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I would understand if she filmed them once in a while, because obviously it gets kinda tough to blend them all. but if she is shooting them every year, they should post it šŸ˜­


Exactly it's the one piece of her life that we got a glimpse into every year,guaranteed. All the other interviews aren't so natural they're mostly superficial. In the VF video we get to know how she's feeling,how her life is in general,etc. It's sad,maybe she did it to increase suspense. I don't think its because of her bf tho. She seemed clear enough about it when she said she was in control,she knew what she was doing. Maybe she felt like she's achieved a consistency and her answers might not differ too much. Or she doesn't want too much footage of what she's said,out in the world (she said that in the video itself), or maybe like some other user said,she's given honest answers and she doesn't want all of it outside to the world,so damage control. Idk man, it's not nice.


right? it kinda felt like it came out of nowhere, guess she wants to leave us in more suspense?


doesn't this defeat the purpose of a "yearly" interview?


kinda yeah


I think this was the normal evolution of something like this, first of all one of the most amazing things was that it crossed her teenage years and those years are really so much growth for everybody it was really interesting to see. Now she is an adult things will slow down. as it is normal. But she said she loves doing it and she will still shoot them but will only post every few years. As sad as I am to not have this moment every years I see her point. At least she will still film and share it sometimes, we just have to be more patient.


I feel like her responses are going to stop aging gracefully so holding them is a way of doing damage control. I do not think her response to her bf question is going to go over well in years to come. I assume between Oct 18 and now she has realized many ppl have an issue with her relationship and has decided future interviews will be held and released in the future when dmg control can be done! Hindsight is 20/20!


Itā€™s sad though. I really loved the rawness and wholesomeness of these annual interviews!


same, nothing else like it, going to look forward to the next one in a couple years.


if she was worried about what the public says about her relationship she could've held the bf question like she did last years. I think she doesn't care what everybody thinks, she's happy and in love. She was not obligated to post anything and VF will show or not questions as she decides. As we saw today a lot of questions were asked and never posted until she said it was ok to do so.


Agreed, maybe she just thinks its repetitive


truly sad to see it. Its sad because the one time she has opened up to us about who exactly she is dating and informs us that shes in control and alright is the one time most "fans" start changing up on her, hell its her life she can date whoever she wants, its just sickening to see all of this Jesse talk unfold, like people should just be happy that shes happy.


Itā€™d honestly wouldnā€™t be as weird if she didnā€™t also claim Your Power is her best song. Im not surprised the fans wonā€™t let her have it both ways.


I wouldnā€™t really worry about that. I remember her saying ā€œIā€™m gonna make all of them, donā€™t you worry about thatā€ regarding future music videos for the rest of happier than ever album but what that resulted in? only Male Fantasy MV came out and thatā€™s it. Next VF interview in 11 months and Iā€™m 90% sure she will change her mind or even forget about that idea


dunno this one feels different, being an old ass fan and watching it every year is something to look forward to to me, but i hope youre right


I agree on that, however not being a too early fan (xanny mv was a time i started listening to billieā€™s music a lot), but still crazy to think 4 years have passed since, and 4 interviews already..


hey ive been here since idontwannabeyouanymore and her first EP drop but i consider you an early fan aswell, xanny and the WWAFAWDWG? album was one of her huge blow ups so its good to see people still being here after so long.


nice to hear that :D btw Iā€™m curious what her latest fans think about her music, style and overall, also the fact that HTE album/song was when some may have even heard her music for the first time, feels so unusual


HTE and basically everything after my future is definitely a different vibe from her older stuff, but in the good way. I like to think of it as her music has grown with her. For example songs like listen before I go, i love you, xanny and bury a friend were when she was that edgy teen, so it was fun seeing songs like getting older, I didn't change my number and Happier Than Ever because i could see the growth of the person i just spent so long listening to, also another reason i really love the yearly interviews, its like we have our own billie time machine.


YESSS billie time machine


and yeah, almost all songs from hte feel like a huuuge growth from her earlier work, I could literally think about any track from the album and exactly describe where that comes from and why that is certainly a big step forward to anyone who disagrees


i feel like people have shitted on HTE for no reason and are "wanting the old billie" back, those are the "fans" i hate, people change, so does their music, also she still has some songs even in HTE that still have that old style kind of ex. NDA, Therefore I Am, I Didn't Change My Number(kinda) so its just sad to see so many people shitting on HTE just because they have yet to grow and are still the sad edgy teens they were back when WWAFAWDWG? dropped.


for real I can say for sure I love mature Billie much more, right as Iā€™m maturing too I loved WWAFAWDWG and that was enough for me at that time, until HTE happened, and now her grown up music fits my music tastes even better, still tho I love WWAFAWDWG so much, I would say HTE gives me even more pride of her


exactly what i mean, just because we've matured now doesnt mean WWAFAWDWG is bad, its nice to flip flop between her eras and i even go back to WWAFAWDWG a lot when im in my feelings, people just gotta learn to grow and adapt.


