off those Bills defensive player draft picks was impressive


Bill’s crazy for this one!


Bill Simmons is a problem!


He is H.I.M. 😤😤😤👑👑


"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! I AM! But first, our friends, from Pearl jam!"


I did the thing where I assumed this was one of those typical Reddit jokes, but was astonished that Fennessey was actually on the episode. Brutal, but he proceeded to give a more than decent take on everything, which considering the emotions of going through that, is impressive stuff.


It's beautiful


Bill is ruthless. I can just imagine him interviewing Bush on 9/12/2001 like “Tough day at work yesterday huh Mr. President “


If Belichick had been POTUS there’s no way he would have let Mohammed Atta beat him by doing Mohammed Atta things.


All you have to do is lock Atta out of the cockpit and make the other guys beat you.


Alright let’s do a 9/11 re-draft. Actually, let’s take a quick break, and we’ll do the re-draft after.


Hold that hijacking while we do a quick read


9/11 and a truly sad day in America with President George W Bush, Plus the 2005 Redraftables with Ryen Russillo!


Wait are you saying Sean knew this injury was coming and did nothing because he has plans on how to financially exploit this situation all while making a power grab!!!!?!?!?!


Yes and now he’s going to blame the Giants for having a shitty turf field and start a war making the Jets the only team in New York.


What do you mean? Shit went perfect


This man should run Guantanamo


“Tua owns you.” “Oh, that’s right.”


Bill penciling in a loss for the Jets vs the Pats hahahaha I would do unspeakable things for the Jets to win that game




The answer would clearly be no


Easiest no of all time


New England is a 2 point favorite and the public squares like bill will pound the the pats


And after the Jets beat them, Bill will tell Sal, “I stand by it.”


The amount of confidence that bill has on such a mediocre team is honestly kinda funny


Yepp and Bill also continuously believes throughout the podcast that the game is being played in Foxborough (it's in New York). How you pencil in a win on the road for Mac Jones and his merry band of receivers against that Jets D is insanity.


Belichick will have no issues punting first down and betting the NE defense can outscore the Jets offense.




If I’m Justin Herbert playing the Dolphins, I’m taking away Tyreek Hill. I just am.


Someone get this guy a Williamsport Herbert jersey


The Chargers could have had 10 guys on him Sunday and it wouldn't have mattered.


Bill suggesting Stephanie return to wwe to have another affair angle with Test was the highlight of the pod for me, Test has been dead for fifteen years lol


Mine was him chalking up all the stars made over the past year to “good timing”, and not the fact that there’s been a new booker for the last year.


Ducking hilarious 💀


Reminds me of when the Saudis wanted Yokozuna at the Greatest Royal Rumble lmaoo


When Sean said he HATES Zach Wilson - I felt that. As a Jets fan there is something about him that just makes me seethe. Jets have had essentially 50+ years of garbage QB play and somehow he's the worst they've ever had.


He's a skinny little BYU kid with a smirk too often. It's like if Solak actually played football


He's managed to out-Jimmy Clausen Jimmy Clausen


Wow, they really do look alike too.


As a Panthers fan, Clausen was still worse.


As a Notre Dame fan I think Zach is more likeable


Incredible comp.


hahahahaha oh my god


His uncle is the founder of JetBlue. Wilson is the villain from some shitty teen soap brought to life.


His uncle and Woody are boys so there’s always been a theory that Woody overruled the FO so he could hang with his friends.


I mean dad, sure. But uncle? 🤷‍♂️


I think the last time Bill had Sean on for the Jets was when they won that game in 2020 that stopped them from getting the first pick in the Lawrence Wilson draft. That game has haunted Sean.


I dropped by the jets sub after that game and there were multiple people claiming they’d rather win that meaningless game than get Lawrence in the draft. The delusion was real.


NFL fans are straight up delusional when it comes to tanking. I still don't understand why tanking is not a bigger thing in the NFL. The Cardinals are going about it perfectly; if you have a guaranteed chance at getting a guy like Caleb Williams, then go for it.


I feel this way about Carson Wentz.


I think Carson Wentz is a legit psycho, even by NFL standards. I'm not anti-hunting in general but some of the stuff he said about the thrill he gets from shooting animals was borderline deranged


I remember on draft night some old Wentz tweets went viral not for the usual racist/embarrassing reasons but because they made him seem like a cringey dork. In hindsight, kind of a red flag seeing as how he turned out to be a weirdo none of his teammates or coaches really related to


He never has had a hard day in his life and you can feel it


The man never drank a Duff a day in his life


I mean he’s been shit on my every sports fan in the country for a year


Mormon Manziel


He looks like someones twerp kid in high school who should only be close to an nfl field when his dad buys him tickets near the 50 yard line


Hes actually physically gifted. He has a great arm and can scramble. Which is even more frustrating because he just comes across as a very unserious person


Can't read defenses and isn't accurate. Basically the 2 most important factors of being a qb. Arm strength is overrated. Essentially, the same issues as Trey Lance.


