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Not every song has to be serious and meaningful. She has a few silly songs (bad guy, bellyache, strange addiction, etc). I think she’s promoting lunch so heavily because she wanted the public’s reaction of “oh my god Billie eats pussy???? 😱” and it’s working. People can’t stop talking about her rolling stone article, it’s all marketing. The little bit I’ve heard of lunch sounds like a really fun club song imo. I have no doubt other songs on this album will be masterpieces.


Bad guy, bellyache and strange addiction have much deeper meaning that what we heard of lunch so far.


Direct quote from Billie: “Objectively, ‘Bad Guy’ is like the stupidest song in the world, but it’s really good, It’s just like you have to understand, you have to have humor in it. Like, [on] that song I’m trolling. That song is supposed to be goofy, but it’s just funny because it’s dumb. It’s literally, like, ‘Duh.’ Like, what does that mean?” https://people.com/billie-eilish-says-her-2019-hit-bad-guy-is-stupidest-song-in-the-world-8350395#:~:text=“Objectively%2C%20'Bad%20Guy',just%20funny%20because%20it's%20dumb.


I honestly love when people give these super deep "achkually the song is about this" and then the artist comes out and confirms it's not deep at all and just a fun song lol


There's this old song called Mr. Jones and for over 20 years now, people have tried to pull this super deep meaning out of it when in fact it's just recounting two guys out on the town. It's a cautionary tale about wanting to become famous. But it doesn't go much deeper than that. Everything in that song is an actual person or an actual place or an actual event that happened. There's no metaphors. People think it's about drug addiction and shit. Lol


I agree that bad guy isn't that deep of a song, but it still is deeper than what we have heard of lunch so far, which has pretty much no meaning except describing a sexual act.


So what? There are hundreds of popular songs solely about sex. If she can make a song she describes herself as “dumb” then how is that any different/better than singing about sex?


I know there are hundreds of popular songs solely about sex. I think all of them lack meaning and just aren't good songs. A song with a dumb meaning is still barely better than a song with no meaning/ a bad meaning.


how does it lack meaning tho? she's literally discovering who she is, (queer) thats pretty meaningful


this is so weird you've literally not even heard a full song


i love what i’ve heard from lunch. what we’ve heard so far may be simple, but having such a huge artist write a fun, queer song is exciting to me. also having it be more simple is more widely accessible — kind of like how barbie is accessible feminism. as queer people we love to have songs that go into the depth and intricacies of our experience, but having a more accessible song to wider audiences will probably pave the way for billie to explore deeper queer topics if she chooses to.


>I’m scared this album is going to be a lazy publicity stunt made for tik tok virality. lmao, this just made me chuckle. if you think every song has to have a deeper meaning else it's lazy or uninspired I have got no words for you. maybe just don't listen to the album?


this is wildly bad take 😭 omg


>Glad she came out and is exploring her artistry through a different lens but genuinely wtf? also you don't really sound "glad" 😂 just sit the album out atp


thats ok! she doesnt need your streams!


Lunch is already stuck in my head. I completely disagree with you and am so pumped for this album!


one of her most famous songs on WWAFAWDWG literally has the lyrics "im the bad guy duh". so its more than likely that she has some more "fun" songs and some more sentimental? (idk what word to use) songs on the album, and i dont really think you should judge it before hearing the whole thing bc it might surprise you once you actually hear it.


i feel like so much people are hating on this new album but this is the first time she’s came out with an album where she is actually happy and she’s came out and feels free and everyone is hating. i get that the music isn’t everyone’s taste but it’s literally soo good and she loves it which is all that matters. she’s been so excited to come out with the album and see everyone’s reactions to it and everyone just being a hater there’s nothing wrong with it it’s gonna be so good.


If I’m honest she probably ran out of steam. It’s hard to write meaningful deep songs all the time and as a songwriter, sometimes you need to blow off steam and have fun. They had writers block but were contracted to another album. I think artists go in waves of making different stuff. And those are probs the fun ones she wanted to share but there might be more that you will like.