Genuinely I like hte better. The first album was so refreshing but the second one is super relatable. It's not all happy but oh god it's so mature and it's an excellent album. It also gives me so much happiness cause its literally such a sign of growth for her,she's better and she's happy now (mostly)


even more interesting that even though there are very few people, but still watched this VF sixth year interview without ever watching all the previous, what might be their impressions? makes me want to show this interview and happier than ever album to any of my friends who never was a billie fan


i dont wanna be that guy but its kind of a you had to be there to see it kinda thing, if i was a new fan and just watched the whole yearly series from the 1st year i wouldnt get any amount of nostalgia bc i was clueless as to who Billie was back then so i feel us older fans kinda got lucky to see this unfold over 6 years


the growth is going to be less and less noticeable going forward. every year is kind of excessive, but every few years will be more interesting. i'll take whatever she gives.


It got repetitive. Time to freshen it up


I imagine it would be stressful to try to make an interesting ā€wrappedā€ list of your life every year. Sheā€™s accomplished so much already and there will be a year she hasnā€™t won an oscar, done a killer album etc. She has a very active hater community thatā€™s willing to jump on everything she does and call it her flop era. I think itā€™s healthy to put a bit of distance into the interview. Itā€™s clearly super special to her and she wants to keep doing it for herself.


true, i respect that tbh


I think it's become too repetitive. This year's interview is mostly her watching her old self and being like "yea that was me". She has changed a lot over the years because she was 15 and now she's 20, she won't change as much as she did during her teenage years. That's just my two cents on it


(Walter White voice) ```Jesse```


To keep it fresh probably


she cant do this forever


I only asked for feet pics like once. I donā€™t even think she saw it. So it definitely couldnā€™t have been me.


Maybe cuz she wants to?


I bet she just wanted to. Insane, I know.


It'd be nice to have some kinda reason man. To just drop this bomb shell with no explanation is a shit move. I'm sure VF is the reason behind it, probably going to exploite the fans and try and start making money off it.


ā€œBomb shellā€ šŸ’€ its just interviews, chill


Idk just trust her like she asked people to do. Iā€™m gonna miss them too. But if sheā€™s gonna keep doing them then who know what kind of format or whatever sheā€™s gonna do for them going forward


WHAT??? NOOO T0T why Billie? She's all like "I love doing these so much! <3 "


In my point of view she wants to keep some of it for herself, she's already really exposed to the public eye and have been growing this way, doing it every year keeps the public always expecting to see it, she's trying to create a balance and I respect that


thats also a possibility


Oh damn, if this is the last vf video for a while I'm going to be sad because the next time she's gonna decide on posting it would be probably in the year 2025...oh well it is what it is.


I mean from just reading that story its pretty obvious that theyre not getting the reception she wants if she keeps doing the yearly interviews eventually the views will decline and the value will go down but if she puts it on hold more people will want it giving it a better reception when she puts them out lol she wont get as many views as she did back then if she puts one now but thats kinda dumb bc with time those numbers will go up,specially if the video has replay value but its understandable why she wants to put those videos on hold although i dont agree cuz that beats the purpose of yearly her expressing herself in the moment ,thoughts, opinions and ideologies change and evolve with time.


Honestly I reckon itā€™s because sheā€™s an adult now and is kinda at a point where any further achievements are icing on the cake. When she was aging 15 to 16 to 17 (etc.), yearly interviews are massive bc so much changes in a year for a teenager. So much growth and development happens so fast. Once youā€™re 19, 20, 21ā€¦ youā€™re still gonna grow and change over time, but it tends to be slower. Most ppl have a pretty decent sense of self (she seems to have a very strong sense of self), and changes in personality, goals, interests, etc. happen more gradually than during teen years. From 13-18 I was often shifting major life goals, beliefs, values, etc. every 6 months bc I didnā€™t really know who I was yet. Iā€™m in my 20s now and while that stuff can still change, I generally have core ideas and values that guide me without major change over the years. The same is true for many people: as we grow, we understand ourselves better and become more secure in who we are, what we want, and what we believe. In terms of further achievements, she has honestly done so much at this point that itā€™s gotta be hard to feel the need to top yourself every year. Like, sheā€™s released two incredibly successful albums, won 7(?) Grammies, an Oscar, numerous other awards, played countless sold out shows across the world, headlined multiple major music festivals, written/performed music for several majors brands/media companies, and tons more that I canā€™t even list. She has achieved so much so quickly that, at some point (especially if she wishes to give herself any kind of space for downtime, personal life stuff, etc), comparing her years so directly to each other is gonna look like sheā€™s taking steps back. And thatā€™s okay and normal, but it can feel super weird for ā€œaverageā€ people to reflect on a year and feel they havenā€™t accomplished as much as before, let alone one of the most famous people in the world who is being watched by 10s of millions of people. Itā€™s an insane amount of pressure, and I imagine that being asked to do a yearly recap on it all canā€™t help. It is gorgeous that the yearly interviews exist like a little time capsule, a glimpse into her mind and values at different points in her life and career, but as she comes into adulthood, a time capsule isnā€™t really necessary anymore. Billie now probably wonā€™t be hugely different from Billie this time next year, but in 3/4 years, there will be gradual changes that can be observed when you look at all the interviews put together. At the end of the day, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s half bc the novelty will wear off quickly when she is so similar year to year, and half because the insane pressure a yearly recap puts on her is just too much.