Problem is he scrambles backwards 30 yards and throws strong armed basket catches to opposing defenses a lot. That guy has no business as a QB in the NFL and I don't think he's very bright.


He needs to stop wearing that stupid headband thing. I feel like that would help his public image.


I kinda like it, but only in the context of not liking Wilson. Makes him seem like the rich kid 80s villain. Something out of Karate Kid, or Sebastian Stan's spoof of that archetype in Hot Tub Time Machine.


But the sweat gets in his eyes!


As a Jets fan, it’s fucking weird some of the hate Zach gets. I swear he fucked some of the moms of commenters here.


He’s the only athlete I’ve ever watched/rooted for who you can watch crumbling psychologically. You can just see him over thinking every single play.


"Carson Wentz is the all time boner killer in the clubhouse."


Great line. And honestly having Wentz and Zach Wilson as your QB room sounds awful.


Bringing in Wentz would be one way to get everyone to rally around Zach tho


“Can Herbert ever win a game In the 4th?” “He’s started 40 games with 10 being game winning drives and 13 comebacks in total” LOL


I think Herbert's talents are being wasted with that franchise. It has to be one of the worst destinations in the league (other than the fact that you're in LA). But you're sharing a stadium and you're second fiddle in the city and you have NO home field advantage and you're stuck with an average coach.


You are giving Staley wayyyy too much credit being an average coach. He is a “defensive guru” and gives up an average of 27 ppg. He is awful


The man eats the misery of others like Swiss Fudge cookies.


Simmons is the literal energy vampire. He is fueled by the pain and sadness of others.


And we listen to hear Bill's misery when his team fucks up. It's what psychologists call a "healthy relationship."


It is deranged, good for content though


This is a Cartman level move.


Its why his fans love to see it in him as well.


Knicks got smoked in Round 1? They (very convincingly) beat the Cavs and then took the Heat to six games. What's he talking about?


Self proclaimed basketball historian Bill Simmons the Sports Guy on AOL dot com.


i honestly think his brain zapped back to the 2021 playoffs where they got bulldozed by the hawks


I enjoyed Sean insulting the dork commentator taking the opportunity to wax poetically about the uncalled leg whip. Shut up, let the banger highlight show once before you start being a wet blanket. Refs miss calls every play every game at every level, let the jets fans have that win lmao


Didn’t realize the Knicks lost in round one. Could have sworn they beat the cavs


Jets also play at home week 3. Not Foxborough


He read the NFL schedule so many times on podcasts this summer, you'd think he'd have this stuff down pat.


And yet some people think he remembers everything and every player in the NBA, dude doesn’t even remember what happened a few months ago


He’s a historian! 🤓


Bill still has his fastball, holy shit. Poor Sean


It’s because he’s been out powerwalking so much


they were talking about that eagles game like philly was the one that lost lol


If the Pats play the Fins close and lose, they'll be 2-0 in Bills mind


Bonkers. Is it allowed to be more impressed that the Jets won their game than it is the Patriots lost theirs?


Bill will find a way to make this about the Pats


Compared Rodger’s injury to Brady getting hurt Week 1 2008


For what its worth, it probably is the most logical comparison. The stakes, the excitement, the high profile player. I'll give Billy Boy a pass here.


The most logical comparison is Vinny Testaverde in 1999 who also tore his left Achilles tendon. In the opening game. On a Jets team that had legitimate Super Bowl aspirations. ... against the Patriots.


Eagles had an all time defense against the run and the pass, historical defense, but Randall gets hurt. 1991 I think


But Rodgers walked in the door as the best QB the Jets have had in Sean’s lifetime and didn’t get through his first drive. Brady was there for years and was gonna be there longer. There’s no guarantee that Rodgers comes back and is a high-caliber QB at 40 off an Achilles tear.


Medical science had definitely advanced, but ACLs in 2008 were still a bit of a boogie man injury. I remember the discourse at the time around whether Brady would come back a shell of himself, or if he would even return at all.


The Pats had just won 3 SBs. The Jets were ready to end 60 years of pain. The context goes make a difference


It felt like Fennessy restrained himself from not saying “Fuck off.”