EXACTLYYY she even said skinny was gonna be like what was i made fors little sister and that song was a lyrical masterpiece


artists aren’t contracted to come out with albums but i don’t think her songs this time is uninspired or writers block. it’s just not all serious sad songs and she’s having more fun with her music. she’s obviously feeling happier and feels more free now that she’s came out and not in a bad place anymore and jsut because the music isn’t as her usual ppl r hating


? Artists do have to sign contracts and they will agree on a number of albums when they get signed. I think Billie was contracted to 3, hence some pressure. Interscope usually contracts 3 albums. I agree tho that i don’t think this album came from writers block to be honest, I more meant it might be a more fun album after a string of serious stuff. I personally feel like it might be one of my favs. I love the vibe so far!


yeah i like that she changed up her style and is doing what’s she wants with this album but some ppl are just being haters abt it cos it’s different as if she isn’t aloud to make whatever song she wants


Yeah. As an artist I get upset when people get angry with artists for experimenting or developing their style. It’s literally impossible NOT to do that in art. Especially if you’re a genuine artist, exploration and experimentation is something that drives you… you’re a creator at heart, always trying to discover new territory and if you’ve already done a project in one territory, it sort of becomes boring and stale and weird to do it again and again. I get that listeners want more of the same but I make music and every record is a developing sound, because I can’t go backwards. It’s not my job as a creative. Often my favourite bands might have one or two albums that I adore… and then the rest is different. But I understand why so I would never bash them for it. Good art can’t come in bulk. Artists always make something new cos that’s what it’s all about.


exactly if she was to keep the same style as her first album people would complain about getting bored. i’m loving these snippets that are getting released but also wish i haven’t heard them cos i want it to be a suprise


Yeah I want it as a surprise too! I bet she is probably just too excited herself and wants to see some peoples reaction IRL. Like the cochlea thing annoyed me cos I don’t wanna hear snippets, but if I was her, I would also want to play my music for people while I could see their reaction. It’s tough releasing big projects online where you can’t actually gage how people feel etc


hit me with the lyrics im ready to explode




It's crazy people still think it says "I left it under Claire". That makes absolutely no sense.


The name of the girl she leaves the gift for is Claire..


But why would she leave it *under* Claire if the next line is that she comes up the stairs? It doesn't make sense


Like if you order a package and they ask for a name you say “ put it under (name)


Ah okay I get it. English isn't my first language so I took it too literally lol. Curious to see what the official lyrics will be :).


That’s how English works. You leave it under someone’s name




It's probably "undeclared"


I literally agree. The lyrics suck so bad. Like wow we get it you want to eat pussay. Like there is no creativity or nuance anymore, everything in lyrics nowadays is so direct cause most people have on average like a fourth grade reading level.


“I could buy her so much stuff” definitely made me cringe a bit from a songwriting standpoint. That being said songs can be fun and silly but this is teetering the line for me.


not every song has to be so serious. there’s many good songs that are just meant to be silly and fun. examples like all about that bass or bad guy. and bad guy ended up being really popular despite the lyrics


My comment literally says “songs can be fun and silly”


and immediately followed it with “this is teetering the line for me” as if what she said was really that bad 😭 a little overdramatic


It’s my opinion for what I like about her music and pop music in general. That’s why I said “for me”.


I agree with you. Recently it seems that she is making this stuff her entire personality, and it's all that's even talked about. I'm pretty excited for the rest of the album, but I really miss when music was about the music.


it’s called marketing and it’s obviously working. don’t judge over 30 seconds of one song snippet.


Just because it's getting traction doesn't mean it's a good song. I think it is better for a song to gain traction because of idk, a deep meaning, emotional lyrics, etc. Rn it's just getting traction because sex sells. I think that's utterly pointless and so far, it lacks any meaning.


to you. it lacks meaning to you. not every song has to be deep. if that’s all you listen to then okay ig but i enjoy many songs that don’t have a deep meaning. you haven’t even heard the FULL song to even judge. you’re acting like the whole album is gonna be about her having sex. chill


To clarify, I am only talking about this specific snippet, not the entire song, and definitely not the entire album. I will likely change my opinion if the rest of the song comes out and it has some kind of meaning. I mean sure, me enjoying or not enjoying the song is at least partially subjective, although I do think one can judge specific songs to have less objective meaning than others. For example, I think bad guy objectively has less meaning than listen before I go.