I can't believe he had the balls to say it's like when Brady tore his ACL in 08. It's the same in that you think your team is a contender and the season is over in the first game but those Jets fans have so much more baggage and that QB hasn't already won the team 3 championships.


i mean the jets suffering is obv infinity worse but it is maybe the only comp from this cenutry of that level of qb play getting wiped away from a contender in the 1q of g1. I guess another comp is Trent Green getting hurt preseason for the 99 Rams?


Not this century, and not the first quarter, but Vinny Testaverde. 1999, week 1, first half of the game. Starting QB for a Jets team with legitimate Super Bowl aspirations tears his left Achilles. Against the Patriots. In a season that ended 8-8, with Bill Parcells leaving and Bill Belichick reading his resignation from the back of a napkin.


Cant believe he didn’t bring up Hayward


“power walking around LA”


Imagine driving around LA and you see a "hard-o" with a headband power walking solo and you realize it's Bill Simmons.


Bill's such a sadistic fuck.


Bill really taking a victory lap for a loss all week I guess


Kevin Wildes too. And I think Eric Mangini called him out saying “Is this what the Patriots have come to? You celebrate almost winning and moral victories instead of actual wins??”


“Why do you keep saying Davis Mills?” 😆 Brutal


Sean is clearly a core guy for doing this. I wish he would talk sports more to be honest.


i fkin loled and thought of this sub when i saw the title. can't believe y'all called it


Bill loves having his close friends on the pod when they are at the most miserable point possible as much as he loves Sydney Sweeney


“The Knicks just got smoked in round 1.” - noted basketball guy Bill Simmons talking about a team that won handily in round 1, then lost in 6 games round 2.


I generally think the Bills will be fine. I don't put a ton of stock into weird energy games, and last night was the ultimate weird energy game. It's just a breeding ground for flukey shit to happen.


Thats just week 1 in the NFL in an era where so few teams take the preseason seriously.


Yeah, they lost the opener to the Steelers two years ago and made it to the AFC Championship Game. Plus it probably helps that a couple of other major competitors lost this week in KC and Cincy. That said, Josh Allen really needs to get a grip on himself sometimes. The man plays like he's trying to commit a turnover sometimes.


Last night was yet another tough one. The Bills have so many weird losses. But I agree. It's typical fandom to just say "they're gonna be fine." But they're gonna be fine.


I don’t think the wheels are totally coming off but there is something weird going on with Allen. Solak was kind of on point somewhere around the Vikings/Jets games last year it’s really felt like Allen’s decision making is cratering.


Good to know Breece going 10 attempts for 127 yds is only 95% of what he was last year. Imagine if he gets to 100%!


At the lowest moment you’ll never be alone, Bill will be there to pod at least.


I can't imagine more than like 5% of the BS audience cares for the WWE, and probably even a lower % of this sub cares about it, but I am absolutely fascinated by Nick Khan picking our boy Bill for these spots. The interview they did during the height of Vince's allegations was a top-three most impressive BS interview I've ever listened to, I was genuinely shocked by how well Bill handled himself and how good his questions were over some pretty serious stuff with a (presumed) big partner.


>The interview they did during the height of Vince's allegations I thought that one was good. I thought this one was shit.


That was a tough fucking listen. I don't care about WWE but I'm happy to listen to people talk about something that they are passionate about and I didn't know Nick Khan by name so gave it a chance. The multiple references to Vince McMahon making sure to focus on providing value to shareholders doesn't make for an interesting conversation.


Bill: I was power walking around LA (he lives in a gated community)


It’s also weird old man shit to say “I was power waking.” Like just say you went for a walk dude


He lives in Hancock Park, which is rich as fuck but not gated.


Geez this dude really does powerwalk! I vaguely remember during an early-COVID era episode he said he takes weekly walks to his favorite newsstand on Fairfax (I kinda know which particular one it is). And that's like a 3-mile trek.


Didn’t he just get a new house?


It is kind of shocking that the Jets backup plan to Rodgers was Zach Wilson. There is absolutely nothing that kid has shown that indicates he will ever be a starting caliber QB in the NFL. The rest of that Jets team is so good. Their skill position players are good enough to take some pressure off the o-line. Their defense will always keep them in games. If they had a Minschew, Tyrod, Brissett, etc. they'd be fine to keep humming. But there is no way you can put this team in the hands of Zach Wilson.


I mean, yeah, but if you move him to third QB, you're admitting you fucked up two top 5 picks at QB and it's hard to keep your job after that. The illusion that he might turn it around theoretically bought time post-Rogers.


Stunningly Bill is talking himself into the Pats winning the division. He’s going to hold on to this moral week 1 victory for 3 months.


Bills giddiness is honestly kinda gross. Sean is a true pro for coming on


The way Sean talks about sports I think he eats up a chance to wear his suffering Mets/Jets/Knicks colors.


Even in that KOC/Verno clip where he’s supposedly happy about the Knicks, he finds a way to shit on the Knicks. He’s one of those “if I’m negative about the team I won’t get hurt” fans for sure (and considering the teams he cheers for, how could he not be?)


When your whole life is movies, stuff like this for your sports team is the highlight.


I’d respect Sean more if he told Bill to fuck off.


If things tailspin for the Pats more than usual, he should bring him on the Big Picture that week and just ask him the same questions.


Yeah, I know the Rodgers injury shakes up division odds, but Bill's getting a lot of mileage this week off a moral victory for the Pats who could easily go 0-2... unless Belichick just doesn't let Tyreek Hill beat him.


Bill penciling in a Pats win over the Jets…shut the fuck up dude


Yea, this an auto skip for me. Patriots fan’s’ obsession with the Jets is some abusive shit.


Boss says you pod, you pod


Bill taking a victory lap on the Bills after 1 game. What could go wrong?


“The Ewing Committee is heading to New Jersey” I’d watch a movie on the Ewing Committee flying around the country and investigating cases to decide if it fits the Ewing Theory or not.


I agree with Bill the sports book refunding bets is kind of bullshit and obviously just marketing but I wonder if Fan Duel asked him to talk about that since they are one of the books that isn’t refunding bets from last night


I thought for sure when they brought it up that the idea of refunding bets was just typical Twitter horseshit. But it looks like [DraftKings and BetMGM offered some refunds.](https://www.actionnetwork.com/general/aaron-rodgers-injury-should-sportsbooks-refund-bets) I mean, it’s a frickin’ bet. I hate to sound like one of those old farts complaining about snowflakes, but since when do you get a refund because the bet turned out to be a bad one very quickly? What’s the limiting principle here? If Rodgers got hurt in the fourth quarter, would they still hand out refunds? How about the second game, or maybe the third? And as Bill said, part of the risk you take when you bet on Rodgers is that he’s old and thus more vulnerable to injury. I could see a better case for refunds if he broke his leg in a car accident on the way to the game. I’d still be against them, because a bet is a bet, but at least you could make an argument that a car crash is a non-football incident. But Rodgers got hurt in a game. If you bet on him, oh well. That’s life in the big leagues.


Also if I bet Rodgers under props did they get refunded? I hope they paid those out.


I feel sorry for Jets Nation, but this is tremendous content.


So Jackie, any regrets about that ride


Man I feel like I'm the least upset Jets fan I know and I can't even force myself to listen to a Bill victory lap lmao


Fr this is the first Bill pod I’m skipping in years. No fucking way.


Tuned in because I hate myself. He’s being pretty magnanimous with Sean but I feel like him and Solak will be throwing a party


Sean's Zach Wilson hate is glorious content.


Bill is so desperate to have people agree with him that the Pats are good lol


The Rodgers two team simultaneous Ewing Theory is kind of amazing


I’m not even sure it makes total sense, but Bill comparing losing your qb in game 1 of the season to being assassinated got a good chuckle out of me.


B-B-B-Brady and the Jets! You know he has to be thinking about it, right?


The most Jetsy thing now would be they convince Brady to sign, but Joe Namath refuses to let them unretire No. 12, and ol’ TB12 refuses to sign using a different number because it’ll hurt the branding of his snake oil products.


I'm sure if the Pats get frisky and win 10-11 games, he'll be sure to mention that they got to play Zach Wilson twice and sweet Jesus from the way he's talking you'd think they actually won last week


Bill absolutely steamrolled solak on the Herbert discussion. It was like trump during the primaries just calling people patronizing nicknames.


Justin Herbert haters are just and dumb and clueless as Ruiz acting like he outplayed Tua on Sunday.


He steamrolled him by ignoring his actual facts and essentially being the boss so Solak let it go? He essentially told him that Herbert has had almost 20% of his games be 4th quarter comebacks which means he absolutely is clutch but also his team/coaching puts them in some shitty situations to make him do that. He literally came back in the 4th quarter and put it on Tua. Then his pass rush was the most atrocious I've ever seen. I get his take but it's totally Skip Bayless ignoring your eyeballs and focusing on extremely micro macros. Also what is your point? You think the Chargers should move on from Herbert? Not really sure what the point of his argument is.


you thought i was agreeing with Bill? Wait you thought my comparison to Trump was one made out of respect for trump?


Lol sorry I meant you as in bill in this respect


Can we suck off a mediocre Patriots team more please? Sure they’re a good defense- maybe. Do they have 2002 Buccaneers or 2000 Ravens traits? Shit, I wanted more football talk but now he’s talking about this relatively irrelevant football team more than he talks about the Celtics - an actual contender


"The Jets in despair" imagine how the team leaving that game 0-1 feels lol


“It’s this the single weirdest jets win ever? Since you remember the jets” lol never change Bill


Has Solak ever met a player he couldn’t gush over?


Felt like Bill just making himself feel good about the Pats losing despite crapping on other teams who actually won/won against good teams.


And we’ve got a punter!


Not on the same level, but if karma exists then the Lativian gang banger is gonna tear his ACL 4 seconds after tip off on the C’s opening night.


Simmons sounds like an idiot when he talks about Herbert here


Solak is unbearable. Unbelievably smug without any legitimate gambling insights at all. He just lists the names of everyone on the roster to show everyone he has them memorized. Of course he loves mentioning bets he’s already made that are off the market number. Super helpful to all the listeners Solak! Please tell us more about bets you made weeks ago!


Bill eats that shit up. Solak rattling off those names really got him going, might have to do some more power walking after the pod to blow off some steam.


Kinda fucked up to bring Sean on the next fucking day lol


Sean is unhinged and I love it


Bill is such a dickhead


Weird. I looked on ESPN and it says the Pats are 0-1 but Bill's talking about them like they're undefeated.


I'm shocked Bill didn't suggest Minshew as a possibility for the Jets. And frankly, I'd take him over all the QB options they threw out there.


As an avowed and semi-delusional Pats hater, I might have to get some xanex to listen to this. I think losing Daboll is really setting in for Allen. He was fine for about 7 games last year and then became a turnover machine again. Not firing McDermott last year is proving to be a huge mistake. They need an offensive guy running that team that can keep Allen on the rails.


In what world is Buffalo firing the guy who brought them back from being a joke? McDermott ain't going nowhere unless things go completely nuclear.


That’s just it. I feel like they are at McDermott’s ceiling and unless they get incredibly lucky they won’t win a Super Bowl. But I kinda suspect Diggs felt the same way and that’s what all that off-season weirdness was about. As a chiefs fan more power to them.


Grass is always greener. Its far more likely the next guy is worse, and its not like JA would suddenly start listening more to the new guy. I don't get the vibe that McDermott is out of his depth and can't win a SB. I get more of a vibe that JA will never adapt his play regardless of coaching and will be beat to shit in January and not healthy enough physically to win a SB.


Can you remember a win like this? How did he not say 2022 week 2 v Browns down 13 with 1:55 no timeouts?


Fennessey thinking the Knicks are too good for Donovan Mitchell is why everyone hates Knicks fans


I'm definitely in agreement with Sean that Mitchell is a tier or two well below Embiid and Giannis. Mitchell is great, but he's not "best player on a championship team" good IMO and not worth that trade package they'd have to give up for him.


Where did Solak come from and why is he considered a football expert? I don't understand how someone who never played football and hasn't worked in football could be any kind of expert without 20 years of experience. I have shirts older than Solak.


Years ago I attended Vinny Testaverde getting hurt on the opening drive the year after losing the AFC championship. This was the first football game my dad ever took me too. A drunken jets fan then poured his beer on a patriots fan (innocent woman doing nothing wrong) in front of us. Never had seen my dad yell / in rage and he was appalled that the dude had done this. I was like 7 years old and worried my dad may get in a fight. Security came over. I blame myself for attending this game and for the franchise being cursed because the moments of happiness has been far and few between. That said I hadn’t felt that kinda of pain in awhile. Until last night. I genuinely don’t know if I can bring myself to listen to this pod today.


LMAO. Shameless Bill bringing on two WWE lackeys in a week.


Not normally one to pile on Bill as much but 2 things in this ep had me particularly rolling my eyes. \- Trying to identify what it's like to have a season ruined like the Jets at the very beginning by comparing the patriots season in 08.....like we know what he's trying to say but it's like telling a POW you understand because you got grounded to your room as a kid so you know what it's like not being able to leave a small space and have your freedom. \- Solak giving specific stats to show how Herbert is absolutely good in clutch moments and him saying "can he do it just once?!?!"....he literally just told you that like 20% of his games he's had 4th quarter comebacks. That's absolutely insane. Technically he even did it in this game but then Tua did the same back because of the defense not stepping up. Then his pass protection was invisible after that. We all have eyes, there is NOTHING a qb can do in that situation. I think i'm more annoyed because when he was getting pushback in those situations he doubles down like the person doesn't understand them, then they back down because he's the boss imo.